Oh to love and to be loved πŸ’ž

By leenaAnand2k

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What happens when a cute ,bubbly , innocent , confused girl falls in love with two handsome boys ? More

Intro and Prolouge
C H A P T E R . 1
C H A P T E R .2
C H A P T E R .3
C H A P T E R . 4
C H A P T E R . 5
C H A P T E R . 6
C H A P T E R . 7
C H A P T E R . 8
C H A P T E R . 9
C H A P T E R . 10
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By leenaAnand2k

Story continues :-

Parth's home ;-

Parth entered his house only to see his Neela Maa worried .
Whole house is dark not even a light is on .

He smiled saddly thinking from now on he can't see Avni in his house smiling , giggling , playing . He can't blame anyone , he is soul responsible for everything happened .

He can wait for her till his last breath but she loves someone else not him so there is no thing called waiting is needed .
She can never be his .

Avni love is Neil so there is no thing called Love in their relation it is always friendship from her side .

Her Love is Neil so he choose not to Live his Life without Love , without Her , without Avni .

Not moving from her ,
Not moving On but Moving ahead .

He can't  blame anyone in his Life it is only " Faith " which is so cruel to him since child .

First he lost his Parents ,
Second when he felt Love through Neela her family snached that happiness and made him away from her for years . Only when he became famous and when he searched for Neela their both become Mother and son again .
Third now when everything is going good when he felt he found his Breath , his Avni ,

Faith yet again played the most cruel game by snaching his everthing , his reason to live . Not letting him have any other option  other than letting Avni go away from him forever .

He himself going away from her not able to face the bitter Truth of his life .
He knows Avni don't Love him but she don't hate him neither in she turn respects and adore him alot .

All he want is to have a cute , sweet relation with her not as a soul partner but as a good friend . But now it is too not possible .

He is all drenched but cared less to clean himself . Neela came with dry towel and started to dry his hair but his mind was
somewhere else ,
he is lost in the callous game played by faith .

His tears are uncontrollable , they are flowing continuously none of them cared to wipe them off . Nor Neela neither Parth .

Neela knew tears are the only way to come out of his Greif .

He kept his head on his Maa's lap started to weep . Neela is sitting on sofa whereas he is on ground . Neela kept her head on his  head trying to clam ber son down which is next to immpossible .

Parth :- It is all over Maa .

Neela :- Shshshhs nothing is over yet bacha . Everything will be fine by time .

Parth :- No Maa it is over . My Chinnu hates me now , she hates me Maa .

he said in his uncontrolled breath and shaking voice .

Neela :- Avni can never hate you Parth you know that very well . Now she is angry , why not she will be bacha her life turned out to be something which she never expected starting Neil and now You ...

Parth :- I know Maa but you also know na in which circumstances I am now and why I am doing this . Why me Maa always ? Why God is so unfair with me since childhood . Am I not good enough to live with family ? To Have family ? To be with the persons I love the most ? Why Maa , Why always Me ? For the first time I am feeling pity on myself . It is better to die rather than living in this Living Hell Maa where I can't even be with Love of my Life .

Neela :- Shshsh , bacha I know this is very hard for you ....

Parth :- Avuu is never mine now ! How can I live without her Maa ?

Neela :- She was never your's Parth . I know it is hard but this is the Truth bacha she is and will be only Neil's . You two never had a Story bacha it was always Neil .

Parth :- Maa I know we have never had a story but only movements but now those were to taken away from me .

Neela :- Parthuu this decision was ours . We had taken it together . And we will stick to it together . Yes ,, you had movemets together so preserve them and I am 100% sure when we will be back to India your Avuu will be come to you not as a Lover but as Your Good friend which you both are .

Parth :- Then what about my Heart Maa . What should I say to it ? It is screaming Avuu's name , my heart .... it is bleeading Maa . I know this day will come sooner or later but never thought it will be this early and heart breaking .

His voice is craking with every word he utter . He is really hating his life now . Never ever he asked for anything but when he did God had taken it from him in the most cruel way .

