Violet Eyes

By JadeDaimaou

5.6K 532 22

TRIGGER WARNINGS: - Descriptions of graphic blood and gore - Strong language - Sexual themes - Descriptions o... More

1: The Calm
2: The Storm
3: Upside Down
4: Nightmare
5: Telepathy
6: Through the Cracks
7: Found
8: Zachariah
9: No Mercy
10: New Friend
11: Just Like School
12: New Enemy
13: Nighthawk
14: Prince of Shadow
15: Infinity
16: Smart Guy
17: The Incident
18: Masamune
19: Family Ties
20: The Erebus Clan
21: Doctor
22: Morally Grey
23: The Festival
24: Regret
25: One Down
26: Kuroi Kage
27: Taken
28: Live Long Enough...
29: The Death Of Peace Of Mind
30: Siblings
31: Nothing Ever After
32: Rainy Day
33: Judgement
34: Puppetmaster
35: ...To Become the Hero
36: Sleeptalk
37: Finally Safe
38: Sanctuary
40: The Party
41: Operation: Orion
42: Violet Eyes
43: Epiphany
44: Reunion
45: Doubt
46: The Boogeyman's Gambit
47: Nyctophobia
48: Nyctophobia 2: Rhys and Orion
49: Nyctophobia 3: Ultimatum
50: Kingslayer
51: Shatter Me
52: Circles
53: Under the Skin
54: Rising Tensions
55: Waves
56: Catharsis
57: Reconciliation
58: Another Life
59: Halloween
60: Can't Do Enough
61: I'll Be Right There
62: The Maze
63: Chrysalis
64: Had Enough
65: Purgatory
66: Momento Mori
67: Control
68: Don't Let Me Drown
69: Villain
70: Trailblazer
71: Master of Games
72: The Iris Conspiracy
73: Dead Men Rise Up Never
74: Gravity
75: Devil's Advocate
76: The Devil was once an Angel
77: Hail Mary
78: Demon or Two
79: If I was bleeding, would you fix me?
80: The Queen of Spades
81: Without Me
82: Convergence
83: Out of Time
84: Raindrops
85: Catalyst
86: Ignition
87: The Ghost and His Dragons
88: Awakening
89: Retribution
90: Through the Fog
91: Let It Out
92: Untouchable
93: Blood is thicker than Water
94: Roulette
95: Supernova
96: Unravel
97: Smiles Like Gasoline
98: A Sheep in Wolfs Clothing
99: The Aftermath: Part One
100: The Aftermath: Part Two
101: Sparks
102: Complicated
103: Thanks for the Memories

39: The Interview

69 6 0
By JadeDaimaou

***^^^Oliver concept art included^^^***

After asking a dorm attendant to direct them to Nyx's room, the group went upstairs to the third floor and found it.

"Room 3F, this is it." Danny said as he gestured to the room number, his eyes traveled down to a small name plate that was under the room number that said "Nyx Valentino". He gestured to it with a small chuckle. The group entered her room and found that it was extremely nice. It also seemed to be decorated to fit Nyx's aesthetic. Nyx smiled as she assumed her mother had done this, expecting that Nyx would end up here and wanted her to be comfortable.

"Hey check it out." Nate piped up, causing the group to look outside at what he was gesturing too. He was referring to the room across the hall from Nyx's door, it was labeled 3E and had "Nathan Oliveira" printed underneath it.

"Oh awesome!" Nyx said slightly happily, already recovering from her mental exhaustion. "I wonder if your guy's rooms are nearby." She asked out loud as she walked down the hall. Next to Nate's, she saw Danny's, next to his, it was Rhys. On the left side of Nyx's room she found Nerissa's room, followed by Soul's, and on the left side of Nate's room she found...

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Nyx grumbled as she saw the name plate labeled "Oliver Grey."

"I was really hoping we wouldn't have to see him much, but I guess that's the downside of school." Danny grumbled as he leaned against the wall next to Nyx's door.

"Hey, I'm gunna go check out my room." Soul said quietly before she left without another word and disappeared into her room. The group looked at each other in silence for a moment until they were sure she couldn't hear them.

"So she's been acting different...right?" Danny asked the group with a small hint of worry.

