soup (minx)

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Requested by honkbailee_ pls enjoy!

Minx raised an eyebrow, pushing you slowly back into bed, having to hold back a laugh at your weak attempts to try and fight against it, sighing when you finally flopped back down. "You're sick. Stay. Put."

You coughed, and she took that as an answer, tucking you into the blankets. Giving you a soft smile, she quickly kissed you on the forehead, patting your shoulder when you obediently closed your eyes, ready to fall asleep.

Now she could focus on helping you get better.

She paused. This wasn't really her speciality-it was honestly yours. Smiling, she remembered the time she got sick, the flu wrecking her immune system with absolutely no mercy, leaving her bed-ridden for a week-you were the one who helped her get better, making her endless amounts of soup and comfort food, always there to look after her.

And now it was her turn to help...the only issue was, she didn't exactly know where to start.

Soup. That was a good place to start.


The kitchen seemed way more threatening now that she had something important to do-most of the time she was in and out of the kitchen in seconds, holding a random variety of snacks. Cooking was always done under your careful supervision, your eyes watching her every move, just in case she burnt the kitchen down.

She could do this, right?

Rolling up her sleeves, she opened the fridge, pulling out what seemed correct. Carrots, potatoes, onions, leek, broccoli-anything that looked healthy. She didn't bring out the chicken, however, not trusting herself with cooking something that could cause food poisoning if cooked incorrectly.

Anyway, vegetables were good for the immune system!

Uh...what did the recipe say to do again? Scratch that, she didn't need it.

Grabbing a knife, she started chopping haphazardly at a carrot, making uneven shapes before chucking it into a pot, repeating the actions with the rest of the vegetables. There was a real struggle with the broccoli, parts of it scattering across the floor, but she just kicked it away, too preoccupied with making soup.

Pouring water over the mess of vegetables, she turned the stove on, staring blankly while it started to boil, not quite sure when it would turn into soup.

Her eyes fell onto the spice rack, and she grabbed the closest things to her, not even reading the label before shaking them in, smiling when it started to change into a promising colour.

It...looked like soup!


Holding the bowl carefully in her hands, she kicked open the door, grinning at your half-asleep form. "Wake up, I made food!"

You blinked, sitting up slowly and coughing a little, eyes widening at the sight of the steaming bowl, looking slightly impressed. Minx nodded proudly, placing it on the bedside table, holding out the spoon to you, watching eagerly as you spooned some into your mouth.

"Not...bad, especially for your first time," you whispered, voice slightly raspy and taking another spoonful.

Minx watched you eat from the side, patting you gently on the head when you gave her a questioning glance.

"Get better soon, ok?"

(A/N-minx my beloved <33 ily all, hope you've had (or having) a good day!)

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(A/N-minx my beloved <33 ily all, hope you've had (or having) a good day!)

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