Neela :- This is the time Parth cry how much you want to in the end don't loose your hope this is the time where you need to be hell strong so that you can go through surgery without any complications , if you take stress then it will affect your nerves bacha . Cry and cry untill you losse your senses and when you wakeup tomorrow start your life with new begining .

Parth :- I don't want any new beginning Maa if I start fresh then there will be no Chinnu in my Life . She is my Life and I don't want  any Life where she is not there . I will Move ahead for sure Maa but not live my life again I used to . I will not Move on from her but I will move on ahead for you Maa . Maa you go and sleep , you need rest and I want to be alone atleast till tommorow .

Neela :- As your wish but I want my old Parthuu back .

She said trying to immitate Avni in a innocent way .

Parth :- Maa you are not Avuu please don't make it more hard for you .

He said drinking his own tears glumping down hard .


Soon 5 days passed leading the day arrived where Parth is going to Paris .

In these days Avni didn't contacted him nor he did .

Where as Avni she is sad not about one but for two things .

1) That day after they confession and agony , as expected by Parth she caugh with fever , viral fever which lasted till today .
In all these days she become weak , everyone had taken a good care of her . Neil was always with her from morning to night , taking care of her .

In all these choas one thing has changed that is Raman behaviour towards her . Raman stopped talking with his Princess , he cared for her and kept on talking with Doctor but he for once not talked with Avni after that day .

Reason is unknown to her ,  to them , to anyone .

Though Avni tried alot of ways but still she didn't succeded in it . Her fever , Parth leaving and now Raman's behaviour towards her made so weak and sad that she had taken 4 whole days to recover .

2) Second obviously Parth's departure . She knew something is wrong with him but what is it still not known .

At a time both of them stopped themselves from talking to her .

Still she can understand Parth without reason he will not do anything but Raman .... she can stay away from Parth but Raman her Papaa she can't .

Gaining courage she stood infront of her parents room but for the first time she is shivering , afraid to enter or even knock her parents door .
Reason is her Papaa whom she loves , respect , adore alot more then anyone in her Life .

When she was about to knock , door itself got opened making her startled at her place .

Her parents are talking about something so she tired to overhear them .

Ishitha :- Raman what has happened to you ? Why are you behaving so odd these days especially with Avuu ? It's been four damn days Raman you have talked with Avii ! This is the first time you are doing something like this and I don't know why . Do you know Avuu's first word and last word is you , " Papaa " , she kept on asking me why Papaa is not talking with me ? Why he is  angry with his princess ? And how can I answer her when I myself don't know the reason .

Raman :- I know Ishuu how hurt my baby is but I can't do anything now . I want her to reliase her mistake Ishuu , this time she had wronged me .

Ishitha :- About what mistake you are talking Raman ? When did Avuu made mistake ? You know right our daughter don't make any mistakes , she don't even think of doing one !

Raman :- But she did Ishuu and I was and am very hurt with her .

Ishitha :- When she did Raman ? Wait are you refering to what happened few days ago ?

Raman :- Haa .

Ishitha :- Raman how can you call it as a Mistake ? When it is cleary not !!

Raman :- Ishuuu from her small to till now what ever I did for her is out of Love , I had given her everydamn thing which she needed even before she asked but it doesn't mean she will directly ask me something which I never dreamed off .

Ishitha :- Raman you also know what ever she said it was out of fear . Fear of lossing her bestfriends . You very well knew she don't know till now what is Love , what is Marriage so in heat of movement when I asked whom you want to marry she said she want's to marry two of them . I know it was wrong even for thinkng like that but she was not in her sense that day and was too tired to think about those matters so without giving a second thought she said that .

Raman :- Ishuu for once think what had happened if Neil or Parth or Prakash , Babe or anyother person had listened her words . Don't they think she is immatured to think like that in this age ? Thinking of marrying two is wrong and I know she had understood it now but they won't think like us right !! They will point out fingers at us ,  at our upbringing , at our Princess . We know Ishuu at which situation she uttered those simple words but outsiders don't .

Ishitha :- ........

