The Little Sister (Andy Biers...

By MaddiTheHatter

629K 17.8K 8.4K

My name is Jade Ferguson and I'm 18, and my older brother is a band member of a band called Black Veil Bride... More

The Little Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Copeland's First Birthday
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Babysitting
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Meeting The Biersacks
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Adopting a Friend
Chapter 38: Who Are You?
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41:The New Girl
Chapter 42
Chapter 43:Blade's Date
Chapter 44: Andy!
Chapter 45: Album Party
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Dresses
Chapter 48: The Wedding
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Baby Shower and Blade's Appointment
Chapter 54: Alice Gray Biersack
Chapter 55: Elliot James Mora
Chapter 56: Blade's and CC's Wedding (END)

Chapter 13

17.1K 418 270
By MaddiTheHatter

Chapter 13

Jade's P.O.V

My phone was ringing. I hit the 'answer' and put the phone to my ear. "Hello" I said, half asleep. "Hello is this Jade Ferguson?"

"Yes, who's this?"

"I'm the manager of this new store downtown called The Rebelz and to launch our store we're sending out magazines to show some of our clothes and we need models and we were wondering if you would like to be one"

"Yeah, yeah"


"Um where is the photo shoot and when?"

"It's today at four, downtown"

"Okay, thanks"

"No problem, okay now bye"


I got up and sneaked in the kitchen and got the ingredients to make a cake. "Okay put you in here and mix for two minutes" I grabbed a wooden spoon and mixed then poured the batter in the pan. I put the pan in the oven and waited for the cake to rise. In the time I cleaned up a little and got the frosting out.

I was walking when I slipped and knocked all the flour on me. "Great" I mumbled and heard footsteps walking down the hall. I got up and brushed some of the flour off and acted natural. "What's for breakfast?" Ashley grumbled, scratching the back of his neck "Why are you covered in flour?"

"Because I slipped" I swept up the rest of the flour and got the cake out. "Cake!" Ashley said, running to the island. "No, no, no it's not for you. It's for Andy, today's his birthday" Ashley made a whining sound and I ignored him. Once the cake cooled, me and Ashley slathered frosting on and wrote 'Happy Birthday' on it.

"Smells good" a voice said, I turned to see Jake. "Just made a cake" I said simply and showed him, "Sweeet" and high fived me. All the guys were up except Andy of course. We got the presents out and waited. He was walking to the kitchen then "SUPRISE!" We shouted and Andy jumped, I walked over and hugged him "Happy Birthday"

"Thanks you guys" he looked at his presents and opened them.

I got him a Batman shirt, pajama pants, slippers, mug, shot glass, and bracelet. Yeah I got him a lot stuff. "No way!" His eyes went wide and a smile spreaded across his face. "Thanks" he hugged me tight and spun me. "Ella!" Jake said and ran to her as she walked through the door. They hugged and kissed and Jake introduced me to her.

"Ella this is Jade, Jade this is Ella my girlfriend" I hung out with her before but I never actually knew her. "Hi" I waved shyly, "Hello". She was nice and also she was very pretty. "I'm Jinxx's little sister" she smiled, "I heard him talk about you before but I never knew you would be this pretty" I blushed. "Guys guess what?" They all looked at me with curious eyes "What?" They all said "I have a photoshoot today!"

"That's awesome!" Jinxx said, giving me a hug. "When is it?" Andy asked, "It's at four, you guys though are gonna be doing a music video for Coffin" I patted his shoulder. "Then party time!" Ashley yelled, "Oh yeah I totally forgot" Andy said.

"Forgot what?" I asked

"Tonight is also a black carpet event and there's a party for my birthday after that. Also we're performing a song. You wanna come Jade?"

I nodded "Sure" I looked at the clock, 12:30. "When is the event and party?" Andy looked at me, "The event is eight and the party ten"

"Ella, Sammi wanna come to the photo shoot with me?" They nodded with smiles. "Wanna do something to kill time?" Ella asked and an idea popped in my head and I smiled what I'm guessing was a creepy smile because the guys and BVB girls looked at me weird.

"Let's go skating!"

I slipped on a Suicide Silence shirt, distressed short shorts, and knee high red converse. I appiled eyeliner and mascara also a black beanie. Me and the BVB girls waited for the guys but in the meantime we just chatted. "How old are you Jade?" Ella asked, "I'm nineteen"

"Cool besides your piercings, got any tattoos?" I nodded and showed her my wrist. "Oh cool" she ran her finger across the tattoo. "Let's go!" Ashley said and we drove to the skate park.

We opened the trunk and got out the skateboards "Where's your helment and pads?" Jinxx asked with his eyebrows raised, "I don't need them". I walked to Andy who looked confused, "Need help?"

