DeVil's In The Name

By Sugar_And_Spice125

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"People Always Underestimate A Girl In Diamonds And Fur" - Cruella DeVille Cruella DeVille, known for her vil... More

№1|We Met In The Rain (Edited)
№2|Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (Edited)
№3|Ruby Rebels Part 1 (Edited)
№4|Ruby Rebels Part 2 (Edited)
№5|A New Start (Edited)
№6|Tainted Brownies (Edited)
№9|Hospital Time
№10|I'm Proud of You.
№11|Party Time (Part 1)
№12|Party Time (Part 2)
№13|Should Have Never Looked Back
№14|I Did It To Keep Her Safe
№15|A Night Of Pleasure Before The Pain
№16|The Rescue
№17|I'll Give You A Reason
№18|Home Is Where You Belong
№19|Welcome to Tokyo!
№20|The Welcoming Ceremony
№21|The First Day
№22|The First Round
№24|A Feud In The Family
№25|Understanding Love
№26|Dragon Vs. Animalistic
№27|Sledding Day
№28|I'm Not A Monster, I'm A Sun Goddess
№30|The Rage Within
№31|The Past That Haunts Us (Part 1)
№32| The Past That Haunts Us (Part 2)
№33|DeVille Cup Finals: A Battle For The Ages!
№35|It's A Matter Of Trust
№36|Big Fires Everywhere
№37|Rekindling Passion
№38|Burn It Down
№39|Tea Tree and Sage
№40|Guess Who's Back!
№41|To Hell And Back
№42|Shelter From The Flames
№43|Douse The Flames
№44|Operation: Free The Lost Soul
№45|I'm Not The Villain, I'm The Damn Hero

№7|Pointing Fingers

94 13 48
By Sugar_And_Spice125

№7|Pointing Fingers

Hex and the Golden Dragons woke up hours later to see the gang was in a panic, “Mama, what’s going on?” Hex asked, halting his mother’s frantic movements.

“Edgar’s missing!” Mama had tears welling in her eyes. “The entire base is in a panic!”

“How’s Jasmine?” Hex asked softly. “Go see for yourself, she’s in your office,” Mama replied Hex walked upstairs and into his office.

Two large men stood by the door, they moved when they saw hex, letting him in. The room was dark, the smell of tears coated the room. “Why...why him!” Jasmine sobbed, her hair was messy and her makeup was dripping.

“Jasmine?” Hex slowly walked towards him. “Hex...Edgar...someone took him!” Jasmine sobbed into her arms “we were supposed to go away to Florida...we were gonna be happy!”

“Please...I need you to find him!”

Hex nodded, “I’ll find him, I promise.”

Meanwhile, at the Ruby Rebels base, Emmanuel pinned one of his members to the wall.

“What do you mean she’s gone?!”

“Si-Sir! We do-don't know where she is! We loo-looked up and down the bas-base!”

“Well check again! Marmalade would just disappear into thin air!” Emmanuel scolded, dropping the man as he stormed up to his office. He paced back and forth, “shit, shit, shit! She’s here for one day and gets kidnapped!”

Emmanuel scrunched up his fist, “it has to be those Golden Dragons! Oooh! When I get my hands on Hex he’s gonna pay!”

Emmanuel put on his jacket and walked towards his car, starting it up as he clenched the steering wheel.

“What makes you think it’s the Ruby Rebels?” Cruella asked. “Think about it Cruella, we’ve been in a feud with the Rebels for almost a decade now! Ever since the meeting, one has been waiting for the other to strike.” Ector explained.

“Look, I don't care who took Edgar but we need him back now, Jasmine is this close to breaking and even though she’s a therapist she can't handle that pressure!” Mama’s hands began to shake as she struggled to hold the coffee cup.

“Mama, when was the last time you slept?” Gabriella asked. “I haven’t slept today, nor have I ate or drank anything, I’ve been so worried about your Tio I haven’t been able to do much of anything!” Mama slammed the cup down, crying into her hands, “I already lost your father, I can't lose my brother as well.”

