By JuviaFullbuster234

132K 2.9K 531


♥️♥️♥️ I LOVE YOU ♥️♥️♥️
"100 KISSES"
Memory Loss I
Memory Loss II


1.5K 31 8
By JuviaFullbuster234

Anonymous asked:  

Hi, your oneshots are good. I love them a lot. Can you write an one shot where Juvia is a single parent and Gray harbours a crush on her? And how he reacts when he finds out about it something like that.

A/N: Thank you for the idea… I have now wrote this idea but it might be a two shots. Hope you like it. Enjoy..
   Gray may be a bit OOC and it's a modern AU..


The first time Gray Fullbuster saw his crush was when she was playing with a small girl in the park.

One thing which is observed closely regarding her was that not only did she looked pretty and gorgeous but her personality was also sweet.

According to him, if anyone can openly smile and laugh and can constantly put up with a kid by matching their energy and imagination level, that person is an angel in disguise.

The second time, he saw his crush was when he and his friends gang when to a newly reconstructed,  "D Cafe" near their school after finishing their work. There she worked as one of the employees. 

She greeted him and his friends with a warm infectious smile which made a tingling sensation run down his spine.

For a moment, he thought his time has stopped and only he and his crush existed in that dimension.

For once the stars showered their blessings on him, as that cafe was purchased by one of his college mates, Mirajane Dreyar, with the help of her husband, Laxus Dreyar, their senior.

That's how, 'D Cafe' became his favourite hang out place along with his friends.

He made sure that they were under the light about his secret crush.

For a few months, he admired her from afar without being outright obvious of his feelings for her.

And as expected, she really had a beautiful personality with a maternal touch to it. He also found her voice to be melodious.

But not even once he got a chance to talk to her as it was always Natsu or Erza were the ones to make order and converse with her. He even found her clumsiness adorable. 

"So Gray, from tomorrow the new academic year starts, aren't you excited?"

Lucy Heartfilia asked her friend while sipping her milkshake.

Gray diverted his focus from his so called crush towards his friend to answer her question.

Yeah, he, Lucy, Natsu and Erza worked as a teacher in an elementary school.

It was the first time that Gray was assigned as a homeroom teacher for first grade students. He was more nervous than excited unlike Lucy, who was thrilled.

"Yeah, I'm excited. It's my very first experience. Till last academic year, I worked as a subject teacher.
  But I'm okay with it as well. What about your boyfriend, Natsu?"

Gray smirked as he knew Lucy would easily get flustered at the mention of Natsu's name.

Lucy blushed, "He's super excited. As usual he's fired up." She chuckled.

That's when his crush came to their table to give them their bill.

"Here this is your bill, Madam and Sir" She smiled at them.

Gray's face softened and extended his hand towards her and searched for her name badge to know the very important piece of information.

"Pass me the bill, Ms….." Sensing the discomfort in addressing her name, her crush gave out her name, "Juvia Locksar".

"Thank you, Juvia. Here's the amount. Thank you for your hospitality. Keep up with this good job." He flashed his genuine smile towards her.

He was sure that for a moment she blushed as her pale cheeks were dusted with scarlet hues.

Juvia bowed down and thanked her customer after which she got back to work with a wide smile on her face.

Gray looked towards her forgetting that Lucy was with him until he heard a fake cough, he turned towards her.

"Well love's in the air. Don't tell me Gray Fullbuster is having crush for the first time in his 26 years of life?"

She wiggles her eyebrows and her suspicion was right as Gray blushed deeply, "Shut up".


Next day, the news of his secret crush was disclosed to his other friends and colleagues in the school, thanks to Lucy Heartfilia.

"Yo Ice-princess, finally you came out as straight. For a long time, I thought you were…."

Before Natsu could finish his sentence, Gray punched him on his face which made Natsu to wince in pain.

"Idiot, why did you hit me? You ruined my look on my very first day."

Natsu hissed at him while Erza coughed to remind both of the imbecile that they were still at school,   "I won't even hesitate to beat you both into pulp in front of these cuties."

Erza glared at them which made both of them to shiver while Lucy and other colleagues sweat dropped.

Gray agreed with Erza's point, all the newly joined first grade kids were tiny and cute who looked like kindergarten kids.

But Gray was still not aware of the horror, he will face in handling these tiny monsters.

After the principle Makarov Dreyar gave out his speech which Gray and others doubted if anyone of these kids would have understood.

