Noctis X Prompto | SMUTTY HAN...

بواسطة OtakuAnimeKissXxFFXV

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[SMUT/Extreme Mature Content] When I say smut it's because its explicitly SMUT. WARNING 18+. Do not READ if u... المزيد

Chapter 1: Morning
Chapter 2: Prompto's House
Chapter 3: Pure Fucking Pleasure
Chapter 4: So What Are We?
Chapter 5: Make Up Session with Luna
Chapter 6: Prompto Sleeps Over at the Citadel
Chapter 6.2: Prompto Sleeps Over At The Citadel
Chapter 6.3: Prompto Sleeps Over at the Citadel
Chapter 7: Up The Ass
Author's Note
Chapter 8: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 8.2: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 8.3: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 8.4: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 8.5: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 8.6: Something Is Wrong
Chapter 9: All About Us
Chapter 9.2: All About Us
Chapter 9.3: All About Us
Chapter 9.4: All About Us
Chapter 9.4: All About Us
Chapter 10: Moment Of Two
Chapter 11: Chocobo Ride
Chapter 12: Clear
Chapter 13: Truth
Chapter 14: Nothing Is Either Good or Bad
Chapter 15: Answer
Chapter 16: The World To Me
Chapter 17: Love Sick
Chapter 18: Ngh Ah~Noct~
Chapter 19: Worry
Chapter 20: Revelation
Chapter 21: Acceptance
Chapter 22: We Are Only Getting Started
Chapter 23: This is....aah~
Chapter 24.1: Secret Hiding Game
Chapter 24.2 : Secret Hiding Game
Chapter 25.1: Dominance
Chapter 25.2: Dominance
Chapter 26: Lucii Imperium
Chapter 27: Pre News
Chapter 28: NEWS & TEST
Chapter 29: Hope
Chapter 30: DINNER + DEAL 2
Chapter 31: Thank You For Listening
Chapter 32: Up for a Date?
Chapter 33: Galdin Quay
Chapter 34 : Wedding Plans
Chapter 35: Shadow
Chapter 36: Love Stalking
Chapter 36.2: Love Stalking
Chapter 37: Its Almost Time
Chapter 38: Abduction
Chapter 40: Rescue
Chapter 40.2: Rescue
Chapter 41: Touch & Tell
Chapter 42: Step By Step
Chapter 42.2: Step by Step
Chapter 43.1: Wedding
Chapter 43.1 1/2: Wedding
Chapter 43.2: Wedding
43.3: Wedding
Chapter 44: Honeymoon
Chapter 44.2: Honeymoon
Chapter 44.3: Honeymoon
Chapter 45.1: Throne Room
Chapter 45.2: Throne Room (Lucii Emperium)
Chapter 46: Cloud
Chapter 46.3: Cloud
Chapter 46.4: Cloud
Chapter 47.1: Family
Chapter 47.2:Family
Chapter 47.3: Family
Chapter 48: New Couple
Chapter 48.2: New Couple
Chapter 48.3: New Couple
Chapter 49.1: The End
Chapter 49.2: The End
Chapter 49.3: The End

Chapter 46.2: Cloud

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بواسطة OtakuAnimeKissXxFFXV

Part 2

The Next Morning


Noct slowly opened his eyes and heared someone gagging in the restroom.

Noct got up and walked to it.

He opened the door and found Prompto vomiting again.

Noct kneeled beside Prompto and rubbed Prompto's back as Prompto finished vomiting into the toilet.

Prompto panted and trembled a little.

"You OK?" Noct softly asked.

Prompto cleaned his mouth and nodded.

"You done?" Noct asked.

Prompto closed his eyes and nodded.

Noct reached over Prompto to flush the toilet and closed the lid.

Prompto took deep breaths.

"You feel better?" Noct asked as he rubbed his eyes since he just woke up.

"Kind of" Prompto's breathing began to settle down.

Noct helped Prompto stand,  "hold onto me" Noct said.

"Noct.. When will I stop feeling like this?" Prompto said exhausted.

"As long as it has to" Noct said.

Prompto washed his mouth and quickly brushed his teeth.

Once done Noct followed Prompto outside the restroom and onto the bed.

"Why did I have to be the one to get pregnant?" Prompto laid down in bed tired.

"....." Noct didn't know what to say.

"I want.. To have our baby already" Prompto sighed and fell asleep again.

Noct sat beside Prompto and carassed Prompto's blonde hair, "me too Prompto.. me too"


Noct walked down the halls and met Ignis.

"Morning,  Noct" Ignis greeted.


"How is Prompto doing?"

"Fine, I guess" Noct sighed.


"...He threw up again this morning. He wants to have our kid already" Noct took in a deep breath and sighed.

"..he'll be alright" Ignis said.

"Yeah,  I know" Noct looked away.

Ignis looked at his phone.