“I know, Mama, I know...but it’s okay, we’ll get through this, Hex will file a police report today-” Saree stopped when a loud crash was heard at the front of the mechanics.

The group race to the front to see Emmanuel strangling Alonzo, “where the hell is Hex?!”

“Get your hands off my cousin, Emmanuel!” Hex’s hands coated in a fire as he tackled Emmanuel to the ground. “Where is she Hex?!” Emmanuel yelled in his face.

“Tell me where Edgar is first!” Hex demanded. “Who?” Emmanuel had a puzzled look on his face, “you mean Emma’s brother? We don't have him! If we were to kidnap anyone it would be that animalistic over there!” Emmanuel pointed to Cruella.

“Then why are you here?” Gabriella asked, not letting her guard down.

“Because you have Marmalade!”

“Who the fuck is Marmalade?” Ector cursed. “His lover.” Saree said, surprising everyone. “How do you know that?!” Emmanuel glared at her. “Your members let anything spill when they’re drunk.” Saree smirked.

“From what they say, she’s your girlfriend, the only thing you really care about other than Dizzy. That’s why your so mad if this were any other member you brush it off but Marmalade is so close to your heart your anger came howling out and you couldn't control it.”

“Am I wrong?” Saree smirked slyly. Emmanuel stood quiet, “look if you don't have Marmalade, and we don't have Edgar, who does?”

“I don't know, but it’s best if you both file police reports,” Cruella suggested. “I’m sorry,” Emmanuel looked at her from over Hex’s shoulder, “was I talking to you?”

Cruella growled, her fangs growing, “awe, little panther mad?” Emmanuel taunted.

Cruella’s eyes turned pink as she leaped for Emmanuel in her panther form, snarling at the captain of the Ruby Rebels. “I wonder how good your blood taste~” Cruella drooled slightly.

“Cruella, down girl.” Mama ordered, Cruella scoffed and turned back into a human, whispering in his ear “touch Hex or his family and I’ll personally see to your demise.”

She dug her sharp nails into his arm, sending him a warning.

Emmanuel gulped and nodded, trying his best not to look scared. Emmanuel walked off, stopping at the door, “aren’t you coming, Hex? We gotta listen to that mutt and file a police report.”

“Yeah whatever,” Hex smacked him behind his head, leaving a small scorch mark, “call her mutt again and it’ll be more than just a scorch mark.”

Shawn leaned back in his chair, he hated doing paperwork, he wanted to call Dizzy and see how she was doing but the captain of the precinct, Captain Jeffords, didn't allow personal calls during paperwork time.

Clair, on the other hand, loved paperwork, all the files were neat and organized, all the evidence was filed with the right case. It was just so satisfying to her, it’s not like she had some weird obsession with things being neat. No, it was just, she liked it when it came to files, especially when she used her colorful dividers.

Shawn found the tedious but Clair said otherwise. She noticed the anxious look on his face. “Are you demons desperate to see their mates?” Clair didn't look away from her screen.

“Mate?!” Shawn jumped up, his hands slapping the pen holder off the desk and onto the floor. “I saw the way your eyes lit up when she said,” Clair cleared her throat, “oh Shawn! I can't believe you bought all this stuff for me! I wish there was some way I could repay you~”

Shawn blushed, “she doesn't sound like that! Her voice isn't high and she never said that she said she was happy I spent the day with her and that she never felt so close to a person before. But as cool as shopping with her was, that movie theater…” Shawn licked his lips, “damn did she taste good~”

“Shawn,” Clair glared at him, “please tell me you didn't fuck in the movies.”

“No,” Shawn shook his head, “we were kissing in the movies and I wanted to touch her oh so badly but she said to stop and I did, immediately, she said only over the shirt and I had her gasping my name...ugh! Clair, it was just so sexy!”

Clair rolled her eyes, her eyes widening when Hex and Emmanuel entered, she spit out her coffee in Shawn’s face, “holy shit…Hexiciah Perez and Emmanuel Moralez just walked in…”

Clair stumbled to stand, walking over to Hex, reaching for the handcuffs. “Can we help you?” Clair asked. “Yeah, I need to file a missing person report!” Hex and Emmanuel requested.

