The Devil's Grin - A One Piec...

By 87firestrike

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Everything has changed. I was once considered great and powerful. But I was betrayed by those I thought I cou... More

Chapter one- A New Beginning
The Makings of a Crew
The Swordsman
The Girl That Draws Maps and the Boy Who Lies
What Makes a Cook
Finding a Cook and a Doctor
The Shipwright and a Bag of Bones
The Girl Called a Demon
I Over Slept
I Hate Cats
Run Its a Rapist
Enter: The Tempest of the Seas
Sneezes Can Be Deadly
Lets Find a Cook; What's Wrong With Nami?
A Declaration of Might. The Cook's Fight Begins
Truths and Lies. Fight Like a Man
Don Creed Defeated.
Nami's Plight and A New Contract Made?
A Broken Promise The Heroe's Entrance
The Mark of War.
The Fight for the Navigator. Nami, You Are My Friend.
Arlong's Reign Ends Nami Joins the Crew
Dreams. Welcome to Lougetown!
Wanderings in Lougetown. Another bearer of the Mark?!
Winds of Change. Journey to the Grande Line!
Enter the Grande Line A Whale?!
Follower Appreciation
Our Adventure Begins! Tranquility Comes Aboard
Whiskey Peaks Welcomes You
Battle of the Marks!? Wait! Who Bares the Mark?
Howdy Miss All Sundays. The All Seeing Eye
What Happened?!
The First Snail-What Started It All
The Second Snail The Game
April Fool's Special
The Third Snail - Wait?! What?! Oh, OK. The Fourth Snail - The Wedding
Prison Can Be Fun
Followers Apre-ach!!*#&#&รท *toss* *crash* *slam!*
Trip Down Memory Lane - A Storm of Blue Crossover
Author's Note (You really might want to read this.)
Escape! What'd I Miss?
Let's Go Back a Bit
Happy Birthday!!!!
Who Is Frost? Tempest and Current
Let's Return To Our Adventurers - An Island in the Sky?!
Monkey's Business and Jaya Island
Jaya! The Pirate's Playhouse!
Followers Appreciation
Can We Really Make It?
To Eat Or Not To Eat?
The Flower Blooms
Welcome to Sky Island!!
Promises From a Demon
A New Family Member Or One That Wasn't Seen? Let the Games Begin!
Calgura or Wiper? Fight For Survival!
Taking Down 'God'
Light Pirates Are Born!
Here and Now.
A Game of Chess, A Fishing Lesson
Who Wins and Who Loses
Deeper Than Blood
Holiday Special
You Ruined the Fight!=(
The Government's Articuno.
Fight For a New Name. Who Knew Trains Could Float?
Thank You. Good Bye.
The World Cries
Rescue Mission
The Feelings of Our Hearts
Salvation or Damnation
My Curse
Ohara: First Meeting
2 Year Celebration :'(
Ohara: Strange Is As Strange Does
Ohara Burns
Danny Boy
Behind Blue Eyes
The Ice Room
Why Wait?
Three Days
For War We Prepare
The Auction
Author's Note
Izume Ame
What Happens Now?
The Goddess of the Sea
Haunted Past
Ace in Danger!
Everyone Else
Ace, Roger, and D
Prelude to War
A Battlefield is a Living Graveyard
Even If It Kills Me
The Turning Point?
Big 100! Return of Daddy's Law


444 22 9
By 87firestrike

Hey guys. Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter up. To be honest I simply lost my drive. I would think about what I want to happen next and then when I went to write it nothing came to me and I felt no desire to write anything. Occasionally I'd get it back and write something but that usually happened when I was busy and couldn't write much to begin with. So here's hoping that the next chapter doesn't take as long to write because it's going to blow your minds.

Also, if anyone made the crazy trip to Idaho to see the complete Solar Eclipse give a comment here. My family was going to go but decide the 92% in Salt Lake Valley was good enough. I'm curious what you guys did that day. Anyone brave enough to say?


