The Devil's Grin - A One Piec...

By 87firestrike

180K 6.1K 2.9K

Everything has changed. I was once considered great and powerful. But I was betrayed by those I thought I cou... More

Chapter one- A New Beginning
The Makings of a Crew
The Swordsman
The Girl That Draws Maps and the Boy Who Lies
What Makes a Cook
Finding a Cook and a Doctor
The Shipwright and a Bag of Bones
The Girl Called a Demon
I Over Slept
I Hate Cats
Run Its a Rapist
Enter: The Tempest of the Seas
Sneezes Can Be Deadly
Lets Find a Cook; What's Wrong With Nami?
A Declaration of Might. The Cook's Fight Begins
Truths and Lies. Fight Like a Man
Don Creed Defeated.
Nami's Plight and A New Contract Made?
A Broken Promise The Heroe's Entrance
The Mark of War.
The Fight for the Navigator. Nami, You Are My Friend.
Arlong's Reign Ends Nami Joins the Crew
Dreams. Welcome to Lougetown!
Wanderings in Lougetown. Another bearer of the Mark?!
Winds of Change. Journey to the Grande Line!
Enter the Grande Line A Whale?!
Follower Appreciation
Our Adventure Begins! Tranquility Comes Aboard
Battle of the Marks!? Wait! Who Bares the Mark?
Howdy Miss All Sundays. The All Seeing Eye
What Happened?!
The First Snail-What Started It All
The Second Snail The Game
April Fool's Special
The Third Snail - Wait?! What?! Oh, OK. The Fourth Snail - The Wedding
Prison Can Be Fun
Followers Apre-ach!!*#&#&รท *toss* *crash* *slam!*
Trip Down Memory Lane - A Storm of Blue Crossover
Author's Note (You really might want to read this.)
Escape! What'd I Miss?
Let's Go Back a Bit
Happy Birthday!!!!
Who Is Frost? Tempest and Current
Let's Return To Our Adventurers - An Island in the Sky?!
Monkey's Business and Jaya Island
Jaya! The Pirate's Playhouse!
Followers Appreciation
Can We Really Make It?
To Eat Or Not To Eat?
The Flower Blooms
Welcome to Sky Island!!
Promises From a Demon
A New Family Member Or One That Wasn't Seen? Let the Games Begin!
Calgura or Wiper? Fight For Survival!
Taking Down 'God'
Light Pirates Are Born!
Here and Now.
A Game of Chess, A Fishing Lesson
Who Wins and Who Loses
Deeper Than Blood
Holiday Special
You Ruined the Fight!=(
The Government's Articuno.
Fight For a New Name. Who Knew Trains Could Float?
Thank You. Good Bye.
The World Cries
Rescue Mission
The Feelings of Our Hearts
Salvation or Damnation
My Curse
Ohara: First Meeting
2 Year Celebration :'(
Ohara: Strange Is As Strange Does
Ohara Burns
Danny Boy
Behind Blue Eyes
The Ice Room
Why Wait?
Three Days
For War We Prepare
The Auction
Author's Note
Izume Ame
What Happens Now?
The Goddess of the Sea
Haunted Past
Ace in Danger!
Everyone Else
Ace, Roger, and D
Prelude to War
A Battlefield is a Living Graveyard
Even If It Kills Me
The Turning Point?
Big 100! Return of Daddy's Law

Whiskey Peaks Welcomes You

1.1K 51 12
By 87firestrike

First off I'm going to apologize for this chapter taking so long. Tons of reasons and escuses can be given but I'll just say simply, life happened. I'll not ramble on and make a long author's note since it's been such a long time. Instead I'll just like to say that this book, Devil's Grin, will be my main focus and you guys can try to murder me at the end of the chapter. Enjoy. (You won't be able to find me)

The picture is fanart done by @Light_Source


"Bye Seabie!" Nami watched as Tranquility yelled while she waved at the receding monster. At least she assumed it was moving away. It still took up most of the view above them. D was also crying his eyes out while waving a tissue?! She could never tell if he was serious. It seemed like he was always putting up an act. At times he was fiercely defending those he viewed as friends and then other times he would act indifferent, like it was too much of a bother.