“Uh...let me get this straight, your not turning yourself in?” Shawn rolled over in his wheely chair towards them.

“No, why would we do that?” Hex sweatdropped. “Then why are you here?” Clair questioned. “To file a missing person’s report!” Emmanuel scolded.

“Come with me, Hex, Shawn you take Emmanuel.” Hex and Emmanuel sat aside at the cop's desk.

“Name of person?” Clair spun the pen in her hand.

“Edgar Perez.”

“Marmalade Diaz.”

“What happened before they went missing?” Shawn questioned, Emmanuel could tell he was distracted.

“We ate these brownies my friend, Cruella,” Hex cringed when he said Cruella was a friend, they both knew they were more than friends, “brought brownies for me and my workers but I think there was sleep powder in them… someone must have taken Edgar when we were knocked out.”

“The same happened with Marmalade. Just with a cake instead of brownies.”

“Cruella must have put the sleeping powder in the brownies…” Emmanuel muttered harshly. “Cruella wouldn't do something like that!” Hex smacked him upside the head.

“And we know this how?”

“Sh-She just wouldn't! I trust Cruella!” Hex scolded, standing up from his chair. “Yeah whatever,” Emmanuel scoffed, “I still don't trust that mutt…”

Shawn and Clair continued to fill out the report, with many interruptions from the two gang leaders arguing over frivolous things.

As Clair tried to break up another fight, Shawn felt his phone vibrate on his desk. Shawn quickly jumped for his phone, smiling subconsciously when he saw Dizzy’s number.

He opened the text and read it in his head. “Whatcha doing?”

“Paperwork.” He texted back. “Sadly…”

Dizzy chuckled and leaned back in her Big Brother’s chair. “Can't be so bad. I mean, don't you get out in like an hour or so?”

Clair sighed, Shawn had that look on his face. It was that look that says ‘I’m texting her so don't bother me!’. As weird as it was to see her best friend in love, it was nice, she wondered if she would find something like that with someone.

“Boys!” Chief Jeffords scolded, breaking up the two. Emmanuel and Hex stopped the fight, glaring at each other, “Clair, Shawn, my office now.”

Clair and Shawn walked into the office, “Sir, we’re so sorry for the trouble but they came in here requesting a missing person report and it’s our duty to file one.” Clair looked down.

“I understand, but I want you to take Hex’s missing person’s case and Shawn will take Emmanuel’s.” Captain Jeffords stated. “Yes sir,” Shawn nodded.

“Not only will you be solving this case but I want you to go undercover to find more about the two gangs. I want a report every week, got that?”

“Yes, Captain!” Clair and Shawn saluted their captain.

They walked out of the office to meet Hex and Emmanuel. “So? You two are doing our cases?” Hex questioned. Clair nodded, “I’ll be doing your case Hex while Shawn does Emmanuel’s.”

Hex gabbed Clair’s hand, “come on! We have no time to waste!”

Hex practically pushed Clair into the car as he started it up. “So you’re gonna be working with our family for a while, you’re gonna want to meet everyone.”

Hex drove up to the mechanics, opening the door so Clair could exit. Her eyes widened at the sorrow in the mechanics. “Damn…” Clair muttered. “We’re having a party soon to raise spirits. Come on, you gotta meet the family.” Hex led her upstairs to Mama’s apartment.

“Mama,” Gabriella knocked on her bedroom door, “come on you gotta start coming out of your room.”

“N-No!” Mama sniffled, “not till we find Edgar!”

“Miss Emma,” Clair opened the door. “Call me Mama.” Mama sniffled. “Okay, um...Mama...well I’m Clair, I’ll be working on Edgar's missing person’s case.” 

Mama smiled and wiped her eyes, she walked over to Clair, laughing “thank you, Clair, I know you’ll find my brother.”

“That’s the first time she laughed today!” Gabriella smiled, hugging Clair, “thank you!”

