Gender Swap: A Spideypool Sto...

By Bugz1421

154K 4.6K 4.6K

Wade (Deadpool) and Peter (Spider-Man) get caught one night and placed into a room with each other for a whil... More

What the fuck?
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6?
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 24
Day 29
Our New Life
Nature Trail Surprise
One Month
Spidey's Back!
The Hellhouse
Is Sex Still an Option?
Panic Attacks Suck!
Spidey got a sidekick
Snip Snip, Dustin
Wedding Bells
The Hero Always Gets Laid in the End
Our Day Without Kids
Today Was a Crazy Day
We're Going To....
Threesome with Some Hidden Knowledge
Annabelle's Orientation
First Day of Preschool
Parent Teacher Conference and Scarring the Kids
Daddy's Home, Maturing, and Sapphire
Belle's (Ex)Boyfriend
Dustin's Boyfriend
Goodbye Papa, Hello Momma
Baby Insertion and Planning Day for Tomorrow
Dustin and Nate's Anniversary
One Big Crazy Day
Formal Night
Today's the Day.... or Not
Happy New Years!
Test Subject
Bitch in Heat
Our Little Birds Leave the Nest
Happy Ending

Family Fun Day

2K 59 79
By Bugz1421

I woke up to my head pounding.

"Ah! I feel like my skull is getting crushed!" I grabbed my head and tried to open my eyes.

I was met by the darkness of our room.

"Thank god for window blinds." I mumbled to myself.

"Look who's finally up." Wade came in with the kids in his arms.

"Hey." I smiled and he laid the kids on the bed.

"I think I caught that your head hurt?" He asked.

"Yeah, badly." I continued to grip my head.

Wade left to for the bathroom then came back.

"Here." He sat a couple pills in my hand then gave me a bottle of water from the stand.

"Thanks." I downed the pills and water before laying back against the pillow.

"So how's your first hangover feel?" Wade chuckled.

I gave him the middle finger and he laughed even more.

"What time is it?" I said as I sat the empty bottle on my night stand.

"Close to noon." Wade started changing Zoey's diaper and she started giggling.

I sat up and he moved Dustin to be in front of me.

"He need changed too?" Wade nodded.

I undid the velcro strips on sides of the diaper. Dustin was kicking his legs and smiling as I cleaned his bottom. I finished and slid the new diaper under him before sprinkling the baby powder all over his area.

"Powder me." I handed him the thing of baby powder then did the velcro straps on the sides.

"There, a clean baby is the happiest baby." I smiled then tickled him. "Isn't that right?" He giggled and howled with laughter.

"They gotta get a bath later." Wade said.

"I know, they didn't get one yesterday."

"Oh! I got something to show you." He got off the bed and walked to the TV. Wade put a DVD in the player then turned it on.

"What's that?" He started the video and came to sit beside me on the bed.

Our wedding ceremony started playing and Wade took my hand.

"You got it all recorded?" I smiled.

"Professionally. I knew a guy and he agreed to tape it and take the pictures."

"That's who was taking them!" Wade nodded.

We watched our wedding play out then it switched to the bowling alley. We watched us dance then you could tell when I was starting to get drunk. By the end of the video, we weren't at the bowling alley anymore. Wade, me, and a bunch of other people were at a strip club.

Wade some how changed back into his suit, quipped with his guns and everything. I watched Wade get up on the pole and suductively start dancing and removing his clothes. He stopped stripping when he got to his pants then danced sexually on the stage without the pole. He was crowded by a bunch of girls that were throwing money at him and begging for more.

"Damn! Were you a stripper in another life?" I was so dazed by his dancing, that I couldn't even look over at him.

"Told you I knew the people at the strip club down the street. They let me have some fun between missions. I was always crowded by beautiful women and some men too! They told me that I was welcome anytime to get up on the stage because I always made big bucks with the ladies." Wade cockily smirked. "I see someone else likes my dancing too, huh?"

"Uh-hu! You're so sexy!" I finally looked over and kissed him.

"Wanna hear something funny? I've seen your dad there before he even knew who I was. I was around the club before the Cancer took over and I even got a couple wads from him in ones."

"Dad hung out at a strip club?!" I laughed.

"Yep, when he was down, I'd see him there."

"How do you know he was sad?"

"Petey, I hate to be the one to tell you this but... I've given your dad a couple lap dances. He told me I was sexy and paid for a lap dance every time I was there. During the dances, I'd ask him what was up and why he was there and stuff like that as he watched my moves."

"You gave my dad lap dances?" I was shocked.

