Chasing Destiny's Star | ✓

Από Iamheretoeaticecream

345K 26.6K 6.6K

As he approached, he cast a lingering gaze over me, a captivating look. Meanwhile, I found myself fawning ove... Περισσότερα

Khamma Ghani ☀️
Aesthetics 💫
The End.


5.8K 558 92
Από Iamheretoeaticecream

The Forty-Second Chapter


रब की कव्वाली है इश्क कोई
दिल की दिवाली है इश्क कोई
महकी सी प्याली है इश्क कोई
सुबह की लाली है इश्क
गिरता सा झरना है इश्क कोई
उठता सा कलमा है इश्क कोई
साँसों में लिपटा है इश्क कोई
आँखों में दिखता है इश्क


"So you're telling me that you've been lying to me this entire time? You were out killing innocents?" I asked, my voice filled with shock and maybe a tinge of disgust.

Honestly, this whole... let's call it a scandal, is just too unreal for me. Drama in my life is like when someone steals your wallet, now that's real drama. But here they are, talking about murder, kidnapping, and spying.

It feels like I'm stuck in some sketchy Bollywood movie.

So here I am, sitting on the guest room bed, my legs crossed, staring at my half-naked husband. His face is nestled in my stomach as he hugs me, his voice muffled like a little child's.

"They w-erfe noft innowcent," his muffled voice murmured against my stomach, barely audible through the fabric of my clothing, well his shirt that I was wearing.

"Speak human. I don't understand alien language," I said, lightly tapping his head, and he groaned.

He groaned, lifting his face slightly from my stomach, his expression a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. "They were not innocent," he repeated, his voice clearer this time but still tinged with a hint of distortion from being pressed against me.

After the amazing sex we just had, frustrated Rudra becomes even more dominant. He destroyed me in fifteen minutes. Honestly, I need to build up my stamina. How? I don't know. But I won't be able to keep up with this huge ball of 'I'll take you for as long as I want.'

"Patidev, I'm confused, but can you at least tell me what you are planning?" I asked, my hands playing with his hair as he pulled me onto the bed, laying me down, and resting his head on my chest.

"I don't think we can still catch Suraj. No one can find him until he wants to be found. He isn't just the biggest criminal yet politically protected man for no reason. All we can do is eliminate the intermediaries, the puppets he plants in India. Right now, his right-hand, Manoj, is somewhere in Udaipur, and he is for sure behind this. We just need to take him down," he explained calmly.

Will Suraj just remain a threat forever?

"Suraj may seem untouchable, but his network has weaknesses," Rudra began, his voice measured as he outlined his plan. "Manoj is a key player in his operation, and if we can take him down, we'll deal a significant blow to Suraj's organization."

I nodded, my mind racing as I tried to grasp the complexities of the situation. "How do we approach this? Manoj is likely heavily guarded."

I nodded, eager to hear his detailed plan.

"We'll start by gathering intel," Rudra continued. "We need to know Manoj's movements, his connections, and his vulnerabilities. Once we have that, we can devise a strategy to take him down."

"But how do we gather this information?" I asked, feeling a surge of anticipation.

"We'll use every resource at our disposal," Rudra replied. "We'll tap into our network of informants, monitor his communications, and conduct surveillance on his known associates.

 "And once we have the intel?" I prompted, eager to hear the next steps.

"We'll strike with precision and force," Rudra declared. "We'll dismantle Manoj's network piece by piece, starting with his closest allies. We'll disrupt his supply chains, seize his assets, and cut off his sources of support. And when the time is right, we'll move in for the final blow."

"Supply chains of what?" I asked, confused.

"Drugs," Rudra replied, his words making my eyes widen as I processed the gravity of the situation.

"They have a small company established called Vanam Ltd. They supply drugs through it. We just need to bribe the operations handlers, make him pass us some evidence," he explained, his voice steady and resolute.

"So your plan is to get Manoj arrested?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around the intricacies of their strategy.