“Uh, there’s no need to thank me…” Clair muttered. Hex turned towards the door to see Cruella walking in. His face immediately lit up. “Mama!” Cruella called out, “I think the crew is really cheering up from the lemon squares I got from the store. I had them make sure the powdered sugar wasn’t sleeping powder.”

“Thank you, Cruella.” Hex held her hand. Cruella nodded and passed him a lemon square, “want one? They’re yummy.”

Hex ate the lemon square from her hand, “tasty!” he licked up the remaining powdered sugar off her hand, “you taste even better.”

Cruella blushed, “Hexy!” Hex chuckled and kissed her cheek. She blushed, even more, this time her cheeks turning crimson.

“So, those two?” Clair started. “Big-time, Hex’s a huge romantic and Cruella’s a tsundere.” Ector chuckled. “Awe, that’s cute.” Clair smiled, watching the two made her feel a sense of joy for the two.

Along with that joy, she felt enviousness. Cruella and Hex were so deeply in love and didn't notice it but it made her feel a sense of jealousy. She was 25 and still only dated 3 men in her lifetime.

They weren’t her type, heck, the last one she was in didn't end out pretty for her. And she has the scars to prove it. She wanted someone who would pour their time into being with them, actually appreciate the things she does, someone who’ll keep that burning passionate spark between them alive.

She wanted someone who wasn’t afraid to get a little rough, someone who would pin her to the wall and said she was theirs, someone who’d fight for her love, someone who would kill for it. Somebody to satisfy her every sexual and non-sexual desire.

Clair was snapped out of her thought when she felt Gabriella’s hand on her shoulder. “Come with me, I want you to meet someone.” Gabriella leads her to the elevator, pushing the button that says, ‘the lab’.

“Are you gonna kill me?”

“What? No! Why would I kill the person working in my uncle’s case?” Gabriella laughed, the door’s opening again, revealing the laboratory.

“Diane! Baby girl!” Gabriella raced over to Diane, wrapping her arms around her as Diane looked down at the papers on her desk.

“Did you take your break for today?” Gabriella kissed along her neck. Diane shook her head, “I’ve been working.” Diane replied, flipping through the pages of countless designs.

“Did you make this baby?” Gabriella asked. “Yeah, I’m trying to design the new suit for the Rose Gold Dragons but nothing’s coming to mind.” Diane sighed.

Gabriella pulled her close, “why don't you take a break? Alonzo said you haven’t been taking breaks lately if you keep doing that you’ll work yourself to death.”

“Maybe later,” Diane yawned. “Now,” Gabriella picked her up, slinging her over her shoulder “we’re going out for lunch and getting you some food, you look like you haven’t eaten.”

“Clair, take a look around, you’ll bump into him eventually!” Gabriella called out, walking away with Diane.

Clair shrugged and walked around the laboratory. “Woah…” her fingers traced over the beautiful speed bike, “sleek design, beautiful color, I bet it goes fast as hell.”

Meanwhile, Alonzo was fixing one of his motorcycles when the smell of apple cinnamon stopped him. “What the?” Alonzo sniffed the air, the scent getting stronger.

“You alright Alonzo?” his younger brother, even if they were only 1 year apart, Matias, asked. “Yeah, I’m good, but do you smell apple cinnamon?” Alonzo could feel his mouth water.

Matias shrugged, “Mama is probably making pies again.”

“No...this one, it’s better than her pies, it’ do I describe this; invigorating!”

Matias started laughing, “no, you gotta be kidding me!” Matias slung his arm around his older brother, “you mate here!”

“Excuse me?” Alonzo raised his eyebrow in suspicion. “Alonzo,” Matias patted his shoulder, “remember when mom told us about mates?”

“Yeah, she said that our mates’ smell is the only one that will make you feel the way you do right now.” Matias explained, answering his own question, “now, go over there and find ‘em!”

Alonzo followed the scent of apple cinnamon to the speed bikes. “Well damn,” Alonzo smirked. “There she is! Our mate! Go get here!” his wolf, Anzus, encouraged.

