Wearing a "scandalous" outfit

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Requested by Leader_Senpai sorry for taking so long, i lost the request ;-; but enjoy! <3


He throws a hoodie at you

If there isn't one nearby, he takes the one he's wearing and throws that

Insists that it's cold (but you know the real reason why he did that)


His jaw drops to the floor when he sees you

Malfunctions a bit

Tries to gently persuade you to wear something else (whether you listen or not is another story)


Whistles appreciatively

Can't keep his eyes off you for the whole day

You honestly get a little bit shy


Asks if you're cold every single second

"Do you need my jacket? You look cold-look! You have goosebumps! You need my jacket."

You end up taking the jacket


Chucks a pillow at you for even suggesting that you wear that

He literally offers you a vintage sweatshirt (that he never lets you borrow) to wear instead

It's a tempting offer


Has to do a double-take

"You're wearing...that?"

Has to hastily explain that he wasn't trying to insult you, and that he thinks you look very nice, but maybe you should reconsider and wear something else-he's happy to let you borrow something


Blushes red

Stammers out a compliment

Keeps his jacket on hand just in case you consider covering up


Nods appreciatively

Does not hesitate to tell you how nice you look

He's confident that he can scare off anyone who thinks about catcalling you


You are just showered in compliments

She takes lots of pictures with you, and when you ask why, she says it's because you look pretty

Considers buying a matching outfit so she can match with you


She sees you and just dies

Maybe she simps on twitter and spams the timeline, but that's her business

You're not sure whether to be flattered or embarrassed


Completely freezes in place when he sees you

You take that as a positive

Keeps hold of your hand so that people know that you two are dating



Gives you a hoodie and remains stubborn

You have to give up and wear his hoodie


They smile at you

Tells you all the good points of your outfit

Throws you a few more accessories to make a statement


Has a "you can look, but you can't touch" mind-set

So he doesn't mind that you're wearing something a little skimpy, he actually enjoys it

Thrives off the attention you're getting, because he knows it's all his


Turns bright red

"You-you look very nice."

Avoids eye contact because he's nervous

(A/N-figured out i was an english nerd today when i got really excited to write at 7 in the morning...anyway 5 out of 20-ish chapters done of my Wilbur fic already :D)

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