All the kids were called out by their name and were made to stand in line so that they could be taken to their assigned classrooms.

When Levy called out Gray's homeroom student list, a tiny blue haired girl ran up to her after recognizing the person, 

"Auntie Levy, it's you. Yuki is so happy. Look at Yuki's new uniform, bag and hat."

The little girl swirled around to showcase her new things which made every adult to smile at her excitement. 

"Yuki-chan, get in line. And this is your homeroom teacher, Mr.Gray Fullbuster. Greet him" Levy told the little girl which she obliged.

"Good morning, sensei." She greeted and smiled brightly.

"Good morning, Yuki" Gray said while patting her head on top of the hat.

After taking a set of 20 students to classroom, Gray made every student to introduce themselves which made them adorable.

But when it was Yuki's turn, Gray was eagerly waiting to hear from her as he took an instant liking towards this little girl which made him curious to know more about her.

"My name is Yuki Locksar. I'm six year old. My mama's name is Juvia Locksar..."

After hearing her introduction, Gray's eyes widened in shock and wondered whether he heard her right.

"Yu..Yuki, can you repeat again?" Gray composed himself and asked her girl to redo her introduction.

"Yes sensei, My name is Yuki Locksar. I'm six year old. My mama's name is Juvia Locksar.  
   She's 23 years old and works in D cafe. Only me and mama live together. Thank you."

The little girl finished her introduction and earned a round of applause from her classmates.

Gray couldn't digest the newly gathered information as he couldn't believe his crush is a single parent. He couldn't comprehend how to handle the news.

Then he remembered that Yuki hugged and called Levy as auntie. Now his aim was to confirm whether these news were true or not.

Soon after the bell rang, it was lunch break and the kids were taken to empty hall which were arranged with tiny desk and table where their lunch will be served.

Gray spotted Lucy and Levy standing together along with Natsu and Erza discussing something.

He rushed towards them. They greeted him, "Hey Gray, how was it?" Erza asked.

Gray ignored her question and looked at Levy, "Levy, how do you know Yuki?"

Levy looked confused as why her colleagues was so curious on that particular kid.

"Oh Yuki, the kid from morning. She's so cute. He's a ball of energy." Lucy said fondly while Erza nodded in agreement.

"Answer me, Levy. Why did she call you auntie?" Gray shot out his next question.

Even Natsu looked curious and wanted to know the answer. Levy decided to tell them, "Oh she's my husband's niece. So that automatically makes me aunt. Why do you want to know Gray?"

"Oh really, Levy-chan. What's her name? You did tell us about her once right." Lucy added.

"Is she elder to you, Levy?" Erza asked.

Levy looked reluctant to answer their questions but anyways told them a brief details,

 "Her name is Juvia Locksar. By sister I meant, she and Gajeel both grew up in an orphanage together. She's three years younger than us. 
   And Yuki was a result of misuse by that jerk. That's all I can say. Please excuse me"

Levy left the place and went back to the staff room.

Gray opened and closed his mouth like a fish but no voice came out. He covered his eyes with this bangs and left the place without uttering a single word.

His friends had a shocked and sad look on their face and remained in silence.

When the school got over, the kids burst out of the gates happily and ran up to their parents to share their very first school day experience.

Gray and other homeroom teachers were standing by the gate to look at the interactions between the parents and children. 

All had smiles on their face except for Gray. As his sight was set upon the Locksar family reunion, his crush bent down to hug her daughter dearly while the little girl kissed her mama's cheeks.

The sight made his heart melt but now, he was confused of his feelings for Juvia.

And didn't know what to make out of that still lingering feeling.

Gray saw Yuki waving her chubby arms at him that's when Juvia took notice of for the first time.

Even she looked a bit startled but composed herself as he made his way towards the family.

"Mama, this is Gray sensei. He's my teacher." She said with a bright smile which was so identical to her mother's.

Gray rubbed his neck and conversed to his crush, "Hi, I didn't expect you here. So she's your daughter, Juvia. I'm her homeroom teacher."

"Hello Gray-San, even I didn't expect you to be my Yuki's teacher. Please take care of her. And make sure she's at her best behaviour if not inform Levy-San who works here, there she is, so that I will make sure Yuki doesn't repeat that again."

Juvia said and looked at him expectantly for his reply but instead he kept on looking at her without uttering a single word.

