Lucy Hale is my Sister

By freak-fracking

66.8K 1K 231

I'm just an girl that wants an sister. Yea I'm the only children, it sucks! Well you can see I don't care wha... More

Lucy Hale is my Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Bonus Chapter
Final author note
Im back !!
Just a litte heads up

Chapter 16

1.4K 17 4
By freak-fracking

"Annie so what do you want to do" I heard Harry say from the back seat.

Everyone was here while Drew and Harry where in the back with Annie and Ellie joining along because after this hour of fun with Annie he had a date or a friendly lunch with Ellie as he calls it, but Niall told me last night he said it was a date.

"I think the park is fine" Annie said while breathing for air. Her mom is with is just said she is going to met us at the place because we wanted to go to a park to se we just said meet us at a park.

"Hey babe" Niall said in my neck, I'm kinda on his lap because we are all trying to fit in one van. "hi Ni". "How about when Liam and Dani take Drew, we go on a date than later I'll watch you do gymnastics". "you know what that's sounds good" I said while perking him on the lips.

"No PDA" Louis yelled while Eleanor was kissing his cheek. I broke out in blush an hid in Niall jacket.

"Paul please turn on some music" I heard Drew say in a British accent.

"You know if you wanted someone to say that in a British accent you could of just asked me" Harry laughed.

"Ellie so are you scared about your date?"

"It's not a date is just a friendly lunch" she said

"Sure" I giggled while Niall was playing with my hand.


"Harry can you play in then sand with me?" Annie yelled but was to a low voice.

He stopped climbing up the slid with Louis and ran to the sand pit.

I was sitting in the grass with Niall and Drew sleeping on my lap. For a 15 year old she looks younger and can sleep like baby. Perrie and Zayn are on the swing set talking. Ellie is now playing with Harry and Annie. Lucy and Ashley are doing the same but playing with other kids. Louis and Eleanor are on the slid laying down and I think Louis is trying to fight one little boy because Louis isn't going to move. Liam and Dani are in the monkey bars laughing.

"Niall after the Olympics an tour your, what are we going to do?"

"Where going to live our life and adopt Drew, I'll still have tours and you'll have your mets. But you'll get to meet my parents in Ireland. You and I will have more time but will be together" he said picking up my hand putting our promise rings together.

"I love you" I whispered, if I said anymore I'll cry


"Bye Drew, be safe and have fun" Niall says

Liam and Dani walked up to us "will keep her safe and make sure she's back before you get back from gymnastics"

"You keep her safe" I said while hugging them. They walked in to the van and like that they disappeared.

Niall picked me up" wear something fancy and be ready in about 2 hours" he said while kissing me and walked to his room. Um ok I just should walk into my room. I walked in and saw Eleanor and Perrie with dresses on the bed and makeup on the dresser.

"You need a bath" Eleanor said while holding her nose. "how did y'all know" I asked. "little Niall can't keep a secret for long" Perrie said while holding a red a red tight dress to my skin. "you need a bath you stink" El said again. "Well i love you too" as sarcasm dripped out of my mouth.

I walked in and put my phone on the dock and pressed play 21 Guns by Green Day. ( Green day is a band and its rock'n roll and this has to be one of my all time favorite bands). I started to sing the song and wash my hair.

After a couple of songs later I got out and saw that Perrie had a navy blue dress with buttons going down and was tight at the waste. It was flowy at the bottom. For the shoes it was a pink laced up oxford flats that had coral patteren. I had my promise ring that looks like a crown and a cross bracelet, I had a anchor neckless and my black hair up in a bun with a flower band around the bun. El and Perrie put me in all that stuff in less than a hour and I wad making jokes and moving around a lot so it wasn't easy.

"Ok Callie please don't mess that dress up when you haven't been out on the date yet" Perrie sighed.

I laughed "I won't I promise and thank y'all so much"

"You say the word you all -ya or how ever you say it"

"I do say y'all a lot El"

"So a person should be here in about a minute and I need sleep do bye" Perrie said.

"Thank you again El it men't so much" she hugged me when I knocked was at the door. "and there you man I waiting" she opened the door to Paul.

