The Dark Blue

By Cellienda

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Audree Melany can read auras, people moods. While knowing everyone's true nature and seeing through lies she... More

Ch 1. The New Light Appearing
Ch 2. Unsensed Fight
Ch 3. I Have To Tell You Something
Ch 4. Secret That's Been Heard
Ch 5. Unexpected Contact
Ch 6. More Than Expected
Ch 7. Sudden Change
Ch 8. Evolve
Ch 9. Disappearing
Ch 10. I See It
Ch 11. Not Getting It
Ch 12. Not Me
Ch 14. Cry Party
Ch 15. Ready
Ch 16. A Faraway Dreamland
Ch 17. Being In The Spotlight
Ch 18. Fight
Ch 19. Just Not Working
Ch 20. Finding It
Ch 21. Stopping Time
Ch 22. What Can I Ever Understand
Ch 23. Going To Achieve It
Ch 24. Knowing What To Do
Ch 25. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 26. What Do We Have Here?
Ch 27. Don't Want To Feel Anything
Ch 28. Reek Of Light
Ch 29. Can't Let You
Ch 30. Help Me
Ch 31. Can't Move
Ch 32. Forget It All
Ch 33. Share
Ch 34. Sorry
Ch 35. Let's Get To The Business
Ch 36. Everyone Against Audree
Ch 37. No Life
Ch 38. It Takes Time
Ch 39. On The Right Track
Ch 40. Go
Ch 41. Lines
Ch 42. Dark
Ch 43. Bloodstains
Ch 44. Sealed Lips
Ch 45. I Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 46. Confusing
Ch 47. Updating Me
Ch 48. Coach You
Ch 49. A.J Virtue
Ch 50. A Lot To Work On
Ch 51. I Will Show You
Ch 52. The Start
Ch 53. Push-up Bras
Ch 54. Shoulder of The Judges
Ch 55. I Miss You
Ch 56. Right
Ch 57. Are You A Jerk
Ch 58. Mine
Ch 59. No Rush
Ch 60. Welcome To West Bite
Ch 61. Celebration?
Ch 62. No One Else Has This
Ch 63. Gamble
Ch 64. Free
Ch 65. Clucking Sounds
Ch 66. Stay
Ch 67. Challenge Accepted
Ch 68. Embarrassment
Ch 69. Mistake
Ch 70. Certain
Ch 71. Truth
Ch 72. Zach
Ch 73. Click
Ch 74. Frustration
Ch 75. Cheers

Ch 13. My Fear

1.1K 18 3
By Cellienda

Is this story weird...? Haha I think so but weird stuff are better than normal right? :)


Btw my famous dedications woop! Dedicated to 1D_are_immense_xx, because your comments and support motivated me today to post this chapter! Thank you very much!

SO. Thought that faster updates will satisfy you all better(well duh). Just thought you all deserved a faster update! And I'll probably get away of my every third week update and reduce it to two, that was my original plan since I finally kicked off writing! Couldn't believe that I managed over 4 months updating the new stories and not even writing! Always good to have chappies for you all stored!


It was a new sensation. I wasn't me, but I was there. I was standing at the corner, just viewing all the actions made by the other me. Whoever it was. I wanted to know what it was. It was just like that time when I was sitting on the train with Krystal and scared off that guy trying to pick up Krystal, but I never gave it a second thought at that time.

Could it be one of my abilities? Being able to escape from my body, and have someone else to do my wanted actions?

Maybe it was. A new ability. It felt good but bad at the same time. Was it something good to begin with? I didn't have a clue. It felt nice from my point of view. Being able to do all those wanted things you've always wanted, but never dared to. But if I were unable to control that power, my life would be messed up. What if there's something I want to experience as myself no matter what and, unable to control it - I turn into that person. Being trapped at the corner, watching everything as I can never act by myself. This was scary.

Was I supposed to be happy? I had no idea. Something new was definitely making me curious. But it was so different compared to being able to see auras. This could be manipulating my life. Everything is done physically. And seeing auras is something that no one else can know, and something that even I won't be bothered of.

"You haven't gotten any sleep, have you?" mom asked me all worried.

I nodded. "Just thinking about something." I told her.

"About what, sweetheart?" she took my plate when I was done and put it in the sink.

"Just something."

"Is it a boy?" she giggled. God no. Why did she have that in mind? All parents think that boys are the only problems in this world. I had so many different things though, and right now it was unpleasant.

"No." I sighed. Mom is the mother anyone would want. She is kind and does anything for me. She always smiles and give me everything I need, like making breakfast everyday and then going off to her work, managing her own grocery store. But at that time I felt a bit annoyed. Well, you can't live with someone and not get annoyed of that person after a while. I bet I'll get annoyed of Krystal soon too, but I know that I love her more than hate her. "I'm going to bed." I said and went upstairs. I remained on my bed, thinking about everything.

I'm was not going to get any more sleep that night, and I knew it myself. 

But this was worth thinking about. What was I going to do with the "new ability"? Or was it even an ability? Was I supposed to tell Krystal? Was I going to use the ability?

I had decided. I realized that nothing good will come out of it. I wanted to be able to do all those things by myself. I couldn't let anyone else do my shit work. If I didn't do it myself I would still be the weak girl. I needed to grow that amazing courage by myself, and earn it instead of just getting it like that.

I acted like it never happened. I could only see auras and that was it. Nothing else.


After some laps I stopped. I was so thirsty and I needed water. But I needed to finish some more laps first. I looked out at the wide meadow and sighed. Nothing there. Except of a bench. He won't come back. I prepared to sprint off and only took one step before I stopped when hearing something. I repeated it.

