Super Dragon Ball: Paradise H...

By CaptainClaymore

1.9K 7 28

A sequel to Dragon Ball: Paradise Lost and Dragon Ball Z: Paradise Found that covers the Z portion of the sto... More

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The Ruined King
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The Reborn King
Future Be Damned
Broly, the Heartless Devil
The Secret of Broly
Hot Battle!! Super-Fierce Battle!!
Broly's Rampage
A Glimmer of Hope
A Blockbuster Through The Empty Heart
An Obligatory Hero's Journey
The Story Takes A Slump!
Jump The Shark Some More, Won't You?
A Day In Norimaki Residence
Garlick In Penguin Village
A Do-Over!
Why Do Android Babies Cry?
Fruitless Poop-Related Side-Quests
Bye N'Cha!!
A Capsule Corps Sponsored Intermission
Brain Over Brawn
New Type Of Destron!?
Train Smart, Not Hard
When It Rains
Life And Times of Two Launches
The Machine Mutant Landing
Cult Adventures
Dark Planet Landing
Radiance of Leadership
Doll Again
Into The Core
Two Against The Incursion
Super 16!?
A Minor Setback
Awakening of a Machine God
Raging Rampage
Aces All Around!
Trouble At The Tower!
One Doll Forward, One Doll Back
Hatchiyack The Immovable
Tenshinhan's Gamble
End of Cult, Birth of Family
Choking Point
Built Different
On The Ropes
Cultivate Me To Life
Missile Point Partnership
Pyrrhic Victories
No Future
Regressions and Progressions
Heavy-Hitting Tactics
Fighting Metal With Metal
Day of the Living Metal
End of Metal
A Mangled Malicious Machination
A Hero's Comeback
Operation: Rescue Vegeta!
A Knife-Edge Partnership
Brain Death Experience
Wanted: Red Meat
Just A Little Nick
The Homecoming Stage of Infiltration
Sharing Is Caring
The King's Speech
Saiyan Schemes, Fate Laughs
Gohan and Videl Go To The Movies
An Idea of a Suicide Squad
Hoping for a Flawless Victory
Gohan's Mission
The Final Stretches to the God Temple
Not All Alone
A Loss for Each Win
What To Do With Three New Suns!?
Calamitous Revenge
Babies Dream of Golden Hair
The Confusing World of Television
The Saiyan Summit
Bardock's Evolution
The Wrong Kind of Maturity
Bardock's Desperate Rebellion Trigger!
Bad School Day
Abducted After the Bell
A Rivalry Revived
The Power of Super King Kai's Fist!
I'm Sorry, Gohan!
The Power of What's Really Important
The Tsufurian Gorilla Attacks!
The Saiyan Destroyer
Just F@#$ing Talk!!
Battle's End
White Bells of Joy
The School of Shorts
Oh! That's A Good Baseball!
On Ode To Peacetime
Piccolo And #17 Are On The Case
The Mystery of the Ginger Town Monster
The Dangerous Bio-Android - Cell
Cell's Hunt
The Green, Murderous Menace!
The Means of Cell's Survival
Piccolo's Solace
Welcome to Monster Island
Cell's Animal Island Vacation
Those Pesky Merfolk
The Great Monster Island Inferno
Will Someone Please Protect the Children!?
The Limber, Freaky Move-Thieves
The Cost of Becoming the Apex!
Must Just Be That Kind of Weather
A Guide to Gods of Martial Arts
Gohan's Driving Lessons
Cell's Hunt Begins
An Instant-Speed Collision!
The Apex Predator of Planet Banna
All To Ourselves
Close Encounters But WE'RE The Aliens!?
A Sad Graduation Day
Krillin's Buggy Honeymoon
King Kai's Fist X1 000 000!?
An Earthling's Statement
Saved By The Stars
Mother and Son
Spirit and Time In Shambles
The Heart of Training
Androids Can Learn To Hope
Cell Isn't Dancing At The Party
Sibling Rivalry
Problem Child
A Conflict of Capability and Comprehension
A Form of Power and Fortitude
This Love
Gohan's Training Is Complete!? Spirit Succession!!
The Android-Shaped Elephant In The Room
Machines That Protect Their Family
Bardock and Launch VS Capitalism
Against The Laws of Nature