"Surprisingly yes"

"Put the board down" he dropped the board and looked at me, "What now?" I told him to put one foot on the board then the other. He listened but I had to help him so the board wouldn't slip out from under him. "Ready?" He looked at me like I was crazy, "What are you doing?!"

"This" I gave him a little push and he went flying.

"HELP!" He shouted and it was funny so I ran and skated after him. Once I caught up I grabbed his hand and steadied him. Then he slowed down and stepped off the board "Never do that again" he pointed a finger at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

I skated around for a bit and stopped when I saw the guys chugging down my favorite drink. Monster. "What are you doing?!" I acted shocked with a little bit of mad in it "Drinking Monsters" Jake said, "And not tell me!" Jinxx handed me a Monster and I was happy. "You really like those" I nodded and chugged it down.

"Time for your shoot" Jinxx said, pointing to the car's clock. "Fuck, well me and the girls will go and you guys go do your music video" they got in the car and drove off so me and the girls had to run to the shoot.


"Yep that's me" I said and walked up to the manager, "Cool so what we're gonna have you do is change into these clothes and take a couple of shots" I nodded then looked around, "Where do I change?". "That's what the changing tent is for" she handed me clothes and I walked in the tent and began to change.

The shirt was Sleeping With Sirens with grey skinny jeans that had cuts in them and combat boots. The make up artist just added foundation and blush and I was finished and the hair director just straightened my hair. I got in front of a fountain and did some poses. The first one I had to sit with one of my legs propped up and I rested my chin on my knee.

Then I dressed in a The Ready Set shirt, short shorts, high top converse, a red beanie, with Ray Ban glasses. I leaned up against a light pole and looked up to the sky, letting the flash of the camera burn my eyes.

After a couple of outfit changes and shots the flash didn't hurt my eyes anymore but I changed back into my original clothes and shook hands with the manager. "Thanks for letting me do this" I smiled, "No problem besides you were the best out of all the models" I smiled even wider. "Well I gotta go anyway thank you bye" she waved 'bye' and the girls headed to the studios where the guys were doing the video.

"ELLO!" I called out. hearing my echo. The guys were crowded around a camera, I tried to look, even jumping didn't help. "Can I see?" I whined and all the guys looked at me "No" they said unison and I gaped. "Why not?" Ashley looked at me with a smile "You can't see the video until we upload it" and the guys chuckled. "Fine be like that. Anyway we need to go home and get ready for the black carpet event"


I looked in the mirror and took a good look at my outfit. Tight Black Veil Brides shirt, leather pants, leather crop jacket, and combat boots. I added eye shadow and made a smoky effect. I even wore red lipstick. Also straightened my hair and sprayed my Ed Hardy perfume, which smelt awesome. I sat on the couch, waiting for the guys when I hear foot steps. I look up from my phone to see them dressed and ready.

I was nervous to be honest, a scent tickled my nose. I looked over Andy "What are you wearing?" He smiled "I'm wearing the Batman cologne you got me" I smiled and the limo came to a stop. "Oh god" I said to myself a little louder than I should cause Andy placed a hand on my knee. "It's okay"

I stepped out and flashes were everywhere, people and paparazzi taking pictures left and right. The guys came out and did some poses for the camera. "JADE! JADE! JADE!" I walked over to a man who I'm guessing was an interviewer. "Hi" I waved at the camera and looked at the guy, "So what's it like living and working with Black Veil Brides and being Jinxx's little sister?"

"It's a lot of fun because we play around and then when we need to work we get all serious while we just really want to play and it's not bad being Jinxx's little sister. He's protective, caring, and he's always there when I need him"

"Heyo" Andy wrapped an arm around my shoulder with a smile. "Andy how is it living with Jade? Also happy birthday" Andy looked at me with a smile. "It's a lot of fun, we watch movies, play video games, and just hang out and honestly she's a really cool girl" I blushed..I hope the camera didn't catch it. "Can you tell us anything about the performance you're doing tonight?"

"It's gonna be awesome, strobe lights, fire, it's gonna be good" Andy said, "Plus I'm also gonna perform with Black Veil Brides for the first time ever" Andy snapped his head at me with a shocked look. "Well we gotta go in" I said "Bye" we all walked in and headed backstage. Andy pulled me aside "What the hell do you mean by 'I'm gonna perform with BVB' "

"I wanna show you what I can do" I grabbed a microphone and shook all my nerves out.

"Here they are BLACK VEIL BRIDES!"

The stage was dark and we took our positions. When the guitars began to play the lights came on.