Clair hopped onto the bike, making the alarm sound off. She covered her ears and fell, “ow…” she mumbled. Alonzo turned off the alarm, helping Clair off the floor.

“My name’s Alonzo Flores,” Alonzo greeted. “Clair Grey.” Clair shook his hand. Alonzo looked her up and down, “They do say once you go black you never go back.” 

“Al-Alonzo? Hel-Hello?”

“You aren’t going back, are ya?” Anzus smirked. “Nope.”

“Wha? Oh, yes, hello, you must be the cop who’s doing Edgar’s case.” Alonzo smiled, “thank you, Edgar really is a valued part of this family.”

“There’s no need to thank me…” Clair whispered, but Alonzo heard him. “Why do you think that?” Alonzo tilted his head. “It doesn’t matter,” Clair shook her head, “and don't pretend that it does.”

“But it does matter,” Alonzo cupped her face, “I know we just met but something about you makes me know you’re important!”

Clair removed his head out his hands, “what you want? Huh? Want me to arrest someone for you?”


“Most guys want something when it comes to cops, info about other gangs, money, inside sources, so what do you want?” Clair rolled her eyes.

Alonzo chuckled, “you know what I want?”

“No-” “I want you to stop doubting yourself and stop assuming things.” Alonzo clutched her shoulders. “Just because you say something doesn't mean I’m gonna do it!” Clair snapped. “Feisty, I like it.” Alonzo smirked

“How long are you staying?” Alonzo asked. “A while.” Clair replied snarky. Gabriella walked in to see Alonzo and Clair, “I see you two met. Clair, let me show you to your office for the next couple of months.”

Gabriella walked her over to the office, it was simple but had a small bag of chocolates on the desk that said ‘thank you for everything, Clair Grey.’

Clair clutched the chocolates, “stop thanking me!”


“No! I don't deserve thanks! Okay?! Just hate me like all the other citizens do, I’m a cop Gabriella! A COP! C-O-P! And you’re a gang member! We’re supposed to be rivals, don't thank me! You’re making it harder than this has to be!”

“What do you mean?” Alonzo asked. “This doesn't concern you! Just go do something illegal! I could arrest you right now if I wanted to!” Clair warned.

Alonzo walked up to her, “then do it.”


“Arrest me,” Alonzo voice crew cocky, “make an example out of me. If you really didn’t care about us and only the case, you’d arrest me no problem,” he extends his wrist, “so do it.”

Clair looked into his eyes, sighing as she put down the handcuffs, “it’s gonna be a long case, but I think I’m starting to like it here.”

Alonzo chuckled and ruffled her poofy hair, “welcome to the team, Buttercup.”

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Shawn couldn't believe it, not only was he assigned an amazing case, but he would get to be in the same base as Dizzy the entire time!

He tried to contain his excitement but he just couldn't keep the smile down.

“Don't get any ideas.” Emmanuel’s voice brought Shawn back to the real world. “Huh?” Shawn tried to play coy.

“You’re working a case Shawn, a case that is very very important to me, which means you can't get distracted by meaningless things, ie; my sister.” Shawn stopped the car abruptly when he mentioned Dizzy.

Shawn cleared his thought in nervousness, “excuse me, what?”

“Shawn, I’m not dumb, you’re the Shawn my little sister been talking about so much. I also know that your a demon,” Shawn gulped, looking at Emmanuel’s smirk, “I do my research.”

“Okay, so you know a few things about me. Big whoop.” Shawn rolled his eyes. “Shawn, remind me, what month is it?” Emmanuel smirk grew.


“And what is next month for you demons?” Emmanuel tapped his chin. Shawn blushed, focusing on the road, “mating season…” he muttered quickly.

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“Mating season…” his voice a little higher this time.

“Come again?”

“Mating season!” he stopped his foot on the breaks, stopping at the red light as he slammed his head into the steering wheel, “shit…”

Emmeanuel laughed hard, “oh but in all seriousness, let’s make one thing clear,” he glared at Shawn, “Dizzy, aside from Marmalade, is the one thing keeping me from going back to being the way I was before.”