"Are you ignoring me?" I turned around and walked slowly. "Where are you...?" I called out. He had to be a ghost. He doesn't have an aura and I can't see him. Definitely a ghost.

"Here." he said and I suddenly saw him standing up, right behind the bench, which was what hid him. I rushed to him.

"You've been running past me about three times." he chuckled.

"I didn't see you." I mumbled. "Are you a..." I kept on and left a huge gap. He was looking at me with curious eyes. He had nothing around him which kind of worried me. I was kind of used to knowing how people feel. "...-a ghost?"

Well that sure made him laugh. Maybe he's not a ghost. "No, are you crazy?!" I just stood there, being all embarrassed.

"But you sure have changed." he smiled to me and I sat down next to him.

"Where were you?" I asked him, looking at him closely and slowly being reminded of how he looked like.

"I got into school." he replied and leaned against the bench with his arms supporting his head from behind. I never thought about that. I always thought that he was sick of coming or something. That he didn't like me. I was kind of nervous because I didn't know his opinion of me. I am used to it so it was weird not being able to see it suddenly.

"That's nice." I smiled.

"I don't like it." he sighed. 

"Well... It's school." I said and he agreed with me. 

"Why are you trying so hard?" he asked me. I didn't know what to say. Could I just tell this so called stranger my whole life story? I wish I could, but I was afraid of what he was thinking. It was scary not to know what someone was thinking of.

"I don't want to be humiliated again. And a bit for revenge too." I grinned. He was looking right at me. I was so scared. Why did I get so scared when I didn't know someone's thoughts? That was how everyone always had it. But when I thought about feeling like that when someone was just looking at me I knew that I'd be scared like hell if my aura-seeing ability would be taken away from me at that time.

"When do you plan to go back?"

My mind was blank. When did I plan to go back? Was I ever going back, or was my mind deep inside thinking about hiding in my house forever? I had no idea. But it was never about being thin. My problem was not my size. Well, it did rub my self esteem - but it was not the main problem. I never dared to meet my fear.

Misty was my fear. I was not afraid of her in that way. It's just that she was always the one to be there and humiliate me. And I was afraid of her doing it all over again even when I was thin. She's Misty, of course she'll find a way to do it.

What should I do? I never knew about my hidden thoughts. I never thought that I felt that way. I was physically prepared. But not mentally. I could not face her. I had realized that in life, spiders wasn't my biggest fear. It was Misty.

Why? She had the courage to do anything, no matter what the consequences are. She'd do anything to get me down. She'll never stop. That's what scares me. And that's what's making me stop. It's what makes me stay in my own little dream land thinking about the grand entrance when I enter the school. But only imagining it, and will never do it for real.

I slowly turned my head and looked at him. I had forgotten that I was with that guy. And that I didn't even know his name. But I decided to play stupid and just pretend that I didn't get what he said.

"Go back where?" I tilted my head. He was expressionless and I got that twitch in my stomach from not knowing his mood. It was like he saw through me.

"To school." he chuckled. "You always run at school time so I guess you're skipping?"

So he meant that. I was thinking about school, but the way he said it made it sound like he had a deeper meaning, like he knew that I was thinking about never going back. Maybe I was hallucinating.

"I... don't know. When I'm ready..." I said just to keep it short. But when I saw his eyes he definitely knew that there was a deep meaning, especially when I half sobbed at the last sentence. I was too sensitive. I didn't want to spill my whole life story. But I had decided that I'd face my fear. And that I'd start preparing from that very moment. I'd go imagine Misty all the time and how I give her a bitch slap! No, that's exaggerating. But something similar. Then I felt a hand patting gently on my head. I looked up and saw his kind smile, that wasn't too happy to make me feel weirded out or too depressing to make me even more sad. I seriously needed to thank this guy someday for making me realize that, but I didn't even know his name so I didn't say anything.

"Uhm... I've kind of told you a lot about me. Your turn. What's your name?" I changed the topic.

"I'm Zach Codez." he shortly said and kept the perfect harmony smile. Zach huh?

"Audree. Audree Melany." I told him my name. It got quiet so I started a new question. "I've almost told you my life story so why don't you tell me yours?"

He looked away. "It's complicated."

"I can listen all day. You know, no school for me."

"Well, I don't want to talk about it really..." he mumbled. He was looking sad so I knew that I reminded him of something bad. Stupid not-being-able-to-see-aura thing. If I could see anything around him I'd definitely not ask such harsh questions. I wonder how people can handle it not knowing the feelings of other people.

"Oh. Then... Why did you move here? To this old-fashioned town."

"A part of the story..." he smirked this time at how I hit the same spot twice in a row. I sure was stupid.

"Sorry..." I apologised.

"No need to." he laughed.

"Well, you owe me one more then." I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Because I asked you of something bad twice and you asked me only once." I explained and he seemed amused of my weird way of thinking.

"Remind me about it next time." he gave me a smirk and looked out at the broad sky. "And I'll be waiting."

"For what?" I curiously asked him.

"Until you're ready."


He's back! WAHOOOO! An awesome comeback! And this time, the name is out! WEEEE ZACH!! HEY ZACHHH!! No, lol haha. Okay anyway, I'll cast him so that I have the clear name now at least hahah, but it's Dean Geyer woop another-drowning-in his-eyes pic hereeee -------------------->


Should I do this? Oh what the hell... FOR SARAH MONTANA LIVING IN THE BOYS DORM-READERS but I'm going to release another chapter at SMLITBD, Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' Dorm, because I feel pitiful that I can't write more than 100 chapters... It feels like my readers deserve more, so I mashed up chapter 1 and two so that I could make another one!


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