Queen of the Dragons

Por b00klover09

621K 23.6K 3.9K

"Estelle, I will kill any man who stands in my way of having you. I will kill one to one thousand men!" I sna... Más

-Story Aesthetics/ Author Notes-
-Twenty & a half-
Twenty one
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight


12.7K 548 66
Por b00klover09

"Well if that is all we have to go over, our meeting has come to an end. The next place where we will all probably come together will be at the wedding ceremony for Prince Loche and Princess Estelle. Once again, the King sends his apologies."

I was sure my face was crimson by now. I had kept trying to say things but quickly kept myself quiet as Loche was inappropriately sliding his hand up my leg!

It had been an awful two hours or so that have passed by of everyone arguing and yelling and yet we were finally done.

As everyone began to stand, I stood too. I glanced at Loche to see him watching me as he spoke with another man. This was a time to quickly retreat to my room. I was awfully confused about certain things and I did not feel so well either. I just wanted to lie down. This dress is much too tight and my back is in pain.

I glanced at a few women, smiling kindly, "Nice to meet you ladies!" One woman in particular was staring intently at me, before making my way over to me. Smiling.

"Oh dear you are such a beauty! Tell me where did you get that jewel from?" She questioned, as I glanced down at that necklace that I was wearing. It was my mother's.

I toyed with it...thinking of her and suddenly my mood was a bit different. "Oh I...it is my sisters," I told the woman as she eyed it intensely, her eyes slowly morphing into her dragon eyes.

I suppose it was true that Dragons really do like treasure... "Hm, so shiny. Tell me do you know who has created such a master piece? I would love to get my hands on one of those," she said as I watched her cut her eyes at a man who seemed to be having a very interesting conversation with another man.

The woman sighed, "I will hear about this argument later...he just talks entirely too much," she fussed as I glanced at the man. He must have been her husband.

The other woman who joined us began to laugh. "Silence him with your lips, is all. Men are distracted very easily," she told us as the one who asked about my necklace began to laugh.

"Silence him with your lips?" I repeated as they both nodded their heads.

"I mean we women have more ways than one way of silencing our men...but we will not go into detail," they laughed as I touched my lips. Silencing men with lips? I suppose that would work on anyone...

Although Loche and I never shared a kiss...I wondered if one would silence him. It seemed as if it would take much, much more than a kiss to quiet him down. Maybe a hug and a kiss.

"Oh dear do not look so naive, you and the Prince are young and in love....I know how that was when I was your age...we could not keep our hands to ourselves...we always..."the woman trailed off as an angered voice interrupted her.

Then a scream. I jumped, turning with the two women closest to me to see what had happened. All I could see was Loche holding a man against the wall and...his dagger was sunk into the man's face.

"Oh my!" I gasped, as I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was large and heavy and I jumped, letting out a small shout.

Uncle Alazar was behind me. "Let us go, Princess. Things will not get better and you do not need to see such vulgarity," Uncle Alazar claimed as he began to pull me towards the door.

I glanced back horrified at Loche, to see him standing over the man who was now cowering on the floor. Holding his bloodied face... I have never seen so much blood in my entire life!

Uncle Alazar ushered me out of the room and into the hall where I began to pace and shake a bit. Why would Loche do such a thing? What had the man done that was so wrong...to warrant him to be pierced in the eye!

"Here take my cloak," Uncle Alazar advised as he draped the large thing over my shoulders. I was not shaking because I was cold...but because I was scared.

My body began to ache as I thought of all of the awful things that had happened today. I could not even fathom to understand how our ceremony would work out, Loche executes people...and he stabbed a man!

"Princess please calm down. You are breathing rather harshly. Just stay calm. These types of things happen often. Nothing to worry yourself about," Uncle Alazar tried to explain as I felt my stomach began to churn slightly.

"Often? People are stabbed here often? What if I am stabbed? What makes one have the urge to be impaled...I-I do not understand your dragon ways," I worried as Uncle Alazar sighed, giving me a stressed smile.

He ran his fingers through his short beard. "Well Loche is not wreckless so I suppose he had a reasonable explanation in why he has done what he did."

"I...I do not think anything is reasonable about hurting someone," I explained to him as he shrugged as if he did not agree with me.