Separation Anxiety

8 0 0
By CaptainClaymore

Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta thrust his finger, shooting off a wave-sized pink finger beam at Chayote, all the while sneering sadistically in her direction. Without breaking her crossed arms, Chayote vanished, appearing high in the air, but Baby Vegeta was already looming behind her with his hands open and clenching around her fast.

At last, having resolved to use her arms, Chayote spread them and blasted two energy waves that slammed directly into the clapping hands and forced Baby Vegeta to wrestle against their pushback before the resulting detonation forced the hands of the Golden Great Ape open. With her arms raised over her head, Chayote burst enveloped in a golden aura and slammed into Baby Vegeta's round belly, denting it like a bullet before forcing inertia to throw the colossal beast flying away from her.

"Legendary Super Saiyan!" the Golden Great Ape howled, clenching his fists and thrashing them up and down because of his failure to get his hands on Chayote. "You represent all the worst qualities of the Saiyan people! Unrestrained wrath, pointless brutality, seeking only conflict and violence, a challenge to selfishly build up your own self and seek limitless power for no reason other than power itself!"

"Calm down, man, we've literally just met," Chayote moaned, wondering if this titan would keep running his mouth the whole time instead of doing what his size and shape suggested that he was the best at and smashing everything around him.

"I don't need to know you! I know your genes!" Baby bellowed while charging forward to thrash with his arms and legs like a big baby. The problem was that, given his size and tremendous power, even such elementary movements were dangerous. Just as Chayote began positioning herself to plunge down and rip Baby Vegeta's tail out to return him to his adult form, the golden-furred beast turned its snout around and breathed flames out.

Chayote gritted her teeth and crossed her arms up in front of her, the fake-out was far too sudden and well-timed to avoid so she had to tough it out. Flames felt like they were creeping up every single pore of Chayote's skin. There was no other feeling except for the heat and the scalding burn of being enveloped in a tidal wave of devouring flames. Had Chayote's Ki not coated her body and rushed to protect it from harm, she'd have been burnt to a skeletal crisp in a snap. Not even the core of the sun felt like it would have a scorch like this pumping through it.

Just when the pain began feeling unbearable, it all vanished, giving way to an uncomfortable and stuffy heatwave. Panting and short of air, Chayote dipped her blocking hands down with her clothes lightly torn in some places where her Ki failed to coat them and wearing a handful of bruises and light burns all across her body. Baby looked pleased with his success in catching the fabled Saiyan warrior off-guard.

"Rushing for my tail already? So predictable..." the golden beast snarled in mockery. "Now that I've subjugated Vegeta's consciousness and tolerate peering into it from time to time, I know how you think, and how you fight and I'm aware of all your weaknesses, as well as those of my own!"

"Sorry, I'm all out of medals to give. Budget cuts and all that," Chayote scratched her neck underneath the collar of her lightly singed shirt before putting her dukes up and declaring her intention to stay in the fight against the titanic monster.

Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta snapped his jaws wide open, breathing out a violet energy beam from his mouth. Chayote tensed up and dashed aside, but Baby Vegeta dragged his head across, scanning the devastating beam across the horizon and igniting a cascade of dome-shaped explosions all around the surface of the Big Gete Star. After feeling the mouth blast breathing in her back, Chayote flipped over her back and began shooting into the air.

"Predictable!" Baby Vegeta bawled out, looming above Chayote with both his feet raised in the air after an impressive jump for someone his size. The Golden Great Ape swatted his hand down, catching Chayote's back and flattening her against the ground. After landing on the surface of the Big Gete Star again, Baby Vegeta slammed his hand into the surface and dragged it across, ripping its surface open like some ordinary tin can and sifting through communication towers, laboratory chambers, mechanical rooms, and, somewhere in between all that building-sized heaps of junk–Chayote.