"Hey,  Ignis.. Did you show my dad the video yet by any chance?" Noct asked curious.

"I did. Last night" Ignis fixed his glasses.

"Right.... OK I'll see you later" Noct tapped Ignis on the shoulder and walked away.


Prompto walked through the halls looking for Noct but he couldn't find him.

"Where did he go?" Prompto whispered to himself.

He looked around and caught a glance of Gladio out in the palace garden.

"Gladio!" Prompto called out.

Gladio turned around and waved as Prompto walked up to him,  "Gladio, have you seen Noct?"

"Hey,  not even a 'good morning' anymore? All you ask for is Noct,  Noct,  Noct" Gladio smiled.

Prompto shook his head and smiled,  "sorry,  he is my husband... I can't help but want to know where he is.. Good morning though"

"Morning.. I heard you began to get your symptoms" Gladio crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I did. It feels horrible" Prompto sighed.

"That's what you get for wanting a kid" Gladio chuckled.

"At least I'm having one" Prompto retorted back.

Gladio laughed.

"But nevermind that. You know where Noct is?" Prompto asked.

"He's with Regis"


"The throne room"

"Throne room... " Prompto turned around and headed towards the Throne room.


Prompto got to the Throne room and at the door were two guards.

"May I go in?" Prompto asked.

"Oh course your Highness" The guard bowed and made way.

Prompto felt weird being called Prince or Highness. Prompto didn't feel that way. Just a few days ago, he was a normal insomnia citizen.

Prompto slowly opened the giant door and quietly went in.

Unlike the other day, the Throne room wasn't dark but light.

Prompto could see Noct from afar, talking with King Regis besides the tall glass window by the throne.

Prompto cautiously walked closer without being heared.

"...I love him dad. And I can't help but feel happy to see him like that. Even though he hates it" Noct chuckled and softly smiled.

Prompto's eyes widened and his heart melted as he heared Noct.

"Just seeing him nauseous..... It hits me that it's really happening and I will become a dad" Noct looked at Regis.

Prompto's heart softened and he touched his stomach.

"I hope I can make them both happy like Prompto makes me happy" Noct looked out the window.

"I'm sure you will" King Regis said and then saw Prompto in the corner of his eye.

Regis looked at Prompto as Noct looked out the window and continued talking.

"I hope my kid comes out as good and pure as him" Noct said.

King Regis backed away from Noct and Noct didn't notice. Noct was talking to himself. Noct just smiled softly as he imagined his life with his own family.

King Regis looked at Prompto and Prompto bowed to him.

Prompto walked up behind Noct and waited to see what else Noct said.

"I love him so much dad.... I don't even care about myself anymore. I could care less. Prompto and my child that he carries,  are what I care most in the world now. They are what make me happy and full" Noct whispered.

Prompto slowly wrapped his arms around Noct's waist. Noct turned his head startled.

"Prompt" Noct gasped.

"We love you too" Prompto whispered.

Noct turned around and then looked at Regis who stood a few feet away.

"You left me talking to myself?" Noct said.

"Not by yourself. Prompto was here" Regis smiled.

"I thought you only said stuff like that to me. I didn't know you went around expressing your love for me with others" Prompto smiled.

"Always" Noct straightforwardly said.

"Your majesty!" A guard called out to King Regis.

"Speak" Regis said.

"Princess lady Lunafreya and her husband Nyx Ulric have arrived"

Prompto looked at Noct surprised.

"Thank you, you are dismissed" King Regis said.

"We both should go greet them" Noct said.

"Of course" Regis said as he sat on the Throne.

Prompto winced a bit as he saw Regis sit where Noct and him had done the lewd.

King Regis looked at Prompto, "don't worry Prompto...there is nothing to be ashamed about. I saw the video already" King Regis closed his eyes and smiled.

Prompto blushed.

"Prompto!  Come on!" Noct called from afar.



"Nyx.. Luna" Noct smiled to them at the entrance.

"Hi Noct!" Luna smiled and gave him a warm hug.

"Hey Prompto" Nyx gave Prompto a high five.

Prompto then greeted Luna,  giving her a warm hug. While Nyx and Noct gave each other a brotherly handshake and hug.

"I didn't know you both were coming" Noct said.

Nyx nodded, "yeah,  neither did we. We just wanted to pay you both a visit"

"Oh by the way.." Luna looked at Prompto,  "I heared something about Prompto.. Are you sick?" Luna asked worried.

Prompto raised an eyebrow, "no I'm fine"

Noct smiled,  "of course he's fine. A little nauseous but it should last only for a few days right? Either way he should be happy since he is going to eat all that he wants later on"

"Wait what?" Nyx raised an eyebrow.

"You're saying.... " Luna looked at Prompto.

"Are you....?" Nyx looked closely at Prompto.

