The Devil's Grin - A One Piec...

By 87firestrike

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Everything has changed. I was once considered great and powerful. But I was betrayed by those I thought I cou... More

Chapter one- A New Beginning
The Makings of a Crew
The Swordsman
The Girl That Draws Maps and the Boy Who Lies
What Makes a Cook
Finding a Cook and a Doctor
The Shipwright and a Bag of Bones
The Girl Called a Demon
I Over Slept
I Hate Cats
Run Its a Rapist
Enter: The Tempest of the Seas
Sneezes Can Be Deadly
Lets Find a Cook; What's Wrong With Nami?
A Declaration of Might. The Cook's Fight Begins
Truths and Lies. Fight Like a Man
Don Creed Defeated.
Nami's Plight and A New Contract Made?
A Broken Promise The Heroe's Entrance
The Mark of War.
The Fight for the Navigator. Nami, You Are My Friend.
Arlong's Reign Ends Nami Joins the Crew
Dreams. Welcome to Lougetown!
Wanderings in Lougetown. Another bearer of the Mark?!
Winds of Change. Journey to the Grande Line!
Enter the Grande Line A Whale?!
Follower Appreciation
Our Adventure Begins! Tranquility Comes Aboard
Whiskey Peaks Welcomes You
Battle of the Marks!? Wait! Who Bares the Mark?
Howdy Miss All Sundays. The All Seeing Eye
What Happened?!
The First Snail-What Started It All
The Second Snail The Game
April Fool's Special
The Third Snail - Wait?! What?! Oh, OK. The Fourth Snail - The Wedding
Prison Can Be Fun
Followers Apre-ach!!*#&#&รท *toss* *crash* *slam!*
Trip Down Memory Lane - A Storm of Blue Crossover
Escape! What'd I Miss?
Let's Go Back a Bit
Happy Birthday!!!!
Who Is Frost? Tempest and Current
Let's Return To Our Adventurers - An Island in the Sky?!
Monkey's Business and Jaya Island
Jaya! The Pirate's Playhouse!
Followers Appreciation
Can We Really Make It?
To Eat Or Not To Eat?
The Flower Blooms
Welcome to Sky Island!!
Promises From a Demon
A New Family Member Or One That Wasn't Seen? Let the Games Begin!
Calgura or Wiper? Fight For Survival!
Taking Down 'God'
Light Pirates Are Born!
Here and Now.
A Game of Chess, A Fishing Lesson
Who Wins and Who Loses
Deeper Than Blood
Holiday Special
You Ruined the Fight!=(
The Government's Articuno.
Fight For a New Name. Who Knew Trains Could Float?
Thank You. Good Bye.
The World Cries
Rescue Mission
The Feelings of Our Hearts
Salvation or Damnation
My Curse
Ohara: First Meeting
2 Year Celebration :'(
Ohara: Strange Is As Strange Does
Ohara Burns
Danny Boy
Behind Blue Eyes
The Ice Room
Why Wait?
Three Days
For War We Prepare
The Auction
Author's Note
Izume Ame
What Happens Now?
The Goddess of the Sea
Haunted Past
Ace in Danger!
Everyone Else
Ace, Roger, and D
Prelude to War
A Battlefield is a Living Graveyard
Even If It Kills Me
The Turning Point?
Big 100! Return of Daddy's Law

Author's Note (You really might want to read this.)

565 31 20
By 87firestrike

*pokes head out closet door* Hey! Yah. You. *glances around* I'm talking to you. No, not you. You the readers. *glances around again* I have important information. If you want to get it follow me further down. (Scroll or turn the page)

Glad you could make it. First, I'm sorry if this all seems rushed but I have to tell you this before any of the girls find out. Yah, Tempest, Tranquility, Current, Nami, Vivi, and Miss All Sundays(Aka Robin). Though Robin might not care if anyone knew.

Now the information I have for you is what happened on the third snail. The only issue is that by talking about D's daughters then there is a chance they'll find me and stop me from telling so I'll leave theirs for last.

First we have Vivi. She was shown a message for her left in D's care from someone special. Luckily I was able to get a copy of the message, view wise, and can give it to you. Though I may not be able to portray it perfectly. I'm only human.

What Vivi saw.

"Hello Vivi." A gentle voice she hadn't heard in such a long time spoke behind her.

