The Dark Blue

By Cellienda

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Audree Melany can read auras, people moods. While knowing everyone's true nature and seeing through lies she... More

Ch 1. The New Light Appearing
Ch 2. Unsensed Fight
Ch 3. I Have To Tell You Something
Ch 4. Secret That's Been Heard
Ch 5. Unexpected Contact
Ch 6. More Than Expected
Ch 7. Sudden Change
Ch 8. Evolve
Ch 9. Disappearing
Ch 10. I See It
Ch 11. Not Getting It
Ch 12. Not Me
Ch 13. My Fear
Ch 14. Cry Party
Ch 15. Ready
Ch 16. A Faraway Dreamland
Ch 17. Being In The Spotlight
Ch 18. Fight
Ch 19. Just Not Working
Ch 20. Finding It
Ch 21. Stopping Time
Ch 23. Going To Achieve It
Ch 24. Knowing What To Do
Ch 25. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 26. What Do We Have Here?
Ch 27. Don't Want To Feel Anything
Ch 28. Reek Of Light
Ch 29. Can't Let You
Ch 30. Help Me
Ch 31. Can't Move
Ch 32. Forget It All
Ch 33. Share
Ch 34. Sorry
Ch 35. Let's Get To The Business
Ch 36. Everyone Against Audree
Ch 37. No Life
Ch 38. It Takes Time
Ch 39. On The Right Track
Ch 40. Go
Ch 41. Lines
Ch 42. Dark
Ch 43. Bloodstains
Ch 44. Sealed Lips
Ch 45. I Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 46. Confusing
Ch 47. Updating Me
Ch 48. Coach You
Ch 49. A.J Virtue
Ch 50. A Lot To Work On
Ch 51. I Will Show You
Ch 52. The Start
Ch 53. Push-up Bras
Ch 54. Shoulder of The Judges
Ch 55. I Miss You
Ch 56. Right
Ch 57. Are You A Jerk
Ch 58. Mine
Ch 59. No Rush
Ch 60. Welcome To West Bite
Ch 61. Celebration?
Ch 62. No One Else Has This
Ch 63. Gamble
Ch 64. Free
Ch 65. Clucking Sounds
Ch 66. Stay
Ch 67. Challenge Accepted
Ch 68. Embarrassment
Ch 69. Mistake
Ch 70. Certain
Ch 71. Truth
Ch 72. Zach
Ch 73. Click
Ch 74. Frustration
Ch 75. Cheers

Ch 22. What Can I Ever Understand

607 20 4
By Cellienda

Dedicated to Br00kie, just because of your cute comment! :)



I couldn't be weak. I couldn't act like a child and skip school. Like I did weeks ago. I was so much better than that, and I needed to take it the mature way. I kicked off my cover with my legs flying off in the air; I regretted it immediately, feeling the chill down to my toes when the cold air surrounded my body. Get out of the bed. Now.

I groaned and lifted my heavy head from the soft bed. The pillow was on the floor and it seemed like I threw it down there before going to sleep. I never slept with a pillow since I thought it felt better without it. It always felt nice to hug it at bad times but it seemed so unnecessary under my head.

Why did I turn so weird when I found out about them being together before? I couldn't like Zach in that way. Not that fast. Something like love was so unknown to me. I never knew how it felt like. And I barely know Zach anyway.

"Mom, how did you meet dad?" I asked her as she was sitting in front of me with her water in her hand, when I had finally gotten off my bed to the kitchen. She put it down on the table and looked at me. "We were classmates." she shyly mumbled. I could even see some blush under her foundation. Wow. My mom still seemed to love my dad. But why wasn't he here then? Why wouldn't she tell me where or who he is then?

"How did you get together?" I curiously asked her. This time she started hesitating. "Why do you want to know suddenly?" she asked me with a bothered smile. I squinted my eyes. It's about my father. Who I have never met in my life.

"You still won't tell me right?" I sighed and saw her doing it too.

"You know that I don't like... talking about him." she said and I hinted some tears in her eyes. This wasn't leading me anywhere. What the hell did my dad do to her? I left my plate on the counter and left to the living room, watching tv. I noticed how everyone on tv except documentaries were actors. It felt weird. I had never given it a thought before.

The acting world had opened up for me. I saw people playing their role carefully with all their heart and couldn't help concentrating on their character and lines. Then repeating it, seeing if I could had done it any better. Acting was fun.

I was totally lost in my own world and suddenly heard my phone ring. I ran up expecting it to be Krystal but when I saw the screen I couldn't help opening my mouth. I answered it with a weak hello.

