Episode 19: The Truth Revealed! Chapter 2: Getting Help!

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In the bathroom, Scott was getting bandages and stuff out of the bathroom.


Back the attic, Stiles and Syrus are carrying Cayla to a chair, with Derek and Piper behind them.

Syrus: "Be careful!"
Stiles: "I am being careful!"
Syrus: "I can't believe you knew! The fact that the waitress at our family restaurant, the woman I was dating was supernatural, just happen to slip your mind?"
Stiles: "There was no slipping, okay, I told you but you didn't want to believe me. Besides Derek found out at the same time as I did."
Syrus: "What???"
Derek: "Well, Piper knew from the day she hired her as a waitress at Halliwell's!"
Syrus: WHAT???"

Scott walks in hearing what Stiles and Derek just said!

Syrus: "Wait so everyone in the house knew that my girlfriend was supernatural and didn't tell me!"
Scott: "No I just found out today, like you!"
Cayla: "Syrus, I wanted..."
Syrus: "But you didn't!"
Scott: "Okay, we gotta, we gotta get your legs up."
Cayla: "Don't worry about me. There's someone, ahh ...!"
Stiles: "We have to get the arrow out!"
Cayla: "No, don't touch it, it's tipped with poison only lethal to whitelighters and half whitelighters."
Stiles: "How are we suppose to get it out if we can't touch it?"
Syrus: "Well luckily, you fell in love with the right male witch!"

He goes to telekinetically pull the arrow out but because he was still pissed, Piper stops him!

Derek: "Maybe, Piper or I should do it since we can both touch it and since you're still pissed."
Piper: "I'll do it!"

She braces Cayla's shoulder!

Piper: "You ready?"

Cayla nods her head and Piper immediately pulls the arrow through

Scott: "Okay, I brought everything that I could find, I just didn't know what to use on a full white lighter since their technically already dead!"
Syrus (to Stiles, Derek, and Piper): "You three should have told me!"
Cayla: "I should have told you!"

Syrus gets a bandage and pushes down on her wound.

Cayla: "Ahh!"
Syrus: "Oh, did that hurt? Good!"
Cayla: "There's a woman, Olivia! You have to protect her from the Darklighter. She broke the rules, she fell in love with one of her victims, a human. And she loved her back.
Syrus: "Until she found out who she really was, right?"
Cayla: "Syrus, you have every right to be mad at me."
Syrus: "Thanks for the permission! I'll get some more gauze."
Cayla: "Please, you have to find Olivia before she does otherwise she won't be able to do the good that she's destined to. She won't be able to become a whitelighter."
Derek: "Okay, where is she?"
Cayla: "I don't know! The last time I saw her she was at a mini-mart in the Castro, headed for her rental car. If she finds her first she'll never let her go, ever."
Scott: "Any tips on how to vanquish this powerful Darklighter in case we run into her?"
Cayla: "Just don't let her touch you. Her power is in her hands and when she chooses to, she has the touch of death, literally."
Stiles: "And we have the power of three. All right, Aunt Piper and Scott call the airline, cancel our tickets, Derek and I will call Joey see if he can help us locate her, and Syrus should..."
Scott: "I'll talk to him, someone's gotta stay with Cayla."
Stiles: "Perfect!"


At the station, the phone at Joey's desk starts ringing.

Joey: "Homicide, Michaels!"


Stiles: "Joey, hi! I..."

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