Marvel Oneshots - Book 1

By atlasscrumpit

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A collection of avengers x reader one shots. Any request you have you can add onto the first page of this boo... More

Loki - Slave
Tony - Monster
Peter - Secrets
Loki - Promise
Bucky - Hide
Bucky - Mission
Steve - Promise
Bucky - Don't let go
Steve - Promise 2
Avengers X Reader - Master!? Hell no
Avengers x Reader Part 2
Sam - Missed you
Thor - Escape
Hulk/Bruce - Lose
Wanda x Reader - Remember me. Please
Stephen x Reader - Messed Up Together
Quill x Reader - 57 times
Avengers x Reader Part 3
Mantis x Reader - Love?
Lady Loki x Reader / My gift
Loki x Reader - Unworthy
Venom/Eddie x Reader
Natasha x Reader - Secret Garden
Clint - I'll see you on the other side
Tony - Adore
Mystery Character - Bad Liar/Part 1
Bad Liar Part 2
Hela - Rebellion
Hela part 2 - Safe
Pietro - Secrets
Bucky - Fluffy fluff
Pietro - Secrets part 2
Bucky - I'll protect you
Avengers - Happy Ending?
Thor - Star
Thor/Avengers part 2
Thor/Avengers Part 3
Stucky x Reader
Stucky x Reader part 2
Peter X Reader. Numb
Peter X Reader Part 2
Loki x Reader - Lost memories
Loki - Escape
Escape part 2
Loki - Little One
Steve - Criminal
Loki - part 2 - Good girl
Bucky - Monster
Bucky - Flufffffyyyy fluff
Bad Liar Part 3
Loki - A down day
Stucky x Reader - vampire part 2
Bucky - Endgame
Loki - Werewolf
A/B/O au x Reader
Loki - Werewolf part 2
Pietro - Secrets part 3
Bucky - I'll protect you Part 2
Stephen - Golden
Stucky x Reader
Loki - Monsters together
Loki - Blue
Bucky - Darkness
Thor/Avengers part 4
Loki - Monsters Together part 2
Stephen - Golden Part 2
Avengers x Reader
A/B/O part 2
Loki - Blue part 2
Clint - Family
Venom/Eddie x reader
Natasha - Casanova
Bruce - Always
Steve - Escape Hell
Steve - Escape hell part 2
Tony - New Body
Puppet Master - part 1
Puppet Master - Part 2
Bucky - Unconscious
Bucky - Crazy
Bucky - Demon
Avengers - Broken Betrayal
Broken Betrayal part 2
Crazy - Part 2
Puppet Master part 3
Avengers - 'They'
Crazy / Alternate ending
'They' Part 2
Loki - Safe
Avengers - Protect you
Steve - Core
Marvel x reader - Blood
Protect you - Part 2
Bucky - Recover
Loki x Reader - Object
Loki - Object, part 2
Loki - Object , part 3
Loki - Just a voice
Just a voice - Part 2
Bucky - I'm sorry
Steve - Movie?
Bucky - Who needs me?
Bucky - After
Thor - Goodbye
Avengers - Hydra
Avengers - Carmen
Bucky - Hello Blackbird
Bucky - Daughter

Stucky x Reader - Vampire au

16.8K 333 214
By atlasscrumpit

(I definitely have a master kink, I'm a power bottom and top, don't kink shame me. I don't know much about vampires so I'm just making shit up)

You were dressed in expensive gold silk as you sat on top of a plush pillow. Hand chained behind you. You had a mouth guard over your mouth, stopping you from talking or screaming. You let a tear fall down your face making your mascara run in one single black tear. You had been captured by these men dressed in all black, to be fair you had given them a beating of your own as well. You heard someone hum behind you as a shiver ran up your back.

"For the unity of our two kingdoms, I offer a gift for the two of you. We found her, the one with the blood of gold. Use her as you please." The man said smiling grossly at you, the two Kings came into view and you looked at them, more like glared at them. One had dark long hair and looked at you with lust in his eyes. The other looked regal and hair blonde hair and he looked... concerned? The one with the dark hair walked up to you and lifted your chin as he smirked hungrily at you.

"We will gratefully accept your gift, King Stark." He said as he kept his hungry eyes on you.