"Not exactly. We want him to be arrested so that it makes headlines, which might bring Suraj's attention back here. But arresting Manoj would actually provide nothing, because he would be bailed out the very next minute."

"What if he gets bail? He will for sure escape," I said, now understanding how things worked in this world of crime and corruption.

"That's when we step in again. We will have him under our custody, using him as leverage," Rudra explained.

Golmaal hai bhai sab golmaal hai..

"Rudra, you told me about Vivaan's sister, right? Does Vivaan know about all this?" I asked, almost scared of his answer, feeling his body freeze for a minute.

"He thinks Suraj is dead, let's keep it at that. He needed closure," he spoke, his eyes avoiding mine.

"A fake closure," I corrected him, and he gave me a small, pressed smile.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Ab hum ko honeymoon pe jana hai, why is everything so complicated?" he suddenly whined, sounding like a desperate, sad child.

He was again trying to change the topic of the conversation. I sighed, shaking my head. If he didn't feel comfortable talking about this, then I wouldn't push it.

Mr. Kapoor helped us with a digital overview of the palace, so now we know where the safe zones are. Not a lot of it is bugged, thankfully. Our room, Bhabhi-sa's room, Vaahi's room, the study, and the living room are bugged, but that's kind of expected. It's something we can handle.

"Where do you wish to go?" I asked, and he just shrugged.

"Um, do you want to go to Ludhiana? Punjab. My nani lived there with my nana before they moved to Udaipur together. We could visit their house; I have the keys to it," I suggested, feeling slightly nervous. I mean, who goes to, um, an ancestral house for their honeymoon?

He looked at me, a hint of surprise crossing his features before a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Ludhiana sounds perfect. Can't wait for some good glasses full of lassi." 

His easygoing attitude instantly eased my nerves, and I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly he embraced the idea. Everything about him was oddly calming.

"Well first we need to wrap up this mess," I said.

He nodded grimly, his expression mirroring mine, before snuggling his face onto my chest.

"Okay, Romeo, up and go," I teased, gently pushing him aside as he whined playfully like a child.

Reluctantly, he straightened up. "Fine, fine," he conceded with a mock sigh. "But only because you asked so nicely."

My delusional man.

- Two days later-

The palace was still a mess. Everyone knew about the bugged rooms, and they caught the person who did it. A palace guard. He was threatened with the life of his family members, forced to do this. For now, he has been kept under the royal security custody. But I was still stuck hiding in the guest room, pretending to be gone.

Rudra and Ruhaan bhai-sa were close to figuring out something about Manoj, which stressed out Bhabhi-sa a lot. Maa wanted to cheer her up, so she organized a secret baby shower in the garden of wing-D.

Even though everything was chaotic, somehow it all seemed to make sense in the end.

I sat on the bed, scrolling through Instagram, my eyes glued to the latest collection posts of Sabyasachi. There it was, my saree proudly displayed on the main account. It filled me with a sense of pride I could hardly contain.

Growing up, I admired the timeless elegance of Sabyasachi sarees. I had posters of their logo adorning my room, dreaming of one day being part of that artistic community. And now, here I was, my very first creation featured on their main account. The comments overflowed with appreciation, validating my entire life honestly.

Lost in my own thoughts, I was jolted back to reality by the sound of Maa rushing into the guest room, her face beaming with excitement.

"Roohi, you've got to see this!" she exclaimed, pulling me out of the wing and into the living room where the TV speakers blared the catchy jingle of the news channel.


I struggled to focus, my mind racing to process the information being presented.

That's when I caught sight of the news headlines. Manoj Sethia, arrested under charges of illegal drug and weaponry dealings, was also revealed to be co-leading a major underground market, now busted and seized by the government.

They did it. With a perfectly timed entry, both the Rajvansh brothers sauntered through the palace doors, their faces sporting smirks and their hair slightly tousled. Jackets hung casually from their arms as they stood there, exuding an air of confidence with their dark, intense eyes.