"Cry for me!" Baby Vegeta seemed to be having a blast while he grounded the scrapyard from his own artificial planetoid into trash in between his hands before his elementary finger-sifting left only Chayote struggling in his hands. Leaving the Super Saiyan in one hand, Baby Vegeta punched the hand he held Chayote in a few times before beginning to mangle and rub his two hands together to cause as much damage as he could, then flinging the captured Saiyan away like a doll he didn't want to play with anymore. "Beg me for your own life, for your people, for the life of your mutt spawn! Who knows, maybe if you're convincing enough, I will show you more mercy than the Saiyans did to my people?"

"Will you shut the hell up already?" Chayote peeled her body off the ground and wiped the blood off of her busted face with the back of her hand before adopting a fighting stance with a bemused look. "I wasn't even close to being born when your people bit the dust. Navy has even less to do with that. If you want to exterminate the Earthlings, the Saiyans, or... Hurt my son... You can go ahead and try to get past me to do that. But you'll be doing it because you're a messed up, immature hormonal mess in a body accelerated to grow without the appropriate maturity."

"I know you're hiding your true form. Your real berserker disposition. Why are you hiding your true state? Your real self. Is it because of some misguided attempt to prove that you're different from the other Saiyans, that you're not a brutish savage, or is it because you're afraid of losing your mind?" the Golden Great Ape scoffed at Chayote. "Whatever it is, you can drop the act and power up. I know I can't kill you, but I intend on putting you through every ounce of pain that my predecessors demand me put you through for the sake of their retribution."

"You smug asshole," the right corner of Chayote's lips smirked upward, giving her a look of uncharacteristic confidence for someone in her dire condition. "Scored a few cheap shots and you're already getting cocky. Even if I was blind, I could tell you're prancing around in Vegeta's body. The psycho rubbed off good on you."

"You couldn't be more wrong, Legendary Super Saiyan," the Golden Great Ape posed with a wide stretch of his arms, inviting Chayote to marvel at his sublime bestial form and the new universe of power it allowed Baby Vegeta to afford. "King Vegeta is merely a shell. A house to store my consciousness in. His memories and experiences are no different from paintings and books in a library. He has no influence, I'm in complete control!"

"That's too bad, I would have liked him to feel some of this," Chayote sighed before vanishing without a trace.

"What!?" Golden Great Ape Baby Vegeta reared his fangs with wide and bulged-out eyes.

Before he could react, Chayote's rear end slammed right up in his face and nearly flattened the Great Ape's black snout. Profusely spouting blood and wheezing through broken teeth, wincing with teary eyes, Great Ape Baby Vegeta staggered back in mid-air. Booming with the radiance of Super Saiyan, Chayote charged straight with a flying right arm into the center of Baby Vegeta's belly. Despite the massive mismatch in size, Chayote ripped nearly completely through to the other side, coming very close to piercing through the Great Ape's massive body.

"Lima Spear!" Chayote cried out.

Feeling like she wouldn't be able to finish her opponent off, Chayote opened her hand and revealed a tiny purple energy sphere cradled inside. At point-blank range, the purple energy blast dragged the overwhelmed Great Ape monster away and enveloped him whole in sparkly purple luster, dragging him far away toward the edge of the solar system before detonating in a purple energy field that swallowed the entire galaxy and blinked as a notable speck of purple starlight in the scope of the entire limitless universe.

"If you must know," Chayote scanned her ruined outfit with a popped vein as a show of her frustration on the right side of her forehead, doing whatever she could to pull the scraps together into something presentable. "The reason I didn't transform into my Legendary Super Saiyan form, despite being amply pissed off, is because I'm still trying to keep that cocky genocidal lunatic you've taken hostage alive. Against my better judgment, mind you, but if I lose it and snap, he's as good as gone, because I won't pull any punches and I'll keep swinging and rampaging until nothing's left."