"Mother?!" She turned in surprise. "But how?!" She asked in astonishment. This couldn't be possible! Her mother had been dead since she was a little girl.

"If your seeing me then it means you've met with D." Her mother smiled the smile she had missed so much. "Is anything impossible with that man?"

Vivi rushed her mother and hugged her, tears streaming down her face. "I missed you so much."

"I know dear." Her mother hugged her back. "You've been through so much since I left and I wish we had more time to catch up."

Confusion filled Vivi at her mother's words. "What do you mean more time?"

"I knew that I had many things to tell you when I was on my deathbed." Her mother smiled sadly. "There are so many things you don't understand yet. And it seems D found you a little later than intended." Vivi frowned in confusion but her mother motioned for her to not speak. "This message was meant to be given to you at your coming of age ceremony. I can only guess things have happened to prevent that from happening. It is important that you hold your questions till I've finished. In order to speak to you when you were older I gave D a part of my soul as well as my final moments. It did cause my death to come sooner but it was a necessary sacrifice." Her mother sighed.

"D has been a part of the Nefertari household since we came to the thrown." Her mother suddenly seemed very serious. "The women of our family were entrusted with an important task. Our country was entrusted with the location of a powerful weapon. One so powerful that it could destroy entire countries." Her eyes looked grave as she remembered something from another time. "While our king was given this task of protecting the location the queen was given an important task of passing on information vital to the future of our children. We never told when this information would be necessary. Just that if it was not passed down it could mean the end of everything we cared for. From mother to daughter this warning has been passed down through the last eight hundred years till it has finally come to you." Her mother smiled kindly again.

"Vivi Nefertari." Her mother spoke and power enimated within her words. "You will be entrusted with the future of our children as well as the world. Do you accept this responsibility?"

Vivi straightened her back bringing herself to full stature. "I, Vivi Nefertari, do accept this responsibility." She spoke proudly as her mother smiled.

"Sadly this is where things go a little askew." Her mother chuckled. "Normally D would be present and then we would proceed to where our secret is held and he would reveal everything to you. Sadly that is something that will have to wait." A tear fell down her cheek. "My little girl has grown into a beautiful woman."

Vivi felt as if things were ending and rushed forward to hug her mother once more. "I promise I'll make you proud mother." She said as she began crying.

"You already have." Her mother hugged her tightly as they cried together. "You already have." Slowly everything turned white as the vision ended.

"Mother." Vivi whispered as she returned to the Going Merry. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and wiped them away. Smiling she sent a silent thank you to heaven for the time she was given with her mother.

And that's what happened for Vivi. Oh boy was that tear wrenching. Anyone who didn't at least choke up a little while reading that is a heartless monster and should reevaluate there existence. Next we'll go to Nami and Robin who shared a vision.

Nami was suddenly pulled to the side as she was getting ingredients for the lunch. Why D insisted Sanji not make it she didn't get. Not only was he the best cook they had but he was also being forced to marry Zoro. Though the way they stared into each others eyes she wasn't so sure.

"What do you-?" She turned to whoever grabbed her only to have a hand appear on her mouth. Standing in front of her was Miss All Sundays.

Miss All Sundays placed I finger to her lips as she motioned for Nami to follow her. That's when she noticed the hand covering her mouth didn't belong to either of them. She started to leave when Miss All Sundays came back and whispered something I'm her ear. Something she had not told anyone. Making a decision she followed the dark haired woman, she led her to the women's quarters.

Once the door closed the hand dissapeared. "How do you know about that?!" Nami asked.

"Because I experienced the same thing." Miss All Sundays sat on the bed. "Waking up on a strange ship at dawn. Outside everything is eerily quiet. A single figure stands beside the figurehead watching the horizon." She paused to let Nami finish it.

"It's D." Nami continued the dream. "Only he looks younger." She suddenly put a hand to her head in pain. "Why can't I remember what he looked like besides that?" She asked in confusion.

"I'm not sure." Miss All Sundays shrugged. "I've seen him without his hood pulled up many times but I still couldn't tell you what color his eyes are. My guess is its an ability he has activated for reasons of his own."

"What about the part where he seems serious and then goes all wacko?" Nami asked remembering the bizarre attitude from D. "And why is it a little different each time I have that dream?"

