Legend of Tengu Love

By WeiLan1819

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Shen Wei only remember living with his uncle Chu since he lost his mother when he was 8 years old in his bur... More

Daixing Village 1
Daixing Village 2
Haixing Village
Koi Fish's Fault
Family Mission
About Mission 1
About Mission 2
Where Am I?
Guo Changcheng 1
Gou Chengcheng 2
Worried Yunlan
Nursing Wei Back
Sweetest Torture
Passage of Time is Cruel
New Friend
New Friend: Lin Jing
Change of Plan
Reconciliation 1
Reconciliation 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 1
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 3
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 4
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 5
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 6
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 7
Peace at Last... Right?
What Missed Out
Completion of Bonding
Awkward Morning
Truth 1
Truth 2
Truth 3
Eggs: Familiars
Journey To Ghost Village
Mommy Shen Wei
Ghost Village 1
Ghost Village 2
Ghost Village 3
Ghost Village 4
Ghost Village 5
Ghost Village 6
Ghost Village 7: Little Moment
Ghost Village 8
Ghost Village 9
Ghost Village 10
Ghost Village 11
Ghost Village 12
Welcome Home Kids!
Strength: Equilibrium
There are Two Sides to Every Story 1
There are Two Sides to Every Story 2
Doppelganger 1
Doppelganger 2
Ingredients 1
Ingredients 2
Ingredients 3
Ingredients 4
Ingredients 5
Wake Up Sleepy Head
Pampering 1
Pampering 2
Devil's Temptation
Danger Lurking Around the Corner
New Potential Lead
Cursed Symbol 1
Cursed Symbol 2
Father Yunlan?? Hmmm....
A Small Addition To The Family
What's Happening???
Mystery Revealed
Plan and Action
Troubles in Air
Fertility's Excitement and Nervousness
Archangel Junfeng
Archangel Junfeng 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 1
Every Beginning Has An Ending 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 3: Eternal Prison Circle


172 7 8
By WeiLan1819


After defeating Junfeng, one would think that everyone can take a breather but of course, since when has faith ever given them peace? Like never! And Poor Shen Wei is slowly being driven into insanity.

"Ah Lan, the next one that come and ask you to leave me and my child, I will bite their head off!" Shen Wei angrily said while glaring at cowering angel who came to give the message that Zhao Yunlan's present is needed in heavenly realm.

This is the 10th... 15th... or 20th ...(??)angels who came to ask their new archangel to ascendant to heaven to take over his heavenly duties. All they want after that brutal battle is to relax and wait for their child to be humanoid form after their power manifestation or something. Shen Wei honestly didn't care about that; he just wants his child in his arms.

"Weiwei, there there there... Look, you have successfully glared another angel away!" Zhao Yunlan cheerfully said while pampering his love with kisses and praises. After a good while, Shen Wei finally relaxes into Zhao Yunlan's hold.

"Ah Laaan, why can't they just leave us alone??" Shen Wei whines into Zhao Yunlan's broad chest.

"Xiao Wei, we kind of did leave heaven without a ruler..." Yunlan tries but he is promptly silence with death glare that promise murder.

"Oh really? And what is your plan dear Ah Lan? Leave your family for duty?! " Shen Wei grits out.

"Xiao Wei... That's not what I mean-" Zhao Yunlan pleads worriedly, seeing that his mate leaving his warm embrace with a stoic expression.

"You know what, Ah Lan. You can go and see if we care. But don't expect to see us again!" Shen Wei emotionlessly said before his wings expands out from his back and takes off into air, leaving Zhao Yunlan staring into empty space and feeling cold.

"Xiao Wei! Please come back! You know I didn't mean that!" Zhao Yunlan shouts after Shen Wei but Shen Wei is long gone.

"Well, Lan-Di. Now what?" Da Qing asks from the porch he is sipping his tea and watching the whole ordeal unfold.

"Da Geeee. of course, I want my family!" Zhao Yunlan groans into his hands, frustrated.

"That good and all, but you know this as well me that if Wei-di asks the celestial guardian to not let you in her mountain she will happily do it." Da Qing points out which guts Zhao Yunlan.

"Thank you for such an uplifting speech, Da Ge." He grumbles making Da Qing sigh in exasperation.

"Lan Di, I think you should figure out what you really want to do with heaven business before you go see Wei Di. When demons' counsels came and offer him hell's king position, Wei-Di made it clear that he wishes to be a family man. On other hand, you my dear didi, has been indecisive. " Da Qing comments before leaving Zhao Yunlan to his own thoughts.

