Episode 14: Christmas has Past! Chapter 4: The Family's Destruction!

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Syrus, Scott, and Stiles had walked back to the manor! Phoebe had gotten out of her car and as she was about to walk away from her car, she felt somebody tap her shoulder! So to protect herself, and as a reflex of protection, she punched...Syrus!

Syrus: "OW! I guess we should've been a little more careful approaching you! Sorry!"
Phoebe: "No, no, no! I'm sorry! Wait a minute, do I know you?"
Scott: "No! But we know you! Well...we've heard of you!"
Stiles: "We also...know that, that you're a charmed one!"
Syrus and Scott (in unison): "Stiles easy!"
Phoebe: "Wait! Excuse me?"

Suddenly Phoebe recognized the boys from her premonition! She suddenly pulled out an athamé and stabbed Syrus! After Stiles and Scott caught Syrus and layed him on the ground, Phoebe realized that the boys weren't demons or warlocks, but we're in fact human!

Phoebe: "Wait, you weren't vanquished! Oh my god you're human! I'm sorry! But wait if you're not warlocks or demons, then how do you know that I'm a charmed one?"
Scott: "Because we're witches!"
Phoebe: "Prove it!"
Scott stands up and sees a squirrel, so he throws his hands up and flick them towards the squirrel! But nothing happened!

Stiles: "Scott, what's wrong, why didn't it work?"
Scott: "I don't know!"

Syrus suddenly tilts his head up and swuints his eyes towards Phoebe's purse, but it didn't move!

Syrus: "Stiles, you try! Ice it!"

Stiles lays Syrus' head gently onto the ground, stands up, and sticks his hand out towards Phoebe's car! But no ice appears!

Stiles: "So what we have no powers? How did that happen?"
Syrus: "Guys!"
Scott: "It must be because of us being back in time! I mean technically there's already an us out there with their powers bounded which means we can't have powers at the same time maybe!"
Syrus: "Guys!"
Phoebe: "Wait, you're from the future?"
Stiles: "Yeah, we grew up only knowing each other as best friends, but we found out that we're all biological brothers and we also found out about our powers!"
Syrus: "Guys! Bleeding out down here!"
Scott: "Oh, uh, right!"
Stiles: "Phoebe you've got to help us, can't Wyatt heal him?"
Phoebe: "How do you know so much about my family?"
Scott: "Because your family is legendary! You're all legends!"
Phoebe: "Ok fine bring him inside and then we'll talk!"

Scott and Stiles picked up Syrus and walked inside the house!

Piper: "Hey Phoebe!"

Suddenly Piper saw the boys!

Piper: "Phoebe, these are the guys from your premonition! Wait you should know that it was your premonition!"
Phoebe: "There not demons or warlocks! They're witches!"
Piper: "How do you know?"
Phoebe: "Because I stabbed him with an athamé and he's still here, and they're witches because they know too much about the supernatural to be mortals! I even told them to prove it and they tried but they're powers are gone!"
Piper: "Phoebe we can't trust on what they say until we know for sure!"
Phoebe: "For God sakes Piper he's bleeding out! And I don't want to have murdered an Innocent or a good male witch!"

Piper was hesitant for a few seconds!

Piper: "OK fine! Wyatt! Chris! Melinda! We need you!"

Suddenly they all three orb into the room! Leo also walked into the living room from the kitchen!

Melinda: "What's going on?"
Chris: "Who are they?"
Wyatt: "What happened to him?"
Piper: We'll explain later just heal now!"

Wyatt started to heal Syrus!

Piper and Phoebe: "Paige!"

Paige orbed in!

Paige: "What's up?"
Phoebe: "I almost killed someone from the future who is either an innocent guy or a good male witch!"
Piper: "You, just might want to hear this!"

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