D was currently steering Mary towards Enis Lobby while she was resting in the women's cabin. They would soon be arriving and he hoped she was able to get a little better. Though if the way the ship creaked was anything to go by her time was running out. He just hoped Luffy had done his part and ended things by now.

He sighed. Sometimes he wondered if he was going about this the right way. Should he try a different method? Maybe he could ask them when this was all over. Not that they would answer him. But he was over due for a visit.


Tempest let out a sigh of relief when Tranquility arrived in time. She didn't know what was so important that she had to stay behind but now that she was here the three of them could give their answer to Sengoku. Why all three of them had to be present she had no idea.

"Thank you for waiting," Tranquility nodded to her and Cur.

"We pretty much arrived five minutes ago." Tempest waved her off. "It surprises me every time someone as calm as you can move faster than Cur. How do you do it?"

"We all have our secrets." Was the coy answer she received.

"Oh!" Cur spoke up suddenly. "Like how Temp was scared of lightning until she was eight."


"It's not that bad." A male voice came from behind them. They all looked at Rocky who had just come from the Headquarter entrance. "I still get scared of being hurried alive whenever I go underground."

"It's not the same," Current giggled.

"It isn't?" He looked at her confused. "I figured since she controls storms and I control earth it was a fair comparison."

"Mortal," Tempest grumbled. Now she was in a bad mood. Those were some embarrassing years for her.

"Did I offend her?" Rocky asked worried. And for some reason he looked over at Tranquility before swallowing nervously.

"Since we live for a long time we generally refer 'centuries' as 'years'." Current explained. "So it really took her eight hundred years to get over her fear."

"Oh." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I guess it makes sense why she's mad at me."

He turned to face Tempest. "Don't feel bad about your fears. Even if I had eight hundred years I doubt I could get over mine."

"Let's just go inside," she growled.

Once inside standing before Sengoku's desk they were all business. Well, almost all of them. Current was currently playing with a small current of water, which she had nicknamed 'The Courageous Current'. She took after their idiot father.

"We've come to give you our answer," Tempest announced.

"I'm sure I already know your answer." He put his pen down. "But something has come up. A Buster Call was ordered."

Well that explained why everyone was rushing around.

She flinched slightly when Tranquility spoke up.

"What do your mistakes have to do with us?" Tranquility said coldly.

Tempest had forgotten how much she disliked the World Government's ability for destruction. It wouldn't be wrong to say she even hated it.

"We would like the three of you to go with the Buster Call," he asked without looking up. "It is a Government Island after all."

"I agreed to find my father in order to free Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates. Nothing else." Tranquility refused.

"We have already received a report of his death." Again he did not look up from his paperwork. "The weapon made from Sea Prism Stone worked in the end."

The reactions from the three of them were different.

Tempest felt an emptiness inside her that she couldn't recognize. Centuries of chasing him and trying her hardest to catch him only to hear he was killed by someone else. She should be happy that he isn't a threat to the world anymore. So why did she feel like she had been kicked in the stomach?

Tranquility had gone pale to the point Tempest actually wondered if her blood had drained. And the way her face looked, like her world had just crumbled out from under her. But the biggest surprise from her was the dangerous aura she was releasing. "If your joking-!"

"Its not Fool's Day so I doubt he is." Current spoke up somehow breaking the sudden tension. But instead of looking at any of them she was focused on her little currents, now that there was two of them twirling around each other. She was also cooing at them telling little Courageous to catch sweet Kellie.

Sengoku put his pen down and sighed. "Something as important as the death of such a demon is not a matter for joking. Hmm? What's wrong Dr. Rocky?"

Everyone looked at Rocky who they had forgotten about. He was crouched down with his hands to the floor and his eyes had a wild look to them.

"Dead! Dead! They're all dead!" He whispered over and over again. "Stop the fires! Don't lose control! Don't freeze up! They're all dead!"

"What?" Tempest stared at the kid confused. Was he having a mental breakdown or something?

"Call Dr. Vegapunk here," Sengoku ordered into a Snail phone. "He is having a relapse."