"Y-You..." Still in his Golden Great Ape Form, enveloped in a sparkling, malevolent aura, Baby Vegeta dashed in from whatever remote corner of the universe Chayote's blast flung him to and halted, twitching with tension and terror alike as his pride and joy of a bestial form was made into a complete ragged mockery. Covered in bruises and burns, even his whole left eye had been singed into a charred, fleshy bump and remained closed. "You mean even after all this, you're still holding out to hope that the Earthlings can force me from Vegeta's body? Don't you hold a grudge against your king? Don't you consider your precious home and spawn more important than him or anyone else in the entire universe?"

"I guess Saiyans can be more than just their wrath, huh?" Chayote teased the Golden Great Ape with a smirk, challenging his preconceived notions by staying fixed to control over her emotions and mind.

"That's enough!" the Golden Great Ape pumped his massive fists before turning somewhere off into the distance and roaring with so much volume that his voice formed a visible distortion of space throughout the artificial atmosphere surrounding the damaged Big Gete Star. "Prepare Hatchiyack's body for the switch! When it's ready, attack the Legendary Super Saiyan all at once and give me the distraction necessary to make the switch!"

"I thought you liked Vegeta's body?" Chayote scoffed. She did her best to conceal the fact that she felt desperation creeping up and wanted Baby to remain in Vegeta's body and keep the hope of resurrecting him alive.

"Please, ours was a gun to our heads type of partnership. I bonded with King Vegeta because I had no other choice. It was the only way to avoid being destroyed at that time. After bonding, if I were to slip out from Vegeta's body, he'd have obliterated me without a trace left to remember me by. It was only after reaching the Adult Stage that leaving once again became an option since Vegeta wouldn't survive the extraction. That being said, there were always annoying Saiyan gnats around to threaten my body once I left. I fostered no false hopes of being able to make the switch successfully," Baby Vegeta barked out, shaking his wrathful fist out in front of him.

"Vegeta's body is one of the strongest in the universe. What if after you switch, the result fails you and you end up far weaker than you were puppeteering Vegeta?" Chayote tried another wild card argument just to plead with Baby to stay in Vegeta's body and give the Earthlings just a second more time. All this time she needed to conceal that she truly wanted him to stay in Vegeta's body. She may have messed up by pulling her punches and showing her hand. Phantom plights were of no use at this point.

"Hatchiyack's body weaker than Vegeta's? Impossible! That body was designed to host my mature mind. It will create the ultimate beacon of power. The punisher of injustice and the sword of righteous Tsufurian vengeance! The charade of me walking around in the body of our mortal enemy will, at last, be behind me," Baby Vegeta cheered for himself, building up the excellence of Hatchiyack and placing it like a crown on top of a mountain of gemstones.

"And don't you care about the Machine Mutants you'll be sacrificing in the meantime? Make no mistake, I'll blast through all of them without mercy to get my hands on you if you tear yourself out from Vegeta's body! All that talk of you being some righteous savior of your people, how do you think the Tsufurians will feel about you when they realize you've cast out and used those that served you without questioning your incredibly lousy judgment once?" Chayote took a bold step forward, feeling her body bulking up as her desperation to convince Baby to stay in his bestial form and keep Vegeta alive for just one more moment turned into anxiety, which in terms became frustration and rage toward the world she couldn't control. The peaceful Earthling daydream of everyone just getting along which she couldn't hold on to any longer.

"What's wrong, Legendary Super Saiyan? You're turning quite fierce in protecting your precious king? I thought you hated his guts! I thought you couldn't be bothered to save his life!" Baby Vegeta guffawed, realizing he now had a treasured bargaining chip against his sworn enemy.

"Baby!" Chayote bellowed with something different, something more guttural creeping from deep down. "I swear... Take up that stupid perfect body of yours! I'll rip it to pieces, I'll blast it away, I'll finish what the Saiyans started so long ago and I'll leave no trace of Tsufurians to rebuild from! Nothing to remember you by!"

