The Devil's Grin - A One Piec...

By 87firestrike

181K 6.1K 2.9K

Everything has changed. I was once considered great and powerful. But I was betrayed by those I thought I cou... More

Chapter one- A New Beginning
The Makings of a Crew
The Swordsman
The Girl That Draws Maps and the Boy Who Lies
What Makes a Cook
Finding a Cook and a Doctor
The Shipwright and a Bag of Bones
The Girl Called a Demon
I Over Slept
I Hate Cats
Run Its a Rapist
Enter: The Tempest of the Seas
Sneezes Can Be Deadly
Lets Find a Cook; What's Wrong With Nami?
A Declaration of Might. The Cook's Fight Begins
Truths and Lies. Fight Like a Man
Don Creed Defeated.
Nami's Plight and A New Contract Made?
A Broken Promise The Heroe's Entrance
The Mark of War.
The Fight for the Navigator. Nami, You Are My Friend.
Arlong's Reign Ends Nami Joins the Crew
Dreams. Welcome to Lougetown!
Wanderings in Lougetown. Another bearer of the Mark?!
Winds of Change. Journey to the Grande Line!
Enter the Grande Line A Whale?!
Follower Appreciation
Our Adventure Begins! Tranquility Comes Aboard
Whiskey Peaks Welcomes You
Battle of the Marks!? Wait! Who Bares the Mark?
Howdy Miss All Sundays. The All Seeing Eye
What Happened?!
The First Snail-What Started It All
The Second Snail The Game
April Fool's Special
The Third Snail - Wait?! What?! Oh, OK. The Fourth Snail - The Wedding
Prison Can Be Fun
Followers Apre-ach!!*#&#&รท *toss* *crash* *slam!*
Trip Down Memory Lane - A Storm of Blue Crossover
Author's Note (You really might want to read this.)
Escape! What'd I Miss?
Let's Go Back a Bit
Happy Birthday!!!!
Who Is Frost? Tempest and Current
Let's Return To Our Adventurers - An Island in the Sky?!
Monkey's Business and Jaya Island
Jaya! The Pirate's Playhouse!
Followers Appreciation
Can We Really Make It?
To Eat Or Not To Eat?
Welcome to Sky Island!!
Promises From a Demon
A New Family Member Or One That Wasn't Seen? Let the Games Begin!
Calgura or Wiper? Fight For Survival!
Taking Down 'God'
Light Pirates Are Born!
Here and Now.
A Game of Chess, A Fishing Lesson
Who Wins and Who Loses
Deeper Than Blood
Holiday Special
You Ruined the Fight!=(
The Government's Articuno.
Fight For a New Name. Who Knew Trains Could Float?
Thank You. Good Bye.
The World Cries
Rescue Mission
The Feelings of Our Hearts
Salvation or Damnation
My Curse
Ohara: First Meeting
2 Year Celebration :'(
Ohara: Strange Is As Strange Does
Ohara Burns
Danny Boy
Behind Blue Eyes
The Ice Room
Why Wait?
Three Days
For War We Prepare
The Auction
Author's Note
Izume Ame
What Happens Now?
The Goddess of the Sea
Haunted Past
Ace in Danger!
Everyone Else
Ace, Roger, and D
Prelude to War
A Battlefield is a Living Graveyard
Even If It Kills Me
The Turning Point?
Big 100! Return of Daddy's Law

The Flower Blooms

408 29 5
By 87firestrike

Alright everybody! New chapter! Yay! So this chapter is dedicated to @zadzen3 because he/she is the only one who commented on Rose's fruit. And because no one else commented I've put my revenge at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

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Rose and Frost were finally finished moving her things after several hours. It wasn't that she had a lot of things that made it take so long but the fact that half the pirates they ran into wanted to fight Frost. So they spent a lot of time trying to avoid other people. Now that they were finished they were on their way to her work to get dinner.

"They've got the best desserts." Rose told Frost. "And the drinks are pretty good too. But the best thing there is their broth." She closed her eyes and imagined what their dinner was going to be like.

"That's good cause I'm hungry!" Frost smiled.

"Hey Hungry." Rose grinned. "I'm Rose.

"Very funny." Frost nudged her jokingly while rolling his eyes. "Let's hurry and get some grub. It's getting real late." He was right. It was almost midnight. She really hoped it wouldn't take long to fix her apartment. Right now she was keeping her work close in a backpack plus a extra change of close just in case.

"Have you made a decision about whether or not to eat the fruit?" Frost asked quietly.

Rose thought about the fruit and the situation she had been witness to before finding it. A part of her had always been fascinated by the life of a pirate. They went where they went and had lots of fun on the seas seeing amazing strange places. But on the other hand they were always hunted by the government and other pirates wanting to add to their fame.

