The Little Sister (Andy Biers...

By MaddiTheHatter

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My name is Jade Ferguson and I'm 18, and my older brother is a band member of a band called Black Veil Bride... More

The Little Sister
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: Copeland's First Birthday
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Babysitting
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Meeting The Biersacks
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: One Year Anniversary
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: Adopting a Friend
Chapter 38: Who Are You?
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41:The New Girl
Chapter 42
Chapter 43:Blade's Date
Chapter 44: Andy!
Chapter 45: Album Party
Chapter 46
Chapter 47: Dresses
Chapter 48: The Wedding
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53: Baby Shower and Blade's Appointment
Chapter 54: Alice Gray Biersack
Chapter 55: Elliot James Mora
Chapter 56: Blade's and CC's Wedding (END)

Chapter 3

20.7K 496 702
By MaddiTheHatter

Chapter 3

Jade's P.O.V

We arrived and I was about to explode from my excitement. "Calm down kiddo" Jake said, patting my shoulder. Once the bus stopped I was the first one out. I ran so fast that I ran into another bus, head on. I landed on my butt with a groan, rubbing my forehead. I heard Andy laughing and my cheeks tinted pink.

"You okay?" I looked up to see THE Kellin Quinn. "Yeah sorry bout your bus" I said, him helping me up. "I don't care about the bus" once I got up to my feet, I was ready to see more stuff until Keliin wanted to have a quick chat. "What's your name?"

"Jade. Jade Ferguson"

"Cool, wait your Jinxx's little sister" I nodded "Well your pretty cute" I blushed so bad. I blush easily if you haden't noticed. He gave me a hug then I walked to Jinxx. "Jinxx guess what?""


"I just met Kellin Quinn"


"Thanks for bringing me"

"No prob"

I looked to my left and see that Juliet's tour bus. It was gray with white fancy details on it. I still think Black Veil Brides tour bus is better. I walked with the band to the sign in to tell the Warp people that they're here. "When do you guys play?" I was looking at the people who were walking around, "At five o' clock" Andy said.

He had his hand around Juliet's waist, I got jealous for a second. Wait what am I talking about? Andy's perfectly fine with Juliet. "Jinxx do you mind if I take photos while you perform" I asked. "Sure" I jumped and embraced him in a hug.

I let go and went to the bus and grabbed my camera. It was a professional one, my mom was so nice and she bought me it. I never used it before so this will be interesting. I took some random pics to figure out the buttons. Once I got used to it, I deleted all those practice photos so I'll have good pictures when I really mean to take them.

I looked to find CC, but I was to busy thinking and ran into someone. "Oh sorry" he just chuckled, and I knew he was looking at me, probably thinking about me. Guys are like that. "It's okay. What's your name?"

"Jade. What's yours?"


"I like that name"

"Your's is pretty cute" I blushed, we said our goodbyes and he also gave me his number. I added his number in my phone then walked to see the guys. "Hey guys, you'll do great" I smiled "Get together right quick". They got together and each of them did a pose. I snapped the picture and giggled about CC's face.

They ran out on stage and began to play. I snapped pictures here and there. Making sure that they didn't look stupid or sweaty. I got a picture of Andy when he was screaming in the microphone. I looked through all the pictures making sure they look good. The guys came off stage all sweaty and a bonus they decided to give me a hug.

"Thanks guys" I laughed, "No problem" Ashley winked. We decided to stay in a hotel instead of our tour bus just for tonight. We signed in and rode the elevator to the 5th floor. I had my own room and it's number was 502. I walked in and changed into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top.

I knocked on the door next to mine and Andy answered, Juliet was watching TV "Oh, Andy sorry I though Jinxx would be in this room" I didn't know what to say besides that. "It's okay and Jinxx is across the hall"

"Oh can I have your number and email so I can send you the pictures I took today?" Right when I said the word 'number' Juliet snapped her head at me. "Sure" he gave me his number and email and I trotted to my room and turned on my laptop that Jinxx got me.

I typed in his email and attached the photos and clicked the button that read 'send'. Apple's laptop are funny to me because they have that photo booth and the first time I tried it I laughed my ass off.

I turned off my laptop and headed to bed, falling into dream land.

I woke up to the sound of thumping. I was perplexed, I got up and I could feel my feet bounce off the ground because of it. It got louder and louder then I heard a loud moan then grunting. I walked to the wall and put my ear to it. I could hear words being spoken too. Then I found out. Andy and Juliet were fucking.

I banged on the wall, hoping they would hear me "SOMEONE'S TRYING TO SLEEP IN HERE!" I yelled but the thumping didn't stop.