Juvia waved her palm in front of his eyes which broke him from his trance, "Oh sorry, I just zoned off. Don't worry, she's such well behaved and friendly child. I will take care of her as a teacher it's my duty to take care of my dear students."

He smiled which was reciprocated by both the Locksar girls.

"Okay Gray-San, I will take my leave. Yuki dear, say bye to your sensei. Bye."

"Bye...bye…" Both the mother and daughter duo waved their bye and left the school gate.


It had been three months since the start of new academic year. Gray was lucky enough to have the best lot of students unlike his friend Natsu.

The kids were really sweet and fond of him especially Yuki Locksar which made him joyous. 

After the first week of knowing the truth about his crush's personal life to some extent, he was confused whether to continue pursuing her.

But as he interacted with Yuki and Juvia who came to pick her daughter after school so that she could drop her to kids play centre.

Gray made up his mind that she's worth of his love as those two deserved some happiness in their life.

Sometimes Levy would take Yuki with her to home when Juvia didn't turn up whic gave him an excuse to visit the D cafe to meet and know about her absence.

Gray would worry if Juvia was unwell that's why she didn't turn up but her reason would be extra work duty, whic would made him feel relieved.

Like that, he got a chance to talk with her without making her feel suspicious of his intent.

Now he was sure that Juvia considers him and his friends as her friends much to his delight.

"Hey Gray, you have a visitor" Natsu called him out which made Gray to get up from his chair and go towards the door of staff room.

When Gray came to the door, he saw Yuki and a boy sobbing hardly and Erza, their P.E teacher.

"Gray, these two were yelling at each other and by the time, I went to separate these two, Yuki punched Idiki on his face and began to cry. Now sort out this issue while I go back to ground."

Erza left the kids and ran towards the ground.

Both Natsu and Gray got reminded of time when Erza would beat crap out of them and saw Yuki as mini-Erza.

"Come in both of you" Natsu called the kids inside the staff room and soon the sobbing became loud earning the attention of other teachers.

Soon Lucy came to aid the crying boy and consoled him while Yuki stood coolly as if it was none of her concern.

Gray had to hide his smile seeing the little girl's attitude. He cleared his throat and caught attention of both the kids, "Now tell me, what happened? Then I will sort out myself or by calling your parents."

As soon as he finished the last part, Natsu, Lucy and Levy stared at him as they knew what his intentions were because the last part was a fake and he wanted to just see Juvia again.

"Okay don't cry, Idiki-chan. Tell us, why were you crying? Yuki-chan, what happened? Why was he crying?" Lucy looked at the girl who remained silent.

"Yuki, punched me on my pretty face and it hurts. She's a bad girl."

The little boy told his reason and soon the little girl shouted,

"No, Yuki's not a bad girl. Idiki-chan teased me saying I don't have papa.
   At first, I remained silent but he kept on teasing, I don't have papa and he also called mama bad girl. So, I got angry and punched him. That's all."

She huffed and folded her arms against her chest without feeling a bit of guilty.

'You really deserved that punch' Gray thought to himself. But he couldn't be partial as both were at fault.

Gray bent down to meet their height and looked at Yuki, "Yuki, why don't you ask sorry to him? And you too, Idiki. It's wrong to tease and hit someone. You both a little kids and should be friendly."

Both the kids looked at each other and simultaneously said 'sorry' to one another.

Lucy took him to infirmary to check whether the punch was hard enough or not.

While Gray got up and led Yuki to his table, "Yuki, why did you get angry? When he said you don't have papa? Do you miss your papa, that's why, it made you feel sad."

He said as he sat on his chair while Yuki instead of standing next to him ran to her aunt and now was sitting on her lap.

Levy's table was opposite to Gray's table, so it was easy to converse.

"Gray sensei, I got angry not because he said I don't have papa but because he called mama as a  bad girl.
   But I don't feel sad for not having papa because I have mama. I have not seen papa even once and mama said he's bad person.
    So Yuki doesn't like that person. I punched him only because he said mama was bad."

Yuki said and looked guilty for first time.

"Oh dear, mama is a good girl. You know right. And you also know hitting and yelling at someone is bad if mama's know, she will be sad. So don't repeat it, okay!"

Levy kindly advised her which Yuki agreed.

'Good she doesn't like that jerk. I need to convince Yuki and make her see me as her papa.' Gray thought to himself and smiled.

"Yes, as Levy sensei said don't repeat, Yuki. Now get back to ground, Erza sensei might be waiting for you."