"Oh it's you, El it's Paula" I wined

"Yea he's taking you to Niall"

I nod and walk out with Paul "so Paul are you going to come on the date with us"

He laughed "no I never do that to Mrs.Callie"

"Back to Miley is way sexier than you it's true I promise you"

"You wish"


The long ride of me an Paul talking about the most random stuff. He stopped at a restaurant that was fancy. I walked in and saw paps and fans. I waved hello and some fans asked for a picture some called me names but I came up with some sweet ass remarks that shut them up even the paps where laughing. After I heard someone calling me names again I heard someone yell.

"Be quite I just want a date with my girlfriend really she doesn't show it and is making some good remarks but she had been hurt before and really how would you feel if someone said that stuff to you. I came to have a date with my girlfriend that I have to leave in about 3 weeks to finish my tour and she is training for the Olympics and the fake fans over here are messing it up" I heard a girls our ship name and I was laughing and walked over to her. "I brought a rose for her but one of you guys has it so I was just trying to me romantic" I kept listening and walking to he girl till I found her.

"Hi I'm Callie and your name is?"

It was funny she looked like she was a it to burst into tear and scream. "J-Jackie"

"That's a cool name how old are up"


"Just like my daughter Drew"

Her eyes went wide "you where 16 and pergo"

I laughed "no I'm adopting her well me and Niall are, just don't tell anyone"

She nod "can I see a picture of her?"

I pulled out my phone as ounce a picture that she took and edit it with all those edit apps.

"She really pretty"

"Well she with Dani and Liam and I bet she would love to meet you"

She was about to screaming and I could hear Niall yelling for me "well hun what's your twitter?"


(idk twitter but heres a shoutout to you)

I laughed " Well I'll have Liam follow you and he boy, but I should be in a date right now" I hugged her and walked to niall

I ran up behind him and hugged him"i thought you were dead"

I laughed "really I had Paula up my ass following me"

"That is true"

"I'm right here"

"You knew you my favorite Paula" we both laugh and Niall took my hand and led me into the restraint.


Drew POV

"This ice cream is really good" I chuckled.

"Isn't it" Liam said with ice cream all over his face.

"So Drew we need an opening act for out last stop for he for in Japan and everyone tells me your an amazing singer so would you keep in mind being it opening act " wow was it that easy or was I dreaming.

"Is mom and dad okay with this?"

"We kinda haven't told them"

I laughed "I'll keep it in mind but I'm going to go throw this away" they nodded and I walked and was rerunning a song I wrote last night it was Round & Round was what is was called.

That's when I bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm really sorry I did mean it"

I looked up to see a boy, yea a boy in DC why wouldn't I see a boy, idiot.

"It's ok" he said while smirking

Ok that smirk is hot no no I can't trust him I just met him.

"What's your name" god that smile

"Drew" I said proudly or a little to proudly

"That a nice name" well ever guys says that I've hear about 3 guys when I was in school say that.

"So um I heard you dad is Niall Horan from one direction and your mom is Callie Hale sister of Lucy Hale and will be in the Olympics in a month" should I say stalker or not

"Do you like stalk me"

He laughed "no my friend Jackie does and loved you guys"

"Well than I shouldn't call you a stalker" that was one stupid joke

"Well could I have your number?"

"Yea" I said coolly when did I start being cool.

Liam POV

"Babe I think I should go get her she"

"Please she making friends and he's a you tuber I have seen his video with some of the people at my dance camp"

"He had that look like he'll give her everything but than diss her"

"Liam she's going fine and Callie will be happy about this, she hasn't trusted a lot of people she still had secrets that no one knows and he might help her express them"

"But Niall won't knowing him he doesn't want her growing up"

"She's 15 she grown up and she needs her freedom"

"Ok, but if her hurts her I'm kicking his ass"

Perrie POV

"Zayn I need to tell you something"

"What's wrong babe"

"Please sit"

"Ok I'm listening"

"Please don't be mad that I told you this now but I'm leaving to go on your with the band and I'm leaving in a week. I'm sorry I just told you-"

He cut me off "babe I'm not mad I'm just sad you just told me and your leaving. I'm happy your going on tour and will make this weekthe best week ever"


Louis POV


"El what's wrong"

She hasn't talked to me since we left the park and I'm scared I really am.

"Please Eleanor what's wrong"

She walked in to her room and grabbed her suit case and getting her tooth brush and make up from the bathroom.


