Violet Eyes

By JadeDaimaou

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||UN-POLISHED VERSION|| This is a draft version, the official series of Violet Eyes is being published on Ama... More

1: The Calm
2: The Storm
3: Upside Down
4: Nightmare
5: Telepathy
6: Through the Cracks
7: Found
8: Zachariah
9: No Mercy
10: New Friend
11: Just Like School
12: New Enemy
13: Nighthawk
14: Prince of Shadow
15: Infinity
16: Smart Guy
17: The Incident
18: Masamune
19: Family Ties
20: The Erebus Clan
21: Doctor
22: Morally Grey
23: The Festival
24: Regret
25: One Down
26: Kuroi Kage
27: Taken
28: Live Long Enough...
29: The Death Of Peace Of Mind
30: Siblings
31: Nothing Ever After
32: Rainy Day
33: Judgement
34: Puppetmaster
35: ...To Become the Hero
36: Sleeptalk
37: Finally Safe
38: Sanctuary
39: The Interview
40: The Party
41: Operation: Orion
42: Violet Eyes
43: Epiphany
44: Reunion
45: Doubt
46: The Boogeyman's Gambit
47: Nyctophobia
48: Nyctophobia 2: Rhys and Orion
49: Nyctophobia 3: Ultimatum
50: Kingslayer
51: Shatter Me
52: Circles
53: Under the Skin
54: Rising Tensions
55: Waves
56: Catharsis
57: Reconciliation
58: Another Life
59: Halloween
60: Can't Do Enough
61: I'll Be Right There
62: The Maze
63: Chrysalis
64: Had Enough
65: Purgatory
66: Momento Mori
67: Control
68: Don't Let Me Drown
69: Villain
70: Trailblazer
71: Master of Games
72: The Iris Conspiracy
73: Dead Men Rise Up Never
74: Gravity
75: Devil's Advocate
76: The Devil was once an Angel
77: Hail Mary
78: Demon or Two
79: If I was bleeding, would you fix me?
80: The Queen of Spades
81: Without Me
82: Convergence
83: Out of Time
84: Raindrops
85: Catalyst
86: Ignition
87: The Ghost and His Dragons
88: Awakening
89: Retribution
90: Through the Fog
91: Let It Out
92: Untouchable
93: Blood is thicker than Water
94: Roulette
95: Supernova
96: Unravel
98: A Sheep in Wolfs Clothing
99: The Aftermath: Part One
100: The Aftermath: Part Two
101: Sparks
102: Complicated
103: Thanks for the Memories
104: Discipline
105: Serendipity
106: What Is It About Her?
107: Magnetic
108: From The Stars
109: Choppy Waters
110: Fuel to the Fire
111: Old Cages, Old Tricks, and Old Flames
112: Ultraviolet
113: The Tempest
114: Eclipse
Important Note

97: Smiles Like Gasoline

26 4 0
By JadeDaimaou

^^^***Azriel concept art included***^^^

" the hell...are you doing here?" Danny asked with anger in his voice, still mixed with a little fear, although there was a strong chance that would never go away. Damien sighed as he stood there with his arms crossed.

"The Chairman called me into her office and told me to come here. I guess she thought you guys couldn't handle this on your own." Damien trailed off a bit as he looked over at the gathering a few feet away. They were all still distracted with their conversation and hadn't noticed Damien yet. Damien however, noticed the blood on various people's clothes and the tired looks in their eyes. "Seems like she was correct." He said passively, but restrained a small smirk. Danny's jaw clenched in frustration.

"Damien?" Soul's voice made Danny tense slightly while Damien remained deadpan. She walked up next to Danny and stared at her brother with a confused expression. "What are you doing here?"

"Elizabeth sent him, I guess. Maybe we're being punished for something." Danny said flatly as he side-eyed Damien.

"Cute." Damien muttered sarcastically after he made a slightly irritated face. Soul rolled her eyes subtly, she should've guessed that they wouldn't get along. Honestly, it seemed naive to think they would get along right away anyway, if at all. "Before you whine and tell me to leave, I don't exactly have a choice but to be here and help." Damien paused and reached down slightly, he grabbed his pant leg on his thigh and pulled it up as he presented his foot. Danny and Soul looked down and their eyes widened in unison, Damien had a tracking bracelet on his ankle. "She still doesn't exactly trust me yet."

"Well, you can exactly blame her." Danny snapped in an irritated tone, clearly extremely displeased with having to work with him. Danny turned and walked back towards the others without saying another word to Damien as he watched with an annoyed glare. Once Danny reached the rest of his friends, he saw that they all had a mixed range of emotions after finally noticing the backup they were given.

"Great. What is Elizabeth thinking, sending him here?" Kyle complained openly, not giving a damn what Damien thought.