"I mean, she's always been a little standoffish and quiet, but this seems different." Nyx responded in a quiet tone so Soul wouldn't hear her.

"Maybe she still hasn't really gotten over Jack's death?" Nerissa piped up quietly.

"That wouldn't surprise me, it happened like a week ago." Danny said to them in a flat tone. The group was shocked for a moment, it felt like it was so long ago when in reality it was maybe a little over a week. Definitely not long enough to get over the death of a friend, especially if they were as close as Soul and Jack appeared to be.

Rhys was staring off into the distance, remembering the conversation he and Soul had in her old room at the lake house. He would have to tell the rest of them at some point, but only if he was really concerned that it was bound to happen. The group was jolted out of their thoughts when the PA system crackled to life.

"Would all new first year students kindly report to The Chairman's office. I repeat, all new first years to The Chairman's office, thank you." A man's voice sounded through the PA.

"Oh great, orientation all over again." Rhys grumbled in passive annoyance, Soul came out of her room as well to follow the group as they made their way to Elizabeth's office.

It was a large and casually elegant room, hardwood floors greeted them as they stepped in instead of the chipping concrete floor outside the room. The group could see Elizabeth sitting at her desk, fidgeting with some sort of wooden puzzle cube. She placed it down on her desk as the new students approached.

"Hello, kids. I hope that you're first day here has been" Elizabeth trailed off when she saw dried blood under Nyx's nose, she hadn't had the time to clean up before coming here. She sighed, "You've been here barely an hour and you already got into a fight?"

"I didn't start it! It was that asshole, Oliver!" Nyx protested as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"I'm sure he did." Elizabeth started with a calm and cool tone. "That doesn't mean you have to take his bait."

"But he told me that it was an initiation for new students." Nyx grumbled at her mother, the rest of the group were like bobbleheads as they looked between the two as they went back and forth.

"Please, Nyx. Do you think we are so barbaric to pin new students against veterans like Oliver?" Elizabeth answered as she looked at her daughter. Nyx's gaze changed to slight confusion, veteran? He looked like he was maybe 20 at the oldest.

"In any case, I have important matters to discuss with you all." Elizabeth said as she stood up. "I've brought you all in here today because as of this moment you are all unranked, and therefore you must undergo an interview to determine what your ranking will be. I will warn you, the questions you will be answering will be personal and maybe even a bit upsetting. I will ask that you do not lie, and do not withhold information. There will be someone accompanying the interview who will be able to tell if you are lying or not."

"So, what, you have a human lie detector?" Rhys objected.

"Yes." Elizabeth answered flatly. "He will use his ability to determine whether or not you're telling the truth. So lying would be a waste of time. I will bring you into the next room one by one, and you will answer the interview questions and will be assigned your rank. This rank will determine what missions you will be eligible to take." The group looked at each other as Elizabeth explained this interview. It sent a chill down a few of their spines, not knowing what kinds of questions were going to be asked. "Nyx. You're first." She said flatly before she turned and walked towards a silver door and placed her palm on a pad next to it before it slid open. "The rest of you can wait here until I call your name." Nyx looked at her friends before she followed her mother into the room. Inside the room, she saw a large table with a chair on one side, and two chairs on the other side facing it. In one of the chairs, a man was already sitting, he had very short blonde hair and large glasses covering his eyes. Nyx sat down in the singular chair while her mother sat down next to the man.

"This is Jonathan, our human lie detector, he will-"

"Be able to tell if I'm lying or not, yeah I get it." Nyx cut her off rather rudely, not intending to but she was exhausted and it was making her grumpy.

Her mother breathed out a small laugh, "Alright, let's begin. When and how did you discover your ability?"

"The day I didn't come home is when, obviously. How..." Nyx trailed off as she clenched her fists as they sat on her legs. "We were jumped by these jerks at school, me, Nate, and Alex. They beat us up pretty badly before this one guy stabbed Nate. Then, it felt like something was churning in my stomach, desperately clawing to get out. I screamed and I remember thinking I wanted to kill that guy for hurting him. The next thing I knew, the guy's knife was stabbed into his own throat. Then in the shock and confusion, the metal pipes that were suspended above us started to fall down on us. I remember holding up my hands and just...stopped them. The girls that were there ran away and called the police. So Nate and I ran." Nyx's voice was shaking by the time she finished her story. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan and he wordlessly nodded.