Almost instantly several scientists and doctors walked in with a gurnee. They quickly loaded Rocky onto the gurnee while Dr. Vegapunk entered the room. He watched from the background as several shots were given to Rocky to calm him. When everything was finished they exited the room. As they left Dr. Vegapunk glanced over to the girls.

Tempest shivered instinctively when his eyes fell on her. She hated the feeling every time she met him. It always left her with the feeling like she had been poked and prodded without her knowing it.

"I am sorry for the interruption," Sengoku apologized. "He was traumatized as a child when the Devil killed his family."

Both Tempest and Tranquility grit their teeth but for different reasons.

"Mentioning death sometimes causes him to act up, though he has improved," he explained. "In the past the buildings around him are turned into a cocoon of protection."

That was when Tempest noticed that the corners of the room were no longer corners but instead rounded off. That kid was rather strong for a Devil fruit user.

"As I was saying-" he continued before Current suddenly interrupted him.

"The will of D still lives." She said happily as a third current now fought over Kellie. "Though it wouldn't be wrong to say he was dead at one point."

"I have under good faith a report stating he was killed. How could he be alive?" He asked her. It didn't seem like he doubted her with the lack of surprise in his voice.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "But if my Soul Source is correct he is near Enis Lobby."

Tempest let out a sigh of relief. Wait! Relief?! Well it was true in a way. She had doubted a mortal could ever kill him. Not even Pops could have a chance and she had acknowledged his strength long ago.

"Is the deal for Ace still on?" Tranquility asked.

"It seems so," he sighed. "Head out with the Buster Call."


Explosions rang out as D heard an announcement in the distance.

"Nico Robin has been confirmed upon the Bridge of Hesitation. All shots are to be directed away from the bridge."

"Looks like things have gotten pretty bad," he called out to Mary who was standing at the figurehead. "When we arrive the best option is going to have everyone jump into the ocean and get onboard from there. We won't have time to save everyone otherwise since they could be all over the place."

"Look!" She shouting point up into the air at a tower in the distance. "Its Luffy's fist!"

"Looks like he won." He chuckled as he noticed a yellow colored form fall onto a marine ship that happened to be nearby. Now they definitely needed to get everyone out of there. He could already imagine the look on Sengoku's face when he heard about it.

"I've come to get everyone!" Mary shouted out excitedly. "I'm here, jump down into the sea!"

As she continued to shout he scanned the bridge looking for Robin. If after all of this she still died he'd be pretty upset.

"Keep it up Mary. We're almost close enough for them-" his words were interrupted by the sound of rushing water.

"What?" Mary asked as she turned around. She looked around confused. "Why is the deck covered in water? Am I leaking again?"


The moment Current's current had knocked their father into the water Tranquility wrapped her arms around his neck from behind so that her powers could put him into a calm state. Once she did Tempest took a hold of his right arm and Current his left so that with their powers combined they could hold him in check. Them combined with the innate weakening from the sea left him powerless.

"Hello girls," he greeted them with a soft smile. "Its nice to see the three of you working together. Though I would prefer it if it was under different circumstances."

"Sorry father," Tranquility apologized. "We have no other choice if we want to save Ace."

"Don't apologize Quil," Tempest growled. "He doesn't deserve that kind of thing."

Tranquility said nothing because of her promise with their father. But it still hurt to see the miss-guided hate she had.

"I have been wondering what to do about that," he mused. "I promised his father to watch over him."

"When did you promise Pops?" Current asked. "He told us it had been over a decade since he spoke to you."

"I meant Roger." He looked at her curiously. "But speaking of Whitebeard, I see you've gotten a new friend. Well maybe not new perse."

She blushed and turned away.

Tranquility opened her mouth to say something when explosions hit the water causing underwater waves to cause their position to shift.

"Looks like that crew your so interested in is going to meet their end." Tempest chuckled darkly. In the distance the shadow of a small ship surrounded by much larger ships could be seen. Plumes of bubbles shot down like giant arrows as cannonballs exploded in the water.