"The palace spy cameras have been disabled. It's all safe now," Rudra informed, his gaze locked with mine. I couldn't help but grin, a huge, relieved grin spreading across my face.

Desperate to just jump up and hug him tightly, I restrained myself, waiting for the right moment.

"What now, beta?" Chachu asked casually, sipping his glass of milk, which I was pretty sure had Horlicks mixed in because I could smell it from afar.

"We wait for him to get bail, then have him under our custody, anger Suraj," Bhai-sa replied crisply, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"You know what this means, right?" Rajmata spoke up, her tone almost worried.

"We are ready for it," Rudra reassured her, his voice steady and confident.

The room fell silent, but it wasn't the comforting kind of silence. It was tense, filled with anticipation and uncertainty.

Meera Bhabhi-sa clapped loudly, excitement evident in her voice. "YAY, Mendak, let's go buy furniture for the nursery!" She exclaimed, getting up from the couch, and Bhai-sa nodded, almost terrified of saying no.

"Roohi, Rudra, do you guys wanna join? We are going to the furniture exhibition!" Bhabhi-sa said, her enthusiasm palpable. A furniture exhibition? Not exactly my cup of tea, but I forced a smile nonetheless.

"Sounds... fun! Actually, I have some work to catch up on, Bhabhi-sa, otherwise, I would have... to-tuuh-ly come with you. Take Rudra!" I said with a smile, only to have Patidev snap his head at me as if I had punched him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Awh, that's fine, Rudra, let's go! We were gonna buy the crib today too! I wanted people to help me with the selection options!" Bhabhi-sa continued.

"Uh yeah, Owwww Mummmyy!" Suddenly, Patidev cried out, making me look at him in surprise as he hopped on one leg, holding his other foot in his hand.

"What happened?" I asked, rushing towards him. He had been fine just a moment ago.

"I think I suddenly strained my foot," he groaned, his voice filled with pain, sending all kinds of possibilities racing through my mind.

Is it normal to get strains randomly like this?

Oh no, what if it's something serious, like bone cancer?

No, stop overthinking, it's probably just a strain.

"Rudra, are you okay?" Meera Bhabhi-sa asked, her hands cradling her belly protectively.

"Yeah, let's go to the exhibition. So what if I can't walk? I wouldn't want to miss the exhibition at any cost. Bhai-sa, come on, carry me!" Rudra said, his eyes filled with pain. And then it hit me, this man was lying again.

This is too much.

"I'm not carrying you around," Bhai-sa retorted, glaring at him, clearly not buying into Rudra's act.

"See, Meera, can't even carry his baby brother. What a horrible man you married," Rudra said, trying to garner sympathy, which he did, as Bhabhi-sa hit Bhai-sa's shoulder and stormed out of the room in anger, yelling, "Don't show me your face, Ruhaan, for two days!"

"What the fuck, Rudra?" Bhai-sa growled angrily.

"Uh, have fun, Bhai-sa!" Rudra chirped cheerfully and darted towards our room before Bhai-sa could lunge forward to strangle him.

I shook my head, sighing at the ridiculousness of it all.

Literally a man child.

"Bhai-sa, you should leave, you might get late," I said with a nervous smile, only to find him glaring at me sharply before he left, following an excited Bhabhi-sa.

As the door closed behind them, I walked back to our room. Upon entering, I found Rudra already inside, signing a cheque at the desk. Not wishing to disturb him, I quietly entered and sat on the bed, next to Maggi's sleeping figure, while my doggo moved closer to cuddle with me.

Soon enough, I saw him turn round from his desk chair and smile at me, the perfect smile that never failed to make my heart flutter. Man, is his smile beautiful.

"That was dramatic downstairs," I spoke with a shake of my head, still processing the chaos that had ensued earlier.

He just shrugged nonchalantly, his expression unreadable. "A man's gotta do what he gotta do," he replied, his tone casual as he approached the bed.

Carefully, he picked up the sleeping Maggi and placed him in his dog bed, a move that earned a frown from me. Why couldn't my baby sleep here on the bed with me?