"I still can't believe I actually saw one of the legendary creatures on the Grande Line!" Miss Wednesday said, smiling, as she moved beside her. "My father would never believe me. If I ever see him that is." The last part she whispered as her smile faltered.

"Are you sure we've never met before?" D appeared behind Miss Wednesday causing her to jump in fright.

"Give it a rest." Nami said as she pushed him away from the poor girl. "If she says she doesn't know you then she doesn't. Not everyone has to know who you are. I didn't when we first met." With that she took Miss Wednesday to the kitchen where Sanji was preparing food. "Zoro, Ussop. Figure out why we can't get this ship on its way."

"That would be my fault." Tranquility put her hand in the air, an apologetic look on her face. "My powers are so powerful that I can't control what they effect. Instead everything around me is affected. If I were to touch the water here it would take on the same effect as the Calm Belt and sea kings would be drawn here." She turned to D. "Could you put a damper on my powers?"

"Of course." D cracked his knuckles on both of his hands. "It's a simple matter of creating a talisman for you." He put his hands together as if he was hiding something inside them and closed his eyes. A feeling of power filled the air as he began chanting in what felt like an ancient language Nami didn't recognize. A strange blue like began eminating from his hands as he opened his eyes, still chanting. Tranquility either had done this before or understood what he was saying because as soon as he opened her eyes she stepped forward, pulling her hair back to expose her throat. D opened his hands revealing a beautiful necklace made of what looked like gold, only the color kept shifting. At the center of the necklace was a figurine made of crystal that looked like a mix between Tranquility and Tempest, only more beautiful. Slowly his arms extended out to place the necklace around Tranquilty's throat.

Tranquility glanced down at the figurine. "You still love her." Nami could hear her barely whisper.

"Always have always will." D smiled softly. "You already know that."

Nami coughed into hand. She didn't mean to inturrupt but the moment seemed very personal and for some reason she didn't like him talking about another woman. Tranquility immediately backed up, her hair covering the figurine as wind began blowing from behind her.

"The ship should have a much easier time now." She was blushing slightly. "How much did you dampen my powers?" She turned back to D and asked him.

"You should be about twenty percent." He answered. "If you want to release your power just hold the jewel and focus. You should be able to activate it and deactivate it at will." Tranquilty's sighed in relief. She would have to get rid of the necklace.

"Kay Zoro and Ussop. You heard the girl." Nami got their attention. They had been uncomfortable with the atmosphere as well. "Let's get this ship on the move. We've got places to be." The two quickly moved to prepare the ship to sale. Within ten minutes they were finally leaving Twin Capes.

Tempest felt it the moment Tranquilty's power dropped. The only explanation she could think of was that their father had given her a dampener, which was perfect for her.

"Do we attack now?" Current asked her eagerly. She too had felt their sister's power drop.

"Not yet." Tempest said after thinking for a moment. It was true that together they could corner their father. But with Tranquility there, even with her power more than halved, it wasn't certain that the fight would go their way. "Now that her power has been dampered I can create some decent storms. We'll follow their ship and see if we can sink it. Or at least knock father into the water so he'll be weakened." Current gave her a strange look before smiling.

"What?" She tried to speak casually but her voice came out defensive.

"Your trying to protect him." Current cooed.

"I don't know what your talking about." She blushed as she spoke.

Current floated through the water till she was upside down in front of her, their faces inches away. "The swordsman." She giggled as she floated in a circle around her.

"So what if I am?" Her hair swirled around by the slight current Current was creating. "There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect the weak." She defended herself before adding. "Its how we were raised." The moment the words were out she regretted them. Current stopped floating around and had a pained look on her face. It had always been their father that had pressed the idea of being a hero for those who couldn't stand for themselves. She still, after all this time, couldn't understand why her father had done what he did.

"You know I didn't mean to bring it up." Tempest said quietly.

