Senseless Abyss (Zero-One Fan...

By Paranilla

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Kamen Rider Zero-One Fanfic **credit to Rufus147 for the cover** Mari Snow is sent to Japan to handle the Hum... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
-Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80
-Chapter 81
-Chapter 82
-Chapter 83
-Chapter 84
-Chapter 85
-Chapter 86
-Chapter 87
-Chapter 88
-Chapter 89
-Chapter 90
-Chapter 91
-Chapter 92
-Chapter 93
-Chapter 94
-Chapter 95
-Chapter 96
-Chapter 97
-Chapter 98
-Chapter 99
-Chapter 100
Part Two - Chapter 101
-Chapter 102
-Chapter 103
-Chapter 104
-Chapter 105
-Chapter 106
-Chapter 107
-Chapter 109
-Chapter 110
-Chapter 111
-Chapter 112
-Chapter 113
-Chapter 114
-Chapter 115
-Chapter 116
-Chapter 117
-Chapter 118
-Chapter 119
-Chapter 120
-Chapter 121
-Chapter 122
-Chapter 123
-Chapter 124
-Chapter 125
-Chapter 126
-Chapter 127
-Chapter 128
-Chapter 129
-Chapter 130
-Chapter 131
-Chapter 132
-Chapter 133
-Chapter 134
-Chapter 135
-Chapter 136
-Chapter 137
-Chapter 138
-Chapter 139
-Chapter 140
-Chapter 141
-Chapter 142
-Chapter 143
-Chapter 144
-Chapter 145
-Chapter 146
-Chapter 147
-Chapter 148
-Chapter 149
-Chapter 150
-Chapter 151
-Chapter 152
-Chapter 153
-Chapter 154
-Chapter 155
-Chapter 156
-Chapter 157
-Chapter 158
-Chapter 159
-Chapter 160
-Chapter 161
-Chapter 162
-Chapter 163
-Chapter 164
-Chapter 165
-Chapter 166
-Chapter 167
-Chapter 168
-Chapter 169
-Chapter 170
-Chapter 171
-Chapter 172
-Chapter 173
-Chapter 174
-Chapter 175
-Chapter 176
-Chapter 177
-Chapter 178
-Chapter 179
-Chapter 180
-Chapter 181
-Chapter 182
-Chapter 183
-Chapter 184
-Chapter 185
-Chapter 186
-Chapter 187
-Chapter 188
-Chapter 189
-Chapter 190
-Chapter 191
-Chapter 192
-Chapter 193
-Chapter 194

-Chapter 108

44 1 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 108: But the Road Ahead is a Page Unread

I sit down beside Gai as he sets down his phone. His phone is different from mine, but mine is from a different brand that isn't as popular here. Everyone uses phones by other companies here since they're popular. American brands just happen not to be as popular at the moment.

He invited me to some hotel called the Spectacular Hotel, which seems awfully fancy. I know he's meeting Aruto up here since he sent me some of the details by email. So, I'm not that lost, but I still don't have much clue about what is going on. Everything is hectic right now for me due to my current situation.

"I see that you made it," Gai says, looking at me and turning his body a bit. "I have tea down for you. I was going to have a cup of coffee, but I don't want you to feel like you need to have some." I would kill for a cup of coffee right now.

I nod my head and look down, staring at my tight black dress that is clutching all the right areas of my body right now. Is this too much for being here at his side? I don't want Aruto to get the wrong idea about me and Gai. I still haven't told him about kissing Gai at ZAIA.

"Ah, here there are," Gai says and I look up and over as Aruto and Izu enter the room. It is great to see them right now.

Aruto sits down and he pulls a cup closer to him. "I see that you're early, President Amatsu," Aruto says and his eyes go to me. "Mari."

I bow my head a bit. "Aruto."

"There is no need to be shy with each other. You can say how much you desire my wife in front of me," Gai tells Aruto, giving him the okay to be kind of normal with me. I'm sure if Aruto does, Gai will just record it and share it with the entire universe.