"Yes we do, and we are grateful you are giving her to us and not keeping her for yourself." The blonde said as Stark laughed.

"It was a hard decision, but Stephen did think having another who could use magic around him would be difficult." Stark explained as the blonde nodded.

"Bucky will you see Stark out, and fill him in on the unity details." The blonde one asked as Bucky smirked at you and nodded then the two men left. The blonde King walked up to you and knelt on the floor.

"Sorry about all of this, I know what Stark can be like. He is old-fashioned in his ways. But unfortunately, once a non-vampire comes into this realm they can't leave. But you are more than welcome to stay here, under my protection of course. A being like you is hunted in a realm like this, no one will come near you if the King protects you." He explained sweetly as he took off the muzzle.

"And sorry about Buck, he just can't control his hormones." He scoffed as you just looked at him.

"Why are you helping me?" You asked warily. He began undoing your chains as he started talking again.

"My heart might not beat, but I'm not so cold I would throw you out of this castle. I couldn't bare the thought of you being torn apart by vampires." He said as you nodded slightly. He looked down at you, and he immediately took off his regal coat and placed it around your shoulders.

"I'll get Natasha to get some clothes for you." He said as you wrapped the coat around you covering your almost naked body.

"Oh and I'll get a room sorted out for you, it'll have to be near mine and Bucky's to make sure nothing happens to you." He said as you nodded again. He helped you off the floor as Bucky walked back in.

"Oh and I'm Steve, sorry I never actually introduced myself. What is your name?" He said politely.

"Y/N." You mumbled quietly.

"That's a beautiful name Y/N." He said as your name rolled off his tongue. Bucky came up to you and moved the coat over revealing your neck, he leaned in as you froze. Steve pulled him back glaring at him.

"Bucky!" He said pulling the other king back.

"What?" Bucky spat as Steve glared at him.

"Y/N is our guest, and she will be treated as such." Steve said as you looked at him thankfully.

"She isn't a guest, she's our gift." Bucky said to Steve, Steve rolled his eyes and grabbed Bucky by the ear dragging him out of the room. You covered yourself more with the coat as you looked out into the eternal darkness of your new home. You did feel some sort of pull towards Steve, maybe even Bucky. Maybe it was just a Vampire thing, and what was this whole thing about gold blood? All you knew was you were a human that lived on the streets running from police. You heard the door open again and you turned around from the window. Bucky looked like a puppy who had just gotten in trouble as he walked up to you.

"I'm sorry YN, sometimes I find it hard to control myself." He said looking down at his feet.

"It's ok, I'm just a little freaked out I guess." You admitted laughing awkwardly. Steve walked up to you and gently move the coat away from your neck seeing a purple mark and puncture wounds.

"Was it Stark?" He asked examining the bite.

"Y-Yeah, he didn't give me a choice. He used that weird hypnotic thing on me." You said shamefully pulling the coat up and hissing in pain when it touched your skin.

"Here this will help." He said as he licked his thumb and placed it on your wound. The pain dulled as he smiled and pulled the coat back up.

"I can tell he drew quite a lot of blood. Do you feel faint?" He asked.

"I don't know I haven't eaten for a while, so I'm not sure if it's that or the blood loss." You said laughing nervously.

"We can get you some food." Bucky said as you smiled at him.

"I'll go get some food, Bucky can you show her to the room across from ours? And behave." Steve warned before walking out. Bucky gently took your hand and lead you out of the room.

"How long did Stark have you before he gave you to us?" Bucky asked.

"Three nights, I was so glad when he said he was giving me away. But scared as well, I didn't want it to be someone worse than him." You admitted as he opened a door to a big room.

"Can't remember the last time I slept on a bed." You said as you scoffed. Bucky looked at you confused.

"Oh, right you're a King, not some homeless human." You said as you turned away and sat on the bed.

"You were homeless?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah I guess that's why it took so long for Stark to find me, I don't exist." You mumbled as you looked at Bucky. He turned away and covered his face as he grumbled. You walked up and placed your hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?" You asked warily. In a flash, he turned around and had his hand on your cheek looking into your eyes. His eyes were bright red and his fangs were out. He growled again as he shut his eyes tight and backed away from you.