"I'm outside." Zach said without any emotion in it. I was quiet because I didn't know what to do.

"Why are you here?" I mumbled into my phone as I clenched it. It made a cracking noise and I knew that it would break if I kept going on like that.

"I want to explain some things." he told me and with that I shut my phone and looked outside the window. Indeed he was outside at the porch sitting on the stairs with his phone to his ear. I ran down and slung the door open seeing him there slowly turning around to see me.

"Hey." I said as I swallowed the big lump at the back of my throath. His eyes pierced right through me like he knew every thought that was inside my head. It was scary, that feeling - Even though I always was the one knowing peoples true thoughts. It was the same treatment I had been given back at that moment.

I took careful steps closer and ended up sitting next to him. "Hey." he replied back looking down at the grass. It was so dead in the air with the awkward silence.

"You have a lot to explain." I finally pushed out of my mouth. He chuckled. "That's right."

"You two were together before." I said in his place, because that was just as far as I had gotten.

"Yeah." he nodded looking at me then.

"Why did you move to Kandred?" I repeated the question that had always flooded inside my head. He hesitated for a second, not knowing what to say.

"That's a whole different story. A very long one." he said but it wouldn't stop me. I shifted my eyes looking at the trees in front of me instead.

"I want to hear it." I was stubborn and that was it. I grabbed his arm clenching it like there was no tomorrow.

He opened his mouth and I waited for his words to escape from them. But he was stuck. But I finally felt hope when his lips started to move and I heard a mere word. "When..." he mumbled. He was going to tell me. It felt just like that time when Krystal was about to tell me her secret. That feeling. Satisfying the curiousness.

He was freezed at that moment when he was just about to say one little word. Was it that hard? I was so impatient and couldn't stop shaking. I decided to hold on longer because if I kept pushing him nothing would ever leave his mouth. I looked up at the sky impatiently trying to reduce the annoying feeling that can't seem to wait. I saw mom on the balcony behind us on the second floor as I had leaned all the way back. She was holding a bucket, a blue bucket to be specific and I knew exactly what she was doing. I felt a huge chill when water was spilt on me and Zach. Did mom just do that?

I had never been bothered by the way mom always dumped water from the balcony whenever she'd clean the aquarium every Tuesday, since I always knew that I should never be near the porch at Tuesday mornings. I had thought twice about how someone could be standing there about that time and get wet from it but never thought that the odds were big for it.

But looking at me at that time I was really stupid. I didn't think about it at all. I had totally forgotten as it didn't feel like a Tuesday for me.

"Oh dear lord I'm so sorry my baby!" mom shrieked when she heard my yelp looking down at us. She caught Zach looking up at her with his completely drenched clothes and started to shower us with apologies. Just when he was about to tell me.

I sighed and got up. "Great job mom..." I sarcastically told her and I saw how much guilt flooding into her. She sprinted down and said hi to Zach with curiosity around her as her aura was full of it, and of course his was empty as usual.

"I'm Audree's mom, Laura." she introduced herself. Totally amazed by Zach. He was the first boy that had been near our house after all. "Uhm... Are you... Audree's... Boyfriend?"

"We're friends.'" we both said in unison. Now awkward moment. But I had kissed Zach once. But he was only helping me for my confidence though. It didn't count right? No feelings.

"Oh alright." mom smiled and suddenly noticed that we were both wet. "Get in and shower now. I'm so sorry!" she cried, totally forgetting what she had done. I sighed and tugged his shirt, leading him into our house. "As an apology you don't need to go to school today..." mom mumbled as I walked. Not that I never had a problem getting permission from her about going to school. But I still smiled at her because she tried to make up for it.

He caught the sight of my room and looked around sucking in all the details. Not that there were any. My room didn't have any personality at all I thought. We just stood there like stupid idiots, not knowing what to do.

"Go take a shower." I said, trying to fill the silence. He looked at me with big eyes.

"No need. Just water." he flashed me that smile again and I grinned. "You have fishpee all over yourself..." I smirked and that was enough to make him go. I brought him a towel and heard him enter the bathroom. What did I just do? It felt weird having a boy taking a shower in my bathroom. Since when did I become one of those girls that have boys over in my room?

"Audree!" mom called for me and suddenly entered my room.

"What?" I asked her. She smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. "Be careful." I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"What? Why?" I couldn't help to ask her. She raised her eyebrows.