"She is thinking that other pink haired brat is more of a problem than you people realize." Damien started as he approached the group with his arms crossed across his chest. Kyle growled softly at his passive insult. "Azriel managed to assist in completely overthrowing the Erebus Mafia, a feat which should've been impossible. He managed to outsmart me-" Damien's eyes narrowed on Nyx. "-and you, into thinking that he was nothing more than a strange Gifted brat. When in reality, he is the furthest thing from. He bided his time and stayed hidden until the biggest threat to him, was dead." Nyx stiffened. "He managed to steal away your greatest asset to use her against you. The moment he heard about the bounty on Nathan's head, he took advantage and tried to snuff out the second biggest threat to him. Azriel is not to be underestimated." Damien spoke sternly and was met with silence after his speech concluded.

Nyx stepped forward, "Okay, fine. You're right." She said through a gentle sigh. Nate looked over at her for a moment, he knew that a fighter as strong as Damien would surely be useful, but he still didn't trust him around Nyx. Not for one second.

"I want this brat gone just like all of you do." Damien said flatly as he kept his arms crossed. Nyx turned around and looked at her friends to try and gauge their feelings on the matter.

Nate looked concerned.
Soul looked slightly hopeful.
Danny looked angry, so did Rhys.
Nerissa looked scared, but tried to hide it.
Jaya looked neutral.
Kyle looked... slightly somber, which confused Nyx, but she didn't comment on it. "Alright, let's get on with it."


After Soul had eased the group back down through the massive hole into the bunker, minus Rudi and Kala, who had been picked up by one of Elizabeth's agents, Danny approached the keypad that unlocked Azriel's Sanctum. Danny placed his fingers on the edge of the console and his eyes started shimmering silver. It was almost a full minute before he typed in the passphrase.


"What the hell does that mean?" Rhys asked in confusion after Danny typed in the phrase.

"Death comes to all." Damien spoke in Danny's place, and Danny gave him an angry side eye.

"That's right." Danny grumbled as his finger hovered over the enter key. "You should all stand back, we don't know if it's trapped or not." He said flatly before everyone exchanged a look, then stepped back and away from the door. After all his friends were safe, Danny pressed the enter key and the phrase flashed green on the screen. The door slid open to reveal another long hallway with white marble walls and rose quartz accents. A lush red carpet led from the door all the way down the hallway to another set of doors. Except this set of double doors was extremely posh and expensive looking. Danny went to step forward but halted when he felt a gentle touch on his arm.

"Let me go first this time." Nyx said calmly as Danny looked over at her.

Danny looked slightly worried as he looked her up and down. Bloody clothes, tired posture and even more tired look in her eyes. "Are you sure? I can-"

"Yes, I know you have your Super Prediction, but just...please. Let me go first." Nyx insisted as she looked at him with serious eyes, she wanted to be the one to confront Azriel. She had a weird feeling that she needed to confirm. Danny returned her stare for a few seconds before he sighed and closed his eyes. He knew there was no point in arguing with her, so he stepped aside to let her take the lead. Nyx took a deep breath before she began walking down the hall, her comrades followed her a few feet behind.

Once she reached the double doors, she reached forward and gripped both of the door knobs before hesitating. She heard soft footsteps coming up behind her and felt a gentle hand on her arm. She turned her head slightly to see Nate giving her a somber look. "What's wrong, love?" He asked her in a calm and sweet voice.

"Nothing is really wrong, it's just...I don't know what to expect when we walk in here." Nyx responded quietly as she looked back down at the doorknobs that were still gripped by her slightly sweaty hands.

"It doesn't matter what we're walking into, we're all here together, and we can handle it." Nate responded in a determined tone and Nyx could hear the smile in his tone. Nyx nodded before taking a deep breath, she turned the knobs and swung open the double doors before stepping inside along with her friends...and Damien and Jaya. She still wasn't exactly ready to call either of them a friend yet. The room was massive and beautifully decorated. It was wide open except for a grand throne at the opposite end, surrounded by multiple piles of voodoo dolls, all linked together with thin pink strings. Those strings converged into the clenched fist of Azriel Enoch, who was sitting sideways in the throne with his legs hanging over one of the arm rests while his head was hanging casually over the other arm rest. When the door opened, his head perked up and he looked at who was intruding on his Sanctum.

A gleeful smile spread across his face. "Ooohh, I was wondering when you'd show up!" He said happily before he shifted to a sitting position in the throne and rested his chin into his palm, his other hand still clutching the strings. His eyes drifted to Nate, "I didn't expect you to bring your lady friend here for me. I'm just tickled pink at your generosity." He taunted playfully as he looked down his nose at Nate, whose lip curled in anger. Nyx turned her head to look at him.

"Don't listen to him, he's just trying to rile you up." Nyx said quietly and Nate took a moment to calm down, realizing she was right. An unhinged giggle left Azriel and it made Nyx's blood boil.