"I'm sorry. I-It's just s-so hard to control myself around you." He said still with his eyes shut tightly.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" You asked as you came closer to him. You calmed yourself down and placed a hand on his shoulder, he began to calm down and turned around. You carefully came closer and stood on your toes wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him. He instantly placed his face into your neck and breathed in.

"Does this help?" You whispered as he didn't speak and just nodded and hugged you tighter. His grip became tighter and tighter you felt his teeth on your neck.

"Bucky!" You shouted but couldn't break free, you struggled as his teeth began to dig into your neck. You managed to push him off but his teeth created a gash on your neck as you gasped and knelt on the floor. Bucky looked at your blood spilling from your neck and his eyes became hungry.

"P-Please don't do this." You said as tears ran down your face. His eyes returned to normal as he gasped and looked at you.

"Y/N! Shit doll!" He said as he held you placing his hand over the blood. His eyes turned back to red as he lost control.

"No!" You shouted fighting weakly, already losing so much blood. Steve ran in and placed his hand on Bucky making him pass out. Steve quickly knelt beside you and held you.

"Just breath doll, I can help." He said as you nodded and tried to breathe, he gently removed your hand from your neck and leaned down. He slowly licked over the wound and you could feel it numbing, your breathing was shaky as you shut your eyes tight. His face remained near your neck and he cleaned the blood around the wound. He leant back and looked at your face with worry.

"Shh it's ok, just breathe. That's it Y/N, you're safe." He whispered as he held your face in his hand. He picked you up and sat you on the bed, he lifted a glass of liquid to your mouth.

"Here this will help you sleep and help you recover." He said as he helped you drink the entire drink.

"I'm sorry doll, I shouldn't have left you alone. Bucky is still trying to control his vampire side." Steve explained as you tried to concentrate, your eyes were heavy as he laid you down on the comfy bed covering you with the blankets.

"Get some rest. You're safe." He said as you let your eyes close and you relaxed.

Steve watched you slowly fall asleep as he brushed your hair gently. He slowly got up and picked Bucky up bringing him into their room. He woke Bucky up and pinned him onto the bed.

"Bucky! I know what they did to you was awful and you can't control it! But I need you to be around Y/N! You almost killed her!" Steve shouted as Bucky looked up at Steve.

"I-I'm sorry Steve. I didn't know what I was doing." He said as Steve sighed and got off Bucky sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What is with you, Steve? I get you to want to help her, but she's just a human." Bucky said as Steve shook his head.

"She isn't just a human James. She has incredible abilities, and she's... she's my mate." He said the last part quietly, Bucky just stared at him.

"B-But I thought I was your mate?" Bucky said with heartbreak in his voice.

"It's possible to have more than one, unlikely but possible." Steve explained as he turned around to face Bucky.

"How do you know?" Bucky asked quietly.

"Her scent is so powerful, I can feel all of her emotions. And I want to protect her more than anything." Steve explained as Bucky looked at him.

"Me too." He mumbled.


You woke up not used to not seeing the sun, you wrapped the blankets further around you enjoying the warmth. You felt some sort of emptiness in your heart. You missed Bucky and Steve, but you only met them last night. Maybe it was a vampire thing? But you couldn't wait to get away from Stark. You stood up and silently crept over to their room. They were both fast asleep as you slowly crept in between them both and closed your eyes, the heaviness in your heart fading. You faced Steve and he automatically wrapped an arm around you, Bucky did the same as he buried his face in your hair. You sighed in comfort and cuddled into their embrace. You felt Steve kiss your head in your hazy sleep and he whispered something to you.

"We have you doll, you're safe." He whispered as you fell asleep again.


You woke up feeling someone kiss your neck gently, you hummed in comfort as the arm around you caressed your hip and messaged it gently.

"So beautiful." You heard Bucky whisper in his gruff morning voice. You turned around slowly trying to not wake up Steve. He ran his hand over your closed-up wound and looked up at you.

"I'm sorry I hurt you darlin' I didn't mean it." He whispered sorrowfully.

"It's ok Bucky." You whispered and smiled at him.

