Marvel Oneshots - Book 1

By atlasscrumpit

1.9M 40.2K 21.6K

A collection of avengers x reader one shots. Any request you have you can add onto the first page of this boo... More

Loki - Slave
Tony - Monster
Peter - Secrets
Loki - Promise
Bucky - Hide
Bucky - Mission
Steve - Promise
Bucky - Don't let go
Steve - Promise 2
Avengers X Reader - Master!? Hell no
Avengers x Reader Part 2
Sam - Missed you
Thor - Escape
Hulk/Bruce - Lose
Wanda x Reader - Remember me. Please
Stephen x Reader - Messed Up Together
Quill x Reader - 57 times
Avengers x Reader Part 3
Mantis x Reader - Love?
Lady Loki x Reader / My gift
Loki x Reader - Unworthy
Venom/Eddie x Reader
Natasha x Reader - Secret Garden
Clint - I'll see you on the other side
Tony - Adore
Mystery Character - Bad Liar/Part 1
Bad Liar Part 2
Hela - Rebellion
Hela part 2 - Safe
Pietro - Secrets
Bucky - Fluffy fluff
Pietro - Secrets part 2
Bucky - I'll protect you
Avengers - Happy Ending?
Thor - Star
Thor/Avengers part 2
Thor/Avengers Part 3
Stucky x Reader
Stucky x Reader part 2
Peter X Reader. Numb
Peter X Reader Part 2
Loki x Reader - Lost memories
Loki - Escape
Escape part 2
Loki - Little One
Steve - Criminal
Loki - part 2 - Good girl
Bucky - Monster
Stucky x Reader - Vampire au
Bucky - Flufffffyyyy fluff
Bad Liar Part 3
Loki - A down day
Stucky x Reader - vampire part 2
Bucky - Endgame
Loki - Werewolf
A/B/O au x Reader
Loki - Werewolf part 2
Pietro - Secrets part 3
Bucky - I'll protect you Part 2
Stephen - Golden
Stucky x Reader
Loki - Monsters together
Loki - Blue
Bucky - Darkness
Thor/Avengers part 4
Loki - Monsters Together part 2
Stephen - Golden Part 2
Avengers x Reader
A/B/O part 2
Loki - Blue part 2
Clint - Family
Venom/Eddie x reader
Natasha - Casanova
Bruce - Always
Steve - Escape Hell
Steve - Escape hell part 2
Tony - New Body
Puppet Master - Part 2
Bucky - Unconscious
Bucky - Crazy
Bucky - Demon
Avengers - Broken Betrayal
Broken Betrayal part 2
Crazy - Part 2
Puppet Master part 3
Avengers - 'They'
Crazy / Alternate ending
'They' Part 2
Loki - Safe
Avengers - Protect you
Steve - Core
Marvel x reader - Blood
Protect you - Part 2
Bucky - Recover
Loki x Reader - Object
Loki - Object, part 2
Loki - Object , part 3
Loki - Just a voice
Just a voice - Part 2
Bucky - I'm sorry
Steve - Movie?
Bucky - Who needs me?
Bucky - After
Thor - Goodbye
Avengers - Hydra
Avengers - Carmen
Bucky - Hello Blackbird
Bucky - Daughter

Puppet Master - part 1

9.8K 180 132
By atlasscrumpit

"Winter Soldier!" Strucker shouted as his eyes opened to the bright ceiling lights.

"You have a new partner. Be nice." He said as he shoved you inside of his cell.

"Wow thanks. I could've just walked in." You muttered rolling your eyes. The winter soldier stood up and towered over you.

"On your knees soldier." You growled staring up at him. He didn't take his eyes off you as he dropped to the floor onto his knees. You placed your hand on his cheek.

"Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't listen to the men. From now on you take orders from me and you protect me. Is that understood soldier?" You said looking into his soul.

"Yes ma'am." He said as you smiled.


Time skip beesh

For two years you and The Winter Soldier worked side by side, taking only orders from you and always protecting you. You were both kept in the same cell every time.

"Who am I?" He asked with his back facing you. He turned around in anger and pinned you to the wall.

"I know you know! Who am I?!" He shouted angrily in your face. His face immediately dropped when he realised what he was doing.

"I'm sorry. P-Please I d-didn't mean it. Please don't hurt me." He whimpered as you came closer to him. You placed your hand carefully on his cheek.

"Breath with me James. It's ok, I won't hurt you I would never hurt you. Your name is James or Bucky, do you remember? We used to call each other by our names. I'm Y/N and you're Bucky." You whispered as you did your best to calm him down.

"Y/N?" He said as you finally saw Bucky coming back. Your Bucky. During missions you were both ruthless killers. But together alone you were just Bucky and Y/N.

"Yes it's me Bucky." You whispered as he leaned in and rested his head on your chest.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I love you." He whimpered as he clung onto you.

"It's ok. I love you to." You whispered as you smiled and ran your fingers through his hair. All of a sudden blast and explosions went off as you blacked out. You woke up in the snow. Bucky? Where is he!? You looked around and saw the Avengers and Bucky. He was passed out and they were circling him. You ran as fast as you could and knocked Captain America over.

"Get away from him!" You screamed as you dove onto Bucky and held him tight glaring at the Avengers.

"Come any closer and I'll kill all of you!" You shouted.

"It's ok we aren't going to hurt him. Or you." Captain America said.

"Why don't you just come with us and we will figure it out." Ironman said.

"Fine but you don't touch either of us." You said as they agreed and you picked Bucky up bridal style. You went into a jet with the Avengers and placed Bucky laying down.

"Are you sure it's Bucky?" You heard Black Widow ask Cap.

"How do you know his name?" You demanded as they all looked at you.

"I knew him before he went into Hydra." He said.

"Steve right?" You asked as he looked at you and nodded.

"He used to talk about you." You mumbled as you sat next to Bucky.

"Who are you?" Ironman asked.

"You don't want to know." You mumbled glaring at them. Bucky made noise as he started to wake up. His eyes changed as he went into Winter Soldier mode. He went for Steve first and tried to fight off everyone stopping him. You grabbed him and threw him to the floor.

"I'm safe soldier! Stand down!" You shouted as his face went blank and he stood up.

"Sit down soldier." You demanded as he sat down and kept his eyes on you. You hated treating him like this but it was the only way.

"Stay until I say otherwise." You demanded as he obeyed like always. You were about to turn around when something collided with your head and you were knocked out.


"Let go of me!" You heard Bucky shouting as a loud crash was heard. You opened your eyes as you saw Bucky running towards you and people trying to stop him. You used your power to mind control the people and made them leave.

"Bucky." You said as he ran up to you. You tried to move but your body was in so much pain.

"It's ok don't move Y/N." Bucky said. As you saw Steve and Tony walk in.

"I knew you looked familiar." Tony said as he came to you and cuffed your wrists to the bed.

"Y/N Strucker." He said as he crossed his arms and glared at you. Steve dragged Bucky away from you.

"No Steve stop!" Bucky shouted as he fought with Steve.

"Bucky Y/N is mind controlling you! That is their power, they are Strucker's daughter/son!" Steve yelled. Your eyes went wide as you looked at Bucky.

"Bucky -"

"That's why I never hurt you. Why I always did what you said. I loved you Y/N! And what was I too you!? A puppet!" He shouted as he glared at you. Tears fell down your face as you begged for him.

"Bucky please -"

"That's all you were. That's why Strucker put you with me. To control me! I cared about you! I loved you Y/N!" He shouted as you broke the hand cuffs and stood up.

"Bucky!" You shouted.

"No! You will never control me again!" He shouted you came closer to him.

"Please I -" You were cut off by a loud gunshot as you felt a piercing pain in you abdomen. You looked down and placed your hand on your stomach watching blood pour out. You fell to the ground as you struggled to speak.

"No!" Bucky shouted as he ran to your side and held you.

"I-I always used m-my power to g-get what I w-wanted. But I never ever used it o-on you B-Bucky. I love you t-to much to do that." You cried as he held your body close to his. He lifted you up and placed you on the bed.

"You have to help them!" Bucky shouted as everyone stood around doing nothing. Bucky ran up to Steve and grab him by the shoulders.

"Help Y/N! Please Steve!" Bucky shouted desperately.

"There's nothing we can do. And we would never help a monster like you." Steve said as his eyes turned dark.

"W-What?" Bucky stuttered as he backed away. He heard another gunshot as he looked down seeing blood on his own body now. He looked up and saw Steve holding a gun.



Bucky woke up gasping for air as you woke up beside him and saw him panicking.

"Bucky it's ok." You said as you grabbed his face.

"Shh it's ok. Breath with me." You said as you took deep breaths in and out as he copied your breathing.

"W-Where are we?" He questioned as his breathing became even.

"Another cell." You said laughing.

"You never told me your last name." He said quietly.

"I don't have one -"

"It's ok Y/N I know you're Strucker's kid." He said as your face dropped. Bucky placed his hands on either side of your face.

"I don't think of you any less because of it." He said as you finally looked into his eyes.

"And you can control minds?" He asked as your eyes widened.

"Y-Yes I can. B-But I never used it on you Bucky, I would never do that to you." You said quickly as tears streamed down your face. Bucky hugged you as you rested your face on his chest.

"It's ok Y/N. I love you no matter what." He whispered as he ran his hands through your hair.

"I should have told you. I was just afraid of what you would think of me." You muttered as you clung to his warm body. He leaned down as he kissed you tears away and then kissed your lips. This wasn't the first time you had kissed you both used to a lot before you were caught and tortured for it. He kept his hand on your cheek as he deepened the kiss.

"I missed doing that." He giggled like a teenage boy. You laughed as well until your little bubble of contentment was burst.

"Bucky." Steve said as he looked at Bucky with hope. Bucky looked at him with confusion as he turned to you.

"This is Steve. He knew you before Hydra. He was your best friend." You explained as Bucky slowly nodded and looked back at Steve.

"We have to ask you two some questions separately." Tony said as you saw the panic in Bucky's face. You were never apart no matter what. Even when Hydra would erase his memory they would leave you in the room with him so he would be calm and still remember you every time.

"It'll be ok Bucky. They won't hurt you. You can tell them at anytime if you're uncomfortable and they can come and get me ok?" You said as he nodded and Steve and Tony came in and cuffed both you leading you to separate interrogation rooms. Tony and Nat were with Bucky and Steve, Wanda and Clint were with you.

"Wanda is here to make sure you don't use your power on us." Steve said bluntly as you nodded.

"Ok first of all what is your relationship with Bucky?" Steve said as he sat across from you with Clint and Wanda standing behind him.

"We are partners both on and off the field. We never left each others side in Hydra." You replied truthfully.

"We know you are Strucker's daughter/son. Were you assigned to Bucky to make sure he wouldn't get out of hand?" Steve asked.

"Yes." You replied.

"So you are using mind control on him?" Steve said with hatred behind his voice.

"No I never did. And I never would. I love Bucky more then anything." You replied as Steve didn't looked convinced.

"What did you do to him? He relies on you for everything, his memory is gone, he is just a shell of a man." Clint chimed in.

"I didn't do anything to him. Hydra wiped him memory but like I said we never left each others sides. So even when they would wipe his memory or torture him I was there by his side." You said sternly.

"Doing nothing about it. Just watching Hydra do all of these things to him and not caring." Steve said. That was it for your patience your power lost control and you tried to control Steve but Wanda stopped you as a blinding pain ran through you head. You screamed said it all. Next minute the Winter Soldier was crashing down the door. He threw everyone across the room as the pain stopped and he helped you off the floor. He stood in front of you protectively, you were still disheveled from the pain and your mind was foggy.

"Bucky?" You mumbled as he turned around still in Winter mode. You were about to pass out before he caught you and picked you up with ease.

"Bucky breath with me." You whispered knowing it would snap him out of Winter mode. His eyes changed as he looked down at you.

"Are you ok Y/N?" He asked as you slowly nodded. Tony came behind Bucky and injected something into his neck making him pass outwit you falling onto the floor.

"Back into the cell." Steve said intimidatingly. As you followed his order, you were to weak to fight. Tony carried Bucky into the cell and dropped him onto the floor. You used your power and made Tony punch himself in the face before the door closed. You dragged Bucky to the back as you leant against the wall and hugged him close to you.

"You are staying in this cell until Shield works out what to do with you. Bucky will be staying here for reform." Steve informed you.

"We aren't leaving each other. I'll die before I leave him." You growled glaring at them.

"You think we are just going to let the daughter/son of Strucker go." Tony said.

"Just because Strucker is my father doesn't mean I am like him. You of all people should understand that Stark. You think in Hydra I just played catch with daddy all the time, just because I'm his child doesn't mean he treated me well. He just so happened to have sex with a woman one day who ended up pregnant, then bam he has a human weapon to use. Bet your daddy didn't sit by and not give a shit while you were being tortured, hurt and even raped! So sure lock me up just because of my father!" You screamed. Everyone was speechless as they looked at you in shock.

"I love Bucky with all of my heart. And nothing will ever change that. I would do anything if it meant keeping him safe." You said clinging to Bucky.

It had been a week since you and Bucky had been 'rescued' from Hydra. You were both still in a cell, Bucky refused to leave without you.

"I'm tired of this Bucky." You whispered while you and Bucky were cuddled together on one small bed. Steve came walking in like always.

"Steve please let Y/N out with me. They aren't a threat. Please Steve." Bucky begged as he looked at Steve with hope.

"Bucky it's not up to me. You are allowed your own room but we can't let Y/N out yet." Steve said as he placed oatmeal into your cell. Your eyes began glowing brightly as you gasped for air.

"Y/N!" Bucky shouted as you fell to the floor gripping your head.

"G-Get B-Bucky out of h-here." You mumbled to Steve between breaths.

"What?" Steve asked worriedly.

"Get him out now!" You screamed as Steve opened the cell and dragged Bucky out.

"No! They are hurt let me help them!" Bucky shouted as Steve held him back. You gasped for air as pain ripped through your body. Your mind raced with so many thoughts, like your brain was being attacked. Suddenly you froze and stood up straight your eyes now normal.

"The Winter Soldier has been compromised. I must eliminate the threat. It would not be wise to stand in my way." You said as you fist collided with the glass causing it to shatter completely.

"Code red Avengers!" Steve shouted as he dragged Bucky away and ran. Bucky was speechless. You stormed through the hallways as you came to a stop when the Avengers stood in front of you.

"The Avengers must be eliminated as well." You said bluntly staring at them. You leapt into action fighting each of them. Nat was first but she wasn't strong enough to stop you, you knocked her out and threw her across the room while Steve leapt at you. You quickly pinned him against a wall while the rest of them tried to stop you. You defeated all of them, they were all on the floor unconscious. All except Tony and Bucky.

"Stand down Y/N or I will kill you." Tony said bluntly. You kept your stance as Tony raised his blasters and blasted at you with full force. Bucky tried to stop Tony but he was too late.

"No!" He screamed as you flew across the room and collided with a wall. You gasped for air as you looked around and saw Bucky running towards you.

"W-What happened?" You asked afraid of the answer. Bucky gasped and backed away from you when he saw the damage.

"B-Bucky?" You asked quietly. You looked down and saw most on your skin burnt away to reveal machinery and wires, your hands had no skin left on them and they were just robotic looking hands. Tears streamed down your half burnt off face.

"Bucky I d-don't know w-what's happening. P-Please." You begged as you sobbed and reached out for him. He stood there speechless as he looked at you in fear. You saw Tony coming up behind him as he too gasped at the sight before him.

"P-Please. H-Help me." You begged them both as Tony walked closer to you.

"You're artificial." He said in disbelief.

"Did you know?" He asked with wide eyes.

"N-No, p-please help me. I d-didn't mean to d-do all of t-this." You sobbed and begged.

"Shh it's ok." He assured you as he carefully picked up your broken body. You looked for Bucky but you couldn't see him.

"Vision! Help me get everyone to the med bay!" Tony shouted as a man appeared and nodded and began carrying each one of them into the med bay as Tony carried you into a seperate room.

"P-Please I'm so s-sorry, p-please don't hurt me." You begged and begged as Tony laid you down on a metal table.

"It's ok I'm not going to hurt you Y/N. I'm going to fix you. But I need to make sure my team is stable before I start, will you be ok here?" He asked as you nodded and laid back and tried to get as comfortable as you could. You laid on the table thinking. This is why you could never remember being a child, you never were. You were just a thing, an object for Strucker to use. You had never seen Bucky look so scared. You sobbed as your non existent heart ached.

"Y/N..." You heard Bucky's voice say.

"Bucky!" You shouted as you tired to find him.

"All along I thought I was the monster. Turns out it was just you who was the monster." He said as your heart broke.

"B-Bucky please. I h-had no idea. P-Please." You cried and cried. You couldn't take it anymore you screamed as loud as you could as Bucky's voice filled your head.

"S-Stop! P-Please!" You shouted and screamed as your body convulsed.

"Doesn't feel good does it?" You heard your fathers voice say in your head.

"W-Why?" You cried.

"You were the ultimate weapon. And you were mine to control. But you began to have a mind of your own, having thoughts that you were human." He said as you shook your head trying to get rid of his taunting voice.

"You disobeyed me so much. My greatest disappointment. You think Bucky actually loved you? You say you weren't using your power on him, but the whole time I was making you control him."


"When Ironman hit you with that blast, it all broke. That's why he looked so scared he finally had his mind back. And you were the monster this whole time." He said as your screams became louder and louder. Vision came rushing in when he heard your terrifying screams.

"Y/N please calm down!" He shouted desperately as he held your shoulders down.

"P-Please m-make it s-stop!" You screamed as he forced his own mind into your and blocked out your fathers voice.

"It's ok Y/N he is gone. Look at me." He said as you began to calm down and focused on his face.

"I need you to take deep breaths." He said as you nodded and focused on your breathing.

"Here, I'll help you sit up and get you some water." He said as he helped you sit up straight and grabbed a bottle of water still holding you up.

"It's going to be ok." He whispered as he rubbed your back while you slowly sipped the water.

(Fun fact this is actually based off a dream where I woke up a robot)

"I know it hurts now, but the pain will fade. I'm here to help you Y/N, after all we are very alike." He said laughing a little as you smiled a small smile.

"Yeah I guess." You mumbled as you looked down at your artificial hands and moved them a little.

"I'm so scared." You whispered still looking at your hands. Vision slowly held your hands in his as he spoke softly.

"I know. So was I, I was terrified. I will try my best to be here for you. And I'm sure Tony will help you like he helped me." Vision reassured you as you nodded slowly and wiped away your tears.

"Vision, i-it was m-me. I was controlling B-Bucky the whole time. Strucker h-he made m-me control him. He n-never loved me, I was making him love me." You said as Vision looked at you in sadness.

"None of this is your fault, it's Strucker's fault." Vision said as you nodded. But it still felt like your fault. You leant in and hugged Vision as you let more tears fall.

"I'm so sorry for everything I've done." You cried as he hugged you back.

"It'll be ok."

(Ok first of all no it's not Vision x reader, he's just a supportive loving boy. And yes there will be part 2!) 

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