Violet Eyes

By JadeDaimaou

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: - Descriptions of graphic blood and gore - Strong language - Sexual themes - Descriptions o... More

1: The Calm
2: The Storm
3: Upside Down
4: Nightmare
5: Telepathy
6: Through the Cracks
7: Found
8: Zachariah
9: No Mercy
10: New Friend
11: Just Like School
12: New Enemy
13: Nighthawk
14: Prince of Shadow
15: Infinity
16: Smart Guy
17: The Incident
18: Masamune
19: Family Ties
20: The Erebus Clan
21: Doctor
22: Morally Grey
23: The Festival
24: Regret
25: One Down
26: Kuroi Kage
27: Taken
28: Live Long Enough...
29: The Death Of Peace Of Mind
30: Siblings
31: Nothing Ever After
32: Rainy Day
33: Judgement
34: Puppetmaster
35: ...To Become the Hero
36: Sleeptalk
37: Finally Safe
38: Sanctuary
39: The Interview
40: The Party
41: Operation: Orion
42: Violet Eyes
43: Epiphany
44: Reunion
45: Doubt
46: The Boogeyman's Gambit
47: Nyctophobia
48: Nyctophobia 2: Rhys and Orion
49: Nyctophobia 3: Ultimatum
50: Kingslayer
51: Shatter Me
52: Circles
53: Under the Skin
54: Rising Tensions
55: Waves
56: Catharsis
57: Reconciliation
58: Another Life
59: Halloween
60: Can't Do Enough
61: I'll Be Right There
62: The Maze
63: Chrysalis
64: Had Enough
65: Purgatory
66: Momento Mori
67: Control
68: Don't Let Me Drown
69: Villain
70: Trailblazer
72: The Iris Conspiracy
73: Dead Men Rise Up Never
74: Gravity
75: Devil's Advocate
76: The Devil was once an Angel
77: Hail Mary
78: Demon or Two
79: If I was bleeding, would you fix me?
80: The Queen of Spades
81: Without Me
82: Convergence
83: Out of Time
84: Raindrops
85: Catalyst
86: Ignition
87: The Ghost and His Dragons
88: Awakening
89: Retribution
90: Through the Fog
91: Let It Out
92: Untouchable
93: Blood is thicker than Water
94: Roulette
95: Supernova
96: Unravel
97: Smiles Like Gasoline
98: A Sheep in Wolfs Clothing
99: The Aftermath: Part One
100: The Aftermath: Part Two
101: Sparks
102: Complicated
103: Thanks for the Memories

71: Master of Games

41 7 0
By JadeDaimaou

^^**Azriel concept art included**^^

Nerissa woke up in a posh and comfortable bed, way more comfortable than her bed at Sanctuary. She sat up with a yawn and looked around the room she woke in. It was large and looked extremely expensive. The walls were made of white marble with rose quartz accents weaving through from floor to ceiling. Gorgeous and artistic rugs coated the floor and Nerissa saw a large wood table in the room. It was covered with all kinds of breakfast foods, a man in a fancy suit walked in with another tray as Nerissa noticed the food. Nerissa had no idea that Azriel was wealthy enough to have butlers like this. Even though this place was underground, it seemed so... lavish.

"Good morning, young Miss. Master Enoch has arranged a breakfast for you. He also requested your presence once you're done eating." The butler said in a professional and respectful tone.

"Okay, thank you." Nerissa responded quietly, the butler bowed slightly and left the room. Nerissa got out of bed and moved to the table to get a better view of the food Azriel was offering. There were crepes, waffles, pancakes, all different kinds of options. Nerissa took a few waffles and sat down to eat, they looked absolutely delicious. After her first bite she was proven correct, the butter and syrup seemed expensive as well based on how perfect it tasted. Although it wasn't long before Nerissa's mind started wandering to the previous night. The horrible things Nate said to her, Rhys and Danny telling her to leave. A thought fluttered into her mind for a moment, that maybe she had overreacted, but it didn't last long. She recalled Azriel finding her when she felt more lost than ever. She recalled all the things he said to her, how he understood what she was feeling. He was right, she did deserve better. She remembered him holding his hand out for her, to help her and she couldn't bring herself to resist.