"Did you sleep ok?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yeah, but when I woke up I felt a little empty and I m-missed you and Steve. Did you guys do something to me?" You asked afraid of the answer.

"No, we didn't. Steve said something about you being our mate, I don't know anything about it. I'm sorry all of this has happened to you." Bucky said, you reached up and placed your hand on his cheek as he smiled at you.

"You're hungry, I'll get some food for you." Bucky said as he kissed your forehead and you looked at him confused as to how he knew.

"It's a mate thing." He laughed nervously as he headed out the door. You laid on your side with your back to Steve, your mind was racing, so many thoughts, so many emotions. You felt Steve wrap an arm around you and you curled into his embrace.

"Stop thinking so much doll, just relax. Focus on my hands on your skin." He whispered as you sighed and he began gently running his hands over your skin. His touches were so light compared to Bucky's but you didn't like them any less, he kissed your neck and whispered in your ear.

"You're so beautiful, so good. We won't let anything happen to you." He whispered praises in your ear as you cuddled further into his embrace. Bucky came back in with some food on a tray.

"Steve stop cuddling her for two seconds so she can feed um I mean eat. Sorry." He said awkwardly. You sat up with Steve behind you, Bucky placed the food in front of you. You didn't know how hungry you were until you placed the first part in your mouth. Steve and Bucky made an uncomfortable sound as you looked at them confused.

"Sorry doll, we are just hungry." Steve said as they smiled awkwardly.

"Can't you just get your blood from me? When Stark did he was much more powerful after, but he didn't have my consent and I didn't want him to do it. But I trust you two, and as I'm your mate. I know you wouldn't hurt me." You said as you ate your food and looked at them both.

"Trust me doll it's all I've wanted to do since I saw you, but I don't want to risk hurting you." Bucky said as he sat next to you.

"Steve will be here to stop you if you lose control. I'm giving you my consent to do this." You said as you looked at Steve.

"Y/N, you have to be completely sure about this. Since you're our mate it won't hurt you, but since you're our mate if we bite you then we all become bonded together." He explained as you nodded slowly and thought to yourself.

"What happens if we are bonded?" You asked.

"Bucky and I would be able to sense if you're in danger, when we are apart too long it starts to hurt and we would all feel each other's emotions. It can be pretty intense for someone who only just learnt about vampires." Steve explained best he could as you nodded again.

"I'm ok with that, when I woke up all I wanted to do was see you guys. I trust you already and it takes me a long time to trust. I feel safe with both of you." You said truthfully as you finished your food and looked at them.

"Only if you're sure doll," Bucky said as you nodded and moved the empty tray away.

"Bucky you go first so I can make sure you stay in control." Steve said as Bucky nodded, Steve positioned you so you were rested against his back and Bucky was in front of you. Steve placed his arms around your waist and you leaned your head to the side. Bucky tangled his hand into your hair and the other rested on your hip as he leaned in. You relaxed against Steve as you felt Bucky's teeth puncture your skin, you gasped a little as he latched onto your neck.

"Shh it's ok doll. You're doing so well." Steve whispered as he rubbed comforting circles into your hip. Bucky moaned as he tasted you for the first time, his grip became more possessive.

"Just a little more Buck." Steve warned as Bucky nodded and finished up. He pulled away and wiped his mouth, you smiled up at him.

"Wow." He muttered as he stared at you in awe, you blushed at his praise as you felt Steve kiss your neck.

"You feel ok for me to go now?" He asked as you nodded and relaxed into his embrace. He was a lot gentler than Bucky in everything he did, handling you like you were porcelain that would break if he was too rough. He hummed in satisfaction as the flow of blood went into his mouth, you closed your eyes and focused on the comfort Bucky and Steve gave you. Steve licked over the wound healing it. He kissed the wound.

"Did we hurt you?" He asked as you shook your head hazily.

"Wanna sleep." You mumbled as Bucky and Steve chuckled. They laid you down and you cuddled into them again.

"Thank you darlin." Bucky said as he kissed the back of your neck.

"Rest, you've done so much for us. Been so good for us, we will protect you." Steve whispered as he kissed your forehead and you fell asleep.

(I loved this I'm not gonna lie. If you want part 2 lemme know! Cause I love writing if you couldn't tell hahaha)

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