When they're drunk

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Requested by mwathyst  :D mwah, enjoy <3


Raids the fridge and almost empties it in almost two seconds

He even eats every single carrot you guys have

You make sure to make him replace everything when he finally sobers up


Gains a ridiculous amount of energy

You get more tired than he does

You have to chase him to make sure he doesn't break a cabinet or something


Thinks he can climb out the window

You have to remind him that he will break his legs if he does that

Doesn't stop him from trying (you have to lock them)


Starts rambling about whatever and gets very affectionate

You have to make sure he doesn't start reciting his credit card number though

He talks about how pretty you are for a solid thirty minutes


At first, he becomes very, very loud

But then he gets sleepy, which is an opportunity for you to interrogate him

Drunk him is very honest, and also very sweet


A complete and utter mess

He is on the floor before you can stop him from falling over

You have to drag him to bed because he literally will not get up


He just gets sleepy

Stumbles around, searching for you

And when he finds you, he falls asleep on you in ten seconds


You're not surprised he's drunk

Drags you along to a walk on the beach with him

And he almost falls into the sea, but you try not to remember that


She gets the hiccups

You both end up in hysterical giggles after she just can't stop hiccupping

She eventually falls asleep, still hiccupping a little


You are genuinely afraid for the house

But she ends up being too drunk, so the most she can do is very, very softly punch anything

You just let her do that until she gets tired


Will not listen to anything you say

You tell him to get to bed and he stands up and walks away instead

It's like dealing with a stubborn child


Refuses to accept that he's drunk

"Y/N, I'm tipsy, not drunk, there's a difference."

You just let him crash into a few walls to teach him a lesson


Compliments you...constantly

You could be washing up a bowl and they compliment you for your technique

You're not quite sure how to feel about that


He seems pretty normal

Until he opens his mouth

You have never heard more nonsense in your whole entire life


Messes with absolutely everything on your desk

You almost throw your keyboard at him, but you remember he's drunk

He still gets kicked out the room though

(A/N-just watched 2 ghibli movies, now feeling emotional ;-; thank god i wrote this chapter before LMAO)

mcyt oneshots and preferences 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora