Marvel Oneshots - Book 1

atlasscrumpit द्वारा

1.8M 39.5K 21.1K

A collection of avengers x reader one shots. Any request you have you can add onto the first page of this boo... अधिक

Loki - Slave
Tony - Monster
Peter - Secrets
Loki - Promise
Bucky - Hide
Bucky - Mission
Steve - Promise
Bucky - Don't let go
Steve - Promise 2
Avengers X Reader - Master!? Hell no
Avengers x Reader Part 2
Sam - Missed you
Thor - Escape
Hulk/Bruce - Lose
Wanda x Reader - Remember me. Please
Stephen x Reader - Messed Up Together
Quill x Reader - 57 times
Avengers x Reader Part 3
Mantis x Reader - Love?
Lady Loki x Reader / My gift
Loki x Reader - Unworthy
Venom/Eddie x Reader
Natasha x Reader - Secret Garden
Clint - I'll see you on the other side
Tony - Adore
Mystery Character - Bad Liar/Part 1
Bad Liar Part 2
Hela - Rebellion
Hela part 2 - Safe
Pietro - Secrets
Bucky - Fluffy fluff
Pietro - Secrets part 2
Bucky - I'll protect you
Avengers - Happy Ending?
Thor - Star
Thor/Avengers part 2
Thor/Avengers Part 3
Stucky x Reader
Stucky x Reader part 2
Peter X Reader. Numb
Peter X Reader Part 2
Loki x Reader - Lost memories
Loki - Escape
Escape part 2
Loki - Little One
Steve - Criminal
Loki - part 2 - Good girl
Bucky - Monster
Stucky x Reader - Vampire au
Bucky - Flufffffyyyy fluff
Bad Liar Part 3
Loki - A down day
Stucky x Reader - vampire part 2
Bucky - Endgame
Loki - Werewolf
A/B/O au x Reader
Loki - Werewolf part 2
Pietro - Secrets part 3
Bucky - I'll protect you Part 2
Stephen - Golden
Stucky x Reader
Loki - Monsters together
Loki - Blue
Bucky - Darkness
Thor/Avengers part 4
Loki - Monsters Together part 2
Stephen - Golden Part 2
Avengers x Reader
A/B/O part 2
Loki - Blue part 2
Clint - Family
Venom/Eddie x reader
Natasha - Casanova
Bruce - Always
Steve - Escape hell part 2
Tony - New Body
Puppet Master - part 1
Puppet Master - Part 2
Bucky - Unconscious
Bucky - Crazy
Bucky - Demon
Avengers - Broken Betrayal
Broken Betrayal part 2
Crazy - Part 2
Puppet Master part 3
Avengers - 'They'
Crazy / Alternate ending
'They' Part 2
Loki - Safe
Avengers - Protect you
Steve - Core
Marvel x reader - Blood
Protect you - Part 2
Bucky - Recover
Loki x Reader - Object
Loki - Object, part 2
Loki - Object , part 3
Loki - Just a voice
Just a voice - Part 2
Bucky - I'm sorry
Steve - Movie?
Bucky - Who needs me?
Bucky - After
Thor - Goodbye
Avengers - Hydra
Avengers - Carmen
Bucky - Hello Blackbird
Bucky - Daughter

Steve - Escape Hell

9.2K 179 68
atlasscrumpit द्वारा

(Warning of course because it was one of my dreams lol. Abuse, violence and mental shit. Like a lot of my writing this is based off a dream I had last night. I apologise if it's hard to follow. Kinda a hint of Galra in here lol)

Tony Stark, the terrifying leader of Hydra. And his little play toy, his solider, Steve Rogers. And you... his experiment. You couldn't complain too much though, he treated you better than any of the others. Instead of a cell you had a room, it still locked from the outside. But at least you had a bed, and he often favoured you over the rest, he would bring you better food and small things to keep you busy. You were sitting on the floor with a colouring book, yeah you were an adult but being in Hydra a colouring book was the best thing to you. The door opened softly as you looked up.

"Hello dear." He said as you smiled a little.

"The fight is starting soon, Steve is fighting. I know you like watching him fight." Tony said as you nodded and put away your book, you placed on your coat as you let him lead you out. Everyone in Hydra hated you, apart from Steve and Tony. They hated that you got special treatment, they hurt you any chance they got. But Tony would give them Hell if they hurt you too badly. You kept your head down as he led you to his luxurious box where he watched the brutal fights. You would often sit with him as well, you hated the fights, but you knew better than to disobey him. A hideous monster appeared in the arena first, where does he even find these creatures? You never wanted to know the answer. Steve walked out after the monster as everyone began cheering. He drew a sword as you cringed a little, you hated this, hated Hydra. The monster ran towards him as you flinched but kept watching. The monster hit Steve as he fell back, he got back up and sliced one of the monsters arms off as you gasped and hid your face in Tony's chest. You felt his arm go around you as he chuckled.

"Come on, you're missing all of the fun." He said as you kept your head on his chest but turned a little to watch the fight. The monster didn't stand a chance as Steve began tearing him apart, he sliced down his chest as you hid your face again.

"I d-don't want to watch." You whispered as buried yourself into Tony.

"That's ok dear." He said as you closed your eyes.

"Is Stevie ok?" You asked as he chuckled.

"Yes dear he is kicking the monsters ass." He said while laughing. You heard one last cry from the monster as the crowd roared and cheered. You looked out onto the arena seeing Steve panting and covered in blood.

"I have other things to attend to, why don't you go to Steve's room and clean him up when he gets back? I know you always cheer him up." He said smirking as you nodded before he left. You hated walking around on your own, it meant you were vulnerable. You walked with your head down as quick as you could.

"Hey! There's the pet!" You heard someone yell as you picked up your pace, but they grabbed you before you could run away.

"P-Please, I don't mean any harm." You mumbled in your small voice as they shoved you against a wall, pinning you there as you gasped. One punched you in the face as they let you crumple to the floor. They were about to give you hell before you heard someone else.

"Hey! Get away from them." You heard Steve growl as the others rolled their eyes and ran off, he held his hand out to you helping you up as you smiled.

"T-Thanks. S-Stark wants me to help you clean yourself up." You muttered as he smiled and began walking again.

"Were you watching the fight?" He asked as you looked up at him.

"O-Only little parts, I had to hide my eyes a few times." You said as you crossed your arms.

"Good, I hate you seeing me like that." He said as he opened the door to his 'room.' You grabbed a bucket of water, cloth and first aid supplies as you got Steve to sit down at a chair.

"You ever think about getting out of here?" He asks as you begin to clean his face of the blood.

"Tony wouldn't like that very much." You mumbled as he nodded.

"How has he being treating you? Anymore bruises?" He asked as you shook your head.

"He's been busy lately, luckily. I don't like it when he takes his anger out on me. I-I do everything he asks, I d-don't understand why he does it." You said as you teared up a little, you felt Steve place his hand on your cheek.

"It's not your fault Y/N. Tony isn't a good man, everyone knows that." He said as you nodded and went back to cleaning his face.

"Do you enjoy fighting?" You asked as he shook his head.

"No, well sometimes. Sometimes I loose control and can't help it, but I'd rather loose control, then I barely remember anything. I hate having to kill." He said as he watched you. You took his shirt off as you began cleaning his chest and stomach.

"S-Sometimes I have nightmares, t-that Tony puts me into the arena. And you loose control and k-kill me." You mutter as you tear up again.

"I wouldn't ever do that Y/N, and I would never let him put you into that arena." He said as he held your face again. You nodded and smiled as you cleaned up the large cut on his stomach.

"Any other injuries?" You asked as he shook his head.

"I'll go take a shower then I can bandage up the rest." He said as you nodded and sat on the side of his bed.

"Leaving here?" You whispered as you looked down at your hands. What would leaving even mean for you? You laid down on his bed as you cuddled into his soft blankets that smelt of him. You yawned as you began to drift off to sleep.

Steve got out of the shower as he smiled seeing you fast asleep in his bed, he bandaged his wound as he got changed and laid beside you. He laid behind you as he wrapped his much larger arms around you, you mumbled in your sleep as you turned around and cuddled into him. He smiled as he wrapped the both of you into the warm blankets. He ran his hand over your cheek as he sighed.

"You don't deserve to be here." He whispered as he kissed your forehead before he fell asleep.

Time skip

Tony came to your room and couldn't find you, he began to get angry as he rushed to Steve's room and burst through the doors. You jumped awake as Steve wrapped his arms around you protectively.

"Y/N! There you are, I was worried sick!" He shouted as you automatically clutched onto Steve.

"S-Sorry, I c-cleaned Steve up a-and I accidentally fell asleep." You stuttered as Steve held you tighter.

"Don't touch them." He growled staring at Tony.

"Wow looks like someone has stolen my toy huh? You're lucky I like you Steve otherwise I would kill you." He growled back as you flinched and closed your eyes.

"Back to your room Y/N." He demanded as you nodded and stood up, before you went you cast one last glance back at Steve. Tony led you back to your room as you kept your head down cast. You entered your room as he shut the door.

"I-I'm sorry Tony." You whispered as you hugged your self and looked up at him.

"Oh dear I'm not angry at all. You seem to have a good effect on Steve, knowing he has someone to protect makes him a better fighter." He said smiling as you smiled back, he suddenly grabbed your face as you gasped and looked up at him.

"Did he do this to you?" He growled as he ran his thumb over your bruised cheek. You hissed a bit from the pain as you shook your head.

"N-No just some of the o-others." You mumbled as he growled and held your face tighter. You closed your eyes tight as you tried to not panic.

"They should know better than to damage my things." He hissed as he threw you to the ground. You yelped as you hit the ground, he was in a bad mood. This wasn't good.

"I-It's ok Tony, I'm alright I promise." You stuttered out as he looked at you. You began tearing up as you shook.

"P-Please don't do this." You whispered as you began to cry. He knelt down to you as you flinched and turned your head away waiting for something. He gently placed his hand on your cheek and made you look at him.

"I'm sorry for scaring you sweetie." He whispered as you opened your eyes to look at him.

"You know I can loose control when I get angry." He said as he looked at your scared, bruised face. You jumped up and hugged him as you buried your face in his chest. You knew all of this was wrong, he didn't actually love you. But he was all you knew, the only thing close to comfort you had.

"Oh dear it's ok. But I'm warning you dear, you are not Steve's. You are mine." He hissed as he gripped your hair tightly.

"Do you understand that?" He growled as his grip began getting tighter and tighter.

"Y-Yes Tony. I know, I'm sorry I just like s-spending time with Steve. T-That's all." You muttered as you felt him nod.

"I don't mind sharing you every now and then. But I tell you when you can see him or not alright? If I ever catch him touching you again without my permission I will put you into that arena with him." He threatened as you began to shake and break away from him. In one swift movement he grabbed you again and pinned you against the wall by your throat.

"I asked you a question!" He shouted as he applied more pressure. He threw you to the floor as you coughed.

"I-I u-understand." You gasped out as he kicked you sending you stumbling back.

"Say it again!" He shouted as he grabbed you by your hair.

"I understand!" You shouted back as he hit your face. You began crying as you looked up to him.

"Again!" He shouted as you sobbed and crawled away from him.

"I-I understand." You cried as he looked at you.

"Pathetic." He hissed as he stormed out of your room and slammed the door. You curled up in a ball as you sobbed, all you wanted was Steve. You crawled to your bed as you buried yourself in the blankets and sobbed yourself to sleep.

You woke up suddenly as you heard a loud bang and saw your door fly across the room. You gasped as you backed away, you saw Steve enter as he ran up to you. He held your face in his hands gently as he looked at you.

"He did this, didn't he?" He asked as you began to cry again and nodded.

"I didn't mean any of it." You said as he kissed your forehead.

"It's alright doll, I'm getting us out of here." He said as he picked you up. You clung onto him as tight as you could.

"Let's go." You whispered as he nodded and ran out of the door. There was chaos everywhere as Steve ran through the damaged halls. You could hear Tony's shouting becoming more distant as you clung onto Steve. He ran so fast as you shut your eyes, he managed to deflect and attack while still carrying you. You heard another bang as he shielded you before running again. You opened your eyes seeing a blue sky as you looked up at the clouds.

"W-We are free." You whispered as you looked up at Steve, he was panting and in bad shape as he placed you down and then collapsed. You gasped as you held his head in your lap.

"We made it Steve, look." You whispered as he opened his tired eyes and looked up seeing the blue sky. He smiled as he looked to you.

"We can rest for now. B-But we will have to keep moving again soon." He stuttered as you nodded and kissed his forehead.

"There they are!" You heard Tony shout as your eyes widened.

(Ohhh cliff hanger)

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