After Nerissa finished her food, she walked out of her room and saw a light shining from a different room down the hall. She approached slowly and peeked around the corner to see Azriel's back as he faced a painting on his wall, holding his hands behind his back. Nerissa gulped slightly before she knocked on the open door, Azriel turned around with his hands still behind him.

"Nerissa! Good morning! I hope the bed was to your liking?" Azriel said excitedly, causing Nerissa to smile slightly, but still nervous.

"It was, very much. Thank you." Nerissa responded as she walked into the room more. Azriel took a few steps towards her as well with a small smile on his face.

"You don't need to thank me, dear. It's simply the bare minimum for someone of your power." Azriel said kindly as he leaned down slightly and held up a finger. "Also, I'd like to introduce you to a few of my friends." Azriel lifted his hand and snapped his fingers loudly. Nerissa tensed slightly as a side door opened and a few people filed in. A tall Japanese boy who was wrapped in a long black coat, he had messy black hair that barely covered sickly green eyes. He had a scar across his lip and another across his cheek. The next boy was another Japanese boy, he looked similar to the first boy but his eyes were piercing yellow. He was shorter and barefoot. He was wrapped in black, skin tight clothing walked with a bit of a shy posture. The third was the woman that Nerissa immediately recognized from the Erebus Estate on Halloween night. Nerissa tensed before the last person walked in, she recognized him immediately as well.

"Ezekiel?!" Nerissa said in shock and he looked at her before recognition coated his face.

"Oh hey, look who it is. So you finally got away from those Sanctuary brats huh?" He asked her casually with his hands in his pockets.

"Soooo you two know each other I see." The boy with the sickly green eyes spoke up. "What about getting to know the rest of us?"

Azriel clapped once before he spoke, "Right! Nerissa, let me introduce my friends." Azriel gestured to the first boy with the sickly green eyes. "This is Reiko Suzuki." Azriel leaned towards Nerissa and spoke low. "I wouldn't let him touch you, it might not end well." Nerissa's eyes widened slightly and she looked at Reiko. He lifted a finger before Nerissa saw dark green veins creeping down his finger before they faded away again.

"This is his brother, Jaya Suzuki!" Azriel's voice caused Nerissa to look back over at him. Azriel was standing behind the small boy with yellow eyes and had both his hands planted on Jaya's shoulders. Nerissa waved meekly at him as he looked at her. Jaya slowly lifted his hand and waved subtly back, but his face was still blank of expression.

"What can he do?" Nerissa asked, realizing that Azriel had not explained or even hinted to his Gift. Azriel smiled slightly and leaned down by Jaya's ear.

"Show her, Jaya." Azriel whispered before backing up away from him. Jaya lifted his head and looked at Nerissa before his yellow eyes flashed brighter for a moment. Then, he suddenly took off away from them and out of the door, shutting it quickly behind him. Nerissa gasped from how fast he was when he ran out. She looked down and noticed that Jaya's steps left behind black footprints and gave off black wisps of dark energy. It was silent for a moment before Nerissa could hear a faint whooshing sound. The prints where Jaya had been originally standing started to let out more energy and it quickly formed a black cloud. The wisping energy fell quickly to the ground and suddenly, Jaya was there again. He was crouched down before he stood up as Nerissa watched in awe.

"Woah, you can teleport?" Nerissa asked in fascination as Jaya looked at her with a slightly surprised look.

"Well, kinda." Jaya actually spoke and he sounded quiet and even kind of...sweet. "I have to mark a spot with my footprints before I can teleport to it." He said as he looked into her eyes with his head slightly bowed. Nerissa almost felt slightly uncomfortable by the gesture, it almost reminded her of Orion.

"Kind of makes him a little useless for infiltration." Reiko piped up with a quiet insult at his brother, Jaya eyed him slightly before looking down.

"Now now, Reiko. Don't be mean to your brother." Azriel spoke up with a slightly stern tone as he leaned towards Reiko, who rolled his eyes after being scolded. Azriel leaned back up straight and focused his attention back to Nerissa. "Well, I can see you already know Zeke here so I won't bother with him, but that is Willow Anders. I'm sure you recognize her from the Estate." Azriel gestured to the tall woman with black hair, she was giving Nerissa a slightly stern look that, upon further inspection, seemed to give off intrigue as well.

"A pleasure." Willow said with a small bow of her head. Azriel hopped over to stand next to Nerissa and slung his arm around her shoulders in a friendly manner.