She wasn't sure where this vitriol came from. It was the opposite of her battle plan truly. She never knew a single Tsufurian enough to hate them, she was barely aware of the Tsufurians as a footnote in millions of glorious Saiyan conquests and fodder for some fun drinking stories. She didn't have it in her to hate Tsufurians that way. And yet, the fact that this prick here threatened the peaceful life on Earth that they've all created together and threatened to throw the stability of Chayote's relationship with her friends away, tear that sweet serenity of familial utopia they've put together on this blue and green marble in the middle of nowhere on the cosmic scale... That was enough to call for genocide in Chayote's book.

That sufficed for a different, very personal brand of hatred. The type of spite that made one crave to delete every trace of their hated enemy, to make them fail in every way imaginable and make their worst nightmares come to life. Even Baby looked slightly taken aback as he'd seen nothing of the sort since coming to Earth, despite being convinced that all Saiyans were this exact way. Biased and out to get him from the get-go.

"Stay away from me! YOU MONSTER, STAY AWAY FROM ME!" the Golden Great Ape curled his fingers and placed both his hands together at chest level, facing the same direction. The palm of one hand on the back of the other. A sparkling azure energy field surrounded the Neo Tsufurian, who experienced a sense of primal, existential dread for not only his life but his very legacy. The terror that his race carried off into oblivion, but one that Dr. Lychee made sure to bring back on a genetic level when he designed Baby to prevent Saiyans ever representing any type of danger and betraying the Tsufurians ever again if they ever were to return. "The one to go extinct WILL BE YOU! SUPER GALICK GUN!"

Stuck somewhere down the middle of her Legendary Super Saiyan form and the Super Saiyan radiance, Chayote's hair flared up with a greater degree of spiking and a wilder style while attaining a neon-blue hue and a notable purple tint to them. The color of Chayote's skin, where it peeked through her tattered outfit, dulled to appear bleaker, almost as if that of a dead body. Despite the resistance to the act of cutting loose and unleashing the mindless rampage of the Legendary Super Saiyan form, Chayote lingered on the edge in a restrained version of the form.

With a single, bountiful leap, Chayote dashed over the tremendous azure energy wave, kicking off of its side to boost the speed and momentum of her dash and transform it into pure, unchained power. The hysterical Super Saiyan concluded her over-the-top dash by driving her sole into Baby Vegeta's snout, shattering the azure explosive aura that surrounded the Golden Great Ape and stunning the shocked beast in place. Instead of putting more weight behind her running stomp, Chayote transitioned it into a step up to deliver a football kick with her left leg and completely break any trace of Baby's rampant Ki.

Gasping, wheezing, and grunting, the golden beast could only twitch while arcing in the air and unable to catch enough of the gravitational pull to return to the Big Gete Star's surface, but also not quite high up enough to escape the gravitational pull completely. The laid-out Golden Great Ape just levitated at the peak of the artificial atmosphere, lamenting its crushing defeat while trying to will his body to move and fight back.

Chayote planted her feet on the ground, grabbing hold of her head and sifting through her spiky hair while continuing the battle that raged within since the battle outside ceased to be immediately stimulating. Growling and thrashing around, stomping and slamming her body with just wild throws of all of her weight around, Chayote resisted the creeping growth of muscle and the flickering lime green tints that lit up her hair occasionally.

Not now! Baby Vegeta was finished, if she transformed now, she'd obliterate that helpless giant ape without a second's hesitation. Something mechanical screeched to Chayote's left, snapping her out of the internal battle and calling her eyes to race toward the emerging tube-shaped mechanical container, packed with a bulky, humanoid machine with a unique, alien design. Pink skin-like substance clad with red armor with blue, oval-shaped gemstones decorating the entire empty husk of a body. Without a conscience to move and make the body act, the gemstones were dark and looked dead, refusing to reflect even the ample sunlight bathing the exposed surface of the cybernetic planetoid.

