Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fan...

By Paranilla

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Kamen Rider Zero-One Fanfic **credit to Rufus147 for the cover** Mari Snow is sent to Japan to handle the Hum... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
-Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80
-Chapter 81
-Chapter 82
-Chapter 83
-Chapter 84
-Chapter 85
-Chapter 86
-Chapter 87
-Chapter 88
-Chapter 89
-Chapter 90
-Chapter 91
-Chapter 92
-Chapter 93
-Chapter 94
-Chapter 95
-Chapter 96
-Chapter 97
-Chapter 98
-Chapter 99
-Chapter 100
Part Two - Chapter 101
-Chapter 102
-Chapter 103
-Chapter 104
-Chapter 105
-Chapter 106
-Chapter 107
-Chapter 108
-Chapter 109
-Chapter 110
-Chapter 111
-Chapter 112
-Chapter 113
-Chapter 114
-Chapter 115
-Chapter 116
-Chapter 117
-Chapter 118
-Chapter 119
-Chapter 120
-Chapter 121
-Chapter 122
-Chapter 123
-Chapter 124
-Chapter 125
-Chapter 126
-Chapter 127
-Chapter 128
-Chapter 129
-Chapter 130
-Chapter 131
-Chapter 132
-Chapter 133
-Chapter 134
-Chapter 135
-Chapter 136
-Chapter 137
-Chapter 138
-Chapter 139
-Chapter 140
-Chapter 141
-Chapter 142
-Chapter 143
-Chapter 144
-Chapter 145
-Chapter 146
-Chapter 148
-Chapter 149
-Chapter 150
-Chapter 151
-Chapter 152
-Chapter 153
-Chapter 154
-Chapter 155
-Chapter 156
-Chapter 157
-Chapter 158
-Chapter 159
-Chapter 160
-Chapter 161
-Chapter 162
-Chapter 163
-Chapter 164
-Chapter 165
-Chapter 166
-Chapter 167
-Chapter 168
-Chapter 169
-Chapter 170
-Chapter 171
-Chapter 172
-Chapter 173
-Chapter 174
-Chapter 175
-Chapter 176
-Chapter 177
-Chapter 178
-Chapter 179
-Chapter 180
-Chapter 181
-Chapter 182
-Chapter 183
-Chapter 184
-Chapter 185
-Chapter 186
-Chapter 187
-Chapter 188
-Chapter 189
-Chapter 190
-Chapter 191
-Chapter 192
-Chapter 193
-Chapter 194

-Chapter 147

34 1 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 147: Unparalleled in the World

**Note: A mini review of Saber is below. I do not give any spoilers really (as far as I know, nothing that isn't really common knowledge if you've seen a teaser for it). I give an update on if I intend on doing a fanfic for it or not. Thanks if you read it** 

I place the box down in front of the door of Aruto's place and turn, my eyes landing on a familiar Humagear. Horobi is here? Why is he even here right now? I thought he would be busy back in Daybreak. 

"Horobi..." I feel like I'm a protagonist in some anime or drama right now. 

"Do you want to take a walk with me?" Horobi asks me, looking me over. 

Horobi wants to go on a walk with me? Is there a reason behind this? Maybe he wants to talk about his plans he has for humanity's destruction. There is no other reason for him to really ask me that right now.

I nod my head. "Yes, let's go on a walk together, Horobi." I am okay with going on a walk with him since I want to know what he is up to. 

I move to his side and he turns, heading towards the way he wants to go. I follow, tagging along, and he turns his head. He looks at me and I smile, looking to the side. He has such lovely eyes and they always make my heart beat when they look into mine.

"You seem to be doing well," he comments, taking notice of my state.

"I am well because of you coming by. It is nice to have someone looking out for me." I know others are, but he doesn't need to know that. "How are you doing? Did you charge up just fine earlier?"

"Charging was the usual. You've never been awake to see it, correct?"

I nod my head. "I wish to see it though. I bet it would be interesting to witness you charging." And quite adorable.

I can imagine it. He eyes will be closed and he'll just look like he's sleeping like a human does. I could touch him and he won't even notice. Or would he notice? 