"Everyone, this is Nerissa Mae Silvius. I rescued her from those horribly mean Sanctuary kids." Azriel said in a grand and almost overdramatic manner. "I also have two more friends for you to meet, but they're out of state so that'll have to wait until they get back." Azriel added casually as he leaned down to her ear. Neri smiled slightly as she waved at everyone in front of her. She felt an inescapable fear however, these were people that she had previously thought to be the enemy. But Azriel had found her and given her hope in an otherwise empty world. He offered his condolences for Nyx's death...the first person who actually said that for her.

Nerissa was jolted slightly when she felt someone tapping on her head. She looked and saw Azriel. "Yoohoo?" He sang out softly. "I have someone else I want you to meet."

"You do? Where?" Nerissa asked as she looked around the room, there was no one else in there.

"We will have to go to him, follow me!" Azriel said as he spun on his heel and began walking out of the room. Nerissa looked back at the people she had just met before turning back around to follow Azriel. She had to jog to catch up with him before she could slow down and walk next to him.

"Uh, so who's this person I have to meet?" She asked him meekly. Azriel giggled softly as he walked down the hall with his hands behind his back.

"You'll see, don't worry you'll love him." Azriel replied coyly as they approached a large gilded door. Azriel pulled out a ring of keys and picked out a small gold skeleton key that was shaped like a heart on the handle. Azriel stuck the key into the lock and turned it, there was a loud clunk as the lock slid open. Azriel pushed open the door and stepped inside, the entire feel of the area shifted. Nerissa went from being surrounded by a posh, bright and wealthy environment to a dingy and grey dungeon that reminded her of the Erebus dungeon. Only this seemed, worse somehow. Nerissa gulped when she saw stains of blood on the floor and walls, old and fresh. "I know what you're thinking, but you'll understand why I brought you down here soon." Azriel could easily read Nerissa's uncomfortable body language. They approached one of the cells and Azriel's demeanor changed, his face seemed to harden and a sick smile spread across his lips. "Well here he you recognize him? Or do you want me to spoil it for you?" Azriel asked before Nerissa looked inside the cell. When her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she gasped. She saw a man with dark green hair, one milky white eye and one dark brown eye. He was bound in a chair with his arms behind his back and tape over his mouth. He lifted his head and looked at Nerissa with slightly narrowed eyes. It was Z.

The man that killed Nerissa's best friend.

"How did..." Nerissa started before she trailed off into a stuttering mess.

"Doesn't matter." Azriel said playfully. "The point is that I found the man who killed Nyx. That's what those other guys wanted right? They wanted to kill this guy? But honestly, I think that you deserve it more."

Nerissa gulped slightly, she was angry but... "I don't know Azriel...Nate loved Nyx way more than I ever could. I think he deserves it more." She heard Azriel click his lips softly, almost in sympathy.

"There you go again, selling yourself short. Did you forget that Danny almost died that night as well? You saved him though, and then Nate has the audacity to yell at you for not healing a woman who was already dead? To me, that doesn't exactly sound like someone who deserves closure." Azriel said in a casual tone again. "So, I snatched Nyx's murderer for you. To give you what you truly deserve, closure."

Nerissa stared at Azriel for a few seconds before she looked over at Z, he looked tired and beaten, but calm. Nerissa thought for a moment before the memories started flashing through her mind so clearly, it was almost like it was happening in front of her all over again. She saw Nyx's head jerking to the side after she was shot. She saw Z's confident face after he had thanked Nate for giving him a clean shot. She remembered watching Danny attack Z in a blind rage before Z almost killed him too. Nerissa closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she moved her arm away from her body slightly and water flowed from her bottle and started coating her arm. It froze into a fine edge with a sharp point around her arm, turning Nerissa's arm into a sword.

"Azriel, would you open the cell please?" Nerissa's voice sounded slightly unhinged as she stared at Z with hatred. Nerissa didn't see this, but a sick and manic grin spread across Azriel's face before he spoke.

"Of course." He said in a happy tone before he pulled out his ring of keys again and used a different key to unlock the cell. The door creaked loudly as it slid open, Azriel stepped to the side to let Nerissa pass. She walked inside slowly and glared at Z.

