When they realised they were in love

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He came home one day and you had made him a cake, to celebrate 10 million (he'd just reached that at the time)

The icing wasn't very neat, and the letters were wonky BUT...

He was beyond happy that you had done that for him, and he cried a little bit

All he could think about was how much he loved you


It sounds strange, but he realised in Tesco

You were just shopping and talking to him and then it kinda hit him

He completely froze

He made sure to pick out your favourite snacks after that


You two were on a date, and you burst into peals of laughter at a joke he made

Then he realised that he definitely loved you

Pulled you in for a cuddle and refused to answer when you asked if anything was up

Was smiling for a solid 2 hours after


He was baking with you

And then you spilt flour everywhere, before giving up and just throwing it at him

He, of course, retaliated, and in the middle of the flour fight, worked out he loved you

Let you win afterwards


Walked in on your crying while watching a movie

Teased you and called you an idiot

Before thinking to himself, wow, I do love this dumbass

Made sure to cuddle you through the whole movie


You were both having a chaotic conversation about something stupid

And he just stopped mid-sentence and realised how much he enjoyed talking to you

And how much he liked making you happy

To this day, you have no idea why he randomly kissed you in the middle of that conversation


When you climbed into his lap while he was working

That was when he realised you were just as clingy as he was

And it made him so, so happy

Told you that he loved you immediately


You forced him to stop working and go to bed

While you were threatening him to sleep, he couldn't help but smile

He did follow your instructions but pulled you in for a cuddle

Told you he loved you in his sleep


Watching a movie together

It happened to be Howl's moving castle, and she watched you get excited about everything instead

She said I love you without realising

And then you said it back, so she was the happiest she'd ever been


You two were cuddling, and you fell asleep on her

She stroked your hair and looked down at you fondly

That was when it hit her that she loved you

Blushed bright red and held back a scream


You made sure to include his favourite foods when you went shopping

It was a small gesture, but for some reason, it really touched his heart

Didn't want to leave your side for the rest of the day

He really, really, really wanted to say that he loved you, but got too scared


Realised he loved you while trying to sleep

And then couldn't sleep for the whole night

When you asked why he was so tired, he pretended he was deaf

But he was extra clingy that day


You two were on a picnic, and you specifically went to find a flower to put in their hair

It was a small flower, but they treasured it

The fact you went to find one for them made them so happy

They held your hand and didn't let go, the realisation that they loved you racing around their head


Raging at a game together

He stopped mid-yell and thought to himself, I really do love them, huh?

And then carried on raging

To be fair, it was a very annoying player

(A/N-me jumping from studying carboxylic acids to writing about block men lmao- anyway hope you enjoyed <33)

!!you already know I'm gonna ask for requests lmao pls give me some :)!!

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