Besides, it isn't appropriate for Aruto to voice his feelings to me in front of Gai and Yua. Both of them are not to be trusted right now. None of them can be trusted except Aruto. I think I can only somewhat count on Yua, but she's mostly his lackey at the moment and has turned me over to Gai a lot. 

"It is fine." Aruto's eyes go to Gai. "So, it is that time again, huh?"

"Yes, it is time for the fourth round of the five-round competition between our companies," Gai responds. I think Yua is behind us now since she was off in the corner when I came into the room. "This round will be a firefighter showdown."

"A firefighter showdown?" Aruto asks. That is an interesting showdown to do.

"Yes, it will be a firefighter showdown," Yua answers. "Our representative is Captain Takeshi Homura."

"How about this firefighter for our representative?" Izu asks, putting a hand up to the right HumaGear module and touching it. A hologram screen appears, showing a firefighter HumaGear doing a pose. "Firefighter-type HumaGear, 119nosuke."

"119nosuke?" I can't believe that is a name for a HumaGear. It makes Horobi's name sound so beautiful and his name means 'destroy' if I'm correct.

I get the meaning behind the name, but does he really need to be named that? It doesn't seem all that fitting. He's putting out fires and saving lives! Shouldn't he get a more fitting name for himself? 

"119nosuke? He's perfect!" Aruto nods his head and I look at Gai, trying to resist the urge to smile from Aruto's cute reaction to 119nosuke as his representative. I must remain serious during this meeting. 

"What are the rules?" Izu asks, getting straight to business.

Gai picks up his steaming drink and stares ahead at Aruto. "The rules are simple. Whoever saves the most people from a fire will win. It is a simulated fire, so it won't be dangerous to anyone participating." So, it is simple this time? I wonder what could go wrong.

"Ah, okay then."

I look over as Aruto picks up his drink and downs it, chugging it down quickly so he can get out of Gai's face as soon as possible. If only that could be easy for me. I'm stuck here with him until he's done having me around for his precious image.

Aruto puts out his arm and stares at Gai. "You're on," he says as Izu copies his pose. Hey, he's doing what 119nosuke did in his picture! That is so cute!

I look down at my legs, which are bare, and dig my nails into them. I have to resist reacting or else I'll get into serious trouble with Gai. Even though I'm free of him and his hold on me, he can easily latch back onto to me and never let me go. He is the kind of person who is like a snake. Instead of lying on the internet, he's wrapping his body around me and holding onto me tightly so I can't go anywhere. 

"I guess we are done here now. President Hiden, will you allow me to have a moment with Mari? Yua, can you step out for a moment as well?" Gai asks. Wait, what? Why?

"I have to go right now so you can have time with her. I trust that she can handle herself," Aruto says, giving Gai his permission to chat with me. I know he doesn't want me to do so, but he has no choice but to let Gai have this.

"Yes, President Amatsu," Yua says. So, she's just going to go? Of course. 

I look up as Aruto moves around the couch and heads to the exit with Yua following. I look over at Gai as he uncrosses his legs and places his cup down. He looks so rich and splendid, like this hotel. Do I even have the right to be next to him right now in this place?

I don't know what to feel towards him right now after knowing about him and Elise's true relationship. They were indeed having an affair, but he got used and abused by Elise. I am truly sorry for wanting to be like her so long ago.

"Mari, you look so beautiful today," Gai says, giving me a compliment. "I know you must be on edge, but you do not have to worry. I will not touch you unless you want to be touched by me."

I turn to him and bring my eyes up to him, digging my nails even more into my legs. "I'm sorry for asking such odd questions the other day. That was wrong of me to do and I feel so bad for making you think an entirely different thing that I wanted you to."

"You do not need to apologize," he tells me. "Mari, you can do what you want to now that you're not with me." Yeah, sure! I am not sure if I can believe that since it is coming from his lips.