"You killed my best friend." Nerissa said slightly darkly as she raised her arm across her body, ready to slit his throat. "So now, you're gunna get your karma." She swiped her arm fast, but just before the ice blade found its mark, Z jerked his body and twisted himself in the chair. Nerissa couldn't react in time and couldn't readjust her swing. The ice blade broke off when it collided with the back of the chair and spun in the air. Z had leaped from the chair and his hands were suddenly free, Nerissa backed up and saw Z had a small blade in his hand that he used to cut his bindings. Z reacted and caught the broken sharp piece of ice before whipping it away from him, right at Azriel.

Azriel's eyes widened before the shard stabbed into his stomach. He yelled out in pain and Nerissa's eyes went wide. She grunted when she was shoved roughly to the side, her head hitting one of the metal bars of the cell. A shrill and metallic sound rang through her skull as she dropped to one knee. By the time she looked up, Z was gone and Azriel was sitting on the ground against the wall, breathing deeply to combat his pain. Blood was staining his nice white clothes.

"Azriel!" Nerissa yelled out as she scrambled over to him. "I'm so sorry! This is all my fault, let me help you." She said urgently before she used her Gift to melt the ice sticking out of Azriel's stomach back into water. The water started glowing warmly and Azriel sighed as the pain faded and his wound closed. Azriel looked at her with a gentle look before he brought his hand up and wiped away the blood that had spilled from his mouth.

"It's not your fault, dear. It was me who forgot to search him." Azriel admitted in a slightly embarrassed tone as he scratched his head with one finger. He then placed a hand on her and gave her a warm smile. "Thank you for saving me. Don't worry, we'll get him." Nerissa smiled at him before she stood and helped him up. Azriel straightened the coat of his suit after he got to his feet and he acted like he didn't just get stabbed by a shard of ice.

"Oh, hey. How did you already know Zeke?" Azriel asked casually, already changing the subject. Nerissa stiffened and Azriel tilted his head slightly, like a curious puppy.

"I uh...I was kidnapped by the Erebus Mafia a while back, alongside Nyx. He was working for them and tormented both of us, I guess he stored up enough energy from our nightmares to keep himself from dying that night. I guess I just...don't like him very much." Nerissa admitted meekly, worried that Azriel would be upset that she didn't like one of his friends.

"That's okay." Azriel said, causing Nerissa to look back up at him with surprise. "Nerissa, what I do is: I help Gifted, I save Gifted. I understand that everyone isn't going to get along all the time. You're one Gifted I've saved, Zeke is another." He sounded genuine and it made Nerissa a little happy. Azriel explained things so well, everything he said just made so much sense to her. "Why don't you go back to your room, I might have something I need your help with but I need to figure some more things out." He asked her with a warm smile and kind eyes.

"Sure!" Neri chirped happily before she walked out of the dungeon with a slight spring in her step. After she left Azriel's eyesight, his warm smile faded slightly and his eyelids dropped. Azriel heard footsteps approaching from behind him and already knew who it was.

"That was an interesting gamble, Azriel." Willow said as Azriel turned around to face her. "You could've died, what if she hadn't healed you?" Willow said in a calm tone.

Azriel lowered his chin slightly with a small smile tugging at his lips. "Oh, please. That idiot girl is so easy to play with, it's almost boring. I knew she'd leap to save my life, even if it meant allowing Z to get away. I know what I'm doing Willow. I'm the Master of Games, remember?" Azriel said confidently before a soft psychotic giggle slipped past his lips.

Willow closed her eyes with a soft sigh, "Of course, Azriel."


The next morning after Nerissa went missing, Danny paced back and forth in his room alone. How could I let this happen? How could I let this happen? How could I let this happen? The same question played on a loop in his head as he paced. She's my sister, I was supposed to defend her. Why did I say that? What is wrong with me?! I was so consumed with taking care of Nate, I didn't even see her...I didn't even think of her. Now, whoever this "Ace of Hearts" is, has her and it's all my fault. Danny screamed at himself inside his head as he clutched his hair tightly. When did everything get so fucked up? He stopped pacing and lowered his hands as he stared off into space with wide eyes. It was fucked up from the moment of Oliver's death. His death caused Nyx to snap, which caused her to storm the Erebus Estate. Then that sniper...

The same sniper that was kidnapped by the Ace of Hearts.