"Alright, next question. When and how did Zachariah capture you and Nate?" Nyx tensed at the question, remembering all the events that transpired.

"He tricked me. He made me think that he was some kind and caring person, hoping to rescue Gifted people. He lied. He beat Nate, his mother and his uncle to a pulp and clapped a collar on me while I was in shock. But we were on the run for a few months before he got us." Nyx was looking at her lap now, she knew that her mother had to ask these questions, but that doesn't mean she had to like it. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan for confirmation again, he nodded at her.

"Alright, since I'm already familiar with your ability, I'll skip that question. Do you believe that, if the need was great, you could take someone's life?" Elizabeth asked rather coldly. Nyx's head jolted up to look at her mother with shock plastered on her face.

"What?" Nyx's voice shook.

"I know how it must seem. Taking life is never easy, but in this line of work there are times when it's necessary. I wish I didn't have to ask you this, but I do." Elizabeth sounded suddenly sincere.

Nyx hesitated as she looked back down at her lap. Her mind started to rationalize her new existence. She thought about her friends, how they saved her from those who would hurt her, how they saved her from herself. If anyone hurts them..."Yes. I could take a life."

Elizabeth looked at Jonathan again, and he nodded. "Alright Nyx, I have enough basic information. I'm designating you as S Class."

Nyx looked up at her before she slowly stood up. Her mother got up as well and walked her to the door, leaning out as Nyx left the room. "Nathan Oliveira, you're next." Nate locked eyes with Nyx as he passed her and entered the room. He sat down at the table and looked at Elizabeth with a hard gaze.

"Alright, Nathan. Since I know about a few of the answers to my questions because you were alongside Nyx. I'll skip those. So, first question, what is your ability?" She asked as she placed her interlocked hands on the table.

"Telepathy and mind control." Nate answered coldly. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan, he nodded.

"Alright, how much of a grasp would you say you have on your ability?" She asked him.

"I'd say fairly good. I've definitely improved since I discovered it." Nate responded as he relaxed a bit, he knew this woman well. Why was he so on edge? Elizabeth didn't look at Jonathan, it seemed like that was just a curiosity question.

"Alright, if the need was great, do you think you could take a life?"

"Yes." Nate answered without hesitation. Nate noticed that Elizabeth's eyebrows twitched ever so slightly, most people wouldn't have noticed. She looked at Jonathan, he nodded slowly.

Elizabeth smiled subtly. "Good. I'm designating you as S Class." She said as she locked eyes with him.

Danny was next.


Elizabeth looked through the papers in front of her. "Alright, Daniel."

"Danny." He corrected her after she spoke.

Elizabeth paused and looked up at him from under her eyebrows. "Right, Danny. What is your ability?" She asked after being taken aback from his interruption.

"Super prediction." Danny answered flatly.

She paused again. "Could you elaborate on that?" She asked to clarify.

"I can find out the combination to any lock in seconds, and I can see a second into the future to avoid a lethal hit." Danny clarified decisively. Elizabeth shared a different kind of look with Jonathan, he nodded slowly and Danny's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Alright, when and how were you captured by Zachariah?" Elizabeth asked him in a quieter tone.

Danny tensed, "This asshole named Derek put out a rumor that I was Gifted to try and slander me and ruin my name. It turned out he was right and I was taken from my home. That's all."

Elizabeth turned her head slightly to look at Jonathan, he nodded. "Alright Danny, for this next question..." She trailed off before she reached under her desk and revealed a small voice recorder and hit record.

Danny tensed again, "Do you have to?" Danny asked quietly as his eyes kept glancing at the recorder. Elizabeth studied his eyes, they looked uncomfortable and even slightly afraid. Her face softened before she pressed stop on the recorder and put it back into her pocket. "I guess not. Danny, what happened during your encounters with the Erebus Mafia?"

Danny's heart slammed against his ribs as his eyes widened. It has suddenly felt as though his breath had been taken away. The images of his time in that hellish place flashed in his mind at light speed. This time, his sister wasn't there to break him out of it.

