The Heart Wants What It Wants...

By Anais_Baromeo

359K 13.6K 1.6K

When I thought that I found the man of my life, I was so wrong. He was playing me all along and I was playing... More

Confession 2.0: Meet Sebastian Killers
Confession: Meet Rebekah Arden
A Note
Before It All Begins
Douchebag: Pejorative Term For An Arrogant Or Obnoxious Person
Sweet And Bitter Revenge
Heart-problems. Panic-attack. Kiss
Ignoring The Destiny
Drugged And Sentimental
The Future And The Start
A New Chapter
Epilogue: Wish I Never
Where It All Begins
Esther The Bitch Ohm... Cheerleaders Captain
Softcore Or Hardcore?
Shattered In Pieces
Related Songs In A Bad Timing
Useless And Inferiority
Heartache. Fights. Break-up.
A Party Turn Out Bad
Coward: Excessively Afraid Of Danger Or Pain.
I'll Let You Call Me Yours Tonight
Stupid In Love
Emotionless And Bootylicious
Turn Off Gone Wrong
School Car Wash
Stranger In The Gymnastic Showers
Not This Time Around
Messed Up Feelings And Emotions
Home To You
The Other Girl
Heart Pains And Fainting
Never Been So Heartbroken
Creatures Lurking In The Shadows
Better Than The Day Before
Beautiful With Scars And All
A Very Long Night
Close To Good But Getting There
Behold The Beast
Friday Night
Pregnancy And Birth Controls
You're A Trainwreck But......
The Party Couldn't End good Couldn't It?
Nervous Breakdown And Denial
Fashion Show
Fashion Show ll
Bloodthirsty Werewolf
Oh My Baby
Mommy Dearest
Secrets Are Better Left Unsaid
Three Children And A Cell
A Nightmare
A Curse More Than A Gift
Bad News
Moving & Kicking
Returning To School
Way Too Early
Written On The Stars
Back In Time
Graduation Day
Note: Finale
Beautiful Memories: Finale
Beautiful Memories: Decisions...Decisions
Beautiful Memories: Finale
Beautiful Memories: Finale
End: Questions
Triquel Examples: Not Confirmed
Triquel Examples: Not Confirmed
Triquel Examples: Not Confirmed
Triquel Examples: Not Confirmed
Close to 4 million reads
Urgent Book Related
A Wife's Nightmare

Mother And Son

3.5K 170 13
By Anais_Baromeo

{}If I hear your voice I'll be fine and I, I can't come alive.{} 

{51} They say that the calm comes after the storm but the storm has just begun. "What was that huh?! Don't you think?" He dug his finger against his temple as he hovered above me. "We don't know what kind of creatures they are and you just go in there like nothing?! Something bad could have happened to you!"

I shrunk my body away as Sebastian kept yelling at me. "I'm sorry!" I shrieked out loudly at him, my face red and my hands clenching on my sides. I didn't know what else to say, sorry was the only thing I could come up with. "You're sorry?" He laughed out mockingly in a deep voice that scared me. "You act before you think and put someone else's life in danger!" He tossed his hands down angrily and looked down at me hard.

"They can't hurt me!" By now we were face to face, both of us clenching fist and red face ready to burst. "They are just scared! You having them here behind bars....They're just children! What kind of monster does that?!"

We're angry, and we say things we don't mean and it can bring trouble. Big trouble sometimes. Sebastian grabbed my arms with pinned lips and his eyes enraged. I looked up at him with sausage eyes full of terror and open mouth from the shock. "Don't you ever put my child in danger like you just did you hear me!" He shook my arms, making my whole body shake.

"Sebastian you're hurting me." I pushed him away with a fury and send him flying backwards, his back hitting the wall as he felt on the ground with a loud thud. He pushed himself up from the ground and grunted out animalisticaly.

"You make me so angry sometimes." His eyes swirled blood red and stayed red. "You don't think, you put our pup in danger." It was weird for Sebastian's wolf to come out but when he did you should run and hide, especially when his angry but I knew how to calm him down.

"Pups actually." The look on his face was priceless. "The children in the cells, they're clairvoyants." Clairvoyant is a person who has the supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

"How do you know?" The redness started to fade out as his eyes flickered from sliver green to red until they were back to normal. "They showed me." I rolled my tongue around in my mouth as I suppress the urge to cry. He knitted his eyebrows together and looked up at me.

"Show you what?" He asked in a demanding voice and stared at me impatiently. "Promise me." His body tensed knowingly and I couldn't control the tears that were threatening to spill out at any second now. "Just promise me."

"If." He clenched his fist and brought his finger up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "You die." He licked his lips and bit his bottom lip as he removed his finger from his nose to stare down at me with haunted eyes. "I'll kill myself." He swore to himself and I closed my eyes with a jump when the office door was slammed close.

The tears I had been holding in running down my face. "What the heck happened?" Skill demanded as he walked in. "Sebastian just took off like crazy!" I didn't get to close to Skill but I felt the need to just hold someone close.

I pulled Skill in and bawled my eyes out like a baby. He didn't uttered a word and just wrapped his arms around me and let me cry my heart out.