"Hatchiyack!" Chayote realized. Drawing her hand back, the swollen Super Saiyan prepared a massive emerald energy bomb to obliterate the artificial body before it merged with Baby's mind. Before Chayote could fire it, a stormy, orange jolt of electricity engulfed the Golden Great Ape, curling it into a fetal position and rolling it around while ballooning the explosive energy wave around it. Not knowing who to aim her energy wave at–the lifeless husk that threatened to become a part of an unstoppable cosmic titan or the golden beast that may have been on the verge of an unexplained second wind, Chayote absorbed her own blast back within her body.

Baby Vegeta cried out with an aimless roar, spreading out to the edges of the cosmos and shaking planets like marbles on an unsteady table. Then, as the electric energy field attained a reddish hue, and switched between the blinding flashes of red and gold, two shadows split from one another: one being that of a short and athletic, spiky-haired Saiyan man, the other–that of a humanoid with a thick, sloping antenna.

"They did it!" Chayote grumbled while still struggling against the effects of the Ultimate Divine Dragon's magic that was used to split the two without killing Vegeta. It was almost as if instead of merely ripping Baby from Vegeta's body like the parasite he was, the Ultimate Divine Dragon undid them on the most primitive of levels and re-assembled them separately from one another, completely anew.

Before the universe could take a moment and celebrate the split and the liberation of one of its strongest, though not its most humble, protectors, Chayote curled up, shaking as her body bulked out of proportion and her eyes completely vanished in the whites. The body of the hysterical Saiyan became hostage to her swelling musculature, jerking and flexing in whichever direction the rock-hard flex demanded her.

"Not now!" Chayote heard her own meek voice crying in her mind, though it only reverberated throughout the endless astral void of her inner world, trapped like a canary and unable to make as much as a peep.

"They've split me up!" Baby hissed, feeling his malleable body with his hands before turning to Vegeta's limp body falling drawn to the Big Gete Star's surface, still loopy and unconscious. Then, the attention of the Neo Tsufurian turned to the swelling giantess before him, threatening to rip the universe apart like a thin, silky sheet. There wasn't a chance in hell that Baby could hold off this monstrous level of power now. Unless...

"Yes, yes! YES!" Baby shrieked out, becoming liquified at once and hurling the whole of his essence straight at Hatchiyack. With Vegeta too dazed and short of consciousness and Chayote struggling against her own inevitable loss of control and ascension to the state of Legendary Super Saiyan, Hatchiyack, the ultimate prize, was completely uncontested.

The slurpy Tsufurian merged with the central gemstone on Hatchiyack's body, etched into the husk's chest. Baby's adult body filled Hatchiyack, fitting the shell like a glove. At long last, Dr. Lychee's prophetic vision of the new ruler of the universe would become realized. Freed from the deadlock with Vegeta, Baby was now free to merge with the true vessel intended for him and form an indomitable Saiyan Destroyer.

Filled with its very destiny. Hatchiyack bent his arms, crossing them up in front of his chest while erupting with an ethereal violet and red miasma around his body that expanded as far as the edge of the cosmos. Baby Hatchiyack became the nexus point, the supreme energy of the entire universe. Storming with fields of electricity and becoming the heart of a cosmic storm himself. Baby's yellow armor coated the red, pink, and green goliath while Hatchiyack's empty eyes dyed with Baby's signature blue hue. Cybernetic yellow patterns covered Hatchiyack's armor until the transformation was complete and the apex predator of the whole Saiyan race took a serene stance and turned his attention to the bulking-up Legendary Super Saiyan, about to ascend as well.

The invincible Baby Hatchiyack was born at long last, and with the inevitable arrival of the Legendary Super Saiyan, the two most dominant forces in the entire universe and destined rivals transcended the bonds of space, time, and history itself and redefining what it meant to be powerful were about to collide and decide the race that fate chose to carry on toward their future and the one to embrace oblivion.

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