"Danny." Elizabeth said with a determined tone. He snapped out of it as a drip of nervous sweat dropped down his face.

He took a deep breath, "I was kidnapped by Damien Erebus. He tortured me for.... I'm still not really sure how long it was, it felt like a lifetime. The people I came here with saved me from that place...except for one...Jack...he lost his life just before we were about to leave...the head of the clan, Kuroi Kage, killed him right in front of us...I also...killed Damien. I killed him with his own blade. The same blade that he used to stab into me over and over again." Danny explained as he stared off into space with wide eyes.

"Anything else?" Elizabeth asked in a quiet and calming tone. "Remember, you're safe here."

Danny glanced up at her before looking back down. "Yes. A while after we escaped, I had a strange and extremely vivid nightmare. I saw my sister, Nerissa, swimming towards me as we were both in deep water. She was reaching towards me for help, when Kuroi reached from behind her and stabbed her through the heart. When I woke up screaming, I discovered that she had been kidnapped by him. My dream was a bit of a warning, I guess. We went to rescue her and I was forced to face Kuroi by myself."

"And you survived." Elizabeth said as she glanced at Jonathan, who looked at her with an equally shocked expression.

"I only survived because of Rhys. Kuroi had me by the throat and was going to kill me, but Rhys stopped him and forced him to retreat. I held my own for a while though, but I definitely wouldn't have survived without Rhys." Danny's eyes flashed in sickening recognition as he remembered that fight. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan again and he nodded back at her.

"Very well. I designate you as S Class."

"What?" Danny's head whipped up in surprise. "How am I S Class?"

"Because you show incredible bravery and potential, and you stared down Kuroi Kage and lived." Elizabeth sounded stern as she spoke to him. "Also, you don't have to hide the dagger, you're allowed to have a weapon for protection, especially with an ability like yours." Danny's eyes widened, suddenly becoming acutely aware of Damien's dagger that he had strapped under his shirt. "You may go." Danny quietly stood up and left the room.

Nerissa was next.


"Alright, Nerissa. What is your ability?" Elizabeth asked her as she looked at her with a gentle gaze.

"Water manipulation. I can also use water to find internal injuries and also heal almost any wound." She answered with a slightly shaking tone. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan, and he shook his head. Nerissa tensed.

"Jonathan seems to think you aren't telling the whole truth." Elizabeth said in a stern tone. "You're safe here, Nerissa. Please, tell us the truth."

Nerissa hesitated, "I-I can also manipulate a person's blood. More accurately, the water inside their blood. That's how I detect injuries....but I can also use it... lethally." Nerissa choked out as she began to tear up.

"Easy, child. It's alright. I just need a clear picture of your capabilities." Elizabeth spoke in a gentle tone that could only be achieved by a mother. Nerissa nodded in response, breathing deeply to calm herself.

"Alright, Nerissa. Luckily for you, I don't need to ask anymore questions. Based on your ability I have already designed you as S Class. In fact, I would like to offer a position for you, our doctor." Elizabeth smiled at her.

"A doctor?" Nerissa repeated in surprise.

"Yes. Oftentimes our agents will return injured, we only have one person here with a healing ability and this often leaves the poor girl swamped. You can be her extra set of hands, as well as a field medic." Elizabeth explained as she stood up, signifying they were done here. Nerissa smiled warmly at the thought of being able to help people rather than hurt them.

Soul was next.


"Now, Soul. I won't ask what your ability is because I know your last name." Elizabeth started as she locked eyes with her.

"I'm not like them." Soul snapped back defensively.

"I know. So instead I will ask you this: Do you resent Danny for killing your brother?" Elizabeth's eyes hardened on Soul.

Soul stiffened, not expecting this question. "That's...not an easy question to answer."

"I understand, but try your best." Elizabeth responded.

"Well, I know that what Damien did to Danny was horrible...I probably would've done the same thing if I was in Danny's position, so no, I can't hate him for that." Soul responded as she met Elizabeth's gaze. She looked at Jonathan, who nodded.

"Alright, second question: Do you feel an obligation to your family?"