"Well we handle things a bit differently over here dear...but that is another conversation for another day...let us get going, yes?" He questioned as I nodded my head gratefully. My head felt heavy and my vision began to blur a bit. I just would like to sleep now and forget about what has just happened...

"Princess? Princess Estelle?!"


"Estelle wake up!"

A loud familiar voice rattled my senses as I slowly opened my sleepy eyes. I blinked a few times to see my sister hovering over me. A worried look on her features, as I pushed her face away from my own. "Agh, Estelle," she fussed as she moved a bit so I could move.

I slowly sat up, my hands going to my head which was in mild pain. The pain seemed to be traveling to my back also... "Juni I do not feel well," I sighed as she gave me a suspicious look.

"Estelle have you done the thing that we both agreed you were not going to do?" She questioned as I just glared at her. I did mot appreciate when she spoke in code. Sometimes I had no idea what she was speaking of...

"No, I have not," I told her, finally realizing what she really meant. It has taken a lot not to do so...but I have fought the urge.

Juni sighed, sitting across from me and scratching her head. "Are you sure? You have never fainted so much at home. Maybe if we tell Papa he will know why."

"-No! I have done nothing wrong," I told her. "Do not tell father, Juni. He will do something crazy like try and take me back...and that will cause a war." I knew it would. Loche may not like me much but I am sure he will not take kindly to my father attempting to take me back.

Juni sighed loudly, "You know you passed out in Uncle Alazar's arms? Do you remember anything before that?"

I remember. I remember the awful meeting...and hearing that Loche killed people, and that poor man who he had hurt at the meeting... "Yes, I remember everything."

My sister exhaled loudly, "Great...so that means...well...maybe it was just a symptom of you getting ready to receive your wings? Although I never fainted I just took longer rests."

"Really?!" I squealed in happiness as we heard knocking on the door. Juni scrambled up to her feet and rushed to the door. "If it is you, dragon guard man we do not need anything except for Keynai, a trusted Fae to watch over us!"

That poor Dragon guard man...he is only doing his job. Juni does not like him so much though, she does like the red haired man though. "It is Loche."

Juni gave me a frown at me and I shrugged. Should I let him in? Will he be upset with me? Will he yell at me for the meeting? Juni opened the door slightly and peeked her head out. Juni was whispering things...in a not so nice tone. I wondered what she could be saying to him.

"I will not," Loche snapped, "Now open the door!" I watched as Juniper backed away from the door, her hands crossed over her chest as she glared at Loche who strolled into our room.

I was not presentable...at all. I was in my night gown and I'm sure my hair looks like a bird was sitting atop of it! Loche looked as if he had just come from fighting. He had scratches all over his muscular chest. Why did he not have a shirt on... His hair was down, not pent up anymore which made him look...attractive. I mean he is attractive. Not like a Fae man. He has more muscles and does not smile much, but he is beautiful in his own way.

"Estelle why are you blushing?" Juni questioned a look of knowing on her face. I glared at her, acting as if I did not hear what she was asking.

"I would like to speak with Estelle alone," Loche claimed as Juniper glared at him. I stared at her with a pleading look. She sighed loudly before leaving us. I admit, it was not appropriate for us to be alone...but I do not think Loche was thinking of that.

I glanced at Loche who seemed very tense. He reminded me of a caged animal... "How are you feeling?" He questioned, his eyes looking over my body.

"I-I am well," I told him as I began to nervously  fiddle with my hair. Why was he staring at me so intensely? "I am bound to get my wings soon so that is why. Many odd things happen before I finally get them," I explained to him. I did not mention him scaring me to bits by stabbing that man...

He nodded his head slowly, "Good. We need to speak about what happened at the meeting. First, your dress," he said through clenched teeth.

I gulped, paying attention to the pattern I was working on with my hair. "Oh my dress...it was different yes?" Different and revealing...

"Why were you dressed like a brothel girl? Was it to distract me, distract the men at the meeting?" He questioned, his eyes shifting as he gave me a disapproving glare. "That should only be worn for a husband to see. No other man."