"Stop" she yelled, ok never heard her yell well not in a long time. "I can't take this anymore you have been lying to me the whole time" she showed me a picture of me and a girls with red hair. "El I'm here with you all the time this is photoshopped". "really everyone on twitter is congratulation you with the new girl". I felt tears coming "I don't know her it's photoshopped". "keep it to you self it's over"

She grappled her stuff and like that she was gone left my life and it's was someone who photoshopped a picture. I sat there crying I wasn't even in my room and Perrie should be back any minute from with Zayn for her cloths to stay with Zayn.

I heard a soft knock "El can I borrower some swim suits"

"She left" I said with tears still spilling out of my eyes. Perrie opened the door and saw me not the floor. "Louis what happened"

I sniffled and said "someone make a photo that was photoshopped with a red head and fans where saying congrats and she just would believe me so she left it's over"

"Eleanor would never do that" she gasped. Not everyone knows the real Eleanor she is funny and crazy and can me love sick at time but I was the only one that saw the scary side of her the one where she yells but not a lot the jealousy type the one that hates girls being around her man and she hated Callie, Perrie, Drew, and Dani and was staring to hate Ellie. She only wanted me to her self.

"She's not what you think"

"Perrie where are you"

"Zayn in here with Louis please come quick"

I heard footsteps and a door opened and with that Zayn on his knees patting my back as Perrie explains.

"Mate she isn't worth it's"

That's what love can do to you even if the person had it up and down and flaws you push that aside and look at the person and you know when you love them when you push those flaws aside and look at the brighter in that person.

"Mate love is a crazy thing and it's what helps a couple. So make this work with you and Perrie she is what keeps you going don't mess this up"

I looked at Perrie and her face was going red and Zayn said "love is crazy but when you love someone you left it go and if it was true love they will come back if it doesn't it wasn't even love to them. And yes I am lucky with this beautiful funny and flawless girl"

"You two love birds go have fun I'll be a girls when there man breaks up with them eat Nutella and ice cream and I'll watch some hunger game too" I laughed

"You go man"


The problem is that when they left I didn't watch the huger games or eat Nutella or ice cream I sat on my bed and cried that's what can do to you it can hurt you in ever single way.

I cried and it was only 5 o clock and Niall and Callie aren't coming back till 10, Drew, Liam, and dani will be here but not early and Harry he's in his date with Ellie.

I grabbed my phone and when I twitter I twitted

~Love is hard we all want love but it's hard. I loved her but she left my life and now it's over~

I sent it and in matter of secondsfanswhere sayingLarry real and fans saying bullshit about my chose and that there happy Eleanor is gone and that there sorry.

It's over just like that.


Niall POV

We just left the date and it had to be the best date ever we talk, talk about random stuff laughed about the most stupid stuff. Both of out phones rang and it said Louis twitted something we both kinda just had to look so we did. Callie was in shock and I was the same there where fine this morning and more in love. They broke up, Callie thought it was here because Louis and her make a lot of stupid jokes together.

We walked hand and hand out with some fans still there a yelling the ship name they put together for us. I never thought I have a ship name.

Callie had gymnastics now and I packed her leotard in a bag that Paul left in the car and will pick us up.

"Niall I need my leo"

"All ready a head of you babe Paul had it"

"Well I need to change"

"You can change in the car while where all out side"

"I guess"

Paul had the door open and Callie walked in and shut the door before I could go in. Paul is like Callie's dad, he always there for her and if anyone messes with her he is there to save her or help her which I should be there but he acts like her father.

She opened the door with a blood red leotard and some pink holster pants I got her for our 3 month anniversary which our 5 month anniversary is in a few days. Her hair is in a bun and has no make up, but she still had the crown promise ring I got her on.

"I'm ready"

I got in the car and buckled up as she did too.

"Are you going to watch the whole thing"


"It's 5 hours long till 10"

"Well I'll be there 5 hours"

Callie POV

"You can go sit in the bleachers up there and you can just watch me"

He kissed one more time and sat on the bench.

"Look who showed up" Ally said

"Hey I want to show my country that I can train and go to the Olympics and win"

"That's was deep" Gabby said

"I'm a deep person"

They laughed "we have an interview at 7am so up by 4 ready by 6 at the place at 6:30" Ally said, she was always the mother even though she isn't the eldest.