Current smiled a sad smile. "It's ok." Her smile twisted slightly into a grimace. A look Tempest didn't think suited her, it ruined her childish looks. "Just cause father is a hypocrite doesn't mean he was wrong when he taught us that." Her smile returned, though it still had a sense of sorrow to it. Then she tilted her head to the side as if a thought just dawned on her.

"I don't want the ship to sink either." She looked over at the hull of the ship, which was beginning to move away from them. "I think I might like the guy with the long nose. I've never spoke to him so I don't know for sure. But he's my type." Tempest blushed in surprise. Current spoke so bluntly about her interests while she had a hard time admitting anything about her feelings. Her father had always teased her about that, called her his little tsundere even. She shook her head to free it of thoughts of the past. It had been a happy time but it was over now.

"Lets go after the ship." She instructed as she pushed through the water after the ship, Current followed after her. "I'll begin making storms."

"And I'll get ready to save the guys we like." Current beamed. Tempest blushed but didn't deny anything or tell her not to. It was the closest she could bring herself to letting her feelings show.

"Where are all these storms coming from?!" Nami screamed over the raging winds. It was currently raining and the sea tossed and bucked their ship about like a toy. And early they had suffered through a blizzard, fifteen minutes earlier to be exact. Weather changes like that weren't supposed to happen.

"You was warned about the unpredictability of the Grande Line weren't you?" Miss Wednesday asked from the beside her. During the blizzard their two passengers sat inside away from the cold. She had quickly put them straight. Mr. Nine was currently help Ussop and Luffy with the dales while Sanji and Zoro steered them under her command. Miss Wednesday had helped with directing them through the waves while she watched the log post to keep them straight. She had also made the mistake of not watching the log post. They had nearly reversed in just half an hour. It truly was their lifeline here.

"D mentioned it but I didn't expect this." Nami answered as she gestured out at the sea. The winds were already changing direction, going now in the almost complete opposite direction from minutes before. "This is more than unpredictable."

"When your born on the Grande Line the first thing they teach you is to expect the unexpected. Then you won't be so surprised, or at least the surprise will be expected." Miss Wednesday spoke loud enough to be heard.

Nami looked about and caught sight of D and Tranquility standing at the rear railing watching behind them. She couldn't help thinking it was good advice when he was around.

"Do you feel it?" Tranquility whispered as she glanced at her father. His eyes searched the sea diligently, almost as if he thought it would reveal something to him. "Tempest is behind this weather." He simply nodded, his eyes not leaving the water. "Your looking for her." A slight feeling of jealousy slipping through her powers. Having them dampered seemed to have that affect. A part of her wanted them gone. Emotions clouded judgement and made you irrational. A part of her didn't want them to ever leave. She wasn't sure which side was winning yet.

"Do you blame me?" Her father finally spoke. "I don't hold favorites but." He turned to her and smiled. "I got to spend the last eight hundred years with you, give or take a decade here or there." His eyes slowly returned to the sea. "The only time I saw her or Current during that entire time they attacked me." She opened her mouth to speak but he put his hand up. "I know the reason. It still hurts. And I don't think their ready to learn the truth. Even you reacted poorly to it. Impel Down wasn't always in the Calm Belt."

"I made them a path after I came down." She blushed at the memory. If her father hadn't stopped her she would have gone straight to Navy HQ, to destroy it. "They felt it was better that way after they calmed down too."

"And that path is a testament of the level of control you have gained." D smiled. "One day you will be able to release the ocean to be as it was." She simply nodded. It was one of her goals.

"Do you think I could increase my powers slowly till she can't make any storms?" She asked as her hand slid up to the jewel nestled in the nape of her throat. The familiar form of her mother beneath her hands gave her some comfort. It also gave her some pain since it was a form she hadn't seen in eight hundred years. Not since her mother had made the agreement with the founders of the World Government. The first Gorosai.

"That won't be necessary." He grinned. "Your powers have already limited her greatly. She is only boosting these storms. That's all she can do. These waters are so close to the end that it makes it unpredictable. Almost as if it was the end. Like a ring." With that said he moved towards where Nami and the Miss Wednesday were directing the crew. "The storm should come to an end soon."