"Why would you even want to see that?" he asks me and I look back at him. "It isn't anything special. All Humagears charge up the same way."

"I know, but you're not all Humagears." He's different from the other ones to me. I don't care to watch the other ones charge up. 

"Because you like me, correct?"

"That is one of the many reasons that you're not all the same. Horobi, I would go over it, but it would keep us here all day long." I do not want to waste his precious time.

"I still do not get why you have feelings for me." He doesn't understand it because he currently doesn't truly get the concept of love fully. He only somewhat gets it. 

I nod my head and laugh. "I don't really get it either, but I do. It just sort of happened." It wasn't something I intended on.

"Do you remember what you thought of me the first moment we met face to face?" he asks me, going down memory lane.

"I am sure you know what I thought of you. I doubt it was hard to tell."

I didn't really like him too much when I first met him. When I first laid eyes on him, I thought he was cold and bossy. He would order me and Jin around and pretty much make me suffer. However, I learned that there is more to him than I thought there was. I began to rely on him and trust him more than anyone else. How is it possible for such a thing to happen to me?

"I know what you thought, but I want to hear it from you," he says. "Be honest."

I stop. "I thought you were cold and quite mean when we first met, Horobi. I also thought you looked mysterious and handsome."

I remember drawing tons of pictures of him when I was upset at him. It felt good to get out my rage on a deadly Humagear like him. It isn't like I could take him on back then. He probably would have defeated me within a few seconds. He's a ruthless fighting. 

He stops and turns to me. "I see."

"I wanted to know more about you once we started living together. Since I could rely on you, I felt like I should know more about you. You knew a lot about me, but I hardly knew you."

He nods his head. "You relied on me a lot when you were living with me and Jin."

"I needed you two at the time. Now I'm starting to rely on myself a lot more and become a stronger person," I reply, looking down at my feet. "But that doesn't mean I don't need anyone you know." I was going through a hard time and could only count on those two. 

"It is great to know that I am someone you can rely on."

"Oh, I didn't care about you being human or not after a bit as well. As I got to spend time with you, that didn't matter. I think Humagears and humans can mix if we try hard enough. I know you don't agree with that, but that is how I feel." I look back up at him and smile warmly at him.

"You're allowed to have your own thoughts, Mari." Yeah, but can't you too? 

"Thank you for thinking so, Horobi. So, what do you think about me?"

"You're human."

My smile drops. "Huh?" What's that supposed to mean?

"For you, Mari, it is a good thing. If you were other humans, that would be a bad thing."

"I see..." That doesn't make sense to me. "Can you rely on me?"

He nods his head. "Yes. Oh, where are you currently staying at? You don't seem to be staying at that one place now."

"Ah, Yua's." It is the best place for me to be right now. "She's been nice to me lately. I am not sure if I should trust her or not. Also, before you think I'm being serious, I'm not. I'm joking about the trust thing. I can trust her."

"Yua Yaiba is hosting you right now? I hope she can take good care of you."

"I am the one taking care of her. My specialty is taking care of people." I look to the side and smile. "I love taking care of people."

"That is just like you, Mari."

"It won't be for long. I just needed a change, so I left the other place I was staying. I would go back to you, but I doubt you know who would like that."

"Ikazuchi wouldn't like it for sure. He doesn't seem that fond of you." Horobi can even feel the disliking Raiden has for me just from being around him and mentioning me. Wonderful.

I look back at him and nod. "Yeah, he wouldn't. I am glad you don't mind if I stay with you or not. You and your refurbished body keep me smiling."

Horobi stares at me in confusion and I laugh, making him narrow his eyes a bit. He doesn't get my teasing of him does he? He is really just a cutie!

"You're so cute sometimes, Horobi," I comment, looking away from him as my lips twist even more upwards.


I look back at him and nod my head. "Yeah, you're capable of being cute. Your confusion is the cutest thing ever." Of course, I don't mean that it actually is. Just in this moment.

"I see."

"How about we get you home? I'll walk you there," I suggest. I don't want to keep him out for too long away from where he belongs.

"Alright, Mari." He's going to let me walk him home for once? "You can walk me home today. I do it all the time for you, so it is time you repaid me for doing so."

