best birthday (techno)

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Requested by KnightTimeNow and also thank you -fallenischaotic awritingbagel Yeeisulting and Nic102 all for helping with his oneshot! I appreciate you all <3

Yawning, you opened your eyes, automatically reaching out for Techno who...wasn't there? You shot up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, only to be met with an empty bed. Techno never woke up before you. Never.

"Ah, good, you're awake." The door opened, Techno peeking his head through, smiling and looking oddly awake for someone who was usually nocturnal. "Happy birthday."

You blinked, feeling a little stupid that you had forgotten it was your own birthday. Kicking open the door with his foot, Techno walked over, carefully holding a tray in his hands, breakfast balanced on top. He rested it gently on your lap, blushing when you grinned, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Aw, Techno, you made pancakes-and in the shape of hearts, oh my god!"

He chuckled, gesturing for you to eat while he crouched down, arms reaching under the bed. You obliged, curiously watching him search for something, laughing when he started to panic at the fact he couldn't find whatever he was looking for, before he pulled out something triumphantly.

"Your first present."

"Techno, you really didn't have to-wait, our names are embroidered into that!" You took a closer look, a corner with your names stitched on, the opposite corner with a small embroidered pig. Subtle and adorable. Tucking it behind your back so you would be more comfortable, he sat next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder and pointing again at the pancakes, nodding approvingly when you started to eat again.

"There's more, by the way."

Rolling your eyes as he stood up again, you followed him with your eyes as he slipped out the room, holding back tears. He really was amazing, huh? Taking the last bite of the pancakes, you smiled down at the empty plate, carefully placing it on the bedside table and waiting patiently.

There was a nervous cough from outside the door, before he walked him, brandishing something in your face.

A mass of colours mixed together in your vision, and you pulled back a little, gazing at what seemed to be a bouquet...but it wasn't quite right. The petals were shiny and metallic rather than, well, plant-like, and the flowers themselves were all cubic. They were-

"Minecraft flowers?" You took the bouquet into your hands, picking out some of them. Cornflowers, peonies, roses, tulips-and all in the minecraft style. "Techno..."

Reaching for the collar of his shirt, you pulled him in for a kiss, feeling pride when he froze in shock before melting into the kiss, hand resting on the back of your neck gently. He pulled back, face bright red and avoiding your gaze, covering half of his face with his mouth. "I'm glad you like it." His voice was muffled slightly, and he still refused to look at you. "There's still more, so, uh, please get up."

You did, waiting expectantly for him to pull something else out, fidgeting with your hands.

"Close your eyes please."

Now slightly apprehensive, you heard shuffling and the opening of a drawer, before gentle footsteps made their way right in front of you, something being placed on top of your head. He adjusted it a little, then stood back. You opened your eyes, seeing Techno completely enamoured with whatever he had put on you, but he turned away, embarrassed. Laughing, you made your way to the bathroom, excited to see what this thing was-if it left Techno speechless, it must be good, right?

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