Mommy Dearest.....

"Honey have you seen Sebastian? He hasn't returned since you two left." The lights in the room were turned off, the only thing illuminating the room was the moon shinning through the open curtains of the balcony slide door.

I turned on the lights confused and walked inside, I swear I saw Rebekah enter here when she came home. "Rebekah?" I walked around the door and rounded the bed, stopping when I saw a small body curled up in a ball next to the bed.

"Oh lord." I kneeled down next to her small frame and touched her space out face with tears falling from her eyes. "Honey what happened?" She remain in silence as more tears filled her eyes up.

I sighed knowingly and stood up, I knew better than to push her into telling me. You don't have to be a scientist to figure out that these two had a mayor fight. I brushed down my dress and walked toward the door, tuning off the lights.

I closed the door quietly behind me and went to see if Sebastian was in his office. I knocked on the door and heard a loud no in a grunting voice but entered anyways. "What part of I don't want to be disturbed don't you understand? Do I need to say it in Italian? Lasciami in pace! Vattene! " He pointed the whisky bottle at me before chugging it down in a big gulp.

"Sebastian..." He sniffed and moved the back of his hand across his nose. "I need to be alone, I need to think, don't you see?!" He stood up with a bang as he slammed the whisky bottle on the desk. "What happened? Your already drunk and your mate is up there in the dark crying her eyes out on the cold floor." He shrugged his shoulder uncaringly and slumped his body in his chair, bringing the bottle toward his lips as he took a long sip from it.

"Let her be and leave me alone!" He threw the bottle of whisky my way as he stood up from his chair and I cringed away at the loud sound of glass breaking in tiny pieces. "She's going to die can you believe that?" He started to spill out of nowhere and I jumped when he turned around to flip over the desk.

Sebastian..." I looked at him sadly as he laughed out like it was funny before pushing the bookcase down and I shrieked when the books scattered around with a loud sound. "Why?!" He growled out as he kicked the bookcase over and over. "Why her? Why not them! God dammit!" He kicked the bookcase once more before running his hands though his hair and did something I never thought he would do.

My son, the coldhearted one, the beast, the vicious one broke down crying, not having the strength to fight anymore. "Don't say that." I cautiously walked toward him and kneeled down next to him, pulling him into a hug. He held my arms tightly as he cried out in my arms like a baby for the first time ever, not even when he was little. He did not cry or weep and to see him now it just break my heart. 

He did indeed love her, so much that it hurts.

"You need to have faith baby, everything is going to turn out well, you'll see." I kissed on top of his head repeatedly and rocked us back and forth as I muttered soothing things in his ear. "Come with me, let's get you wash up. Come on."

I helped him on his feet and walked with him toward the door. "Let's get you cleaned up." I opened the door and got us out. "I don't want her to die." He choked out broken and vulnerable, his eyes glinting with tears and sadness.

"I know baby but you have to be strong for her, if you break who's going to help her pass through this? She can't do this alone son, she really needs you." I led him toward one of the guestrooms and guided him toward the bed, pulling his arm up and moved my head underneath it to slump him on the bed.

I took off his shoes and put them on the ground. "Take the rest of your clothes off, I'll put water in the tub." I stood up straight and walked toward the bathroom, filling the tub with water. He stumbled inside of the bathroom and I rushed toward him. "Come on, let's get you in."

I led him toward the tub and helped him get inside. I leaned against the tub and ran my hand through his hair continuously as I watched over him. "You must be happy, with her death the vengeance would finally be complete."

I sighed loudly and pulled my hand away from his hair, patting my thighs as I stood up and put my elbow on my hand. I put my fingers over my mouth and paced side to side. "You're right, my vengeance would finally be complete." I stopped pacing around and looked down at him. "But you're my son, I know how it feels to love a mate. Don't think I blamed you, I felt somewhat relief that he died after everything he put us through."

I felt good being open and honest with my son for the first time after years, I didn't want to admit it but it was like a relief washed over me the moment my mate died. He was nothing but cruel toward my son, telling him all those mean things and I like a good mate stood back as I watched as he mistreated our son.

His own flesh, his own blood, many times I wondered why? Was it because my son was better than him in everything? He wanted to be the best, the one person his son would look up to but his son was undefeated. Everything he taught him, he did them like it was nothing, things that even himself had to do three or four times before it was perfect.

He was jealous, it took me years to see this but he was indeed jealous of his own son. "He was jealous of you, it took me years to realize that." I put my hands on my sides and took a deep breath. "I should have been a better mother. I let him do this to you, you aren't a monster. I was the one who made you one when I didn't stop your father."

He turned to look at me and moved his wet hand through his hair. "You didn't turn me into a monster, I was the one who made myself a monster. He wasn't a monster I was. All this time it wasn't him. I used him as an excuse for my behavior. I'm the bloodthirsty one, not him." I was left shaken off by the revelation and looked down at him with knitted eyebrows from the confusion. "How is that even possible?"

"It's not the wolf that's cursed but the human part, I'm the one with the curse not him.

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