Chapter 1

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The dark sky of Panchaal twinkled with stars, identical to Draupadi's odhani with various beads, it was the favourite thing about her attire today.

Probably the only thing.

A strong gust of wind blew, fluttering the scarlet curtains of the balcony, carrying the sweet fragrance of the various flowers.

The sound of the crickets weaved along with the distant symphony of the water flowing from the waterfall, always brought peace to the heart of Princess Panchali.

And that was what she needed.

Decked up in the heaviest jewelry, with the most finest of silks known to mankind, sat on the swing, the youngest princess of Panchaal.

Her long lush hair were set lose, the fragrance of the body oils from the pre-wedding bath still embracing her.

Lavender mixing with her natural scent of blue lotuses.

"Drau." Prakriti's voice was soft, she walked up to her daughter, who sat on the swing.

She could sense the internal turmoil of her child, how could she not? She was her mother.

Her heart felt like the weight of the world had settled on it.

Panchaali blinked, sensing the moment behind her. The familiar sound of her mother's anklets alerting of her arrival.

The all too familiar warmth settled in her heart. She felt her mother's touch on her shoulder, her eyes met with the queen's soothing blue ones.

She smiled, a sadder tinge on the lip movement. Prakriti cupped her daughter's cheek, her other hand putting the lose curl behind her ear.

"You know when I first married to your father. I was scared too."

She began, her motherly soothing voice making Panchaali look up at the woman, whom she had never in her short life of about two months had seen fazed.

She gazed up at her mother, like usual her face was mask of complete calmness. The serene aura of Maharani Prakriti, was stable, the assurance in her gaze made the young princess wonder how was she still so strong.

She wore a dark blue lehnga, the gold and diamond jewellery adding to her beauty.

Her natural elegance was unlike anything before.

She wasn't sure what to say to that.

Hands wrapped around Draupadi's making her look at the elder woman, as she sat on the swing too.

A calm smile tracing her lips.

"Life at times takes unexpected turns, some better, some worse."

"I know the world will stand against you. Make no mistake dear, this marriage, more than any before, will be difficult. For it is not one but five husbands that you need to prove a good partner of."

Panchali's heart clenched, that was another reason for the fear in her heart. Five strangers, that she had married, she had to be just, and love them all equally.

How will she manage them? Could she be just to all at once? How will she maintain her responsibility towards everyone?

She sighed, her heart heavy with questions, and the scenarios scared her the most.

Tears stung her eyes, but she held them, she felt all too alone.

"I know this is difficult for you. But I also know, that you can do it. I have faith you dear, just remember that I am always with you." Her mother assured, squeezing her hands, pressing her lips to her daughter's forehead.

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