Nami looked at him in surprise but Miss Wednesday had a knowing look on her face. She had clearly sailed these waters before. Tranquility studied her face to see if she could find what her father recognized about her. He clearly seemed to know her from somewhere. Not as a lover of course. He never forgot them, even after they had been dead for centuries. She asked him about it once and he simply said he was made with a big heart and her mother had insisted he share it.

"The storms have passed!" Nami announced in surprise, though relieved nonetheless. "Do you think we are close?" She asked Miss Wednesday.

"Yes." Miss Wednesday nodded. "The storm clearing up is proof that we have entered the area that is affected by the polarity pull of Whiskey Peaks." Sure enough after a few more hours of sailing the island came into sight, it's oddly shaped mountains surrounded by mist. As they drew closer Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday approached the railing.

"We thank you for bringing us home." Mr. Nine said as the two bowed. "I'm afraid though that this is where we will be getting off." They jumped onto the railing. Tranquility could hear someone mumble 'this again?'. "Bye bye baby!" The two said as if they were secret agents or something and back flipped into the ocean. She had to admit it was a well done dive from that position. As soon as they surfaced they began swimming for shore.

"Should we stop them?" She asked her father. Before he could answer Luffy laughed.

"Why would we do that?" He chuckled. "They asked us to being them here and we did. Just because they jumped ship a little early doesn't give us the right to decide how they go home."

Her father shrugged his shoulders, his own smile in place. "You heard the captain. They made it home." He laughed before adding more. "Besides, we're going to the same place. Its not like we won't see them again." He said quietly so only she could hear. He must have sensed her feelings had been slighted. Again with those pesky feelings.

"Should we head inland?" Sanji called from below where he steered the Going Merry.

"Cronus said we would have to stop at the island so the log post could set itself to the next island's polarity. He wasn't sure how long it would take but knew the locals could tell us so inland it is." She called back down to him.

As they drew closer inland on a river Ussop began freaking out about having scary island disease or something. "I can help you with that." Tranquility approached him, her hand raised with palm open. After that he started feeling better. Though it didn't take him long to freak out again. The mist from the mountain tops came down to cover the river mouth making their range of vision much smaller.

"Hey guys." Zoro spoke, his voice low. "I think I can see something moving on the bank over there." He tipped his head in the direction he ment. That really got Ussop freaking out, Nami was a little nervous herself.

"I'll clear the mist so we can see what we're up against." Her father moved to stand beside the figure head. He put his hands together and then threw his arms open. The mist followed suite, opening ahead of the ship to reveal something no one expected.

"Welcome!" A huge crowd of people sat waiting for their ship at the docks. Cheers of joy and revelry could be heard from many of them. Even a few women were calling out. "Yoohoo!"

"Look at all the pretty girls!" Sanji jumped onto the railing. Tranquility suddenly felt a burning emotion she hadn't felt before. Something seemed to take over her and she moved behind him and pushed him off. Then she used her powers to make the water just beneath him into a state like the Calm Belt.

"Wah?!" Sanji screamed as he fell through the air into the water. Shortly after he landed in the water a small shadow appeared beneath him. "Ah!" He screamed again as he shot out of the water and landed on the deck. On his lower half a large fish had swollowed his legs. "It's eating me!"

Tranquility quickly moved indoors as the rest of the crew surrounded him. Zoro was making fun of him, calling names like fishboy and mermaidman. Luffy and Ussop were also making fun of him, only they were pretending to be in his situation. Her father's reaction was the strangest. He was leaning over the edge barfing. In between each time he was crying. "It's happening! Despite everything I do to stop it it's happening! Why!?"

Tranquility shut the door behind her quieting the noise. She had no idea why she had done that. The burning feeling she had felt before still simmered inside her, just waiting to get out.

"You doing ok?" Tranquility whipped around to find Nami standing by the door. She hadn't even heard her enter.

"I am fine." She answered as she tried to calm herself down. She definitely wanted to get rid of these emotions now. In all her life she had never done anything like that. "Just a little surprised is all."

"By Sanji's flirting?" The burning flared. "Or by how jealous you are?" Nami looked into her eyes and could see how surprised she really was. "Your surprised by your jealousy?!"