He moves even closer to me and I look him in the eyes, my eyes probably wide. What is he doing? Why is he so close to me and smelling so fresh?

He grabs my hands and takes them from my legs, removing my nails from my skin. "You're nervous aren't you? Is it because you decided to go braless?" 

He can tell that I didn't put one on? How? He can't see the nipples through it because it has something that prevents them from being obvious in it. I was hoping that Aruto would notice my look today and stare at me like I'm the best looking thing in the room!

"Gai..." I didn't do it for him. I did it because I didn't feel like putting one on today and to have Aruto stare at me. I didn't do anything for him. 

"I know it isn't for me," he says, eyes burning a little bit. "You did it for yourself and you are pulling it off well. Your breast are quite nice from what I remember." I am sure he also knows I did it for Aruto, but he doesn't want to talk about him. 

My face heats up. "No..." They're not that nice.

"I think you're a beautiful woman," he says and he gets even closer to me. "Mari, if you want me, you can have me. I'm always going to be here waiting for you. I will always wait to touch you and feel what I once had." He's doing this for a reason and I want to know why. I know it isn't because he's attracted to me. 

I look away and clear my throat. "I suppose I should get going."

"Do you even want to go?" he asks, smirking a little. 

He's right though. Why would I want to go when Horobi is out there and up to no good once again? I am aware that he is going to try and hurt humanity once more. I may be powerless, but someone has to protect this place. It isn't like I don't have keys to work with or a driver, I can always borrow what was developed for Abyss and hope it works. But are they able to allow me to have it? 

"I have to go." Even if Horobi is there, I have to face him and deal with him. "I'm a Kamen Rider and even though I can't transform, it is my job to face him. I have to see him." 

"But do you want to go?"

I turn to him. "I-"

"You don't. You know if you go, that you might run into Horobi and end up in serious trouble," Gai says, cutting me off. "You're afraid of breaking someone's fragile heart and ending up in bed with the enemy."

"Do you think he'll get over you loving a HumaGear?"

"I..." I won't do that. I am not that kind of person. 

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out my cell phone, my eyes looking over the ID. Isamu is calling me. What does he want with me?

"You can answer it," Gai says, moving a bit away from me. I can feel him doing so.

I slide my finger on the screen, accepting the call, and put the phone up to my ear. "What do you need, Isamu? I'm sure you're calling me for help with something. Am I correct?" I ask. I'm just going to get to the point. I'm not going to wait around all day for him to get to it.

"Mari, I need you assistance with bringing in Horobi and Jin," Isamu tells me, answering my question along with getting to the point. "Tomorrow."

"I see. I'll be there." I look at Gai. "I'll only help if it is that. I do not wish to harm them." I don't care if he thinks badly of me for wanting to leave them be.

"I understand. Don't worry, I'm only taking them in," Isamu assures me. "I'll see you at Daybreak. We'll wait for them to come out." Horobi won't be surprised if we show up. The Ark will probably let him know about us being outside.

"Got it. I'll see you soon." I remove my phone from my ear and hang up the call. "I have to go and assist Isamu." It isn't a total lie. I have to prepare for tomorrow.

"That little stray puppy? I hope you have fun with assisting him," Gai tells me as he stands up. "I will walk you outside. It is important for us to be seen together still until we handle all the other details in private along with the story." So, he intends to end our marriage peacefully? Good on him.


Now, I'm going to have to head to Daybreak tomorrow and be free of Gai, which is a good thing. I do not wish to spend anymore time with him.  

A/n: I am just going to go ahead and post this because I wanna save the next update for meeting up with Horobi. I love to write Mari's scenes with Horobi just as much as I love writing for her and Aruto. The difference in dynamics between the two pairings is just a lot of fun honestly.

Now, what do you think will happen once Mari and Horobi see each other in the open? Also, Jin will be there. What do you think he's up to? I won't give spoilers out. 

Thanks for reading! 

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