When they yell at you

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Requested by  judoflip19 pls enjoy!!


He was in an awful mood and happened to get frustrated with you

Feels awful when you get upset and walk away

Makes you a card to apologise


Didn't realise how loud he was getting

Only notices when you get angry at him and yell back

Apologises by cuddling you


Gets even more annoyed when you just walk away from him

But manages to stop himself from yelling and getting angry

Waits for you to come back so he can say sorry


He honestly didn't mean to yell at you, he really didn't

Grabs your hand when you try to leave and just says sorry over and over

You can tell he didn't mean it, so you forgive him


He's annoyed at something, and you just happen to be there

Feels guilty when you tell him to calm down and stop taking stuff out on you

Buys you food as an apology


He just will not let you leave until he's finished

Gets shocked when you act exactly the same back, and then he realises that maybe he went a bit overboard

Awkwardly says sorry and it somehow works


He feels so bad after he stops yelling that he almost cries

Sits down next to you and leans on your shoulder, saying that he didn't mean to yell

Doesn't let go of your hand for a few hours


It takes him some time to calm down and realise that maybe yelling at you wasn't a good idea

Buys you flowers and writes a note, before leaving them on the table for you to see

Relaxes when you join him at his desk and sit on his lap


Stress made her easily irritable and you accidentally annoy her

She feels awful and says she'll stay in her room so she won't do it again

Of course, you don't accept that, can cuddle until she feels better


She's angry at something else and willing to snap at anything

You leave the room, telling her to come talk when she's calmed down

She sheepishly walks in after an hour and asks for cuddles


Raises his voice without really meaning to

Has an "oh shit" moment when you get upset

Does everything he can to make you feel better


He snaps because of an unresolved issue with work

Pulls you back when you try to leave and rests his head on your shoulder, whispering that he's sorry

You listen to him rant, and make him promise not to let it get to that point again


They just weren't having a good day

Yells at you, and then sighs, before opening their arms for a hug

Holds onto you tightly while ranting and apologising


He's not surprised when you yell back, because he technically didn't have a reason to yell

He just felt a little off

Asks if you just want to watch movies and eat snacks to make everything better

(A/N-thank you for reading!! <3)

!!requests appreciated :)!!

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