"I have never really felt emotions before in my life." Tranquility admitted as she nodded. "And it seems this emotion of jealousy is very strong."

"You got that right!" Nami laughed before becoming serious. "So you've never experienced emotions?"

"My powers are the physical embodiment of the Calm Belt. The is no raging emotions. No good or bad feelings. Just calm, collected thought." She explained. "In fact my powers are a little difficult for me to control. Which is why my father helped me create the Calm Belt. I did not have a place to play or swim with my powers always active."

"You active D made the Calm Belt?" Nami was very surprised to learn this.

"Yes." Tranquility nodded. "Did you think the seas were always divided the way they are?"

"Well, yah I guess." Nami sat down. "That's kind of a lot to take in." She sighed. "It makes sense though. I knew D could do impossible things I just didn't realize just how impossible."

"He is quite the amazing person." Tranquility smiled. "And his story is even more amazing."

"Will you tell me it?" Nami suddenly asked, sitting forward.

Tranquility opened her mouth to say it wasn't hers to give but the boys outside suddenly got louder distracting Nami, thus saving her. Nami moved to the door and looked out the window.

"It looks like the fish is flipping Sanji around now." Nami chuckled. "What kind of fish is it? I've never seen one like it."

"It is a baby Sea King Guppy." Nami looked at her concerned. "Don't worry. Since it is still an infant it will soon tire of him and spit him out. If it were an adult Guppy eating something of comparable size it would simply wait as it digested the feet and then swallow more. Doing so until it devoured it's catch."

"Well that's a relief." Nami smiled. Tranquility had a sudden thought caused the burning to flare again.

"Do you like Sanji?" She asked Nami.

Nami stared at her for a moment before she burst into laughter. "Easy Medusa. Keep than stoney glare on your man." She laughed again. "Don't worry. I just use him to get what I want. Men like that are easy to manipulate. I suggest trying to give him the cold shoulder."

"I am not Auntie Medusa but I will keep an eye on him." Tranquility reminded the red head. "And my shoulder isn't cold." Nami looked at her in surprise.

"I shouldn't be surprised." She rolled her eyes. "Just ignore him when he does something." She instructed her. "And when he tries to do something for you or please you then act indifferent. You do know how to act indifferent, right?"

"I think so." Tranquility answered. Though she wasn't sure if she could do it.

"Naaaammiiii. Traaanquiiilityyy." Sanji called from outside. It seemed the baby Guppy had finally tired of him. "Everyone is ready to go ashore."

"We'll be right out." Nami called back. She gave her a knowing look before heading out. Tranquility took a deep breath and prepared herself to give the cold shoulder.

Nami stepped out of the cabin to see Luffy and the others walking down the gang plank. She quickly made her way over, ending up behind D. On the docks waiting for them was a large group of people. And in front of them all stood a largish man with crazy curls of hair on his head. It looked like someone had rolled up clothes and stuck them together on his head. He was also carrying a small saxophone.

"Hello." The large man spoke, after he cleared his throat. Seriously, he towered over everyone of them. Wait. Did D just grow three inches?! "My name is Igaram and I am the mayor of this island, Whiskey Peaks. Welocme!" With his last word the crowd cheered again. Fishy. And now D just pulled a fish from his pocket.

"The fact that we are pirates doesn't make you guys nervous?" She stepped forward. "For all you know we're here to plunder you."

Igaram laughed a hearty laugh before trying to clear his throat again. "MA MA MA. We enjoy pirates visiting very much. We have found that if we give what we have freely then there are less problems with plundering." He turned to his people behind him and smiled, they all smiled back. "But I am being rude. I have introduced myself but I haven't asked your names." He smiled. Something about this guy screamed secrets.

"I'm luffy, the captain. And I'm going to be King of the Pirates." Luffy introduced himself.

"That is the the title to be aiming for. I hope for your success." Igaram smiled, though his eyes seemed to darken slightly.

Luffy laughed before continuing to introduce the crew. "Nami over there is our navigator." He pointed to her. Igaram greeted her. "Sanji our cook. Ussop is the sharpshooter. And Zoro is my first mate and our swordsman." Igaram eyes widened. Clearly he recognized Zoro's name.