"You don't care what happens to Zoro?" His eyebrow rose and he seemed slightly amused when Tempest blushed.

"He already made his choice." She looked away.

"Do you know why I like these guys so much?" he asked. Before any of them could answer the current around the changed causing whirlpools to form all around them, including where the ships were. They watched in stunned silence as the Mary began moving along the edges of the whirlpools escaping the cannon fire.

"Fate seems to like them too." He chuckled.

Them we'll sink them ourselves!" Tempest growled.

As Tempest turned to tell Current to send them into a whirlpool a cold shiver ran down all of their spines. Tranquility's throat froze with fear as she watched to feminine arms slide around Tempest's and Current's shoulders. Her heart seemed to freeze as well when a soft cheek pressed against her ear.

"You should play nice with daddy's toys," a velvet voice husked.

"Be nice Ikari," their father spoke coldly. Tranquility felt fear deeper than she had in centuries. She had only heard him use that time once before. The memory brought up unwanted nightmares.

"And here I thought I'd get to play more since you let me out." Ikari moved in front of them pointing. "How many other Fractions have the strength to manifest themselves without help?"

A look of terror ran across Tempest's face. Tranquility could blame her. If a Fraction could generate this level of killing intent how much power was their father hiding? And Ikari? Was she his anger?

"More than you realize." He sighed. "The question is how many would it take to erase you back into the Whole?"

"Fine," she pouted.

"As for you three." He turned his attention to them and they all felt like little girls about to be scolded again.

"Tranquility. I'm sure Cur has a current around you to keep you powers in check. Use that to disrupt the marine ships so they can't follow the Strawhats. Afterwords follow after us."

She quickly moved to obey.

"Tempest and Current. Keep Mary floating and get them to safety. I'll stay with you and we can talk about Ace's situation once things are taken care of."

"And if we don't?" Tempest challenged acting like a rebellious child. She even had her arms crossed and was pouting.

"Then Ikari gets to play with you."

It only took a glance at the mentioned's direction to see the evil grin to get them moving.

Once they were into open waters it became more calm since the battleships couldn't follow and Tranquility caught up. But they only made it about halfway to Water Seven before what they all expected happened.

Mary broke.

Luckily Iceburg had the foresight to begin sailing their way in case he could help in some way. And so everyone was able to get aboard his ship. D and his daughters watched from beneath the water as the Strawhats began to hold a funeral for their ship. The girls were surprised when they saw him crying silent tears.

"What are these lights?" Tempest asked suddenly causing the other girls to notice that the area was filling with little lights. "Your not going to try to blow us up again are you?"

A soft gasp came from Current. "They're memories."

The three of them watched in astonishment as the memories began to unfold in their minds. They were memories of the Strawhats and the different places that they had traveled too. Not only that, but the three of them were in a few of them.

"Who's memories are these?" Current asked as she too began to cry. The memories were warm and happy but had a tinge of sadness. A sadness of a time ending.

"They are the memories of the most important member of the Strawhat Pirates," D answered. "The Going Mary."

"Its just a ship," Tempest scoffed. "They didn't even spend much time with them. Or are you telling me you gave it a soul?"

"It was the level of love from the crew." Current answered her. "Can you not feel it in her memories?"

"She is correct," he nodded. "My presence may have speed the process up a bit. But the crews love for their ship took form."

As he finished speaking the ship cracked further in half and began to sink.

"Take me closer to the ship," he instructed.

At this point none of them felt like questioning him so they obeyed without a word. When he was near enough to the sinking flames he reached in. They were unable to see what he grabbed before he placed it in his cloak.

"Lets go to Water Seven."

"We have to head back to Marine Headquarters," Tranquility shook her head. "With you."

"That won't be possible."

"You won't even do it for Ace?" Tempest growled.

"There are things I need to take care of." He shrugged. "But if you give me three days or so I can meet anyone the Government wants to send to the cave and talk to them. That should at least appease Sengoku."