"You bet! And might I just say, he was very handsy!" Wade laughed.

"Are we talking about the same person?! Dad?! My dad?! Tony Stark?!" I was so shocked at what Wade was telling me.

"Yeppers! Your dad was a horny little bugger just like you! He was always going back with one of the girls. He'd come back out with a big smile on his face and about 150 bucks less in his pocket."

"This must've been before him and Steve got together."

"Maybe, ask him." He laid back and rested Zoey on his bare chest. She was already asleep when he laid her on his chest but she stayed asleep as he rubbed her tiny back.

"That's a weird thing for someone to ask their dad. 'Hey, dad, how was the strip club that you used to go to to get a lap dance from my husband and get laid by a different girl every time you were there?' It's just not something you ask."

"Maybe not you but I have no problem asking. You want me to find out for you?"


My phone started playing "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath.

"Speaking of him, hey, dad, what's up?" I put it on speaker.

Dad: What you guys doing today?

Me: No clue, why?

Dad: You guys wanna spend the day with us?

Me: What are you guys doing today?

Dad: Well, the team wanted to take a trip.

Me: ...... to?

Dad: It's a surprise, you guys on board?

I looked to Wade and he shrugged.

"Up to you."

"You wanna?"


Me: Yeah, is this an all day trip?

Dad: Yep!

Me: What should we pack?

Dad: Extra clothes for all 4 of you, bathing suits, sunscreen, and bottles for the kids. A couple water bottles wouldn't hurt either.

Me: No food?

Dad: No.

Me: Okay, when we goin?

Dad: We're on our way.

Me: Wait, like, right now?!

Dad: Yep, get everything ready, we'll be there in about 5.

Me: We're all going in one vehicle? How?

Dad: I rented an RV for the day.

Me: And it's big enough for all of us?

Dad: Yep! Bye, Pete.

Me: Wai-

Dad already had hung up. We packed all that we needed and, as we finished, dad texted and said they were outside. We had our drawstring bags on our backs and the kids' on the opposite arm that was carrying their car seats. Wade also had the folded up strollers with him too. We got on and sat in one of the booths with the kids in between us. Wade was wearing his trunks and had a tank top on while I had normal clothes on over top of my bikini.

"We going to a water park?" I asked.

"Nope, but you will get wet." Dad, who was driving the huge RV, answered.

"Steve, where we goin?" I whispered.

"No clue, he wouldn't tell any of us. He just told us that it was a trip and what we should pack for it." Steve answered.

We were on the road and Wade notified me that we would run out of bottles if I didn't make more. I took off my shirt then put the pump to work. I made a handful or two more bottles before stopping.

We got there and dad announced it to all of us.

"Uh, this is your captain's husband speaking, we have arrived at our final destination. Stay in your seats until the RV has completely stopped and parked in the parking lot, please and have a great day!" Dad spoke like a pilot over the intercom.

We were all excited to see where our long ride took us.

"Mountain Creek! The most bad ass action water park in New Jersey!" Dad yelled throughout the RV.

"I thought you said we weren't going to a water park?" I asked.

"Yeah, well, I lied. Sue me." Dad shrugged and smiled. I laughed and got the kids out of their seats.

We got out when the big, bus-like vehicle was parked and I coated myself and the kids in sunscreen. I looked over and Steve was doing the same to himself and dad.

"Wade, you want me to do you too?" I held up the normal sunscreen as I put the baby's back in their bag.

"I'm good, baby boy. I don't burn." He smiled.

"You sure? I wouldn't want you getting sunburn, it really hurts!"

"If you want to but I don't burn, I've never had sunburn because of my healing factor."

"I'd feel better if you got a coat too." I nodded.

"Go for it then." Wade took off his shirt without me asking. My mouth fell open seeing that I didn't have to force his shirt off then it was covered by my proud smile.

I did a coat on him like I did on myself. Everyone there was now fully coated in sunscreen. We finally started walking to the front of the park to get in.

"How are you guys today?" The smiling female asked.

"Great! How are you?" Steve smiled back.

"I'm just dandy, thanks for askin!" She happily shot back. "How many of you are there today?"

"Uh... 1, 2, 3- 11." Dad counted.

"Okay, that'll be $414." Dad handed her the money and she started putting the wrist bands on all of us then stopped when she got to Wade.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we have a 'no open wounds' policy. I'm sorry to say that you're not aloud in." She quickly pulled away from his arm.

"They're not open wounds, they're scars." He sadly corrected her.

"I'm sorry sir but I cannot permit you to go in with your... uh.... body in that condition." She told him.