"Unfortunately, I'm only interested in chatting with Nyxie-poo here." Azriel said rather seriously as he stood from his throne and took a few steps forward, letting the strings fall loosely from his grip. Nyx's lip curled in distaste at the childish nickname. "Anyone else who gets too close, will die where they stand." His eyes suddenly flashed with madness as he stated his threat, and his voice shifted to match. The group stiffened, while Danny's eyes narrowed. This man's Gift had nothing to do with combat, so he shouldn't be able to act on a threat like that. Azriel smiled, seeing the look in Danny's eyes, before a vision flowed through him. He saw Azriel flick his wrist and a thin metal pin flew from his sleeve and stabbed into Danny's forehead. Danny's eyes widened when he was back in real time and he quickly pivoted his body to dodge it, the pin stuck into the wall and inch in front of Danny's face and everyone's eyes whipped to the wall where the pin stayed. Another unhinged giggle brought everyone's attention back to Azriel. "That means you too, Hardwire." Danny's eyes narrowed in confusion.

Just how much does he know about us?

"Now..." Azriel's voice returned to his normal childish facade. "I assume you came here to put an end to me." Azriel added dramatic air quotes as he took a few more steps forward. Nyx clenched her fists and growled softly and Azriel placed his hand over his mouth in a silly manner. "Oh, you're feisty."

"Oh, shut up already." Kyle butted into the conversation, but didn't advance. "We all know this childish kid act is just that, an act." Kyle said as his eyes radiated hatred. Azriel's eyes looked over to him before his smile immediately faded.

"I said I only wanted to chat with her. Sounds like someone has a problem listening." Azriel said in a slightly irritated tone before he straightened his posture and lazily pointed at Kyle. "You know, I heard that you killed Reiko. After he failed to off you, I was planning to kill him myself, so thanks for saving me the trouble." Azriel smirked coyly when he saw the look of pained horror across Jaya's normally blank face. "Oh, don't look at me like that Jaya. You had to have known that this was coming, after all-" Azriel's eyes moved back to Kyle. "Being in a Gifted family will only lead to death and pain. I was only hoping to finally finish what I started all those years ago, and put an end to the bloodline." Azriel purred and Kyle's entire body stiffened. Nyx slowly turned around to look at him and saw Kyle's clenched fists and jaw.

Kyle looked up at her, "Later." He whispered through restrained rage, but Nyx could feel the unmistakable tinge of pain. Nyx left it alone for now, but the anger filled her anyway as she turned back to Azriel.

She decided now was a good a time as any to ask the question weighing heaviest in her mind. "You're the one who paid Z to kill me, aren't you?" She asked directly. An amused look spread across Azriel's face before he giggled softly.

"Nope. That was Zachariah, for sure, but you're getting closerrrr." Azriel taunted her as he brought his hand up to his face and lightly dragged his forefinger down his cheek a few times. The realization hit Nyx like a truck.

"You paid for Z to kill Nate." Nyx uttered softly with a hint of anger peeking through her realization.

Azriel snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "There ya go! Maybe you aren't as dumb as I thought!" Nate tensed a bit as realization crossed his face as well. Nyx's brow bent downward as Azriel continued. "When Z failed to kill him on Halloween night, and you all disappeared, Zachariah shoved me out and paid Z almost double what I paid to take you out instead." Azriel leaned forward and booped Nyx on the nose with his finger and a soft growl left her, she was losing patience. "Once you were out of the picture, all you Sanctuary brats just went after Z all on your own! I thought I could just sit back and The Puppestmaster would get himself killed all on his own. When that didn't happen, I had to get a little creative." Azriel paused his speech before looked at Nyx with a sly smile, and another realization hit her.

"'re the one who put that bounty on his head." Nyx whispered softly.

Azriel leaned forward again, "Ding ding ding!" He said in a slightly higher pitched voice. Nyx felt a fire in her belly, remembering that he was almost killed like a dog in an alley because of that bounty.

"I'm going to go ahead and skip the threat of killing you, and just tell you to enjoy your last moments." Nyx growled out in rage, although she secretly hoped that the threat would land. She was far too exhausted to be able to use her energy to affect anyone else's gravity, and she hoped Azriel wouldn't see through that.

Azriel hummed out a small laugh and held his hands behind his back, "And there you go again-" He started as he stepped closer to her before leaning forward slightly so he was at eye level with Nyx. "-making threats, on behalf of someone else." He purred smoothly and confusion spread across Nyx's face.

"What?" She asked him as she glared into his eyes, neither of them showing an ounce of fear.

Azriel huffed happily. "Tell me, Nyx. When was the last time you truly made a decision for yourself?" He asked her as he leaned up and started walking around her with his arms behind his back.