"Rudra! He was sleeping!" I protested, my frown deepening, but my Patidev just rolled his eyes in response. "My bed. My wife," he muttered, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"You are impossible," I said with exasperation, shaking my head at his antics.

He nodded with pride, a smirk playing on his lips, as he jumped onto the bed with a playful smile. His hands encircled around my waist as he pulled me close, my head finding its place on his chest.

We lay there in silence for a moment, the only sound being the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath me. "I love you," I whispered softly, breaking the silence as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

"Just... the idea of fear itself, I guess," I replied, choosing my words carefully. "How it can hold us back, make us doubt ourselves and our choices."

His brows furrowed slightly, sensing there was more beneath the surface. "Fear of what, exactly?"

I hesitated, not wanting to burden him with my overthinking. "Fear of the unknown, I suppose. Fear of things not turning out the way we hope they will."

He nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "Fear can be a powerful force," he mused, his fingers still gently combing through my hair. "But it's also a reminder that we're alive, that we're capable of feeling." I nodded in agreement.

"Sometimes, I think fear is just our way of protecting ourselves," he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation.

"How so?" I asked, genuinely curious about his perspective.

He paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts before he responded. "Well, think about it," he began, his gaze locking with mine. "When we feel fear, it's often because we're facing something unfamiliar or challenging. It's our body's way of warning us, telling us to be cautious and take care of ourselves."

I nodded, absorbing his words.

"But," he continued, his tone gentle yet firm, "if we let fear control us, if we let it dictate our actions and decisions, then we're not truly living. We're just surviving."

"So, what do we do then?" I asked, seeking guidance in his wisdom.

"We acknowledge our fears," he replied, his voice soft but resolute. "We recognize them for what they are, but we don't let them define us."

"Wise words." I commented and he chuckled.

"You are lucky you got such an amazing husband," Rudra spoke, his tone dripping with sarcasm, but there was a hint of truth in his words. I was indeed fortunate to have him as my husband, my best friend, my anchor.

"Please— I could have done so much better," I replied, trying to brush off his compliment, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of winning.

"Is that so?" His eyes locked onto mine, their intensity sending a shiver down my spine as his voice lowered an octave.

"Y-Yeah," I stammered, suddenly feeling a wave of apprehension wash over me.

"Tell me, Roohi, who could have been your potential better husband?" Rudra's hands gripped mine firmly, his touch possessive, his demeanor intense.

I could feel the weight of his jealousy, his possessiveness emanating from him in waves. It was a side of him I had seen before, but never with such intensity.

"I... I don't know," I stuttered, feeling trapped under his gaze, unable to look away.

His grip tightened further, his jaw clenched in a display of dominance. "You belong to me, Roohi," he declared, his voice low but commanding. "No one else could ever take my place."

I swallowed hard, feeling a mixture of fear and desire coursing through me. His possessiveness was overwhelming, but there was something undeniably intoxicating about it.

Toxic batein ko intoxicated bol diya tumne. Koi nahi.

"I belong to you," I whispered.

"Let's go for a drive, I think we both need some ice cream in our system," Rudra suggested, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Now your leg doesn't hurt?" I asked him innocently, and he flashed me a knowing smile.

"You know it too. Meera is crazy. She's going to buy the entire exhibition. Would you really want to roam around there for hours straight? Especially with a crazy pregnant woman?" Rudra commented, earning a playful hit on the head from me. It's  true but still, she was my pehla pyaar. I can't let him insult her.

"Not a word against my bhabhi-sa," I said firmly, a hint of protective anger in my tone, and he rolled his eyes in response.

"Everyone just loves her, no one cares for me only," Rudra grumbled, his finger playfully tickling my waist, causing me to jump up with a screech.

"Don't even think about tickling me," I yelled, pointing a warning finger at his chest.

"Why are you sooo cute," he teased in a baby voice, pulling my cheeks playfully, which only made me scrunch up my nose in annoyance.