"And what about this tall gentleman." She turned to see who he was talking about to find D towering over them all. He was easily six inches taller than igaram. How was no one noticing such such a huge change?!

" Oh that's D." Luffy laughed as he looked up at D. "He's our benefactor as well as a special member of the crew."

"A benefactor." Nami turned back to look at Igaram. He was sweating. "How unusual for a pirate crew to have one of those." He knew D. Or at least of him.

"This crew is special." D chuckled.

Igaram cleared his throat nervously before turning back to his people. "Prepare food and drinks. Let us celebrate the arrival of these fine pirates!" They all cheered and scattered to prepare things.

Nami watched the mayor as he directed the townsfolk in their work. She was still trying to figure out exactly what he knew about D. Clearly he had recognized his name. From what she knew not many people called him D. Those that did usually met him in person. "Hey D." She called to him, he was talking to Tranquility by the ship. "Do you know the mayor at all?"

D looked at the mayor for a bit before shrugging his shoulders. "Haven't the foggiest." He chuckled before he started walking along the dock to a path that led up into the hills.

"Where you going?" She asked him.

He paused and looked back at her. "Just wandering about."

"But the party is about to start." She gestured at the moving people. Things were indeed ready to begin. "I've never known you to miss a party."

His grin widened till it had that look that gave her the creeps sometimes. "I'm just going to another party is all." He chuckled all her confused look. "Don't trust everything you see." He warned and his face became serious. "I'll be back when the real party starts." He turned back to the path and was soon gone.

"Make sure you explain how it wasn't our fault we couldn't get the whale." Miss Wednesday instructed Mr. Nine. They we're up in the back hills behind the town where their organization kept their report box.

"Don't worry." He shushed her as he continued writing. "Now we just need to wait for Miss Friday and Mr. Thirteen to come and retrieve our report. Hopefully the boss believes us." He sighed.

"We need to get back to town so we can help capture those pirates. Hopefully at least one of them will be worth something." Miss Wednesday sighed as well.

"Don't worry the captain is worth a lot." A voice said behind them. They turned to find the one that was called D standing there grinning. "I thought I recognized the name Whiskey Peaks." He chuckled. "So this is one of the outposts for the group Nico joined."

Miss Wednesday stuck her fingers into rings on her hips and prepared to fight. "Oh don't worry." The cloaked man who had given her the creeps the entire time they were traveling together spoke. Always asking her where he had met her cause he was certain he had met her somewhere. "I won't tell your little secret. Its a good chance for the crew to test themselves. Though I would have picked something a little more challenging. No one here is much of a challenge. Not even a single devil fruit user." He sighed before turning away, then he stopped. "But it looks like some are coming." He mumbled as he continues walking away.

"Why did he come up here?" Mr. Nine looked at Miss Wednesday. She just shrugged and slipped her fingers out of the rings.

D watched the town for several hours after the sun set. It didn't take long for the Straw Hats and Tranquility to eat and drink the town into the ground. It was funny using his ability to see through inanimate objects to watch his daughter try to give Sanji the cold shoulder (The ability only let him see through things that had never been alive before, if he wanted to see through the living he needed other abilities to do so.). It seemed the little advice he could give her helped somewhat. Though if you needed someone to teach you to give a cold shoulder his wife, Goddess of the Sea, was a master.

During it all he watched as the bounty hunters, for the entire town were bounty hunters, slipping drugs into the food and drinks. He smiled as the crew consumed it all despite the drugs. And Tranquility. Well. When you have the kind of parents she had it made things more interesting.

While the hunters that were still conscious were stumbling outside she sat in total silence sipping a drink. One of the hunters confronted her thinking she was someone easy to handle. She flicked him in the forehead, using her power, and he callapsed. Then she went back to her drink. No one outside even knew it happened.

The ones outside started freaking out and he could see Luffy's wanted poster being held up. While the hunters discussed what they could buy and how long they could survive off of his head Zoro snuck outside. D chose that moment to go into town. Though he simply appeared crouched beside Zoro who was studying the situation from a roof above the group.

