The Little Sister (Andy Biers...

By MaddiTheHatter

628K 17.8K 8.4K

My name is Jade Ferguson and I'm 18, and my older brother is a band member of a band called Black Veil Bride... More

The Little Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Copeland's First Birthday
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Babysitting
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Meeting The Biersacks
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Adopting a Friend
Chapter 38: Who Are You?
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41:The New Girl
Chapter 42
Chapter 43:Blade's Date
Chapter 44: Andy!
Chapter 45: Album Party
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Dresses
Chapter 48: The Wedding
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Baby Shower and Blade's Appointment
Chapter 54: Alice Gray Biersack
Chapter 55: Elliot James Mora
Chapter 56: Blade's and CC's Wedding (END)

Chapter 15

13.2K 382 172
By MaddiTheHatter

Chapter 15

Andy's P.O.V

I shot up, breathing heavingly. I can't believe I dreamed that I thought to myself. I looked down and noticed I had morning wood, damn it. I calmed myself down and my morning wood went away thank God. Why was I dreaming a dream like that? I just shook my head and got up, walking to Jade's door.

Jade's P.O.V

I woke up, trying to remember what happened last night. How did I end up in my room? Who dressed me?! My thoughts were interuppted by a knock on the door. "Come in" Andy walked in my room and sat on my bed. His hair has gotten longer again. And his left side is shaved. "Hey I gotta do a Average Joe thing that my cousin does and I wanna know if you wanna come"

I've heard of his cousin Joe but I never met him so why not. "Sure. When are we leavng" For some reason he was holding in his laugh "What?" He tried saying it but then went back to holding in his laugh. "Y-Your hair" I made a 'what' face and got up and looked in the mirror. I held in my scream, my hair was everywhere.

I grabbed a brush and quickly fixed the problem. I grabbed the clothes that I got from that shop The Rebelz and headed to the bathroom. I put on a Green Day shirt that show a little bit of my belly, super skinny neon blue skinny jeans, and black high top converse. I appleid eyeliner and teased my hair a bit and walked out. "What do ya think?" I did a pose and Andy chuckled. "I give it a eight"

"Oh and how did I end up in my bed last? And in my pajamas?"

"I brought you up to your room and I dressed you but I left your bikini on. Don't worry"

He changed in the bathroom and we headed off by going to Starbucks. I ordered a vanilla bean while Andy ordered a iced coffee. "Mm this is like the best coffee ever" Andy put his in the cup holder and grabbed mine and took a sip. "It is" he handed my coffee back, I turned on the radio and Coffin by Black Veil Brides played. We both smiled and I turned the volume up.

"I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING!" We sang along to the radio and then sadly the song ended. Andy turned off the car and we walked to Joe's apartment. Andy knocked and Joe answered "Hey Andy"

"Hey Joe" we walked in and I looked around, "Who's this?" Joe asked "That's Jade, she's Jinxx's little sister" I walked over to Joe and shook his hand "Hi". I was disturbed by how Joe's eyes were looking at me..they were filled with lust and also I could tell he was curious. I just met the guy and he wants to fuck me. "I got all the cameras, lights set up and Jade do you mind being the director?" I shook my head and he smiled.

"I'll see you later then..I to you later..uhhh yeah..get excited..all right bye" Joe hung up the phone and it was Andy's part to talk "Who was that?"

"That's Claire..w-w-we're going out tonight"

"Uh...she into fis-" Andy busted out laughing and so did I. "Okay, okay, okay be serious" I recorded again. "Uh...she into fisting?" then he laughed again, we all started laughing so hard. "Next scene" Joe said and I hit record again. "Okay so I don't know how me and Claire went through the whole fisting debaco but we did and I think tonight is going to be the know..we bring it to the next level" Joe said "I think sex is happening"

"That's good"

"Yeah, yeah I'm excited"

"Uhhm you should be prepared though"


"Do you have your sex voice prepared?" Andy asked

Joe said his line then Andy said his. "Pretend that I'm coming at you, I'm coming hard and I wanna have sex with you right now" Andy said, I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. "Louder but say it in a song" Andy said to Joe, "Well hello there Claire I'm here to" Andy smiled that beautiful smile of his and I smiled "Penetrate" Joe finished his sentence. I stopped recording and all of us laughed.

"Hey I'll be right back" I said and I went to Joe's kitchen. I looked in his fridge and all I saw really was beer and meats, and in the freezer a shit load of ice cream. I opened a cabinet and I was in heaven, he had a whole cabinet full of chips and in the corner what I love the most was Doritos besides Sour Cream and Onion. I grabbed the bag and opened it, letting the nacho cheese smell fill my nose.

I walked back to the living room and both of the guys looked at me, gaping. "What do you have there?" Joe asked, I hid the bag behind my back "Nothing" Andy got up. "What. Do. You. Have?" Andy said and took a step towards me, and I took a step back "Nothing". Andy was now in my face "Tell me what you have" he said and he got so close that our lips brushed together which made my cheeks heat up.

I shot off and ran with Andy after me "HELP!" I screamed and I ran into a room and slammed the door. I crawled under the bed and laid there. While on my stomach I decided to search under the bed. There were DVD's and I looked to see some magazines. The DVD's were porn I looked at the magazines and it was Playboy. I tried see what he's interested in these magazines but the pages were stuck together. I gagged silently and threw it aside. Then I found the magazine I was modeling in and I decided to look through it but when it got to the pages that had me on there, those pages were stuck together too and that time I about puked and threw it aside too.

"Jaaaade come out, come out wherever you are" Andy said in a low yet creepy voice. I held in my breath and shut my eyes tightly. I got yanked out from under the bed so fast I didn't have time to scream, the person flipped me over and chuckled. I opened my eyes "I found you" Andy grabbed the Doritos "And these are mine" he got up and so did I and we made our way back to the living room to make more teasers for Joe's new series.

"Okay nice meeting you" I said and shook his hand "Bye". Andy said his byes and we got in the car. "I found so much nasty shit under Joe's bed it's not even funny" I said and cringed at the memories. "How do you know it was Joe's room?"

"Because I could tell plus his bed was messed up"

"So what did you find? Week old pizza? Bag of nasty Cheetos?"

"Not even close"

" 'Kay tell me"

"Okay I found porn DVD's and Playboy magazines"

"Typical for any guy and Joe"

"But the pages were stuck together"

"Eww but I'm not surprised, that's typical for some guys"

"I'm not done yet. Then I found the magazine I was in for modeling that stores clothes and I flipped through it and the pages that I'm on were stuck together" Andy stepped on the brake hard when we reached a stop light. "What?!"

"Yeah I know nasty"

When the light turned green, he took his foot off the brake and put it on the gas. We arrived home in minutes. After visiting Taco Bell.

"HEYO" I called out and the guys came in the kitchen. "So what we having for tonight?" Ashley asked "We're having tacos" I replied and got out the food. We ate our food as we watched LA Ink re-runs. "No way Jeffree Star!" I was shocked, again I lived in a orphanage for almost my entire childhood so I could'nt watch the shows I wanted on the tv.

I finished my food and threw away my trash then headed upstairs to change. I put on a black tank top and PJ pants with skulls and hearts on them. I sat on the edge on my bed and thought about what Andy said..when we kissed. I've always wanted to do that since I first time I saw you. It keeps replaying in my head.

I laid in my bed and rested my head on my pillow. I soon fell asleep.


Ello fans hope you enjoyed <3 Can't wait for next chapter! Thank you for reading *hugs you* BAII!!


Listening to: S3RL - Pika Girl

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