Rolling my eyes at his antics, I swatted his hand away and huffed in mock indignation. "Stop it, Rudra. I'm serious."

He chuckled softly, his laughter infectious as he leaned in closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Okay, okay, no more tickling. But you have to promise me one thing."

I raised an eyebrow, curious about what he had in mind. "What?"

His lips curved into a playful smile. "That you'll share your ice cream with me."

I pretended to ponder his request for a moment before relenting with a grin. "Fine, but only if you promise not to steal all the toppings." He always steals the crushed kitkat toppings of my ice cream.

Rudra held up his hands in surrender, his expression mockingly innocent. "I solemnly swear to only steal half of the toppings."

I sOlEmNlY sWear tHaT i'M uPto nO gOod.

After our banter, Rudra and I quickly changed into more comfortable outfits for our impromptu adventure. I slipped into a casual fit and sneakers, while Rudra opted for jeans and a fitted T-shirt that accentuated his muscular frame.

(Her outfit)

We took Maggi along with us too! A ride out of the palace would be good for him, and he absolutely loves ice cream. So my baby would get to enjoy some sweet treats as well.

As we walked out of the palace gates, Maggi nestled comfortably in my arms, I couldn't help but coo at him. "Yesss baby, my cutie! We're going to have ice cream!" I said in a baby voice, earning a happy grin from Maggi as he panted with excitement, his tongue lolling out.

A sudden honk drew my attention, and I looked up to see Rudra glaring at us from the window of the car.

"Look, papa is angry again," I whispered to Maggi, who cocked his head curiously as if understanding. "He's always angry, isn't he? Always glaring at us."

Maggi let out a soft bark in agreement, his tail wagging happily as if to reassure me that everything would be fine.

Settling into the passenger seat with Maggi on my lap, I heard Rudra grumble something under his breath, his voice low and tinged with irritation.

"What? Stop speaking alien," I quipped, shooting a playful glance at my patidev, who sat behind the wheel with his sunglasses on, concealing his beautiful eyes from mine.

"I said, why are we bringing Maggi on our date?" Rudra gritted out, his jaw clenched in frustration.

"Why not?" I countered, raising an eyebrow in defiance as I scratched Maggi's ears, eliciting contented sighs from our furry companion who lay sprawled across my lap, his belly exposed for rubs.

"He's not my wife, you are," Rudra spat out, his tone sharp with anger.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his possessiveness, but deep down, I found his jealousy oddly endearing. "What about when we have kids? Will you leave our kids behind?" I questioned, unable to hide my disbelief.

"Of course," he replied firmly, his left hand resting against the backrest of my seat as he reversed out of the entrance, his outstretched arm flexing with power and control.

I give up.

Soon enough, my phone automatically connected to his car's audio system, and the soothing strains of soft Sufi music filled the interior. I couldn't help but smile to myself. I don't mind Sufi. In fact, I love Sufi music.

मेरे दिल को तू जां से जुदा कर दे
यूँ बस तू , मुझको फना कर दे
मेरा हाल तू, मेरी चाल तू
बस कर दे आशिकाना
तेरे वास्ते, मेरा इश्क सूफ़ियाना

"Ever wondered why they keep saying, 'तेरे वास्ते, मेरा इश्क सूफ़ियाना?'" I asked him, the lyrics of the song lingering in my mind.

He hummed thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "I know why," he answered confidently.

"Enlighten me, my personal encyclopedia," I said with a playful grin, eager to hear his explanation.

Rudra glanced at me briefly before focusing back on the road, his expression contemplative. "Well, 'तेरे वास्ते' translates to 'for your sake,' implying that everything they do, they do for the sake of their beloved," he began, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone.

"मेरा इश्क सूफ़ियाना," he continued, "means 'my love is Sufi-like.' Sufism is often associated with spiritual love, a love that transcends earthly desires and is rooted in a deep connection with the divine."