"How will that do any good!" Tempest shouted. "Are you going to just let Ace die?!"

"Things will be ok." Tranquility assured her. "Send him to their ship Current."


Robin leaned against the wall to the courtyard everyone had gathered at for the 'Escape Celebration'. The party had actually been going on for three days and during those three days it felt like she had laughed a lifetimes worth. She could hardly remember a time that she felt happier than she did right now.

"You didn't run away, why?" A familiar voice spoke up from behind her on the other side of the wall.

Her blood ran cold as she began to move to shout a warning.

"I'm not here for a fight." Aokiji spoke quietly. "Just to get some answers."

She held her place but didn't relax as he repeated his question.

"For the last twenty years you have ran Every time you were confronted by the World Government. Why didn't you run this time?"

"I couldn't abandon my friends," she answered. "I felt it was better for me to die than to leave them to suffer from my past."

"The day your home was attacked. The day I had to kill my best friend because of the sides we had each chosen," he began. "I doubted what we were doing was right. Letting you live was me acting on that doubt."

He sighed.

"Your actions over these years were beginning to make me doubt that choice. I began to wonder if you were really a threat to the world and was deciding what to do about it."

"And that was why you found us." It was more a statement than a question.

"That was actually an accident." He chuckled. "But I saw it as an opportunity to test you. And your choice would decide your fate. I never expected the Strawhats to chase you all the way to the Gates."

"I don't think anyone did." She smiled softly.

"I did," D chimed from atop the wall. Robin could see him lying on his back with his arms crossed behind his back. "Is actually would have been disapointed if they didn't."

"Of course your here as well." Aokiji sighed. "How'd you survive? The report said you bled and died."

"Faith and Luffy." D looked over the wall at him. "It was cutting it close though. Are you going to tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"Have you found a tree to nest in?" Aokiji asked instead of answering her question.

She looked at everyone who was partying. Luffy, Ussop(as Sogeking), and chopper were messing around having a blast. Zoro and Nami were drinking anyone under the table who dared to challenge them. Sanji was enjoying cooking for everyone. And D was looking down at her with a knowing smile.


"Then I no longer have to worry whether or not my best friend had chosen poorly. You've made some good friends and can now walk proudly as the last member of Ohara."

"Wait!" She rushed around the wall but he was already gone.

"Well that sounded like a happy ending for you to me." D jumped down to stand beside her.

"Then why do I feel like he still has something to tell me?"

D wanted to tell her the answer she was looking for. Instead her told her something else.

"I'm going to be parting ways with the Strawhats for a while," he announced. "Well, I'm not really sure how long it'll be. I've got some things to take care of."

"And you want me to tell the others?" She wasn't really surprised. He had seemed deep in thought and distant over the last few days while everyone partied.

"I've already told Luffy and Nami."

"So this is my goodbye." She tried not to let any tears show. They had always known he was only traveling with them for a time. Nobody could control or contain him.

"I was hoping to stay longer to keep on eye on you but I don't think that'll be necessary." He sighed. "Luffy is strong enough to handle most opponents."

"But not someone like Aokiji."

"Not yet." He chuckled. "But he'll get there quicker than people think."

The two of them sat there in silence for a few more minutes before D stretched and prepared to leave.

"Well I'll see you guys later. Maybe even in the New World."

"New World?" She asked curious at what he meant. Obviously he didn't mean after death.

"Its the name sailors have given to the second half of the Grande Line. First half is known as Paradise." He explained.

"This side is considered Paradise?" She scoffed thinking of all the problems they had had.

"I know right?" He grinned. "The New World is way more exciting."

"If you feel that way I can only imagine how Luffy is going to like it." She smiled at the thought.

"Yah. While I'm gone you guys take care." He warned. "If you guys come up against someone Luffy can't handle I programmed yours and nami's Marks to summon me. And it's not something you can tamper with. I won't have you cutting me out again."

She smiled devilishly. "I wouldn't dream of it."

He laughed as he walked away. All that was left was for him to pay a quick visit to Franky before he headed out.

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