I threw up the contents of my stomach in the toilet. I brushed my teeth to get the vomit smell out of my mouth. I put in my ear buds and my music made me go to sleep.


I woke up and took a long hot shower. I wrapped the towel around me and there was a knock at the door. I opened so only my head would pop out. "Yes?" It was Andy, he looked confused "Can I come in?"

"Sure but I have to change in the bathroom though"

"Okay" he walked in and sat on my bed I grabbed my clothes and changed in the bathroom. I had some baby blue high waist shorts, black crop top, and some navy blue vans. I applied eyeliner and mascara and let my hair air dry.

I sat on the bed beside him and the first thing he did was looked at my body. I didn't mind, he probably thinks I'm ugly besides he's like dating the prettiest girl in the world. Fuck my depression. "So what'cha need?" I asked and he looked at me with soft eyes. "There's going to be a party tonight just for the bands when everyone leaves so do you wanna come?" I've never been to a party before especially one with rock stars

Andy's P.O.V

She accepted my invitation, and she was so excited. I couldn't help but look down to her exposed body, cause of the crop top. I think I like Jade but I can't because I'm dating Juliet and I love her. I don't know what's wrong with me.

The party is where all the buses are. I was so pumped and we didn't have to perform so we hung out in the closest town. We headed towards the buses and I stopped by to talk to Matt.

Jade's P.O.V

I looked over my shoulder and saw Andy talking to his friend Matt. I wish I had friends all I have is Jared right now. "Jinxx when are we going to go?" I whined, I really needed to go to the mall and plus they haven't took there yet like Jinxx said. "Right now" Andy walked back so we were ready. We drove to a huge mall and it looked better than I imagined.

We walked to a Spencers and it was awesome. They had a whole section dedicated to Batman and The Nightmare Before Christmas. My eyes went wide when I saw that. They even had water show speakers, I was so buying that. "What do those do?" Andy, puzzled by the speakers. "They shoot water up in different colors to the beat of the music"

"Cool. You buying them?"

"Hell yeah I am" I grabbed the box and headed towards the Batman section and grabbed random stuff then grabbed The Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. After a couple of shops we left and headed back to the buses. I bought 6 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, 3 leggings/tights, and 3 pairs of shoes.

It was 8 and the party started at 10 so I decided to get ready. I put on a black crop top with a red ripped up heart on it, short shorts, and a pair of red vans. Straightening my hair and applying eyeliner and teasing my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and into the lounge and watched TV to kill time.

"Hey" I looked up to see CC, "You coming out? The party started" I ran out of the bus and saw Blood On The Dance Floor, Asking Alexandria, and Sleeping with Sirens. I was so excited. I walked to Jinxx who was sober at the moment. "How many beers have you had?" I said to him, he just laughed. "Two" I went to the bus and grabbed my phone with ear buds attached and sat on a nearby log.

I started to text Jared until some interrupted me. "What are you doing there?" I looked to see Ashley with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Nosey much?"

"Sometimes" I put my phone back in my bunk and walked back out and what I was hearing made buzz with energy. Give Me Your Hand (Best Song Ever) by The Ready Set was playing and started to shift my legs to the beat and then move shake my hips. Some of the bands invited some girls and one got up from one of the logs and began to dance with me. Soon other girls joined and we had a little dance group.

Everyone was watching, a lot of them was impressed. Once the song ended the guys walked up to me except Andy he was to be talking and being interested in Juliet. "That was great" Jinxx said

"Yeah for real where'd you learn those moves" CC said while giving me a hug

"You should be a dancer" Ashley complemented

"That was legitimately cool" Jake said with a smile

"Thanks guys" I blushed at their comments "I'd never had dance session, I'd learn those moves myself"

Some rock and pop music continued to play, I was getting angry at Juliet and also I was depressed. How come she's Ms.Pretty? Or she's like Andy, also the perfect girlfriend? Why can't anybody love me like how Andy loves Juliet? Shut up Jade you fucking depression is talking, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I shook my head to get those thoughts out and I realized Andy was walking to me. "You okay?" I think he noticed my depression. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned hoping he would change the subject. "You look worried or sad"

"I'm not, I-I was just thinking"

"Come here" he embraced me in a hug, I melted in his arms. He must of thought that hugging me would make me feel better and let me tell you, it did. "Thanks" I said when we broke the hug, "No problem, if you need me just call for me" then he walked back to Juliet.

I was tired and it was midnight so I hit the hay, with one thing on my mind.

I'm in love with Andy Biersack


Ello hope you enjoyed :) Thank you so much for reading and see you next chapter


Listening to My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na)

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