Crowned Wolf (Original)(Compl...

By OkiBum

28.8K 1.9K 28

The Monarchy has fallen. She is the key to its survival but only if Fenrir will let her live long enough. Und... More



234 20 0
By OkiBum

Rachel leans over her sleeping mate with dried tears in her eyes and an aching head. Her face feels hot and it's hard to breath but she doesn't care how she looks or feels. Her mate, the one person who has her heart and soul, is in critical condition and there is nothing more anyone can do for him. Strapped to the machines, his heart is being monitored along with his blood pressure. There's a wrapped bandage around his torso and noticeable scars on his arms and chest that she doesn't remember being there before. After a long hour, the doctors managed to stop the bleeding of his wound but are unable to know if he will wake up or if it's too late. For now, they've announced he is in a temporary coma and it's up to him whether he will make it past this or not. She isn't sure what to think of it. She feels sick.

After examining him and doing all they can for her alpha, they checked her vitals. She sat through the procedure numbly, not bothering to hear what they say or see what they've discovered. Most of them, from what her consciousness gathered, didn't believe she would ever wake up and it is considered a miracle. But what kind of miracle is it to wake up and find your soulmate on his deathbed? What's the point of waking up now when there's so little hope? What drove him to his dangerous condition and why did she have to wake up now of all times?

Clutching his hand in her own, she leans over him, inhaling his scent. The necklace she bought for him is still laying on a metal tray nearby, The chain is bloodstained and she's terrified to touch it and put it back on him. But she knows he hates not having it so she forces herself to lift it up and place it over his naked chest.

Brushing his blonde hair away from his face, she silently begs Fenrir to let him wake up and explain himself. She wants him to explain where she is, what happened and why he is in this kind of condition. She doesn't want to hear it from anyone else. She wants to hear his voice and seek comfort in his arms.


A sweet voice snaps her out of her thoughts and she looks up to see a woman she doesn't recognize. With blue eyes, she stares at Rachel carefully, guarded and Rachel growls lowly. The guards behind her, who have been positioned at the doors since before she woke up, growl back in warning. The blue eyed woman holds her hand out and they stop as she slowly steps in.

"My name is Audrey. I'm a friend of Luke's."

Friend, Rachel thought. She hates that word. All friends of Luke's have been players like him or have been girls that he's slept with and she's had more than enough trouble with them. As her eyes look over Audrey, she doesn't think properly. Her mind goes back to how it was - it feels like it was just last year but she's sure it's been quite a while since she fell into her coma so it's probably longer. Luke used her friends to get to her. He slept with them, flirted with them all while knowing she was his mate. He fought hard for her forgiveness but that kind of pain never goes away. And now there's some unknown werewolf girl who claims she's a friend of Luke and who somehow knows her name. She wants to trust Luke, trust that he stayed loyal to her but there's a part of her that wonders and yet, doesn't blame him. She was practically on her deathbed according to the doctors. It wouldn't be a surprise if he moved on during that time.

"How is he?"

"He's comatose. How do you think he's doing?" Rachel snaps, glaring at the girl. Again, the guards behind her growl lowly but Audrey doesn't pay them any attention. She gives Rachel an understanding look and Rachel feels her wolf calming towards her. She frowns. Why is her wolf submitting so easily? She's a Luna, a proud Luna and she doesn't owe this girl a damn thing.

Audrey slowly walks into the room and to the other side of Luke. Rachel finds herself growling possessively, daring the girl to touch what belongs to her. She doesn't care what went on during her comatose. She's here now and until Luke is better, she isn't going to surrender him to anyone so easily. Not even then, would she but she'd at least make him suffer a little for moving on while she was sleeping.

"Audrey." Rachel looks up to see a beast of a man enter the room. He's dark and formidable with dark hair and brown eyes. His naked torso is also covered in scars and there's a scowl on his face as he glares at Rachel and then at Luke. His scowl worsens when he focuses on the alpha.

"I'm fine, Nathan." Audrey smiles softly at him and Rachel watches as his expression softens just a little. He moves to stand close to her, keeping his hand on her back as he stares back at Luke.

"He'll be alright. He was just a dumb ass is all."

Rachel growls at the insult and the man, Nathan, snarls back. A force so strong hits her and it makes her fall back and submit instantly, her wolf bowing at his presence. She realizes he's more than just an alpha and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Nathan," Audrey scolds softly. "She just woke up. Go easy on her."

"She's disrespected you twice now and disrespected me. She's in our home, under my care. Luna or not, she should show some gratitude."

Rachel watches as Audrey runs her hand over his arm that's wrapped around her waist. He calms down a little but his scowl remains in place.

"This is my mate, Nathan." Audrey introduces. "He's also the Kappa, if you couldn't tell and that makes me the Iota."

Rachel frowns. "When did the monarchy return?"

Audrey smiles kindly. "Only just recently. Luke found out about my identity about a year and a half ago. He's been supporting my return while you've been asleep."

Rachel adjusts her position, uncomfortable with the information. Her eyes glances over Nathan's scowl and then back to Audrey's small smile in confusion. "How long have I been in my coma?"

"Close to three years."

Rachel feels her heart sink and she falls back against the chair she's in. Her mind runs wild, trying to imagine all that has happened in her absence and how much she's missed. Three years? She's missed three years of her life? What has her mate been doing all this time? Why did it take her so long to wake up? Three years? She could have been a mother by now. She could have graduated from college by now. Three years?

Audrey sits on the edge of Luke's bed warily, watching Rachel with concern. "Luke refused to give up on you. He had the best doctors from all over look after you while he got revenge. I met him at his cousin's house, Blaze's, where I was training. At that time, my identity was still hidden."

"Luke got revenge? Against the rogues? What was he thinking? He could have been hurt!" Rachel stood up in anger, glancing at her mate.

"It's nothing I wouldn't do for Audrey." Nathan comments, folding his arms in front of him. "I just purged Wolf Country of rogues for her."

Rachel watches as Audrey flinches for a brief moment before regaining control and glancing at Luke.

"Purged Wolf Country of rogues? Is that what happened? Is that why Luke got hurt?" Rachel glared at Audrey, anger and pain filling her up. "For you?!"

Nathan snarled, his force hitting her once again and she falls back into her chair. "We all did it for the sake of Wolf Country. Not just for Audrey. Your mate got hurt defending someone else when he was already injured. Instead of being smart, he chose to be heroic. Blame him for his injuries and not my mate."

Audrey doesn't comment and Rachel tries hard to let go of her anger. But so many emotions is filling her up. Her head is aching with new information and she's trying her best to wrap her mind around it. Yet, more and more questions keep popping up and they take her on a trail that only fires her up even more.

"I'm sorry. I'm just...."

"I understand." Audrey tells her. "It's a lot to take in. I just wanted to check on you and see how Luke is doing. We'll leave you alone for now. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask one of the guards. They've been looking after you for Luke under Nathan's orders."

Rachel looks at Nathan in surprise. He only grunts and leads his mate out of the room, leaving Rachel to stare back at hers in wonder. Leaning forward, she climbs onto the bed next to him and cuddles against him.

"Please, wake up, Luke. I need you." She whispers, attempting to understand everything.

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