I laugh. "Sounds good."

I am glad we can spend time together like two humans can. Humagear or not, he's real.


"And here is Daybreak," I say, announcing our arrival to Horobi's home. He's been here for so long, so it makes sense for him to stay here. "It's been your home for a long time hasn't it?"

"Yes, it has." He stops and I turn to him as I come to a stop. "You can head home once I head off in the direction I need to go. I will walk you home next time you come and visit."

"I wonder what it was like before it got destroyed." I look around, staring at the pretty empty former town. "I've only seen pictures and videos relating to it. It is a shame I couldn't have experience it."

"You would have been a child."


"Still a child." He has a point. "A young one." 

I look back at him and tilt my head, smiling softly. "I would have been in my teens when you were created, right? You don't seem your age."

"Humagears aren't the same as humans when it comes to aging. My systems aren't like modern day Humagears."

"Right." I wonder how it was fixing him up for Yua. She got to touch a beautiful creation due to the orders of those at ZAIA. It was probably Gai who gave it. "Horobi, did it bother you to have a human fix you up?" 

"Are you jealous that someone did so? I think you're worrying too much about something trivial. I was supposed to die because that is what the Ark willed. No one was supposed to repair me." 

"The Ark made a bad decision." I step closer to him and put my arms around him. "I am happy that you're alive, Horobi. I don't know what I'll do if you get destroyed." The Ark did it for Jin to do what the Ark wanted.


"I don't want to lose you, Horobi. You're the greatest friend I have ever made." It is wonderful being friends with an ancient piece of technology. "Thank you for coming back from the dead."

He puts his arms around me, embracing me gently. "It wasn't part of the plan."

"I know, but that doesn't matter to me. All that matters is that you're here now." 

He's making me feel so many things right now by being himself. Once he's free from the Ark, I will be happy to meet the other side to him. Horobi is an interesting Humagear and I want to know more about him.

"You should get going," he says, probably wanting me to get home sooner rather than later.

"I want to embrace you for a bit longer." I feel safe with him, so I want to be here in his arms for a bit longer. I can't go and hug Aruto. "Is that alright?"

"That is fine. Do as you please." 

Good. I will.

A/n: Okay, here's today's chapter everyone! It is time to give my opinion on the first episode of Saber while we're all here.

So far....

I'm not liking it all that much. It was too slow for my liking and the introduction was meh. I wanted more action in it and the lady who is friend's with the main guy's actress just throws me off (I literally thought she was a rookie with how her acting is. Like I literally thought it was her first gig and my twin was like "No, she's did stuff before". Man, not a good thing). Her character is relatable, but the acting leaves much to be desired. I hope she'll grow into the role overtime if I keep watching.

Now, the villains are alright so far. There was not a lot of them in the episode (no subs yet. I will watch again when subs come out to see if my opinion stands), but they did show up more than Horobi did in Zero-One's first episode. I don't understand a lot of Japanese, so I don't know what they were talking about. I only know like a few words and that is it. Anyways, back to the little review.

Main rider's transformation is alright, but I definitely liked Zero-one's more (I do try to not compared series, but the transformations in Zero-One were cool). The secondary rider (I haven't learned names yet, sorry) seems alright. He looks cold despite not being cold. His actor is alright so far. 

So, what does this mean for a possible Saber fanfic? Well, I'm not going to start it until I have seen five episodes. Five episodes will give me enough to know if I hate the show or not. So far I'm not really feeling it. It was too slow for my liking and not enough action. I don't hate slow shows all the time, but I did in this case. Five minutes into it, I looked at the time and assumed twenty minutes already went by. That is not good for a show when I do that. That means I'm bored out of my mind and need something to pull me in. 

I will be doing a poll and you can all vote in it. Whatever series wins it will be the next fanfic for Kamen Rider after Senseless Abyss. I did plan out stuff for Saber, but I won't be using it for now unless the show changes my mind (I wanted to plan ahead because I did enjoy Ghost and Ghost's writer is doing the show, but as I said earlier it was pretty much meh). So, I'm done talking now. What did you think of Saber so far? Please comment below how you felt about it. 

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