Not like I want to leave them, but I still worry of the wrong person being in power. Yunlan gloomily thinks.


"What's their problem now?" Chu asks Da Qing.

"Duty and family obligations." Da Qing replies.

"Yunlan finally pissed off our Wei, huh. I'm surprised that Shen Wei held off until now." Chu admits much to Da Qing exacerbation.

"I'm sure they will figure it out soon. Where is little Guo anyway?" Da Qing asks.

"Training with Wang Zheng"

"He sure seems more motivated lately. I wonder why." Da Qing wonders out loud.

Ever since everything has settled down, Guo Changcheng has strangely been seeking out Wang to help him improve handling his power. For some reason, little Guo has been fixed on how he broke the tie between Junfeng and their new member of the family, the fox.

"Enough about kids. Where is your husband? I want to know what he wants me to do since Shen Wei doesn't require constant guarding now." Chu asks.

"I think he will be coming back tonight. He should be stuck with elders in meeting right about now."

"Who do you think will be next to be kill?" Chu merrily thinks out loud, making Da Qing laugh at his friend.

"I'm afraid, we will be in need of new elders soon if he murders anyone else."

"Like I care about them. Less elders less pain in my ass" Chu shrugs.

"I'm afraid if this keeps up, it will be us who will be appointed as elders next." Da Qing reasons.

"Yeah, good luck finding me when that happens" Chu nonchalantly answers.

".... I'm pretty sure everyone will know where to find you. They just need to track down Wei Di" Da Qing amusingly said making Chu's brow twitch in irritation knowing that his friend just hit the nail to his coffin.

"I'm out of here." Chu Grumpily said before leaving behind an amuse Da Qing.


"Xiao Guo, there is no need to rush this much. There is no danger anymore. You can take your time learning." Wang soothes sad Guo who can't commend his qi as he wishes.

"Okay, Wang-jie."

"Cheer up little puppy. Now take me to that lake you promised that have a lot of fish for me to eat." Fox announces then promptly drags Guo out of the manor.

"Will the kid be fine?" Sang worriedly asks his wife.

"Sang! Yes, Guo needs breather, and your old friends seem to have taken a liking to him." Wang sweetly states.

"Taken liking you say?? More like found a plaything for himself" Sang judgingly said making Wang giggle.

"Dear, you need to give him a chance. So far, he has proven that he regrets his action in the past." Wang chides fondly.

"Once a traitor, what keeps him from doing again?" Sang seriously asks his wife.

"Acceptances, forgiveness and willingness to give a chance to change for better." Wang wisely explains.

"Maybe one day, Wang but now is too soon. Pain is still fresh I'm afraid." Sang tiredly said making Wang sad but still understands him the same.

"Yes. And I will be with you through it all, love." Wang declares making Sang smile sweetly at her.

"I know, love. You always do."


Qiyuan Village

Although most people are content with staying home and chills as much as they can, there is a couple who plan to enjoy their new freedom by traveling to different locations for months on end.

"Darling, where do you want to travel next after Qiyuan?" Zhu Hong asks her official mate! Yes, Lin Jing finally came around and accepted her fully!

"Hmm, we could continue on this path and join the next Village tomorrow or we could enjoy Qiyuan Village a couple more days before we head out. What would you prefer, darling?" Lin Jing wonders.

They are currently enjoying Qiyuan's night market. The village is not as big as Haixing Village, but it has its own beauty, local goods are fascinating, and markets are always full of citizens and travelers.

"Let's stay two nights and we head out to next village." Zhu Hong decides.

"Sounds good to me. Ah! Hong, look at this whip. I think it will really suit your other form perfectly" Lin Jing exclaims when he sees vivid red scorpion whip on display.

"It looks nice, but I don't know if it can withhold my power, Jing" Zhu Hong whispers but she couldn't really hide her happiness at her mate's thoughtfulness.


Kunlan Mountain: Ice Forest

"What did that idiot do now, dear?" The guardian asks when she sees Shen Wei's sad expression.

"Xiao Niaoooo, I don't want to see or talk about Ah Lan right now." Shen Wei sulks into guardian's featherily embrace.

"If you wish dear. Should I block his entrances to the mountain?" The guardian lovingly asks.


"Xiǎo jiāhuo?"

"... no. I want Ah Lan to find me, Xiao Niao" Shen Wei grumbly admits much to the guardian's amusement.

"Xiǎo jiāhuo-er... Xiǎo jiāhuo. Did you just run away so he can chase you?" The guardian teases, making Shen Wei blush.