Raman :- Ishuu we know Avii don't Love anyone at this movement caused she didn't reliased her feelings yet but just for once think Ishuu what would have happened if they were not Neil and Parth but some other person . Won't they take advantage of our baby innocence ? Just for once think Ishu what would have happened to Neil and Parth when their get to know Love of their Life wants to marry both of them and the reason is she can't able to choose between two of them . Isn't it to Naive to think Ishuuu ?

Ishitha :- Raman I know Avuu had blanked out , she is naive but ...

Raman :- But what Ishuu ? I thought by shelding her from this cruel world she will be safe but never thought she will become this Naive to understand , think and choose between two persons who Loves her more then their lifes .

Ishihta :- Raman it is very simple Avuu didn't understood what to say because she don't Love anyone at this very movement . She never Loved anyone other than us . She never sawed others Love for her other than " Us" . So when Parth and Neil showed how much she meant to them she became confused because this is the first time some one other then us showed her the world through their eyes .
She thought may be by marrying both of them their will be with her forever thats it , even though what she thought was wrong at that movement she didn't backed out from sharing her inner turmour with us . We are her Parents Raman if we don't understand then who will ? Didn't she understood and came back into her senses when we said how wrong to think like that !!

Raman :- Ishuuu....

Ishitha :- Raman once you think what was going in her mind at that time . Morning she had a bad fight with Parth and in night I asked her the question which she didn't prepared for . Raman you are right it would been easy for her if she Love anyone but the problem is that only , she don't Love anyone she didn't understood for whom she felt like sharing her Life . Yess , I know instead of saying both she could have said " None" or " I don't know "  but Raman don't you forget she was in trauma . Yes she is not any child to think like that and even small kid knows marrying two is next to immpossible and not right .
But you also think Raman , Avuu has said something like that means , it is not from her mind or heart , thoes were not her words , don't forget Raman how many movies and novels she kept on watching and reading . She might said those words because she might have heard or read somewhere right !
Don't you know about our daughter Raman ?

Raman :- Movies and Novels are fictional that doesn't give any justification Ishuu . It should be in her mind by watching and reading we can't just forget our basics right . May be you are right because of my over  pampering she have became like this .

Ishitha :- She is and will be our Avni with whom we thought basics . She is our daughter Raman for now she didn't reliased her Love but she will for sure . She is immature ?  how can you say like that Raman ? We will behave immature , childish and show all our childishness only to our closed ones Raman , she is like that because she is habituated in that way from small with us  and don't you know Raman how rebel she becomes when outsiders try to take advanatge of her  . She is like that only with us .

Raman :- I know she is like this with us only . But This is goddamn life Ishuu , we can't say when what will happen . Which we are thinking now is alright , safe and sound might not be the same tomorrow . Neil and Parth are two persons Ishuu their are not any chocolate or deseart which she likes , can't choose one and end up eating two .

Ishitha :- Raman I understood you are very hurt by her words but for once talk to your princess she needs you Raman . Only Neil knew how hard he is trying to cheer her up all day leaving his all works . She needs you Raman you are her Super star if you ignore her then her health will become wrost . For now she is fine , Neil had taken good care of her in your absent ,  if not by his care and love she would have taken more time to recover . It's just normal viral fever but she has  taken more then 4days to recover and you know the reason very well Raman .

Raman :- I know it was because Parth is going and she drenched in rain so... anyways this time she is wrong and till when she will not understand her mistake I will not talk to her .

Ishitha :- Trust me Raman she already did . And she had took this much time to recover because of you also not by only Parth .

Without wasting any time Avni barged outside of house crying vigorously . She knew she hurted her father but never knew her stupid answer the words she didn't think twice before uttering made her father hurt , question his upbringing .
It is all her stupidness .

Running , crying not caring to look back or change her panda pyjamas she entered into his room , whom she can only trust , rely and share her agony .

Neil .

Neil who is busy in talking on phone in his room wearing vest and shorts as he is not going to studio or office since Avni felt sick shocked to see Avni crying standing on his door step .

Listening someone miffed shriek he turned around only to see his kiddo screeching forcibly .