Danny crouched down to the ground and buried his face in his hands. His mind raced in overtime to try and figure out what to do. What was the connection? Why would this mysterious person kidnap Z, and Nerissa? There has to be a connection. He lowered his hands and continued staring off into space, his mind officially entered calculation mode.

The fact that we found his calling card and not a body tells us that he needs them for a reason, and that he won't kill them outright. The fact that he found Nerissa in the woods so close to Sanctuary tell us that he knows of Sanctuary's location, and knew that she would be there. The odds of him just waltzing through the woods and happening upon her is slim at best. The Ace also knew about the pub that was frequented by Z, but sent someone else to retrieve him. There's a chance that he could've done the same to Nerissa, but... Danny's eyes narrowed slightly as he recalled both events. In the pub, that small Gifted boy left behind black footprints that completely coated the floors. He also slaughtered everyone that was unlucky enough to be there when he made his move. There was also...a faint hint of sandalwood in the air, the woodsy smell barely pierced through the thick stench of blood but it was definitely there. When Nerissa was taken, the scene was different. In a five foot circle around the card, the grass and flowers had all of the water sapped from them. That most likely was Nerissa's Gift reacting violently to her heightened emotions. This person could've taken advantage of that, ambushed her while she was vulnerable. There was a strong scent there as well. It wasn't sandalwood, it was a strange and romantic smelling cologne. A smooth harmony between patchouli and rose water.

Danny's eyes widened slightly, either the Ace of Hearts has more than one card up his sleeve...or he kidnapped Nerissa personally. Either way, he had to get her back, there's no question. The only real question is how the hell he would get Nate to help. Danny gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew that Nate was going through a pain that was unimaginable unless you lived it yourself. He also knew that what Nate said to Nerissa was so far out of line...

Danny stood up and quickly marched out of his room and straight to Nate's door. He lifted his hand and knocked a few times. It was a minute before the door opened and Danny's heart hurt all over again. When Nate answered, Danny saw his eyes were red and puffy, and there were streams of semi fresh tears down his cheeks. When Nate saw Danny standing outside his door, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I know I fucked up..." Nate whispered with a slightly raspy voice. "I fucked up really bad, and now Nerissa is gone too. Danny, I'm so-"

"Stop." Danny said sternly as he looked down with his white hair hanging in his face. "Just...stop, okay? I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that what you said to her wasn't fucked up, but we do not have the time to sit here apologizing and forgiving." Danny lifted his head and looked at Nate with a stern gaze. "We have to put all of our time into identifying the Ace of Hearts. Not only does he have Nerissa, he has Z as well. Clearly he is a bigger threat than we thought." Danny spoke clearly to try and instill confidence into his shattered friend.

Nate's lip quivered slightly before his face morphed into frustration. "I know...I just...I wanted to kill that pendejo as soon as possible. I was hoping that killing him would make the weight feel a little lighter, I guess I still do. I let it consume all my time and brain power, and it only caused more pain." Nate stepped forward once and almost fell forward into a hug with his friend. Danny was shocked for a moment, he knew that Nate wasn't exactly a hugger with anyone other than Nyx. "I know you said you didn't want to sit here with apologies but...I'm so sorry." Nate sounded broken and Danny could feel his shoulders shaking slightly. He sighed and hugged his friend back, realizing that Nate really needed it.

"I know, buddy. I know. Just calm down, the Chairman will be conducting the analysis of the playing cards later today, so we should have more leads soon." Danny was interrupted when, almost on cue, his cell phone rang. Nate stepped back to allow Danny to answer his phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID. "Well, speak of the devil." He said quietly before he answered the phone. "Yes, Chairman?"

"Danny, you should gather Nate and the others and report to my office immediately." Elizabeth responded through the phone, and her voice sounded frustrated and tired.

In the Chairman's office, Danny, Rhys, Nate, Kyle and Orion stood in front of her desk. The two Ace of Hearts cards that they had were sitting next to each other on the desk. "Now there's good news and bad news. The good news is that the first card yielded results. The prints of the small Gifted boy were identified as Jaya Suzuki, and according to our records, he has a brother named Reiko, also Gifted. The bad news is that the second card had no prints, meaning whoever left it was wearing gloves." She looked at the boys with a stern gaze with her hands interlocked on the desk. "So, we may not know the mastermind, but we know of one of his agents..." She clenched her hands tighter.

"...and that's all I need."

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