Gray told and the little hopped from Levy's lap and ran towards the room after waving them bye.

As soon as Yuki left, Gray asked Levy, "Levy, I need your help. Set a blind date for me and Juvia."


As promised by Levy, she sent Juvia to the blind date on the location provided by Gray.

It took nearly a week to convince Juvia but at the end, the latter took promise from Levy that this one would be the last and she's going only for Levy's sake not for any other purpose.

Levy saw this as an opportunity and agreed and gave the address to Juvia.

Now Juvia sat on the assigned seat number on the local train. She felt weird of this style of blind date as such thing would only take place in restaurant, park or movie theater but a train ride on the blind date was an unique idea.

Juvia would be lying if she was not looking forward. 'It's just for two hours. I will just converse with this guy and at the end, say good bye. As simple as that…' Juvia thought to herself and adjusted the skirt to cover her knees.

Levy and Lucy picked her outfit which consists of a white sleeveless frill collared top with a tight mid-thigh skirt along with black wedges, bracelet, sling bag and subtle makeup with a free wavy hairstyle which made Juvia look pretty and beautiful.

When asked why such decorations for a simple date, the elder girls told her 'because you deserve it'.

Levy and Gajeel promised to take care of Yuki for rest of the day so that Juvia could feel free and relaxed.

As she waited for her date to arrive and occupy her opposite chair car seat, the doors of the compartment opened to reveal a tall, raven spiky haired, nice built man who wore white tight t-shirt, black jeans along with shades and a cross pendant silver chain which dangled on his neck.

Juvia couldn't identify his face he wore the shades but she knew he was the one with whom she was going to enjoy this train journey as they wore the same colour.

He smiled at her which made her heart beat faster and slowly blood rushed to her cheeks.

He, soon came by and sat in front of her. She didn't really have idea who he was until he removed his shades.

Her eyes widened in surprise, "Gray-San….it's you."

He grinned, "Hello Juvia, you look pretty as always."

Her cheeks were red after hearing his complement, "Thank you.. even you look handsome as always."

"Thank you, Juvia"

After the train began to move, for the first half an hour, they only talked about Yuki and her school activities.

But slowly Gray changed the topic to its main purpose. "Juvia, you know why you came here right?"

She shook her head, "It's a blind date set up by Levy-San. I didn't knew you were going to come."

Gray uncrossed his leg and leaned forward towards her which made Juvia move back as he kept leaning forward.

But stopped at a distance just of mere few inches, "Why if you would have known then you wouldn't have come here? Am I right?"

Juvia shook her head in denial, "It's not like that. It's just I'm not in a situation to think about myself, Gray-San.
    See I'm not like other girls whose single and lead a care free life. I have a huge responsibility as a mother to take care of my child.   
   She's the only one I have for myself in this entire and same goes for her. I can't be selfish to think for myself and my desires."

Gray instead of moving back, he caught hold of her shoulder and made her look into his eyes, 

"See Juvia, I know everything about you that's why, I'm here on this date.
    In fact, it was me who persuaded Levy to convince you. Let me be honest with you, I have been liking you for a six months now, even before Yuki joined our school. 
         After knowing about you and Yuki, I realized one thing, it was not a mere crush but love.
     Believe I have never felt like this for any women in my entire life. Of course, I did date some only because I was single and they confessed their love and those relationships lasted just for a week.
       But with you, I feel something different. I'm in love with you and your personality and of course, I love and adore your daughter as well, Juvia Locksar."

Juvia's eyes began to tear up as she couldn't believe someone was telling her he loved her for her personality and stuff.

She knew even if he was buffing but it still feels good to hear someone say 'I love you' to you.

Gray began to wipe those tears and took a bit of courage to kiss her forehead,

"Believe me, I'm not lying or buffing just for you to believe me. I'm being honest and I really love you.
    I want to have a relationship with you which would last longer and forever. I know all this might be a heavy subject to you to take it all at once.
     But I want you to think once and give a try. Even if you feel slight discomfort in me and my approaches or attitude, you can leave me and I will not bother you again.
      All I want is you to give us a chance to try out this relationship."

Gray got back and looked at her expectantly for a positive response and much to his delight she agreed which made his heart skip a beat.

They decided to keep this matter a secret from Yuki for now as they were still in testing zone and if something did go wrong, they didn't want to hurt the little girl with adult problems.

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