"Oh." Wade backed away from the scared girl.


"Go have fun, Petey. I-I'm gonna go back to the RV, maybe chill and watch a little TV while I'm in there. I'll see you guys when you come back." He put on a smile but I knew he was pissed and extremely hurt on the inside that he couldn't to into the park because of something that wasn't his fault.

"Wade, that's not fair for us to leave you while we have fun." I sighed, taking his hand.

"It's fine, Petey. I'm used to it. Go have fun, I promise, it's okay." He kissed my head and did the same to the kids.

"Wade, I-"

"I love you, have a great day with everyone." He pecked my lips then turned and walked away.

"Here you go, sir." She handed dad the money he used to pay for Wade.

"Miss, that was very heartless of you. Those weren't open wounds, they were scars from his Cancer treatments that went horrible wrong. He's constantly and harshly judged on his appearance because of his scars on a daily basis. Let me put you in his shoes for a second. He was diagnosed when he was in his 20's and was given the option to get treatments, like most, but they weren't given by the government. The people who joined were tortured on a daily basis, most dying within the first couple days. He became immortal and they tried their hardest to kill the man that you just told couldn't go into the park because of something he couldn't control. The Cancer is constantly fighting against his healing factor resulting in the scars. After years of treatments, they couldn't even get rid of the Cancer. The man that your just turned away was in the army, has Cancer, and is a mercenary. He just wanted to get away from the hell of his life for a day at the water park with his family. I, one of the father's of the group, planned this trip secretively for him and his husband-wife because they just got married yesterday. I thought it'd be a fun day, but I was sadly mistaken and caught off guard when the teenager working the front booth told my new son-in-law that he couldn't enter with his family because of his appearance. Now, I understand stand that you're just doing your job but you better hope and pray that his job and you won't come in contact with one another but I can't promise anything. He's very sensitive about his skin and you embarrassed him in front of everyone. Not only would I like a refund for all of us, we will take our family fun day somewhere else that won't judge him." Dad was rightfully pissed, as was I and most of the others.

"I'm sorry but I-"

"What's your name, sweetheart?" I asked as I stepped forward.


"Cindy what?

"Cindy Green."

"Listen Cindy, if we don't get our money back, I can promise you that your name will appear on a sheet of paper where my husband works. Trust me, you don't want that. Just by the looks of him and the hints you've been given, you can tell what he does for a living.... or, well, dying... if you catch my drift." I cockily smiled as I gave her an evil glare.

Not one word came out as she refunded our whole entrance fee back to dad.

We walked back to the RV to find Wade laying on the floor and watching Golden Girls.

"Why are you guys back here so early?" He asked ad he wiped his face.

"Because this is a family trip. Without you, it's not a full family trip." Steve said.

"You're just as much part of this family as the rest of the team, Wade." Dad patted his shoulder.

"Come here baby." I sat the kids in their car seats and picked Wade up. I sat on the edge of the booth, blocking the kids seats in, then sat Wade on my lap.

"So..... you all came back.... for me?" He asked as he looked around."

"We all love you, Wade. If they're too much of assholes to get past your beauty marks, then we all leave. It's not fair for you to be separated from the rest of our big family just because you look a little different to someone that doesn't know you. You're beautiful and you should be treated as a regular person. You can't go, we can't go." I explained.

Wade latched onto my neck and he broke down into my shoulder.

"I love you so fuckin much! I don't know how I got someone as perfect and sweet as you!" He bawled.

For someone as strong as Wade to cry, he was severely touched by how much his family cared about him. Wade's never had that before. I coddled him like he always did to me when I had a break down until he stopped.

"The last time I was in a family was when I was 5." His bloodshot eyes met mine.

"Get used to it, pretty boy." I kissed his nose. "Cause you're gonna have one for the rest of your life." I smiled and he kissed me passionately.

"You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me." He put his head back on my shoulder and nuzzled my neck. "Thank you." I felt him gently kissed my neck.

"No need to thank me, we love you." I turned my head and kissed his face.

Dad drove us somewhere else as I showed Wade the love he needed. I held, rocked, kissed gently, and told him how much he meant to all of us.

"We're here!" Dad yelled back to all of us, waking Wade and the kids up.

"Where we now, Tony?" Wade slurred as he lifted his head.

"Enchanted Forest Water Safari!" He announced.

We pulled in and walked to the gate all together.

"Hi, how many?" The guy asked us with a smile.

"Hold on." Dad pulled Wade by the arm. "Is he allowed in?" Wade put his head down and turned it away from the man.