I cannot not hide what's on my mind

I feel it burning deep inside

A passion crime to take what's mine

Let us start living for today

Never gonna change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna stop us

No not this time


So take your hand in mine

It's ours tonight

This is a Rebel Love Song

Heart will sacrifice

It's do or die

This is a Rebel Love Song


My outlaw eyes have seen their lies

I choke on all they had to say

When worlds collide what's left inside

I hold on tight and hear you pray

Never gonna change my mind

We can leave it all behind

Nothin's gonna stop us

No not this time


So take your hand in mine

It's ours tonight

This is a Rebel Love Song

Heart will sacrifice

It's do or die

This is a Rebel Love Song

Wild and running for one reason

They can't stop us from our freedom

(Wild and running for one reason)

(They can't stop us from our freedom)


Never gonna change our mind

We can leave it all behind


Nothin's gonna stop us

No not this time


So take your hand in mine

It's ours tonight

This is a Rebel Love Song

Hearts will sacrifice

It's do or die

This is a Rebel Love Song

So take your hand in mine

It's ours tonight

This is a Rebel Love Song

Hearts will sacrifice

It's do or die

This is a Rebel Love Song

I smiled so wide that my cheeks hurt. Andy ran up, hugged me and spun me around. Once he sat me down he screamed "WE ARE BLACK VEIL BRIDES!" And ran backstage, I grabbed a water bottle and started to drink it, "That was awesome I had no idea you could sing so good" Jinxx said, giving me a tight hug. "That was my favorite song of all time from you guys" I said and Andy raised an eyebrow, "Why is that?" I took a sip of water to make my throat not dry "Because it was the first song I heard by you guys and I just love it plus it's just something about that song that I love"

We took our seats and watched the awards, I was excited for the party.

We walked to a local club and I let the club atmosphere hit me. A lot of people were here "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted and Andy just smiled wider, "Don't get shit faced" I said and he laughed. I walked around for a bit and I finally found a couch. I sat down and scrolled through twitter.

@JadeBVB- Partying with the guys :D Happy Birthday @AndyBVB

I saw Andy talking to Matt and they were laughing. Jinxx and Sammi were dancing, Jake and Ella taking selfies together, CC and Ashely were taking shots. I was tapping my foot to the beat of the music and was patting my leg. "What are you doing?" I looked up to see Andy with his eyebrows raised, "Nothing" he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

"I thought you hate dancing" I told him and squeezed my hand gently, "Yeah but it's my birthday" and he started to dance. I moved my body, shifting my hips and letting the music control my body. The song was DJ Whore by S3RL, it was a catchy song, so is his other song Masterbate To Cartoons. I know weird name but I love that song.

Anyway Andy was behind me dancing then he placed his hands on my hips. I blushed as he pulled me closer to him so my back was touching his chest. I just continued to dance even though I was blushing like crazy. "Yeah GET IT! GET IT!" Ashley yelled to Andy and we laughed, Jake was kissing Ella on the couch.

After dancing I got a water and drunk it while Andy and Matt took shot after shot after shot. "Hey there preeety" I felt a hand touch my shoulder and they swung me around to face them. "H-Hi" I don't like strangers at all! "W-Wanna dance?" I shook my head and the guy looked mad "Look leave me alone" I said and the guy kept staring at my boobs "No I don't wanna!" I brought my hand back and smacked him hard right on the cheek.

I walked off and the party was coming to an end. The guys got in the car and I had to drive them home. The guys were drunk except Andy, so me and him helped them find their rooms and helped them to bed. I changed into a tank top and pajama pants and walked to Andy's room. I knocked and he answered "Jade..what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to talk" It was 11:00 by the way, so the guys had like hours to drink their heads off. I sat in the middle of his bed and he sat in front of me, both of us with are legs criss cross. "What'cha wanna talk about?"

"How come you didn't wanna get drunk?" he looked at me funny like 'why are you asking me this?'. "Because I'm not in the mood for a hangover and besides I did drink a little" I shrugged and just sat there. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said

"No tell me"

"I just can't believe I sung on television"

"I know you were great"


"Duh, you were awesome"

"Thanks..I guess I was just so nervo-" I was cut off when he collided his lips to mine. I was shocked and he stopped and pulled away. Regret flashed in his eyes "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I shou-"

"Andy" I placed my hand under his chin and made him look at me. "I-I actually liked it" his eyes glowed with happiness, "Really?" I nodded and he kissed me again, this time I kissed back. His lips were so soft and warm while his lip ring was cold as ice. He tasted like mint and nicotene.

He pulled away so we can take a breath, "I've always wanted to do that since the first time I saw you" I blushed and smiled. He smiled and we got in bed and fell asleep. My mind though was so happy and I was thinking one thing.

Andy kissed me...


AHHHH! THEY KISSED! So how was that for a chapter? Leave me a comment telling how good the story is so far and I love you guys *hugs* BAI! <3




Listening to: S3RL - MTC

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