"I'm not sure of that either." Miss All Sundays glanced at the door where sounds of people rushing around could be heard. "There is one thing I am certain of." A serious look covering her face. Nami felt tension build in the air telling her what the woman was about to say was extremely important. "That dream is the end of the Missing Century."

"The Missing Century?!" Even she had heard rumors about that. An entire one hundred year period that no one knew about. "But that can't be possible! Can it?"

"I've asked D about it but he always changes the subject so I believe it is." Miss All Sundays glanced at her hands. "I also believe it is brought about by having his Mark on our bodies."

Nami thought about. "I think your right." She nodded. "It was about a week or so after I joined the crew and accepted D's Mark that I had the first dream." She hesitated before continuing. "Was it the same for you?"

"Yes." Miss All Sundays nodded. "After that I had the same dream every night for a month." She wrapped her arms around herself as if for protection.

"The dream of the end?" Nami asked quietly. She felt as if she was prying but she had to know more about her dream.

"Not the same end." Miss All Sundays shuddered. "It left me screaming at the end."

"I'm sorry I asked." Nami opologized before joining her on the bed. "I don't know what happened to you But you didn't deserve it."

"Didn't I." Miss All Sundays whispered. "I'm a monster. Even now I'm helping to destroy someone else's country. Their home."

Nami didn't really know what to say about that. "Maybe you don't have to." She suggested. "Why not join our crew? We're trying to get Vivi home and stop the war. You could help us with your devil fruit powers." Now that she had started it seemed there were lots of reasons for Miss All Sundays to join them. "You like D and he's here alot. And you'd be able to get to know his daughters better since we run into them pretty often." She smiled. "I don't know who told you you was a monster but their wrong. I think your really nice." She hugged the woman. "You just need the chance to show it."

Robin looked at Nami in surprise. No one had spoken kindly to her like that, and meant it, besides D. "You like him don't you." She smiled as Nami blushed a deep red.

"I-its not like I have feelings for him or anything!" She sputtered. "I just respect him alot! Yah, I respect him." She stopped and smiled softly. "He actually helped save my home island from a bunch of evil pirates. Besides home this crew has become the most important thing to me. They have done so much for me."

"They're your family." Robin smiled softly.

"Yah." Nami grinned. "I guess they are a family to me." Then her grin changed to a warm smile. "They can be for you to. All you have to do is ask."

Robin came to a decision then. "I won't be able to join your crew." Nami stood up in surprise. "I have things I can only accomplish within Baroque Works." It hurt her to see the surprise and pain on Nami's face. "I appreciate your offer but once Daddy's Law has ended we will be going our separate ways." And if we meet in the future I'll be your enemy."

She stormed out the room leaving Nami standing there confused. It hurt her to make Nami think they were enemies. But Crocodile was stronger than they understood. And that was why she had decided.

She was going to kill Crocodile. And most likely it would be then end of her life as well. A tear fell down her face as she accepted her fate. Both Nami and D had told her she wasn't a monster. But neither has been with her the entire time of her life. Even D's copies had fallen behind at times. She had been forced to make terrible decisions to survive. She was a monster. And all monsters died in the end.

"Hey Robin." D appeared beside her. "If your going to sleep stay either Nami." Then he walked away. "Oh yah." He stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. "Even a monster has a right to live a happy life."

As he walked away she turned and ran back to Nami's room, passing Nami on her way out. Before Nami could talk to her she slammed the door and sealed it. She quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it on her face to silence her tears. "Why are you so kind to me?" She cried into the pillow as she could hear Nami banging on the door calling her code name. "I don't deserve it."

😢😢😢😢😢😢poor Robin!!!! Don't worry! Your life will get better.

"You can do it!" Perona cried. "Don't give up!"

Alright now we'll move on to the three daughters!

"I thought something was suspicious!"

Crap! Tempest found me?!

"She isn't the only one."

Tranquility? Current? Nami too?

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

Sorry!!!! *runs away**talks while running*

For Tempest, Tranquility, and Current D told them that they have an option in life when they find a person they want to be with. Offer that person immortality as their partner and receive a portion of their powers or become mortal and spend their days together. Let's see what they choose.

"Your dead meat!"

Gotta run! Enjoy!

Also this chapter is dedicated to Hiddenheart3. Its comments like hers that drive writers to write.

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