"Uh.... of course?" He sounded unsure of himself.

Wade's head shot up and looked at the guy.

"Then there's 11 of us, counting the couple week old kids." Dad told him.

"The kids are free since they're under 3 and for all of you guys it's, $297." Dad paid and we all went in.

We stayed together and had an amazing day as a full family, something none of us have fully experienced in a long time. When it started to get dark, we headed for the RV. Dad started driving back to town when we all got settled in for the ride.

"You guys want dropped off at your house or you coming back to the tower?" Dad asked as we got closer to where we lived.

"Our house please." I told him.

We got there and carried all our stuff in then came back for the babies. We bathed the kids then put them to bed in their cribs.

"You want first shower?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He waved me.

I took my shower then Wade went in and got his. When we were both clean, we cuddled together.

"Hey, Petey?"


"Thanks for today."

"Wade, I told you that you didn't need to thank me over stuff like that."

"I know but I'm still not used to having people stick up for me."

"You have a family now, Wade. Family sticks together."

It got quiet after I said that until he broke the silence.

"Hey, Petey?"

"Yes, Wade?"

"I'm horny."

I looked up.

"Really." I glared at him.

"Mind givin me a quick blow?"

"Will you let me sleep after?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." He rolled his eyes.

I sat up and pulled his boxers off before getting between his legs.

"You say you're horny but you don't even have a half chub goin." I lazily moved his thick dick with my pointer finger.

"It'll get there, my love." I watched his dick slowly get harder and twitch a bit.

"Let's see how hard I can get you without even touching you." I smiled slyly.

"Sexy talk?" He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"Sexy talk." I stated. "Let's see that thick cock twitch." I growled.

I spoke dirty talk to him, growling and moaning every now and then to get him even more heated. I watched him get hard and fully cocked, eventually leaking precum all over his head.

"Getting a little too excited, are we?" I smiled.

"Only in the best way possible." He moaned.

"Does you cock hurt, daddy?"

"Yes, kitten."

"I bet that pain is building in your stomach, am I right?"

"Yes, kitten."

"I bet daddy would like sweet release, wouldn't he?"

"Yes, please, kitten."

"Is daddy begging?"

"Yes, kitten.

"Let kitten hear more of daddy's begging while he decides if daddy's cock is worthy of release."

"Kitten, please! Daddy's cock is painfully throbbing, please get daddy off." Wade begged.

I ran my finger nail up the underside of Wade's cock, from base to tip along one of his thick veins. Wade moaned and shivered.

"Kitten didn't say daddy could cum yet." I grabbed his dick tightly and his whole body tensed. "Hold it in until kitten says you can cum." I growled as I started jerking him off painfully slow.

"Pet- ah! Kitten, please..... faster!" He begged. Every time he used my real name, I'd tighten my grip and run my thumb over his sensitive head.

"Fuck!" He growled.

"What's my name?" I got close and growled in his face.

"Francis!" He moaned loudly as he came. I helped him ride out his orgasm then went to grab a towel to clean him up with.

"Did you call me 'Francis'?" I laughed as that just clicked in my head. I walked back in and cleaned up the cum off his abs and pecks.

"Yeah..... sorry, Petey." He laughed.

"Who's that? Was he an old boyfriend?" I asked.

"Hell no! He was an asshole that helped do this to me." He gestured to his scars.

"Oh, okay. I just though he would be since you yelled his name out as you came in your husbands hand."

"He wasn't even attractive! Unless you're talking about Ed Skrein, he's sexy as fuck!" He smiled.


"He played Ajax in my mov- oh, never mind." Wade waves his and and shook his head with a smile.

"Oh-kay?" I finished cleaning his stomach then gently grabbed his penis before cleaning it off too.

"Sensitive, babe." He sucked in a small gust of air.

"Sorry but I needed to get the cum off before it dried." I told him.

"You horny, sweetheart?"

"No, just tired." I yawned and went back to the bathroom to wash off the towel and hang it in the side of the bathtub.

"You sure you don't want me to get you off?" He asked, putting his boxers back on.

"Nope, all I want is cuddles from the best man in the wide world." I jumped on the bed and cuddled up to Wade.

"I didn't know Cap was here." He smiled and jokingly looked around.

"I love you." I laughed and turned his head towards me to gently connect our lips.

"I love you too, Petey." He smiled and kissed me again. I laid my head on his chest and started to go to sleep.

"Good night, Wade." I mumbled into his skin.

"Rest easy, my spider." He kissed the top of my head as I drifted off.

I love my family, every single one of them.


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