When he was about to go near her , she hugged him keeping her whole being on him letting him to carry her weight .
By the sudden stunt he was shocked and stood still but in nano second he was on bed sitting carrying her in his lap .

Her legs are wrapped around his waist , hands around his neck and weeping againt his neck making him to suck his breath hard cause her trembling lips are touching his sweet spot .

Coming out from his land he tried to controlled her but she seems to be hurt badly and not ready to listen anything . Giving her time he started to strok her hair lovingly . After half an hour and so she started to talk making herself comfortable in his lap .

This is the first time she is sitting like this with him or with anyone but she didn't felt any kind of discomfort , other than instantly liking it . Seeing her not uncomfortable he smiled as his Avii is opening upto him and coming closure .

For some seconds , minutes she looked into his eyes with her teary once but again hugged him tightly not sobbing but started to speak ....

Avni :- Neil , Papaa is angry on me .

Neil :- Why Avii ?

Avni :- Because of me .

Neil :- You already said that Avii .

Avni :- Few days back when Mamaa asked with whom I want to get married to , I said both ..., ummmm you and Parth .

Neil :- I know Avii . I listened to your convo that day . I was there behind you and heard everything .

Shockingly she looked at him . Till now she thought no one knew about it but when Neil himself heard everything she is not unstanding what to say .

The way he is responding to her in a clam way is something which she didn't expect .

She looked at him being shock while Neil Chukkled and kissed her forehead lovingly .

Neil :- I know Avii what ever you said that day was out of panic , trauma . Maa asked you suddenly and you being in trauma or shall I say in sleepy mood you didn't think twice before saying . I accept I was angry and sad but when I thought about it my anger didn't last . And you know Avii dad is happy for me . Do you know why ?

Avni :- Why ?

Neil :- Because his son is finally changing for good .

He said  so clamly crassing her hair .

She still looked at him confusingly not understanging him . She don't know about his Possessiveness towards her .

Avni :- Means ?

Neil :- Means his son , therefore me started to control my ego , anger after meeting you , after proposing you .

Avni :- Really ? But I didn't saw any change in you !! you still shouted on me before day .

Neil :- That was because you were suffering from fever and was not ready to take medicines .

Avni :- Hmmm I understand . But now say me a way to mend Papaa . He is so angry on me and for the first time I am feeling afraid to meet  or talk to him .

Neil :- He is your Papaa , Avii give him some time , he will never be angry with you .

Avni :- No Neil he is really hurt this time . I heard him saying Mamaa till when I don't regreat my mistake till then he won't talk with me . Say me na Neil how to end this .

Neil :-  You  already regreat Avii , give him some time he will be ok . And till when he will be angry with his princess .! Give him some alone time .

He  said tickling her making her giggle .

Avni :- But I can't be able to live without talking to him .

She said getting up from his lap adjusting her dress before Neil make her cry because of his tickels  she went to her home , her room .

She don't know how to mend the things , how to correct herself , the blundder she uttered .

Neil  followed her till home but when he was about to enter her room Ishitha has taken him away with her .

Back to Avni .

She is thinking the way to cool her father when her phone started to ring . She smiled looking at the caller id forgetting everything , now she had hope that he will give her idea to mend her father .

Avni :- Manuu .

She said not that excitedly trying  hard to control her excitment at the same time saddness to show him she is still angry at him . 

Parth :- Chinnu how are you and how was your fever now bachcha ?

Avni :- Till now you have not messaged or called me then why today ?

Parth :- Because you are angry on me and I couldn't gain courage to meet you Chinnu .

Avni :- Yess I Was and Am angry on you . Ha I am fine but what about you ? Didn't you drenched with me that day ? How are you Mannu ?

Parth :- Trying to cope up with the truth , destiny and my Faith .

Avni :- Mannu why do I feel there is something grieve behind your words . I feel like you are hidding something from me . Your words are like Puzzle !

Parth :- You are thinking too much probably .

Avni :- No ,  I am not .

Parth :- Chinnu why do I feel you are not well ! Your voice .... it is carrying so much sorrow and I know the reason is something big . What is it bachcha ?