Prompto shrugged shyly, "no one told me nausea and hunger would be included with the package. It feels so bad"

Luna's widened in happiness, "oh my God! Hahaha CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" Luna hugged Prompto.

"Congrats man" Nyx patted Noct on the back.

"Thanks" Noct smiled.

"This is great news! Our kids would be the same age! I can't wait" Luna warmly smiled. She was so excited, more excited than they had expected.

Luna pulled Prompto to the side,  "alright,  so this is what you have to do when you get nausea.. "

Nyx laughed and looked at Noct.

"I guess everything worked out" Nyx said.


"Uh. Sorry for asking but I just wondered, how did he get pregnant?" Nyx asked curious.

"Through the Lucii Emperium" Noct said.

"Ah~ I think I heard something about that" Nyx nodded and they both looked at Luna prying on Prompto.

"Oh and when you get hungry,  that's your chance to ask anything you want. But no bad stuff that can harm the baby" Luna suggested.

"Babe, leave him be. There is still time to talk" Nyx called out to Luna.

Luna laughed,  "I'm sorry. I'm just way to excited!  They both are having a kid!  It's amazing"

"I'm glad you think so" Noct smiled.


"Hey Noct" Prompto called out from the restroom.

"Yeah" Noct played with his phone in bed.

Prompto walked out of the restroom and laid beside Noct.

"Hey Noct" Prompto whispered.

"Hmm" Noct nodded as he continued playing with his phone.

"Honey, listen for a second please" Prompto whispered.

Noct looked at Prompto and put down the phone.

"What's wrong?"

"....I never saw the video that Ignis took of us. You saw it and Regis as well. I want to know what you saw" Prompto said.

"You want to see it?" Noct asked.

Prompto nodded.

"Then I'll have Ignis send me the video OK?" Noct said and kissed Prompto in his forehead.

"Can you?" Prompto said as he watched Noct text Ignis.

Not long was it that Ignis answered and had sent the video.

Prompto grabbed Noct's phone and played the video.

Prompto's eyes widened as he saw the Lucian Kings surround them.

After several long minutes the video ended and Prompto hugged Noct embarrassed.

"Noct.... How embarrassing"

Noct could only laugh.

3 Months later


"Noct~" Prompto whined in bed next to him.

"Hmm" Noct answered in his somewhat sleep.

Prompto nudged on Noct's shirt from behind.

"We're hungry~" Prompto said with his eyes closed and with a sleepy tone.

"Hmm!?" Noct raised his eyebrows with his eyes still closed.

What?! Noct thought.

"We're hungry~.." Prompto quietly whined.

Noct opened one eye a bit and grabbed his phone, "what time is it?"

Prompto was still half asleep,  "I don't knowhmmm~"

Noct looked at Prompto and then at his phone.


Noct frowned and looked at Prompto sleeping peacefully beside him.

"Didn't you eat like three hours ago?" Noct laid his head back on his pillow.

"Hm hmm hmm~" (I don't know) Prompto muttered.



"......" Noct closed his eyes again and almost fell asleep.



It was quiet again and Noct thought that Prompto had gone to sleep again.

"....hmm~ Noct~" Prompto whined quietly again.

Noct grunted and rolled his head,  lazy to go get him something to eat.

"I get it. I'll go get something" Noct said annoyed.

Noct sat up and put on his sandles.

Prompto opened his eyes slowly and looked at Noct from behind.

"Thanks honey" Prompto closed his eyes and smiled.

Noct rubbed his eye and turned around to look at Prompto.

Noct leaned in to kiss Prompto's cheek and then leaned down to place a kiss on Prompto's stomach and Prompto sighed in happiness.

Noct stood up and walked towards the door.

"What would you like?" Noct rubbed his face.

"Hmm... I want chow mein" Prompto smiled.

"Chow mein?"

"There are still left over food from the Chinese food we bought yesterday. Bring us some"

Noct sighed,  "alright"

"Oh and bring some orange chicken too. And some chocolate chip cookies. Bring me water and milk" Prompto said.

"What? You can't eat chocolate right now" Noct said.

"It's not for me,  it's for our kid" Prompto opened his eyes and corrected.

Noct shook his head and opened the door to go grab all the food Prompto wanted.

4 months later


"I just don't understand.. It's already Prompto's seventh month of pregnancy and he hasn't given birth yet" Noct said desperately and worried.

"It is strange" King Regis said.

"When was it supposed to be?" Gladio asked.

They were in King Regis's office. Ignis and Prompto were with them too.

"According to the books.. Around 2 months or so" Noct said.

"That is definitely weird" Ignis observed.

Prompto got up from his chair.

"Noct don't worry, everything is gonna be fine, just relax a bit" Prompto held Noct's hand.

"No,  how am I supposed to relax?" Noct let go of Prompto's hand and frowned at him.

Prompto stood quiet and averted his eyes to the ground.