"But mommy that's to early"

"Well Cat we have to"

"What ever" I pouted like a 5 years old

"So are you going to wear that ring when we do the Olympics" Mackayla asked

"Well when I finish an event and get water or I on break I will"

"That so cute" Jordyn gushed

"Girls we should be training not talking about boys. We want to win and a better practice than yesterday. We do have an interview and Ally told what you had to do. Now I want Mackayla on vault with Callie, Jordyn on beam, Gabby on bars, and Ally on floor and go"

I walked to the line because I was going first Mackayla said she hurt her ankle so I'm going first and than her.

I told my self 1..2..3 and I was running. I ran and and did a round off back hand spring on the horse. When I got up in the air I did a triple twist and landed it. I landed it that's yea that's easy but that's a triple twist I do usually do a double twist with a front truck.

Mackayla went up and did her perfect routine as always and plateaus lands it. "girls where here 5 hours we have time". I nod to myself and get back on the line I looked to Marta and she knew I what I was thinking. Do I do the triple twist and front tuck because that extract points there. She nods and I get ready on the line. I put my hand up signaling I'm ready and I'm off. I started running and once I get close I do a round off backhand spring on the horse and I'm up in the air I do a triple twist and I still have air time I so a front tuck. I let my feet softly land on the mat but all the other people hear my feet hit the mat and that's it I landed the hardest trick I've done. I see Marta looking at me and my couch. Her eyes where wide still replaying what just happened.

I went for some water while Mackayla was taking her turn. I put my ring on and took some sips I looked up to Niall and he was still watching, he gave me a thumps up and blew a kiss.

Chelsea walked up "well that was a surprise there"

"Never thought I could do it"

"Your full of surprise little one"

"Chelsea I met you 5 months ago and when I first tried out how did you know I would get this far"

"You had that look that you worked hard and never gives up she was that girls that knew what she wanted and knew where she wanted to get. Yes other people in the gym worked hard but you had that thing in you that you where going to make it far with what ever you do"

"Thank you"

"No I should be thank you" she said while hugging me.

"Cat it's your turn to do it" Mackayla yelled.

I ran over to the vault and did it again and again till it felt right.

"Ok Mackayla and Callie go bars, Gabby you to floor, Ally to beam and Jordyn to vault"

I walked up and up chalk all all over me. I jumped on and went to a small handstand I jumped up like a monkey to the bar I did some handstand on the high bar. I did a let go and twisted I did a turn over and than up to a handstand I was ready for my dismount and I stood up in the handstand and a full double twist. I was ready for my dismount. I did a handstand I did a twist and I front flip and landed it with a thud. I smiled an looked up to see Niall looking right at me.


I walked over to floor and out my music on. I put my arms up and waited till the music started. Once it started I did a full twist. Going out of the full twist I did a front tuck I did a split jump and front handspring to the corner. I ran and did a round off double twist. I did a front flip to a roll and herd the ring. I did a little run to the corner and took a deep breath and stayed to run and did a front flip double twist. I stop and put my hand in crown.


I took and sip some water and saw Niall still watching me I waved at him and he gave me a thumps up.

I walked over to beam and and jumped on. I got up and did a backhand spring to the end of the beam. I put my hands up and did a full twist and picked my leg up. I did a no hand cartwheel I went up in a handstand and I went into handstand splits I put my toe to my head and went to the side and back to the right way on the right way I went in to a back limber. I got up and did a double twist and landed close to the end of the beam. I did a round off triple twist and landed on the mat hands up

I walked over and got some water and looked at the time we had about half am hour left and that's for condition.

"That's was amazing baby girls" Chelsea cooed

"Since you the first one done you know what to do" Marta yelled.

I sighed and started lay ups


"Bye Jordyn, Ally, Mackayla, Gabby"

I waved as well as Niall did.

"You really watched the whole think"

"All of but than Louis and Liam started texting me"

"Oh how Drew?"

"She met a boy name Alex and there really good friends"

"That's good" she growing up yea we only are adopting her and he's 15 but she was always that girl that would light up my world.

"Hey its ok she need to make friends"

"I guess"

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