"He's a boy!" she shrieked. I gave her a pat on her shoulder. She was worried over nothing. She left still a bit worried but I ignored it and closed the door as I heard the water flow from the shower. At that moment it started to feel weird. I suddenly thought about that time when he was about to tell me. Another minute and I'd know it. I'd known his secret. Why he came to Kandred. And why he was so mysterious. And maybe about his aura. He didn't know about me clearly, but his aura might had been his power. To be able to hide aura. It was a boring ability but it sure was convenient if he didn't want me to know his feelings.

I sat on my bed and started listening to the sound of the water running in my bathroom. As I sat there thinking about him being in there I grew a bit nervous again. I laid down to feel better but it didn't help at all. When I was thinking about it, he was the first guy to be with me like that. Not afraid of being seen with me. He wasn't like Matt at all. Matt was afraid of being seen with me. The Matt from our childhood, when we were both eight was nothing. That time was the fun part of my life actually, except of my new time with Krystal. When you were a child everything was fine. No worrying about your looks or homework. None of those things ever existed in your brain before. Why even grow up?

I heard the door open and sat up looking at him with big eyes. He was all wet and half naked covering his lower part with his towel. He looked at me with concerned eyes. "I don't have any spare clothes..." he mumbled and looked around. I nodded.

"I noticed." I added to fill the silence. I threw him a really big T-shirt, the one that had always been on my table next to my door for my whole life - That one shirt that belonged to my father and was the only thing left after him, with the name tag "George Melany" at the back of the collar. It was the my only proof that my father did exist. Maybe he was dead. Maybe not.

I had always been protective of my dad's shirt. If it was away from my sight, from that one spot it's always at - I'd panic. Well, actually I wouldn't even know what I'd do, because such as it disappears has never happened. But at that moment it was a whole other story, because I couldn't think as he was standing in front of me with only a small towel draping over his lower part with his wet hair dripping along his jawline.

My life had always depended on trust, and my trust towards men had always been weak since I was small. But there was a guy in my room at that time, and thinking about my dad was last on my list. All my thoughts had fit in that slow-motion movement as he caught the t-shirt I had thrown to hastily making him back a step only to hit the wall with a soft bump.

I was always worried as my eyes would sneakily steal glances of the white towel around his waist. It felt like it would fall anytime especially when he caught the shirt I threw. I made myself look in his eyes and met his sea blue eyes again.

Again, and again, and again. It would never change as his feelings would never show up. It was ridiculous how I was annoyed of it and envied my power of other people, wanting to know everything that went through his head. I never liked my ability and felt indifferent because of it but not at that time, because it was like I had lost my power and wanted it back. It was needed, But wouldn't work. Was there something wrong with me or him? Was he different from all the others, or was my ability having a flaw?

"Thanks." he told me as I had frozen on that very spot. He closed the door and I stood there left alone like an idiot. Why was I so impatient whenever he'd be near me? Why was that worrying feeling in my stomach haunting me every moment?

I sat down on the bed crossing my legs comfortably on the soft cover and sighed, as I fell down with my back landing on the pillow behind me. I couldn't even understand myself anymore. Even trying to see my own feelings in the mirror was useless as the light would blind me and strike all the spots of color. It was a good thing though, but not at that time. Confidence was always something good, but not when you don't even know your own feelings.

How hard was it to just say it? My head was filled with questions. Just say it. Just push it out. Even if he wasn't there. "I don't understand you." I mumbled, looking at the empty roof feeling the gravity pull me down. "What are you thinking about?" A lot of pressure was released from my chest. Why? I didn't even ask it to him. Just the question getting out was good enough.

"I've heard that before." his voice said right next to me, giving me a scare to death. I jumped up on the bed in rush, not knowing what I had done. He had sneaked out of bathroom standing right next to my bed, and what was the only thing distracting me was my own thoughts. I needed to pay more attention to what was actually going on around me. But what surprised me was what he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, signaling him to sit next to me. He hesitated but did in the end and took a deep breath.

"I guess people think that I'm hard to understand. I don't show many emotions." he told me, and I felt more to his words. I don't show many emotions. It had a deep impression to me. Why? No idea. It felt like he had said it many times, and that there was something deep in it. He does show emotions. But he still doesn't. It was hard to explain, even for me. I didn't understand anything anymore because it all was so messed up. When he was angry he'd get wrinkled eyebrows and fury in his eyes. Anger. But I wouldn't feel anything. I had no idea what was going on in my own head.

"You still don't get it, do you?" he sighed. I shook my head. He turned his head looking directly into my eyes giving me a shock and suddenly I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Guess what." he mumbled into my left ear.

"I don't get you either."


Weird end. Anywayz hola ~~ Gotta love the summerbreak!!!




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