I frowned. "I would not want to wear that for huh even if you were my husband," I told him as he did not really respond to that. Did he think I willingly wanted to wear that? "Also the maids dressed me in it. I thought it was revealing also but I wanted to fit in with your people so-"

"-You mean the servant women told you to put that dress on?" I nodded my head, watching as the whites of his eyes shrunk. Replaced with a slit of red...encased in darkness. I shivered. "I will talk with them." His jaw was clenched and his hands turned to fists. I do not think I wanted to him to talk to my sweet maids.

The talk he would have with them did not seem like a one I would like to attend. Maybe avoid. "They were only being helpful...you do not have to talk to them," I suggested as he gave me a look of annoyance.

"Have you written your father about this deal you intend to make with him?" He questioned. I only just awakened a few moments ago. I was not even properly dressed! "Good. We have decided to invade the human kingdom, so your letter will not be needed."

My heart dropped to my stomach. A feeling I did not appreciate swelling up in me. "You cannot....you cannot do that!"

He took a step toward my bed, glaring down at me. "I can, Estelle. We are not even married, you are still just a potential wife. Your words do not carry any pull that is why I wanted you silent but you just had to open that beautiful mouth."

"Because it was the right thing to do, Loche! You cannot invade that kingdom...I-I will tell Uncle Alazar! He has already agreed with me...he-he agrees! And so did the other council members!" I spluttered, trying to think of anything that would help me right now. They just could not do something so cruel!

He shook his head, "Estelle your vote did not matter and the couple votes count as one. It looked with ones eye that you won, but you did not. Alazar only sided with you as to not snub me. In reality you only gained four votes, you need six for us to revisit that topic."

"Well we will have a recount!"

"It is up to my father but I know he will invade so we are already setting up troops," he explained to me as an inexplicable amount of warmth resonated within me.

Loche seemed happy at this. Happy that his people were committing such an awful acts! "Then...then I will just have to speak to your father!"

He chuckled as I glanced at the door. Before I knew it I was rushing over to the door and attempting to throw it open. As soon as I opened it slightly, it was slammed shut. I glanced up...to see a large hand up above my head, resting on the door. I could feel Loche's heat radiating off of him in waves.

"Estelle," he breathed out huskily, his voice becoming oddly deep and harsh. I gulped, refusing to turn around. I could only imagine the look he was giving me!

"Uh....yes, Prince Loche?"

"Were you planning on running out of your chambers half naked to speak to my father?" He growled. I could feel his warm breath on my hair, making me shiver. Not from the cold though...

I cleared my throat, "I-I have a night gown on."

He grabbed me by the shoulder, spinning me around. I chanced a look at him, and let lose a whimper as his hand grabbed my chin gently. I was expecting for it to hurt...but it did not. "You are not talking to him in that attire, actually you will not be talking to him at all, Estelle. There is nothing you say or do to make Alazar or my father change their minds."

How could he say that? I pushed at his hand, which would not budge one bit. "I-I will not go through with the ceremony if you invade the human kingdom!"

I watched his eyes widen, a smirk playing on his lips. Could he tell I was lying? "Estelle we will go through with this ceremony, we will pass, and you will be my wife," he snarled, as I watched claws beginning to form where hands should be.

What is wrong with him? I have come to the conclusion that all dragon people are insane! "Well, well you will have to drag me to the wedding ceremony!"

"Then I will just declare war on your country, how does that sound Estelle? After I have had my fill of all of your kingdoms riches, I will come back here where I will marry you whether you like it or not." He was breathing harshly as was I. I was so angry!

Loche was not a sane man. And I suppose I was not sane either for doing what I did next. I stood on the tips of my toes, leaning on him a bit and pressed my lips to his.

I did not really know what to do after that, but Loche's lips soon took over. He pressed me into him and wrapped a strong arm around my waist.

His lips moved against my own, in a manner that made my entire body shiver. Not to mention the way he had my body pressed against his warm solid one. I was supposed to be thinking, not closing my eyes and enjoying this! I had followed the dragon women's advice. I had distracted him....but when to stop? I did not want to stop though.

A gasp slipped past my lips as I felt sharp teeth nipping at my bottom lip. Before we could get any further...my hands went to his scorching chests and pushed at him.