"You don't have to eat it." Frost added. "Just because my dad left it for you doesn't mean anything. You still have a choice." That was something else she wondered. Why did he leave her the fruit? What was so special about her? "Though if you did eat the fruit I could stick around and help you figure it out." Frost kind of mumbled.

"What did you say?" Rose asked hopefully. While they had been moving her stuff they had gotten to know each other better. And she had come to like him. She had found out that he was a solo pirate travelling around trying to discover who his mother was. He also had a brother who was a pirate as well. Hearing his stories of the travels he had already been on made her want to travel herself. And if he asked her to join him she was pretty sure she would.

"Hey guys!" A guy shouted to his buddies. "Some weird guy showed up in town and now Bellamy is fighting one of his crew members!"

"Who's Bellamy?" Frost asked her. "The name seems familiar."

"He's the guy your dad beat up." She answered.

"Oh right." Frost nodded remembering her story. "The one with the devil fruit powers. Let's go check this out."

"You want to go watch the fight?" She asked. She didn't think he was the kind of person who enjoyed fights.

"I want to know who the stranger is." Frost shrugged as he answered. "Unless there is insubordination it's uncommon for crew members to fight. If there was insubordination they would have said Bellamy was punishing one of his crew members. The fact that they mentioned a stranger to the town in a town that is commonly visited by pirates is interesting. Either he has a devil fruit that allows him to manipulate others or he is powerful enough to make people do things out of fear. Both scenarios warrant looking into." He explained.

"I didn't think about it like that." Rose admitted. "I thought you just wanted to watch a fight." She blushed.

"I do like to test my strength like every guy out there but that doesn't mean I enjoy violence." Frost laughed. "Actually I tend to take after my dad and prefer a theatrical flare to my actions. We're both kind of a show off." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Shall we go take a look?" He gestured before him down the street the group of men headed down before while offering his arm.

"Sure." She smiled as she took his arm and let him guide her down the street. Though she had a slightly bad feeling about it. The direction they were headed was actually where they were already going before. And she knew Bellamy liked to hang out at the same place he held a lynching when he was on the island. Both facts lead her to believe the fight was outside her workplace.

"Please forgive us!" Bellamy begged as Sarkies swung his blade at him a again.

"Why can't I control my body?!" Sarkies cried out as he swung at him repeatedly.

"I really am disappointed." A tall blond man wearing a large pink feathered scarf slanted sunglasses sighed. "Here I let you use my mark to pioneer the New Age. And you embarrass me by getting beaten by a runt." His bored look took on a darker form as he growled. "And I heard he did it with one punch without using his devil fruit powers."

"Somebody stop me!" Sarkies screamed as he managed to cut Bellamy causing him to fall.

"Just give us another chance!" Bellamy begged. "Please!"

"Too late." The man grinned darkly as Sarkies swung the finishing blow. Bellamy closed his eyes waiting for oblivion.

"Glad I made it in time." A male voice called out causing Bellamy to open his eyes again to find he was still alive some how. And to his surprise Sarkies' blade was stopped inches from his face. "You really shouldn't play with knives." The voice called out again drawing his attention to the crowd on the other side of the street the fight was happening on.

Standing just in front of the crowd was a two kids. A white haired guy and a dark haired girl who was carrying a backpack. He didn't know how he knew but some how the white haired kid had stopped the attack Don Flamingo had intended to end him with.

"Who are you?" Flamingo asked.

"You better stay here." The white haired kid pat the girls head ignoring Flamingo. "I'll try to settle this quickly so we can have dinner."

That's when Bellamy remembered something. Eddie had reported to him that a couple of kids were talking about a devil fruit they had. And if he remembered correctly these kids fit the description Eddie had given him. Maybe this was a chance to get out of this message. He had wanted to have one of his crew members eat it if it was real but if giving it up to Flamingo let them survive it was worth it.

"Flamingo!" Bellamy called out to him catching his attention. "One of my crew over heard these guys talking about a devil fruit they acquired."

Flamingo tilted his head to the side curiously. "I'm listening."

"It's supposed be greenish red with plant designs all over it." Bellamy continued. "I'm not sure what power it holds if it's real but I'll gladly hand it over to you."

"Which means you want me to beat these kids, take their fruit, and let you live." Flamingo laughed. "That's fine with me." He grinned as he extended his hand forward. But his grin faltered when smoke rose around the girl.

"Why is there smoke all around me all of a sudden?!" Rose exclaimed frightfully.