“So, until you find my Marmalade, no Dizzy.”

Shawn's eyes widened, “excuse me?!”

“You heard me, until we find my Marmalade, you don't get to even look at Dizzy.” Emmanuel nodded. “With all do respect, Emmanuel, Dizzy is an adult who can make her own decisions, I don't think she’ll like the fact that her big brother is deciding who she loves.”

“That’s why she’ll never find out about our little conversation.” Emmanuel glare hardened, “right?”

Shawn nodded and parked the car in front of the base. Dizzy bounced on the balls of her feet when she saw Shawn, “Shawn!” Dizzy cheered as she tackled him in a big hug.

Emmanuel glared at Shawn, “’s very nice to see you again, Miss Dizzy.”

“Miss Dizzy, come on, stop the formalities.” Dizzy chuckled, that chuckle soon fading when he saw the serious look on Shawn’s face, “Shawn? Come on, what’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Shawn scrunched his fist as he walked away from Dizzy and into the base. Dizzy frowned, “I thought we had something…”

Emmanuel rubbed Dizzy’s shoulder, “I know Dizzy, I know.”

“Why does it always happen like this?” Dizzy sniffled. “What do you mean?” Emmanuel looked at her suspiciously. “Well,” she wiped her tears, “with guys, and girls too, we’re all flirty and shit for a couple of weeks, but one day they start acting like I don't exist or get scared of me.”

“But I’ve seen you move on from those girls and girls.” Emmanuel reminded her. “Not this one, Big Brother, Shawn...he made me feel something,” her hand on her heart, “in here...when I was with him he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world, like I was some goddess…”

Dizzy chuckled, smiling “I know it’s stupid but with Shawn, he cared about me, and I him, but I guess it was all a lie…”

Dizzy walked towards the door but Emmanuel stopped her, “are you gonna be okay?”

Dizzy flashed a fake smile, “Yeah...I have to be…”

Dizzy walked into the base, locking eyes with Shawn. Dizzy shook her head, walking to her office, closing the door.

Summer knocked on the door, “Miss Dizzy?”

“Leave me alone Summer!” Dizzy sobbed. Summer picked the lock and opened the door, “Miss Dizzy, why are you crying, I thought you’d be happy with Mister Shawn being here.”

“He’s ignoring me!” Dizzy muffled through her cookie dough ice cream filled mouth. Summer sighed, pulling her in for a hug, “damn Emmanuel…”


“Nothing, Miss Dizzy,” Summer sighed, “nothing at all…”

Shawn stood outside the room, he hated he couldn't run in there and hug her. All he wanted to do was spin her around, hear her giggle, see that beautiful smile, hold her close.

He saw Emmanuel glaring at him. Shawn growled and walked off in the bathroom. He paced back and forth, “damn him! Damn him straight to hell! It’s one month till mating season and this bitch is cockblocking me!”

“I don't understand, why are you abiding by his rules?! You’re a demon, Shawn! We take what we want! If you want Dizzy then get her!” Zesy scolded.

Shawn looked in the mirror, “one more month...I have one month to find this chick…”

Meanwhile, Marmalade's eyes fluttered open, still blurry; she looked to her left to see a man. “Where are we?” she asked.

“Don't know,” Edgar answered, all he knew was that it was freezing and he was starving.

Marmalade tried to move but chains bound her arms together in the air and chains around her feet locked her ankles to the cold, wet, floor.

The door opened, revealing a bright light, Marmalade squinted. “Who...Who are you?”

The woman and black smirked, taking off her hood to reveal Catania. “Welcome to your worst nightmare.”


Hello everyone! Im back with another chapter and its a long one! And what a doozy it is! With the gangs in panic how will we ever find out who took Marmalade and Edgar?!

How will the relationship if Shawn and Dizzy end up?!

Will Alonzo snd Clair's relationship blossom into more?!

Find out next time on DeVil's In The Name

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