"These guys are bounty hunters." Zoro whispered moments after he appeared beside him.

D nodded. "Up above there," He pointed up towards the hills where he had seen Mr. Nine and Miss Wednesday. "They have a report box to send back to their boss. On it is the letters B W."

"Baroque Works." Zoro grinned. "This'll be fun." He stood up. "I was wondering what was going on here." He shouted down to the group. Right then a bounty hunter from inside shouted that the swordsman was missing.

"I thought you said they were knocked out Miss Monday!" Igaram growled.

"I thought they was." She stared up at Zoro. "I could have sworn he had passed out drinking."

Zoro chuckled. "A true swordsman never let's his guard down. Especially if he feels murderous intent." He grinned again. "And it seems to convenient that a town would welcome pirates so openly. You being bounty hunters makes sense. And a group of bounty hunters this large can only mean you guys are a part of Baroque Works."

"How do you know that name?!" Igaram shouted.

"I seem to recall meeting up with a group of bounty hunters and mercenaries back in my travels of the East Blue that went by that name." Zoro explained. "The group tried to recruit me." His grin took on a sadistic look. "I told them I would only join them if they made me their boss."

"You upstart!" Miss Monday growled. "How dare you say something like that?!"

"It's simple." Zoro's grin slipped away and was replaced with a haughty stare. "It's refuse to work under anyone who isn't stronger than me. Or anyone who insists on hiding their identity from me."

"No matter." Igaram said after he calmed down. Which was fast for the situation. "It means that there will be another grave added to the Cactus Rocks tonight."

D stood up and glanced up at the Cactus Rocks. "I'm curious how you guys buried people on the area that is practically straight up." He moved beside Zoro.

"Do you really think that one grave will be enough?" Zoro unsheathed a sword.

"Fine two graves." Igaram sighed.

"Oh no." D grinned. "It's won't be getting involved." He caused the stone the build was made from to warp and grow until it was in a tall ugly shape he could lean against. "If I got involved Zoro would be upset." He dipped his head forward so his cowl covered his face more. A slow grin grew till it seemed to reach his ears and one of his eyes flashed red. "Plus it would be over too quickly." He felt the wind shift as Zoro moved faster than the bounty hunters could see and was soon standing directly behind Igaram.

"As I said." Zoro slid his sword through Iragam's hair. "Do you really think one grave is enough?"


Alright! Great cliffhanger.(courtesy of Oda-sama) as for the afore mentioned trying to kill me I will now give you the reason why you might want to kill me.

I've came up with a new story idea (I already said that DG will be my main focus so hold on with the pitchforks) and by chance I'm a little sadistic and have decide that keeping this knowledge to myself won't do me any good so I'm going to give you guys a little insight to this new idea.

Also I claim full rights to this new story idea. If anyone copies it. Well, then it means somehow you have made it into my mind. I wish you luck in surviving.

I won't be putting up any chapters for this story until I have 5-10 chapters already done. That and the fact that I won't be focusing this new story means it will be a long time before you may see anything else on this story. Enjoy this little poison is it fester inside you making you mad with a hunger for more. (I really hope I'm not building this up and it ends up being crap.)


He sat there in total darkness waiting for a sound that would notify him of something approaching. The feeling of the rubble beneath him made him want to shift, but that would have given away his own position. Slowly he opened his eyes to a different kind of darkness. The night was still young.

He closed his eyes and the memories of her began again in flashes. Her hair. Black as a crow's feathers. Her eyes. Always a mischievous glint filled those green globes. Her lips. A pale red that matched her pale skin perfectly. And oh how he missed her lips. But what he missed most was her laugh. He loved everything about her laugh. The way her face would twist pleasantly around her eyes as it bubbled out of her like a freshly made brook. The sound of it. She hated how her laugh sounded but it was the most beautiful sound to him. He wanted to let the memory grow, to let it take over. But now wasn't the time.

There! In the distance the sound he was searching for. It was time to move again.


so that's my new story INFECTED. Now you may begin hunting me down.

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