When you win a competitive sport

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Requetsed by KnightTimeNow pls enjoy!! 


He practically jumps of his seat

He was on the edge of it anyway, because he was so nervous

Cheers until his throat hurts

Won't shut up about your best plays


Is screaming the loudest in the crowd

If anyone glares at him to tells him to shut up, he ignores it completely

Yells a mixture of words no one understands, except you

Just very loud support


Runs to your side and picks you up

Spins you around while just grinning widely

He's so proud of you

Hugs you tightly, kissing you on the face, even if people are watching


Claps politely on the sidelines

But when you get home he's more excited than you are

Has a meal he made, especially for you and it's all of your favourites

And then you get a cake, with "WELL DONE!!" iced on the top


Will cuss everyone out on the pitch

Except you, of course, he yells praise for you

Says he knew you'd win, and expects nothing less

He holds onto your hand and won't let go, a proud smile on his face


He almost runs out onto the pitch mid-game, he's that excited

Distracts you a few times, but you work through it

When you win, he breaks the fence by barging through it to get to you

Tells everyone he sees that you won for the next two weeks


He's more nervous than you are and fidgets during the whole game

Even if he doesn't quite understand what's happening, he just watches you to see if it's good or bad

When you win, he practically jumps over to you and into your arms

Maybe accidentally tackles you to the ground


Loudly insults the opposing team to "unnerve" them for you

You're not quite sure if it worked, but he carries on during the actual game as well

When you win, he pushes past the opposing team to get to you

...accidentally on purpose


She cheers after your every move

Every single time there's a break, she's ready with a bottle of water for you

Had no doubt in her mind, she knew you would win

Claps so hard her hands start to hurt


Aggressive encouragement

She yells from the side lines-encouragement, trash talk, etc

Says over and over that you're the best player out there

When you win, she makes sure to rub it into the other team's face


Is surprisingly quiet

He's just too nervous to say anything

He accidentally hits the person next to him when you win-he threw his hands up into the air and smacked someone in the face

Says a quick sorry and then runs to your side


Is clueless on what you're playing, but cheers at the right times

When you win, he waits for you to come to him

Only because he doesn't want to socialise with all the other people

Makes sure to tell you how proud he is


They are just a bundle of nervous energy

They watch with trembling fingers but have faith in your abilities

Jumps over the barrier when you win

Pulls you into a hug, telling you over and over that they knew you'd win


He's confident...on the outside

Inside his mind, he's just panicking

Does not hesitate to call out the other team if they cheat

Kisses you on the pitch when you win, flipping off anyone who stares

(A/N-this is bringing me back to when i was on my school's hockey team :)) anyway hope you enjoyed <3)

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