Arguments with them

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Requested by ellie670 pls enjoy!


Gets extremely defensive, so sometimes the argument goes absolutely nowhere

Can get annoying sometimes

You just have to be by yourself for a bit, so you can both be calm and make amends


His main goal in an argument is to be louder than you because being loud means he's "right"

You have to tell him to shut up so you can even make a point

He does calm down pretty quickly though, so things get resolved early


Acts like he doesn't care, but he really does

There's always a few hours of complete silent treatment from both of you

He ends up going to wherever you are and hugging you while saying sorry


He may be nice but he's also extremely stubborn

So sometimes your arguments seem to go on forever

You two usually make amends but making each other food


When you two argue, you argue

It's very rare, but sometimes things go wrong

There's always a cuddle session at the end, where you both fall asleep pretty quickly, completely exhausted


He becomes almost theatrical during arguments

Lots of hand gestures and dramatic talking

You both laugh about it after the argument


You almost always lead the argument, because he just wants it over with

There's always an awkward apology an hour after

But you both give each other lots of cuddles and kisses


You're not going to win.

It's beyond frustrating, so you usually end up just walking out to cool down

He waits for you to come back, ready with a cup of tea to make you feel better


Always admits when she's wrong, but if she's not...

Will defend herself with everything she's got

Lots of apologies and cups of hot chocolate after the argument


There's no winning an argument against her

It takes her a while for the anger to disappear enough that she can finally see your point of view

When that happens, she goes to cuddle you and say sorry


Usually can't be bothered to argue at all

You pretty much end up being in an argument by yourself

Always orders food after a fight, to make both of you feel better


He's the type to let you yell or rant and then calmly explain his point of view

Makes it very difficult to win an argument against him

It's honestly frustrating, but at least communication is easier that way


They try their best to remain completely calm

Fully believes in communicating everything thoroughly

And it usually works to deescalate the situation


He always ends up accidentally breaking something

Just because he moves his arms around too much while arguing

Says sorry like ten minutes after the fight


He hates arguing with you

Will literally try and leave if an argument starts, so you can calm down and not fight

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

(A/N-i'm on a train rn...the power of prewritten chapters is just djhjfhhjh <3)

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