He made a noise of protest before letting me go and staring down at me peculiarly. I took that as my chance. I dashed for the door, throwing it open and ran.

"Estelle!" He roared as I whizzed past Juniper who was speaking to one of the dragon guards.

"UNCLE ALAZAR!" I yelled down the hallways, desperately, "KING HRAIN!" I yelled.

"Estelle get back here!"

I glanced back to see that Loche was not too far away from me. I let lose a yell as I collided with someone. Warm hands grabbed at me, steadying myself and I looked up to see the older man Lord Titus.

"Oh the jewel of the Fae Kingdom," he smiled as I heard a man clearing his voice beside him. It was Uncle Alazar!

"Uncle Alazar!" I gasped, grabbing onto his hand. "We must speak now, before Loche gets to me and-"


I squealed, Loche turned the corner running, before halting in his tracks. His eyes were blazing with anger. Uncle Alazar was looking between us, a look of worry on his features. "May I ask why you are in a night gown?" Uncle Alazar questioned.

"No." Loche snatched a cloak off of a soldier who flinched and threw it over my shoulders. He then held it close, also keeping me in my place! Help! "Come Estelle," he said through clenched teeth as I attempted to pull away from him.

"Loche let me go," I whispered loudly, as the two men watched our altercation. He held my arm tighter. "Ouch, Loche! Let me go! I must speak to Alazar!"

He growled in my face....like, like an animal! "Loche let us speak...if it is a grave matter," Alazar said with a smile as I smiled back at him.

"Fine...Titus leave you are not needed in this conversation," Loche said as he still kept a tight grip on me.

"Of course. Prince Alazar, Prince Loche, jewel of the Fae's," he smiled while bowing at each of us. I tried to curtsy as best as I could, before he walked down the hall. Leaving us three.

"Loche do not manhandle such a flower," Alazar warned as Loche let me go. I let lose a deep breath, mentally thanking Uncle Alazar. "Now Princess what is it you have to tell me? Has my nephew been treating you awful?" He questioned, his smile baring teeth as he looked to Loche threateningly.

Yes he was treating me awful but that was for another day! "Loche tells me you are about to invade the human kingdom. You said you would wait till I send word to my father...why would you lie about something like that?"

Uncle Alazar seemed surprised. "Well, my dear it was to not embarrass you or my nephew. All of that was just a show...of solidarity. The council must not know if royalty disagrees. We are always unified no matter what we think on our own."

That was...it was ridiculous. "So you mean if Loche came up with an awful idea, you would agree with it just because he is your nephew?"

Alazar nodded, "Yes, exactly, Estelle. Even if I do not agree and we have a different plan the council will not know because to them I simply agree with Loche."

I understood. When Dina wanted to ask father something, she would make us help in agreeing with her. So he would say yes... "So you are saying dragons are not to be trusted...that I can never trust a word you say, Alazar?"

"No, that is not what I am saying-"

"-Yes it is...is it not? Dragons do not keep their words," I claimed watching Uncle Alazar shake his head and stroke his odd beard.

Loche was silent and I was glad of it. "I for one always keep my word, Princess it is just that-"

"-Well if you keep your word...I can send the letter to my father yes?"

"Well...well yes that was what I said but-"

"-Thank you Uncle Alazar! You are the best, most honest dragon that I have ever met. You are truly my favorite," I smiled as I watched his cheeks began to redden as he chuckled.

"Ah...oh you cannot mean me an old dragon as your favorite!" He chuckled as I glanced at Loche who was glaring at me.

Before I had the chance to reply to Uncle Alazar, Loche was picking me up in his arms. How dare he! "Put me down you big dragon!"

"No. Estelle has to dress properly before boasting about you, Alazar. Let us go," he growled as I froze when his nose pressed into my hair and inhaled deeply. He made a noise and pressed me closer to him. What is wrong with these dragon men!

"Thank you Uncle Alazar!"

Hi all!
Estelle obviously has a way with words🤣
And Loche obviously does not know how to deal with such a beautiful flower like Estelle🤣

Sorry for not updating last week I caught Covid but I'm doing much better now. Almost fully recuperated❤️

Patreon is up to chapter 23.
Thank you guys and please vote or comment🥰

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