When you catch them vaping/smoking

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Requested by judoflip19 i hope you enjoy!


His justification is that a fan sent a custom vape for him, with the smiley face on it

You are so close to smacking him

But you keep calm and remind him that he could just not use it


He tries to seem cool with the cigarette in his hands

But then he gets nervous because you're watching and drops it

You grab the pack out of his hands and step on each and every single cig


Asks to shotgun the smoke

That is literally the sole reason he started smoking

You can't deny that you find it hot as well, but still


You are beyond surprised

Until you remember that he literally throws knives and can shoot guns

You still scold him for it though


He has the date you two got together engraved into the vape

And you're flattered...but it still needs to go

He removes the coil and then keeps the vape as a "decoration"


You catch him smoking and he immediately comes up with ten thousand excuses

You just let him ramble for a while

He hands over the box when he's done without even arguing


You get very confused

"Is that yours, or are you holding it for someone?"

When he tells you that he vapes, you have to take a few minutes to process


"Don't look at me like that."

You don't listen, obviously, and carry on looking disapprovingly at him

He just sighs and extinguishes the flame


You hate to admit it, but she looks hot while smoking

You have a bit of a panic while she blows out another gust of smoke

She laughs a bit at you, but promises to try and stop


Excitedly shows you a vape trick she learnt off the internet

Until remembering you don't know she vapes

She has never run out of a room faster in her life


You two have a bit of a staring match

He wants to keep his vape, you want to take it off him

You obviously win


You grab the box off him and start reading the ingredients

He gets the point after you read out the tenth carcinogen

Slowly stubs out his cigarette


They come to you apologising after accidentally burning a hole in one of your clothes

You're so confused that you can't even be angry

You end up cuddling and comforting them


You can't exactly say you're surprised

You get mesmerised by the tricks he can do before you snatch the vape out of his hand

He tries to tell you that "at least it's better than smoking", but you ignore him


He sees you in the doorway and just goes "Nope."

Gives you his vape immediately

You're honestly quite flattered

(A/N-stay safe everyone <3 i am currently in a heatwave so my brain is working slower, I'm sorry if some of the stuff i write doesn't make sense lmao)

!!requests appreciated (especially oneshots)!!

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