"Don't teaseee xiao niao~ I just want Ah Lan to make up his mind about heaven's affair." Shen Wei sighs, feeling emotionally exhausted.

"What is this? Has he still not refused archangel's position." The guardian inquires.

"Nope! He is torn between refusing and worrying about wrong power figure" Shen Wei explains.

"... And what is your thoughts on these worries of your mate?" The guardian asks.

"I get where Ah Lan's worry is stemming from but I'm tired and just want to live like normal people, worry about normal stupid-human life problems. Is it so selfish to want that, xiao niao?" Shen Wei sadly asks.

"No dear. You have struggled for long enough and deserve peace. I'm sure your stupid mate will eventually come to the same conclusion." the guardian reassures, lifting up Shen Wei's spirit a little.

To be honest, Shen Wei worries about the same thing as Zhao Yunlan and he felt guilty for his selfish actions but just as he has told his little bird friend, he is tired of power struggle, fights and being in someone's evil plan. The honest truth of their life is that there will always be people who will be greedy over their power or feel insecure that they will attempt to make their life miserable. So, staying away from their sights might ease that potential. There will be less need to take action over nobody preferable to your rulers or leaders.

Shen Wei is so deep in his thought that he misses Li Qian approaching them: "Master Wei?"

"Ah! Xiao Qian! How you been? How is my baby doing?" Shen Wei happily asks.

Li Qian decided to stay with the Phoenix and take care of her master's child who is still in magical incubator.

"They are doing fine. I think they should be ready any day now!" Li Qian happily said, making Shen Wei break into a happy smile.

"I see our little baby finally decides to leave their bubble~" Shen Wei coos happily.

"Ah, little devil, can you let little angel know about this, please?"

"Of course, master" Little devil replies.

"Master, don't worry, little angel said that they are already on their way here. They should arrive anytime now." Little devil relates what little angel telepaths to him.

"That's fast? It took me almost half a day to get here at full speed, flying" Shen Wei is surprised.

"It seems like master Yunlan was already on his way to you couple hours ago." Little devil fondly said.

"See Xiǎo jiāhuo? You had nothing to worry about." The guardian also agrees.

"I-" Before Shen Wei can say anything else, his body is enveloped with large pair of white wings.

'Xiao Wei~" Zhao Yunlan relievingily sigh, back hugging Shen Wei tightly.

"Ah Lan! Xiao Qian told me that we will see our baby in a couple days!" Shen Wei excitedly said, shocking the pairs.

"Whhatt?! We will see our baby soon, xiao Wei?!" Zhao Yunlan exclaims.

"What? Didn't your familiar tell you?" Li Qian confusedly asks, noticing that this is the first time that Zhao Yunlan has been notified.

"Nope! He didn't deserve anything good for making my mommy sad, hmp! His only grace right now is that he made the right decision" Little angel pipes in from Zhao Yunlan's shoulder.

"Little angel, why are you in child form and why is master Yunlan carrying you?" Little Devil inquires.

"Punishment!" Both masters and familiar chirp, confusing others.

"What punishment and whose punishment?" Shen Wei's cute confusion face makes Zhao Yunlan and little angel coo.

"Mine, love. Little troublemaker made me carry him all the way here as punishment for upsetting you" Zhao Yunlan said while squeezing Shen Wei's cheeks between his hands.

"Yes! I could have come up with a worse one, but I didn't have time" Little angel dramatically sighs in disappointment making others chuckle.

"I probably should refute your behavior, but I did deserve it this time" Zhao Yunlan admits much to his chagrin.

"I see little duckling finally growing up. A wise choice, a wise choice indeed." Little angel mimic like an old man.

"Hahahahha~ Little angel, you are the best!" Shen Wei gives full belly laugh making little angel preen.

*Giggling sounds* Li Qian breaks into giggling fits while the guardian and little devil just sigh in exaggeration, fondly.


Their happy chatter is broken up by a piercing cry of baby much to everyone excitements. It seems like their little one wants to join their happy chatter it seems. What a dramatic family indeed! 

A dramatic child that will grow up to be a loving, kind and a powerful ruler of both Heaven and Hell for many centuries to come. A child that possesses his mother's beauty and characteristics and his father's power and dedication to protect what is his. No one can ask for a better ruler than him.

The End


A/N: Yayyyy 🥳🥳🥳🥳 OMG! I finally finish this book! I thought I never would, lol. Thank you everyone for stickingly around and reading. I really appreciate all your patience  🙏🙏🙏🙏Kudosss for everyone~~~~~

P.S: Their baby in future~~ 

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