"I make decisions for myself all the time." Nyx shot back as everyone else watched the situation closely, looking for a hidden blade or something. But it seemed that, at least at this moment, he was just talking.

"Do you, though?" Azriel said as he halted behind her and leaned closer a bit before continuing his walk. "You tried to kill Reiko because you felt as if it was your duty, seeing as he almost killed someone close to you. You stormed the Erebus Estate because Red Top over there offed your brother, another instance of duty, and look where that got you." Azriel brought his first two fingers up to his head and pretended to shoot himself. Nyx's eyes widened slightly as he spoke, but she couldn't bring herself to make an attempt to silence him. "The whole reason you're standing in this room is because of something as flimsy as duty."

"Nyx, don't listen to him!" Nate called out and his right foot took one step forward, Azriel whipped around with his hand outstretched and another metal pin stuck into the wall next to Nate's head, so close that it slightly cut his cheek. Nate's breath hitched in his throat and he looked at the needle before looking back at Azriel with fear in his eyes.

"It's rude to interject yourself into conversations that don't concern you." Azriel said sternly with a hint of menace before he turned back to Nyx, who was looking at Nate with fear in her eyes. Her eyes pleaded for him to stay back and stay quiet. "Now, then." Azriel brought Nyx's attention back to him. "As I was saying, you haven't made a single decision for yourself. You only make decisions based on what others expect of you, or what others have convinced you is right." Azriel leaned down slightly and lowered his voice. "All people do is take advantage of your power. Even the ones you call your friend." Nyx's eyes widened and her breath hitched, Nerissa's brow bent downward in anger when she realized what Azriel was trying to do.

"Shut your mouth, Azriel! You're wasting your breath, she'll never join you!" Nerissa yelled out in anger, flexing her fingers to prepare to deflect another needle. Azriel stood up straight and looked at her instead.

"I think we need some privacy." Azriel said before he snapped his fingers and a thick plexiglass wall suddenly dropped in front of all of them, separating them from Nyx and Azriel. A few of them placed their hands against the glass as sudden worry filled their systems. Damien only watched with an almost intrigued look on his face.

"Nyx." Azriel said almost longingly and Nyx looked over at him with a slightly worried look in her eyes. "Have you ever considered, truly considered, the incomprehensible amount of power you have? You could turn this world into nothing but rubble and stardust if you wanted to. You are nothing short of a God among mortals. Haven't you ever felt out of control? Dangerous?" He spoke in a smooth tone and it made Nyx's pulse quicken because he was right. She suddenly tensed when he spoke right next to her ear. "You're not human, Nyx."

Nyx could hardly hear anything over her own heartbeat, but she knew that he was just trying to manipulate her, like he did with Nerissa. She steeled herself, "You're wrong."

"Am I? How so?" He asked curiously with a sly smile on his face.

"The decisions I've made have been from duty yes, but it was my choice to accept that duty in the first place. And yes, I have felt dangerous and out of control, and there have been times when I felt unworthy of this power. But I am more human than you will ever be." Nyx growled out in anger as Azriel stepped back a bit, an intrigued look plastered on his face before he tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Well, if you really think that's true, then come on. Give me your best shot." Azriel said playfully as his hands dropped to his sides. Nyx's eyes narrowed, he was far too calm to not have some trick up his sleeve. "No? Lost your nerve? Here, let me find it for you." He said as his unhinged smile grew wider and he reached into his jacket. Nyx's eyes widened in fear when she saw what he pulled out.

It was a doll...of her.

"No...NO!" Nate uttered quietly at first before raising his voice and slamming his fist on the glass in front of him. Nyx dashed forward, hoping to reach him before he could activate his Gift, but she was too slow. Azriel's eyes flashed pink as he clutched the doll in his hand. Nyx's closed fist stopped in its tracks an inch away from Azriel's face without him even flinching. She felt her entire body tense and she was no longer in control, it was similar to the sensation of being under Nate's mind control only much more invasive. Nyx felt like she was a part of Azriel now.

"Yes, yes! I was going to save this for the perfect moment but...what the hell! I do love a good dramatic ending." Azriel said as he moved a loose strand of hair off the dolls face, and Nyx could feel the subtle sensation and it made her skin crawl.

"Azriel!" Kyle yelled out suddenly in violent rage, causing Azriel to look over at him with a slightly bored look.

"Whaaat?" Azriel groaned out impatiently as he dropped his hands to his sides, still holding the doll.

"I will not let you take my family away a second time." Kyle said angrily before pink streams of code broke off of his body in streams as he faded away. Azriel's eyes widened subtly in surprise before the streams manifested next to him and the barrel of a handgun was suddenly an inch away from the side of his head. Kyle finished manifesting next to Azriel with hatred in his eyes as they faded back to their normal shade of blue.

"The only dramatic ending here will be yours."

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