"Noct, he is right, there is no need to worry" Ignis said.

"What? How can you say that?" Noct said.

Prompto neared Noct once again,  "we can't worry about something that might be just a misunderstanding. Maybe it was a different case with your ancestors"

"But- no we-... " Noct was too worried.

Gladio pitched in some advice as well,  "Noct, listen to him. It may be a misunderstanding"

"OK I get that" Noct's voice rose a little higher,  "but what if.....?"

"What if what?" Prompto questioned Noct.

Noct couldn't say it. He could cry just by thinking about it. Noct shook his head and turned to look at his father.

"Dad,  what can we do?" Noct asked for help.

"No" Prompto said and turned Noct around to look at him, "what did you mean by 'what if'? Say it" Prompto demanded.

"I-" Noct couldn't say it.

"Say it!" Prompto got in front of Noct's face.

Gladio tried backing Prompto away from Noct, "Hey, just calm down a bit, he is just worried", but Prompto shrugged him.

"No,  say what you wanted to say!  Say it!" Prompto yelled at Noct.

Ignis intervened,  "Prompto please calm down"

Prompto turned to Ignis annoyed,  "can you not.. I'm talking to Noct. Can't I talk to my husband?!" Prompto said angered.

Everyone stood quiet as Prompto looked back at Noct.

"You think I did not take care of myself?!  You think I might have had a miscarriage?!" Prompto said in disbelief.

"Noct didn't mean that" Gladio said.

"Yes he did!" Prompto said with teary eyes.

"Noct thinks our kid is... He thinks our kid is dead!" Prompto covered his mouth and a tear fell down.

"Prompto I didn't-" Noct got closer.

"Don't-... You meant that... How can you say that? You've been with me 24/7 since the beginning. And you know I haven't done anything to endanger our child. So how can you possibly think that?!" Prompto held the urge to cough off more tears.

Noct stood surprised and with a loss of words. Noct had crossed the line and he regretted it.

Prompto looked at everyone and whispered,  "Im sorry... If you can excuse... I'm going up to my room.. I'm not feeling so good" Prompto sadly said and walked out.

Noct covered his face in regret.

"Son" Regis finally said.

Noct slowly looked up at him.

"He is your husband and you both should talk it out privately. You both are married now and should work together to find a solution and not break apart. I recommend you wait at least one more month or two. At least after Lunafreya gives birth to her baby next month" King Regis recommended.

Noct rubbed his teary eyes and nodded.

"I'm sorry to have gotten you all involved in our fight. As a married couple we should know when to argue and where. I apologize, especially you dad"  Noct sadly said.

"We all have our moments. Don't worry son. Go talk it out with him. Everything will be alright. Maybe later you'll both even laugh about this incident" King Regis said.

"You're right"

Gladio then changed the subject, " alright so Prompto is already in his seventh month? Where is the belly?"

"He has one but it is small" Noct said.

"Are you sure because I didn't see anything" Gladio said.

Ignis intervened,  "Prompto was wearing an oversized sweater."

"But either way he does have a small belly" Noct said.

"Maybe from all the eating he has done" Gladio smiled.

"It's not because of that. It looks different. His abs are even gone" Noct said.

"Of course, the abs" Gladio chuckled.


Prompto laid in bed curled up almost in a ball,  hugging his stomach (the baby inside him) in sadness.

What if Noct was right? What if my baby is gone? What if something happened?

Prompto thought in silence with a blank face.

Noct walked to their room and slowly opened it. Prompto noticed but laid still just thinking.

Noct walked closer and sat beside Prompto.

"Prompto" Noct whispered.

Prompto slowly turned his head to look at Noct. And Prompto didn't know why but when he saw Noct's face,  Prompto could only think of the worst. Prompto's expression became one of pain and sadness. A tear fell down and he began to quietly cry.

"Noct" Prompto turned around and cried into Noct's arms.

"Dear, don't cry" Noct laid beside him and hugged him close.

"What if it's true. What if our baby is really gone?" Prompto quietly sobbed.

"Sorry for saying such a thing. I overreacted. I didn't want to make you feel bad. I was just worried you know?.......... How about we just wait one more month or so? Just a bit after Luna has her own kid." Noct whispered.

Prompto nodded as he sniffed his tears away and dug his face on Noct's chest.

"You know I love you" Noct whispered and placed a warm kiss on Prompto's head.

"I love you more" Prompto sadly said.

Prompto turned around and let Noct hug him close from behind. They were pressed against each,  curled up in a ball. Noct wrapped an arm around Prompto's stomach and kissed  the back of Prompto's neck.

"Hold me" Prompto sighed as he gasped between dry tears.

"Calm down,  just breath. Take deep breaths" Noct whispered and Prompto did as said.

"Everything is going to be alright"

To be continued on the next part of. Chapter 46:Cloud.

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