Episode 19: The Truth Revealed! Chapter 1: The Attack!

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A nineteen year old girl is walking really fast to a car and keeps looking over her shoulder. A car horn beeps and she drops her groceries. She picks the stuff up but cuts herself.]

Olivia: "Ow, damn it!"

Cayla: "It's all right, Olivia!"

Olivia: "Oh, Cayla, thank God it's you. I have been so scared."

Cayla: "Look, you just have to stay strong a little longer and then you'll be safe."

Olivia: "She's out there, Cayla, and she's going to find me. I've seen what she can do, her powers"

Cayla holds her hand and heals it!

Olivia: "How did you do that? Who are you people?"

Cayla: "You just have to trust me, Olivia.

Olivia: "Why me, Cayla? I still don't understand."

Cayla: "You have a very special future ahead of you. That's why I wanted you to come to San Francisco. I have powerful friends who can help you."

Olivia: "What if Allice finds me first?"

Cayla: "She won't be able to, I made you invisible to her."

Suddenly, a blonde Caucasian woman, looking like she's twenty three years old, appears in black orbs!"

Allice: "Hello, Cayla! I've been looking all over for you. Figured you could only be here for one reason. Where are you, Olivia? I know you're close by!"

Cayla: "It's okay, Olivia, she can't see you. Don't say a word, just leave quickly."

Allice: "Don't listen to her, sweetie, don't do it."

Olivia runs off!

Cayla: "She's already gone, Allice!"

Allice: "I love her, Cayla. Much like you love your male witch. What's his name? Syrus?"

Cayla: "Darklighters aren't capable of love, Allice!"

Allice: "This one is! I love Olivia and you are keeping me from her. It's only a couple of days ago all I had to do was think about her and bang! I'd be there with her. Then suddenly she vanishes from my radar, cloaked by a whitelighter. By you!

Cayla: "Then if you know I cloaked her, then you also know that you won't find her as long as I live."

Allice: "Yes, well, I have a solution for that."

She gets out her crossbow and shoots Cayla. Cayla orbs out!


Meanwhile at the manor, Stiles and Derek are carrying suitcases as Scott comes down in a sleeveless, swimming shorts, and even sandals!

Stiles: "I can't believe you're wearing your swimming trunks on the plane."
Scott: "Timesaver! We have all of forty-eight hours in Cabo. The minute we land, I'm on the beach getting all golden-dark brown."
Derek: "I know, but you're making me look frumpy, it's like the sign of the apocalypse."
Scott: "So how hard was it for you to get the place!"
Stiles: "I practically had to beg the guy in homicide to lend us his condo. There are no demons or warlocks in sight, Joey finally found out our big secret, we're going to get crazy."
Scott: "It's about time!"
Stiles: "I know! How long have I been after you to find some new female blood? Preferably tan and short."
Scott: "With a feisty, strong, independent personality."
Stiles: "And..."
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "No strings attached."
Stiles: "Fella, you are getting your groove back!"
Scott: "Woo!"

Scott and Stiles high five but miss!

Derek: "Okay, so, speaking of which, where is Syrus?"
Scott: "I think Syrus' gonna be in a groove-free kinda mode for a while."
Stiles: "He's not seriously..."
Scott (cutting Stiles off): "Taking a vacation from women, yep. Afraid of falling in love again, I think."
Stiles: "So, while we're partying all weekend, what is he gonna be doing?"
Scott: "I don't know! The last time I checked he was in the attic searching for a suitcase to carry some books in."
Derek: "Books, what kind of books?"
Scott: "The kind they make into Kevin Costner movies."
Derek: "I didn't even know he owns those kind of books!"
Scott: "He doesn't! He's borrowing them from Aunt Piper!"
Stiles: "Oh, we've got to stop the insanity!"
Scott: "Maybe we should let him be, I mean we're not the ones who fell in love with a very jealous fellow high school brat, a very sexy fellow college student, and a geographically undesirable waitress."
Stiles: "Maybe he's just in a slump. It happens. (Derek looks at him) All right, it happens to Syrus a lot, but celibacy is not the answer."
Scott: "A couple of dates not answering his calls, that's a slump. This is more like a sucking void."

They here a thump and a little yell coming from the attic.

Syrus (from the attic): "Scott! Stiles, Derek!"

They go up into the attic, and stop beside Syrus and Piper, and see Cayla lying on the floor in pain with the arrow stuck in her shoulder.

Scott: "Cayla?"

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