"I was afraid you might try something with her." Frost chuckled calmly. But when Rose looked at his eyes they seemed on fire. "I noticed strings attached to that man when I froze him." He pointed at Sarkies. "So when I was patting her head a placed a barrier of heat in the air around her as a precaution."

"Strings?" Rose asked confused. "What do strings have to do with anything?"

"That seems to be his ability." Frost answered as he began walking forward. "Something else I picked up on my travels was the ability to judge the level of a devil fruit user's abilities. And you sir are quite powerful." He explained while smiling. "Put up against anyone else currently on this island you would have no troubles at all. But I am not just anyone. You asked me my name so I'll give it to you. I am Frost." He bowed theatrically.

"So your the mysterious man who has been causing a riot for the World Government." The freak in pink chuckled. "The man rumored to be able to use the same powers as Aokiji, one of the three Admirals. And you have a bounty of eighty million already. But you mentioned a barrier of heat?"

"Are you really that strong?" Rose asked Frost causing him to blush.

"Not at all." He rubbed the back of his head. "Compared to my brother I'm small fry."

"You mean Hiro?" The Flamingo perked up.

"Your related to the 'Blue Flame'?" He asked in disbelief. "That's definitely something the Marines will want to know."

"I would appreciate it if you didn't tell them." Frost sighed. "Dad would be a little upset if word spread about that. He did separate us as children for a reason."

"And who is your father?" Flamingo asked curiously.

"You'll have to beat me if you want to know that." Frost grinned as he crouched into a fighting stance. "And that's not gonna happen."

Flamingo grinned as he flung his hands out. A large area in front of Frost burst in flames suddenly. Before Frost could react Flamingo burst through the flames preparing a round house kick. Rose cried out in shock as the kick connected. She cried out again when Frost shattered into a million pieces.

"Missed me." Frost appeared behind Pflamingo causing Rose to sigh in relief. "Cold punch!" Frost spoke coldly as he punched Flamingo in the side. Flamingo cried out in pain before freezing solid. Frost landed crouched on one knee as Flamingo crashed to the ground shattering.

"You beat him!" Rose cheered.

"Impossible!" Bellamy breathed. Someone had beaten Don Flamingo in one hit.

"Sadly he's still alive." Frost sighed as he stood up. "That was only a puppet he made." He explained as he stared at the melting pieces of ice. If one looked close they could see bits of string once the ice melted. Most likely he made the puppet when his first attack against me burst in flames."

"He can do that?" Rose asked surprised.

"Yes." Frost answered her. "And we are going to need to put dinner on hold. Most likely he is going to begin searching the town for your place to find the devil fruit."

"I have it with me." Rose spoke quietly as she pulled the fruit out of her backpack.

"You do?!" Frost exclaimed in surprise. "I thought you left it at your new place?!"

"I had a feeling to grab it so I did." Rose nodded.

"Well that's a relief." Frost smiled happily. "It'd be scary if the wrong hands got a hold of that fruit."

"It's it really that strong of a power?" Rose asked.

"It's told you before it was."

"Right." Rose remembered.

Bellamy watched the two talking. The girl was holding the fruit in her arms and was glancing around afraid Flamingo would appear and take it. He himself wanted to steal the fruit but after the boy showed his abilities.. he was still trying to wrap his head around it. Some how the boy could control ice and fire. Something that should be impossible. If someone ate two fruits it would destroy them. So how did he have such powers?

Don Flamingo sat in a tree in sight of where the fight had happened. It had been the right choice to make a puppet to fight in his place. And he had been intending to search the town till he found where the two kids were hiding the devil fruit they had. But now that the girl had pulled it out of her bag he had to give up on the fruit. With the boys ability to protect her with heat his strings were useless. And even though a puppet had a tenth of the strength of the original the boy had beaten it with ease. A fight now could not guarantee he would leave with the prize. He worried he might not even leave with his life. He would have to settle for finding out what the fruit's powers were.

"Have you decided if you are going to eat the fruit?" Frost asked her expectantly.

She stared at the fruit for several minutes as she weighed the pros and cons. Glancing at Frost it wasn't hard to see that the pros outweighed the cons by far. "I've decided." She took a bite of the fruit and nearly gagged. "Gross!"

"Forgot to warn you about that." Frost opologized.

"Ach?!" She cried out in surprised pain as she felt her body begin to change. It felt like something was crawling all over her skin as well as her insides. Several painful seconds went by before the pain dissapeared suddenly. She glanced at Frost to see his reaction.

"Woah!" Frost breathed amazed.

D sat in the branches of a giant tree high in the sky in the middle of the night when he felt a surge of power far below on Jaya. "To eat it is." He chuckled. Things were going to get interesting. Let the flower bloom!

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