I nodded, intrigued by his explanation. "So, the phrase 'तेरे वास्ते, मेरा इश्क सूफ़ियाना' essentially means that their love is pure, selfless, and infused with spiritual devotion," I summarized.

"Exactly," Rudra confirmed with a nod, a hint of admiration in his voice.

सोचूँ तुझे तो है सुबह, सोचूँ तुझे तो शाम है
मंज़िलों पे अब तो मेरी, एक ही तेरा नाम है
तेरे आग में ही जलते, कोयले से हीरा बन के
ख़्वाबों से आगे चलके है तुझे बताना
तेरे वास्ते, मेरा इश्क सूफ़ियाना
मेरा इश्क सूफियाना...

"तेरे आग में ही जलते, कोयले से हीरा बन के, ख़्वाबों से आगे चलके है तुझे बताना," Rudra began, his voice resonating with a quiet intensity as he prepared to unravel the meaning behind the lyrics once more.

Before he could continue, I jumped in, surprising even myself with the confidence in my tone. "I know this," I said, my voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Rudra raised an eyebrow, his expression a blend of amusement and curiosity. "You do?" he asked, his gaze fixed on me.

I nodded, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "It means... it means that one finds their true worth and shines brightest in the fire of real love," I started, my words tumbling out in a rush.

"But as the coal transforms into a diamond under pressure, it's not just about facing challenges. It's about embracing them, letting them shape you into something stronger, something more resilient," I continued, hoping I had correctly understood the lyrics.

Rudra's eyes softened, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That's... almost right," he said gently, his tone encouraging.

I paused, my heart racing with anticipation. "Almost right?" I echoed, feeling a pang of self-doubt creeping in.

Rudra reached out, his hand finding mine and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're close," he murmured, his gaze locking with mine. "But it's not just about proving the depth of one's feelings through actions. It's about surpassing even the wildest dreams and expectations, going beyond what you ever thought possible, all for the sake of love."

I froze. It sounded so..perfect, unreal again.

As we arrived at the bustling new parlour, a wave of excitement washed over me. This place was perfect—a haven for frozen delights not just for us but also for our Maggi.

Stepping out of the car, I noticed the usual black SUVs that trailed us everywhere, already securing the surroundings. Rudra's quick command halted their actions, allowing us to enter without any fuss. It was a subtle display of power, one that I had grown accustomed to.

"You may remain in the car," Rudra instructed the security, who promptly retreated to their vehicles. With that settled, we ventured into the parlour.

"I'll have chocolate ice cream!" I announced, already picturing the rich, creamy treat.

"And I'll go with coffee," Rudra replied, confirming my prediction. I couldn't help but smirk—knowing his preferences so well was a small victory for me.

"Go ahead and order. I'll browse the pet treats section," I suggested, gesturing towards the other corner of the parlour designated for our furry friends.

"I'll meet you there," Rudra agreed, seamlessly blending into the crowd like any ordinary person.

It was moments like these that I cherished—our interactions with the public were calm and unassuming. Unlike the formalities that came with being part of the larger family gatherings, here it was just the two of us, navigating the world together. Sure, we occasionally encountered Rudra's enthusiastic fans, but overall, it was a relaxed atmosphere.

Enthusiastic fans? More like single girls who wish you die soon, so Rudra can marry them.

Navigating through the array of frozen treats for pets, I was completely engrossed when I suddenly collided with someone. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up, only to meet the gaze of none other than Mihir – my ex.

Rudra is going to have a field trip.


साथ-साथ चलते-चलते हाथ छूट जायेंगे
ऐसी राहों में मिलो ना
बातें-वातें करते-करते रात कट जायेगी
ऐसी रातों में मिलो ना
क्या हम हैं क्या रब है
जहाँ तू है वहीं सब है
तेरे लब मिले मेरे लब खिले
अब दूर क्या है जाना
तेरे वास्ते, मेरा इश्क सूफियाना
मेरा इश्क सूफियाना...



Writer's block.

Forgive me.

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