How I Met Your Father(Justin...

By teamkidrauhl2013

35.9K 731 105

She was a normal belieber who had everything she wanted until she met her idol Justin Bieber and her life com... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 13

595 15 3
By teamkidrauhl2013

Faiths POV

We were all in the back garden having a barbeque and I was sitting here sunbathing with the girls, all except Glory, she was helping her dad with the food because she hates sunbathing... She wants to stay "#teamlightskin" I don't understand that girl.

"So how are you and Chaz?" Leylah asked, fidgeting on the chair "we're good, he's just so damn sexy!" I squealed, eyeing his body up and down "control your hormones Faith control them" Caitlin chuckled, but I couldn't help it. "I see you babe I see you, how about we get it on in Glorys bed and then she'll never wanna sleep there again?" Chaz smirked, he's so perverted.. But only to me so I'm fine.

"Try anything in my bed and I'll cut little Chaz off with a table knife so it's slow and painful" Glory scolded.. Damn she was so vicious when it came to boys sometimes.. But I know why.

"Hey hey now take it easy, let's not do anything we would regret now, we'll just do it in the guest room" Chaz replied getting scared, holding onto his little Chaz and taking a step back once he noticed Glory taking a step forward with a tableknife in her hands.

"Come on Chaz lets go inside to err... Do something" I mumbled.. Chaz didnt even hesitate, he jumped at the option "arr yes man!" he said getting all hype. As soon as we got inside, Chaz smashed his lips onto mine and we started necking then it kinda led to the bedroom... Guest bedroom..

Glorys POV

"Faith and Chaz have been gone a while now and their foods getting cold.... I'll go find them" I said getting up "just an excuse for you to go inside eh?" Katie smirked knowing me all too well.

"No, as soon as I get those two lovebirds, I'm straight back out" I defended.. Might not actually.. I just walked in without any of them saying anything.

I had checked everywhere and was now at the last guestroom and figured they'd probably be in there "hey guys the foods getting-WOAH!!!" I shrieked... Oh my God they were being serious!

I had just walked in on them while Faith was riding Chaz arr I'm scarred for life! A few moments later they both came out fully clothed, thank God. "you know... If you wanted some of this, you could just ask" Chaz smirked... Eww.

"Erm no thank you, sorry Chaz but I wouldn't go for you even if you were the last boy on earth..." I answered truthfully "wow thanks Glory, atleast Faith loves me and I love her " he cooed, kissing her.

"Mmm yes I do love you but try flirt with another girl and I'll cut little Chaz off myself, never mind Glory" she replied twisting his nipples "aaaaaaaah holy shit!! Yes ma'am!!" Chaz squeaked out of pain "good, love you" she answered back, pecking him on the lips and walking down the stairs.

Chaz just stared at where she left and bit down on his lips "hot damn she's so sexy when she's jealous" he said I just laughed and went to my room.


"Glory, Glory get the hell up!" I heard someone whisper-shout, I fluttered my eyes open and turned around to see Justin lying on my bed. "Finally! I've been in your room trying to get you up for the past 15 minutes..." he scolded playfully "well what can I say? I'm a deep sleeper" I answered shrugging my shoulders.

"Anyway what time is it? why did you wake me up? Is Khalaya okay?" I started getting worried, he just laughed and responded to my questions "well it's 8:30, you slept for like 2 hours, I woke you up because you lied about coming back out, we're all having a big sleep over and laya wants her mummy so that answers the last question aswell.. Layas fine" he chuckled. I don't know why I was worrying when there were so many people in the house, just mother indistinct I guess.

"Come on, lets go downstairs coz everyone's waiting" he said getting up and holding his hand out for me to take which I gladly accepted. "Oh wait!" I suddenly blurted out "what is it?" he questioned with confusion written all over his face "I want to change" I mumbled. He furrowed his eyebrows and then started laughing "go on then" he said letting go of my hand.

I wasn't really arsed if he saw me get changed, I know how to get changed infront of anyone without showing too much..

I got out a white tank top, black sweats and gold fuzzy socks. Slipping on the sweats first because the basketball shirt only reaches like just above my knee and it's really loose, next removing the gigantic shirt leaving me in just my bra and sweats.

I didn't really care if Justin was staring.. He was definitely staring I could feel his eyes burning into my skin, "take a picture, it'll last longer" I chuckled picking up the top but before I could put it on, Justin snatched it away and threw it on the floor then pulling me in by the waist "I like you better like this" he whispered in my neck "do you now?" I whispered back biting my lip.

I would always turn boys on just for the fun of it.. But with Justin, I actually kinda meant it "mmhmm, I want your hot love and emotion endlessly" he sang the last part, I giggled which caused him to chuckle against my skin... Dear Lord Jesus my hormones man! "You're so cute" he said kissing my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his own neck to pull him closer and whispered "I'm not cute... I'm sexy" kissing his ear in the process "fuck yes you are" he whispered aggressively.

He was now sucking and biting on my skin and I couldn't keep in the moans, "fuck Justin, I'm not chocolate you know" I giggled breathlessly "are you sure? Coz you taste so damn sweet to me" he smirked against my skin.

I let out a laughter and replied "wow is that the best you got Bieber?" I smirked pulling back "why? Not good enough?" he laughed.. I'm gonna seduce him so bad.. #lolage.

"No it's not, how about I show you what I got?" I whispered seducivly, popping out ny chest. "Show me" he whispered biting down on my bottom lip, I giggled and placed my head in the crook of his neck then started on my magic eventually finding his sweet spot and he was letting moans fly everywhere, not bothering to hold them in.

I smirked at my success and started grinding up on him until I could feel a boner and when I did, I removed myself and went to pick up the tank top that was thrown before.

"Hey no fair, you totally turned me on.. Sucking on my sweet spot, shoving your tits in my face and grinding on me so I get a boner, Jerry is hungry now" he smirked "don't pretend like you didn't enjoy it Bieber" I laughed, putting the socks on and tucking in the bottom of the sweats into the socks.

"True.. I loved it but you cant just stop now" he whined damn he's horny "sorry hun, but I just did" I replied blowing him a kiss and going to walk out of the door. But he stopped me, took my hand and then walked infront of me.. Okay?


Just git two chapters at once!

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