"No." Soul answered fast with a dark tone. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan, he nodded.

"Good. Soul, I designate you S Class." Elizabeth spoke clearly before standing up, already done with the interview for her.

Rhys was last.


"Alright, Rhys. What is your ability?" She asked quickly.

"I have almost all the characteristics of a hardened alley cat. Night vision, insane speed and endurance, I can grow claws and fangs when I'm pissed off. Except I can't really control myself when I get like that, I end up hurting the people around me. Friend or not." Rhys said in an annoyed tone, remembering when he almost hurt Danny. Elizabeth looked at Jonathan again, he nodded.

"Alright, your friend Danny informed me that you saved his life from Kuroi Kage. How did you achieve that?" Elizabeth asked him and his gaze hardened slightly.

"I was enraged. I saw Kuroi holding him down and about to slash his throat. So I stopped him, it's as simple as that." Rhys said sternly as he was locked in eye contact with Elizabeth. She looked at Jonathan who confirmed his answer.

"Well, Rhys. Judging on your one drawback of not having full control of your rage, I designate you as A Class until you learn to control that part of you." Elizabeth said as she folded her hands in front of her. "You may leave with your friends back to the dorms, I imagine you all have much to discuss." She said as she looked at him, but didn't get up. Rhys stood up and left the room, he was greeted by his friends eyes on him as he left the room.

"We still got some daylight to kill, you guys want to go get some food?" Nate asked his friends as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"No, I'm kind of exhausted from the fight earlier, you guys go though." Nyx responded as she rubbed her right eye with her closed fist.

"Alright, hermosa. I'll grab something for you, go get some rest." Nate said in a gentle tone before he leaned forward and kissed her goodbye. Nyx smiled before the group left the room and split off in two separate directions, Nyx turned left to go back to the dorms while the rest of her friends turned right to go to the cafeteria.

When Nyx got closer to her room, she sighed in frustration as she saw Oliver leaning against the wall next to his room, scrolling his phone. He lifted his head and noticed her before standing up straight and putting his phone back in his pocket. Nyx tried to ignore him and just get to her room, she could hear him calling her name, trying to get her attention. She ignored him again until she got to her door, Oliver's hand was suddenly planted against the wall in front of her, blocking her way to the door.

"Wait up, will ya?" Oliver protested as he blocked her way.

"What do you want? To gloat?" Nyx said to him coldly.

Oliver lowered his arm, "I'm trying to apologize. I didn't mean to go too far." He sounded genuine, but his normally casual tone still put her on edge and she couldn't explain why.

"You definitely made a really shitty first impression." Nyx taunted as she crossed her arms. Oliver smirked subtly which, to Nyx's surprise, made her stomach flutter.

"Well, let me make it up to you. I'm throwing a party tomorrow night in the woods next to the campus. Even though it's outside the walls, we're still hidden enough that no one bothers us. You should come by with your friends, it'll be fun." Oliver said with a genuine smile. Nyx narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"Maybe. I'll talk to them." Nyx responded before she began walking past him and unlocked her door.

"Cool. See you then." Oliver responded as he slowly began backing up towards his room.

"I said maybe." Nyx said to him as she leaned out from her doorway.

"I know." Oliver said with another smirk. "I'm just feeling optimistic."

Nyx was surprised to feel a small smile spreading across her face. She quickly corrected it but Oliver had already seen it. He playfully bit his bottom lip as his smile grew wider. Nyx scoffed before she entered her room and shut the door and flopped onto her bed. She suddenly found it difficult to fall asleep, even though she was exhausted.

This guy...I can't get a read on him. Is he just some asshole? Or does he just have bad self control when it comes to the power he wields? Either way...

He's dangerous, and I should keep my distance.

Danny entered his room later that night, groggy from a full day and a full stomach. He flicked on the light before he had to take a double take, spotting something on his dresser. A pair of wire rimmed glasses, just like the ones he had lost when he was Damien's plaything. There was a note underneath them, Danny picked up the glasses and put them on, he smiled softly when he realized they were his exact prescription as well. He could finally see clearly again, he then picked up the note and opened it.

I'm sorry about what they did to you.
We will put a stop to them, for good.


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