Episode 18: Powers Exposed! Chapter 1: The Attack!

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It was a gorgeous Saturday morning at the park, the family were at a birthday party for one of Scott's coworker's son! Syrus, Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Piper were sitting at a picnic table when Stella, Scott's coworker, and Jesse, her son and the birthday boy, came to talk to them!

Dee: "Hey, Scott!"
Scott: "Hey, Stella, how are you?"
Stiles (to Jesse): "Hey, how's the party going?"
Jesse: "Great! We're playing Squish the Squash and nobody's been able to catch me. (Syrus' phone rings.) Is the cake ready?"
Piper: "Uh, yeah, give us about five minutes."
Jesse: "Awesome. (He runs off.) Hey guys, five minutes until the cake."
Stella: "Thanks for doing all of this, Scott. I never would have been able to afford it."
Scott: "Hey, what are friends for? Besides, it's worth it just to see the look on Jesse's face."
Derek: "He's a great kid!"
Stella: "Yeah, I know!"
Syrus: "So much for my Saturday off, that was my boss. Something about our latest case, a part of the file is missing, so I gotta go. I'm so sorry!"
Scott and Stella (in unison): "Bye!"
Stiles, Derek, and Piper (in unison): "Bye!"


The kids we're playing with a ball. One kid accidentally threw the ball in the bush.

Jesse: "I'll get it!"

He runs in the bush and throws the ball back. He hears a cat meowing in the trees. He goes to look and a grimlock jumps out of the bush and grabs him.

Jesse: "Help! Let go of me!"

Syrus is walking along the path and sees what's happening. He runs towards Jesse!

Syrus: "Jesse, no!"

He puts his hands up and the grimlock and Jesse fly around the air. A man just happens to see him. Syrus looks at his hands and they fall to the ground. The grimlock grabs Jesse and runs further into the bush. Syrus runs after them!

Jesse: "Help! Help! Let go of me! Help me!"

The grimlock stands in a spot and a hole in the ground appears. He jumps in and the hole closes. Syrus comes around the corner and is confused when he can't see the grimlock nor Jesse!


After Joey and the cops show up, Stella is crying and Scott is trying to calm her down. Not too far away from them, Syrus, Stiles, Derek, and Piper are talking about what really happened.

Stiles: "What did you tell them?"
Syrus: "That I saw a creature with whirling eyes take Jesse."
Stiles: "And what did they say?"
Syrus: "What did you think they said? They thought I was nuts."
Stiles: "Yeah, well, it turns out Jesse's not the first one to be taken. A fellow inspector told me that another boy disappeared yesterday in the exact same spot."
Syrus: "A demon who steals kids. Does it get any worse?"
Derek: "Uh, yeah, apparently it also happened thirty two years ago. Same park, two kids! Also happened twenty years before that!"
Syrus: "Did they ever find the first set of kids?"
Derek: "I don't know!"
Syrus: "You know, I could've saved him."
Piper: "Syrus, don't go there!"
Syrus: "No, I was just so surprised and I looked down at my hand and..."
Piper: "It was the first time you channelled your power through your hand. Give yourself a break. Your power's growing!"
Syrus: "Yeah, I just hope no one saw me!"
Stiles: "Okay, well, look on the bright side, you won't have to squint your eyes anymore. You were starting to get those little lines."

Scott walks over to them!

Piper: "How's Stella doing?"
Scott: "Not good! It's very frustrating not being able to tell her who we are and how we can help."
Syrus: "Yeah, well, the sooner we get to the Book of Shadows the sooner we can get Jesse back home."
Stiles: "An albino demon with whirling eyes sounds like a whole chapter to me."
Piper: "They're grimlocks, your mother, your Aunt Phoebe, and I faced them thirty two years ago! We still need to look in the Book of Shadows though! Listen I have to get back to the restaurant! Call me if anything happens that y'all need help with!"
Syrus, Scott, and Stiles (in unison): "We will!"

Syrus' phone rings!

Syrus: "I forgot about the missing file!"
Scott: "Uh, it's okay, just go. Stiles, Derek, and I will look in the book and we'll call you if we find anything."
Syrus: "Are you sure?"
Stiles: "Don't ya just hate cell phones? Always a chance of being out of range!"

He hangs up the phone!

Syrus: "Call me!"
Scott and Stiles (in unison): "We will!"


Meanwhile underground in the storm drains, the grimlocks have kids locked in cages.

Jesse: "Help! Help me! Let go of me!"

One of the grimlocks have a hold of Jesse. The other grimlock holds his hand in front of Jesse's face. A blue light shines in his eyes. It looks as if they're taking his eyesight.

Jesse: " can't see. Why can't I see? Mom! Mom?"

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