Do the fans know?

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No, for obvious reasons

But that's good for both of you, since you can go on dates without having to worry

It's your little secret


No, but he does a horrible job at hiding it

Always forgets to tell you he's streaming, so you almost walk in thousands of times

He comes up with so many excuses, all of them absolutely terrible


Yes, but he's not very outspoken about it

Posts a few pictures now and then and sometimes talks about you

Just prefers to keep everything between you and him


Yes, and he loves talking about you

Shows everyone pictures of you and rat, since you're "two of his favourite muffins"

Everyone finds you two adorable


Yes, but he avoids talking about you if possible

At most, he will post a picture once in a blue moon, calling you his bitch or something

You don't mind being called that since he's a simp for you, no matter how hard he denies it


Yes, and he talks about you as much as possible

If someone calls him an ipad kid, he just shows his lockscreen of him and you

Ipad kids don't date, so he's not an ipad kid (according to him, anway)


No, but his audience knows of your existence

You're just a "friend" that appears every now and again in the background of videos

He just doesn't want you to get hate


Kind of...everyone knows you're dating but he refuses to confirm it

People keep asking but he won't answer

You two could kiss on camera and he would still ignore everyone


No, but she still posts about you

Just passes it off as platonic, but everyone ships you two

You make videos with her sometimes, and within seconds there's romantic edits made of you two


Yes, and she makes sure everyone knows it too

Simps over you on every single platform possible

Is a huge simp for you and is proud of it


Yes, but people only know that you exist, not what you look like

He has to prove to his stream that he's actually dating someone, just because some don't believe him

You're happy with staying faceless


No, and he has no plans of revealing it either

Avoids any questions that ask about his love life, since he doesn't want to lie

You're his secret


No, because they want to keep stream and love life separate

Their dates with you are private and kept that way

You prefer that


Yes, and he loves showing off about it

He doesn't film any dates or anything, just shows some pictures here and there

Doesn't mind being called a simp, because he is one


No, but he's not opposed to revealing it later

Just wants to enjoy life with you as privately as possible for as long as he can

But he knows the reveal is inevitable

(A/N-thank you for reading! ppl who vote and comment, i appreciate you a lot more than you think <3)

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