This Is It

By dazzledsweetchic

142K 5.5K 966

Three popular groups who are loved and respected by everyone. Their lives will take each others turns and som... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
AUTHOR'S NOTE *must read y'all*
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 29

1.7K 88 7
By dazzledsweetchic

I know, i know >_< i'm so sorry if I only update seldomly but I promise to update as soon as possible this week until saturday because of the ASEAN that's been held in our country.

In short, I have a one-week vacation. And I'll try to update as I can.

P.S. Please vote for BTS in MAMA 2017 in all the categories they're in. And please vote for BLACKPINK for Best Female Group plus they're currently no.1 in that category.

We can do it ArmyBlinks!:)♡♡♡

~Chapter 29~

Rose's POV

"Are you sure that you can handle yourself? Want me to go with you? Or do you w-"

"I'm fine Jinyoung-ah. And besides, I'm also fine by my own" I told my cousin who's been worried since the day that crazy girl attacked me.

"I'm just worried that the girl who attacked you might appear out of nowhere around you. And we never know you could suddenly be unconscious" Jinyoung said while leaning on the front door.

I decided to go buy some groceries by myself to the market a few blocks away from here when my worriedly cousin stopped me and kept on insisting that he should come with me.

I sighed.

"Thanks for your concern but I'm really okay. If anything happens, I'll contact you as soon as possible, okay?" I assured him.

"Fine" he pouted.

"Yah, it doesn't look good on you pabo" I told him while he glared at me and I started heading to the market.

I'll be staying with my aunt and uncle, which is my cousin Jinyoung's parents, until the day after tomorrow because I should also be back to school.

And I already miss the girls so much. Even though we still videochat after their classes, I still want to be with them.

I pushed my cart and headed towards the sweets section and grab a pack of chocolate 'CRUNCH' which were my all time favorite chocolates.

I also went to the pasta section because I was planning to make pasta for Jinyoung's parents and him for dinner later.

Sadly, I couldn't reach the pasta because it was placed on the very top. I tiptoed but I still couldn't reach it and I almost got out of balance, until someone reached it for me and hold my back to save me from falling.

"Kamsahamnida" I thanked the person and stood up.

And to my surprise, it was him standing right in front of me.

You guessed it right.

Jimin was the person who reached it for me. And he was standing right in front of me after weeks of not having contact with me and his friends.

He was wearing a black button up shirt and ripped jeans. And I admit that he still looks hot.

I still felt angry at him for just leaving me. I felt my tears were coming out but I resist the urge to cry in front of him.


He called out to me and took a step towards me but I didn't move. I was really mad at him.

Why did he suddenly showed up? Did he made up his mind to go back to that crazy girl and break up with me or what?

Jimin's POV

"When are you planning to come back?" Yoongi hyung said on the other line.

"I still really don't know what to do,hyung. I can't just show up in front of the guys, and especially Rose" I told him.

Yoongi hyung was the only one who knew about my whereabouts. But he was still mad at me for leaving the guys and especially Rose.

I miss her so much.

"Well, you have no choice Jimin. You show up or I'll kill you, that's your choice" Yoongi hyung said coldly.

"Hyunggg!" I said.

"I'm hanging up, Jimin. I'm telling you to fix the mess you've made. And especially that crazy girl. Geez." Yoongi hyung said then hanged up.

"Oppa, you only have one choice...
          I'll tell the blinks that you're the reason why their lovely Rose was sent to the hospital and tell them your past about being a playboy...or you're going to be my boyfriend.

     If not either of the two, then I'll just kill her with my own two hands" So Hyun laughed hysterically.

"You psycho bitch!" I shouted angrily at her.

"Don't you dare touch her! I'm warning you So Hyun!" I said.

She's lucky that she's a girl or I wont be able to control myself to punch her in the face.

"So...???" She grinned like crazy at me.

"I'll give you a two weeks to think about it. Bye bye!" She laughed crazily and left.

So, that's the reason why I left everyone.

I was also staying in my apartment also in Seoul. But I also avoid going near the university because of some familiar faces.

I decided to go to the market which wasn't so far away.

I was pushing my cart until my eye caught a girl struggling to reach for the pasta and she was about to fall until I ran towards her and reached for the pasta.


I knew that voice. It can't be...

Rose looked up and I saw that she was surprised to see me then her eyes seem angry.

She wasn't talking and just stared at me blankly. I noticed that she became thinner and her chubby cheeks that I loved to pinch were also gone.

I also noticed the bags under her eyes. Did she cried?

The sight of seeing Rose cry makes me mad. But I know that its also my fault for not being there with her.

"Rose..." I called out.

I took a step towards her but she didn't even move. Her gaze on me was hard, full of anger and mostly...sadness.

"I can explain. I-"

"Please. Just leave me alone for the meanwhile. I j-just..need t-to..." she stuttered and I could see that she was trying her best not to cry.

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

I missed her scent. I missed her body towards me.

I miss my Rose.

"You're such a jerk" she said between sobs.

"I know" I said while I still hugged her to my chest.

I released her from my hug and looked at her beautiful eyes that I loved to look at.

"Do you want me to give you space -"

"No, I'm okay now. And you should be explaining yourself right now,mister" she said then glared at me.

We paid to the cashier first then we went to the cafe that we usually go to together. God, how I missed being with her.

After giving our orders, we both went to the usual place where we always sat whenever we go here.

"Go on" she said still mad at me.


told her everything that happened, starting from So Hyun's threats and how I saw her inside the grocery store.

She didn't talk and was only listening and understanding to what I was saying.

The waiter came to our table and served our orders.

"So..." I started.

"Don't you want to say something about it?" I asked her then I took a sip of my capuccino coffee.

"I trust you that you'll make the right choice, Jimin" she said then gave me her smile.

Her smile that I loved about her.

Her smile that showed sincerity, trust, and more

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