Avni :- Changing the topic ok , and I am sad because Papaa....

Parth :- Uncle ? What happened to uncle Avuu ?

Avni :- He is angry on me and was not talking from the day we met last time .

Parth :- What and Why ?? Did something happened Avuu ?

Avni :- He is angry on me because .....

Parth :- Because .....

Avni :- The day before we met Mamaa asked me whom do I Love and want to get marry too and ...

Parth :- And ...

Avni :- And I said I want to marry both of you .

She said closing her eyes hoping he will shout at her .

Parth :- What you said ? You want to marry both of us ? Like really Chinnu ? How can you just say like that without thinking ?

Avni :- I don't know what was running in my mind at that time , all I can say I was not in my senses .

Parth :- Till now I had thought you Love Neil , Chinnu . But no you don't Love him neither Me .

Avni :- I love you both as persons Mannu ...

Parth :- But not as A Girl Loves her Boy .
But not as A women Loves her Man .

Avni :- I don't know Mannu . But why did you thought I Love Neil but not you ? Even we had story Mannu , even we had travelled together .

Parth :- Because I know You Love Neil . It is cleary seen in your eyes Chinnu and what you had for me it is more like a good friend and more then that but not Love .
Yes Chinnu we have travelled together but we never had any story all we had was movements .

Chinnu from the first to now you just  remember our movements and then with Neil , you will get your answer .

We were like a good friends but never like a Lovers ,

Our traveling was with my Love for you and your friendship for me and it is same till date .

But you just cross check your movements with Neil with that of us , I am sure You will find your answer then and there .

And uncle is angry with you for the same when you already know the answer you are still making yourself hard to accept the fact . Uncle wants to show you the same he just changed his way towards you and becoming like he want is not wrong chinnu .

Take your time , be alone and think .

Avni :- But what made you back off Mannu ?

Parth :- Because I don't want to be your choise Chinnu . Love is not any choise if you want Love and marry both . If not Leave both of them and see some other . Love is only a Option Chinnu , I want to be your only Option but I am cleary not .

Avni :- I am sorry Mannu .

Parth :- Don't be Chinnu , I am going to Paris and will not be available even in calls or messages ....

Avni :- That's why you called me now , I understand . Take care Mannu and try to contact when ever it is possible .

Parth :- I will for sure . But I also wants to hear good news of your Marriage Chinnu . And don't forget to say Thanks .

Avni :- You might be the first person who is excited to listen his Love's marriage news .

Parth :- Because I am unique in my own way chinnu ? I need to go now Maa is waiting for me see you soon bachcha and take care of yourself don't ever neglect your health . And remember when ever you need me just do the magic trick which I thought you . Therefore Inhale and Exhale before thinking or saying anything to relax our minds .

on't ever say or think like you did Avuu , I don't want anyone to point hand at you remember I will always Love you .

Avni :- Ok as you say boss . And I know you Love me and I am sorry for not responding to it .  You to take care of  yourself . And I will miss you .

Parth :- I Love You . Bye

Avni :- Don't say bye Mannu , I read Bye are forever itseems .

Parth :- Bye means " Be with you Forever" bachcha .

Avni :- Ohhh aise hai tho Bye Mannu . Happy journey .

Parth :- Be with you forever Chinnu .

Ending the call wiping his tears he headed to where Neela is , sharing a Smile both of them entered into flight .


Here Avni after her call she settled on the terrace watching the sunet . She is recollecting Parth words .

Yes , what ever he said was true . She had never seen Parth as a Lover even after he proposed her . He is always a good friend to her . A suppouter .

Yes , he was right they didn't have any Story , what ever it was all were only movements which mostly friends share a boy and a girl . They are more like a childhood buddies more then Lovers .

It was always his Love for her but not from her side .
It was single sided love .

But with Neil she had totally different feeling . Start it was only friendship but when he went to U. S leaving her she was angry , sad , hurt and what not . She had never taken anyone's anger but she never said anything to Neil when ever he scolds her , infact she likes the care which he show for her .

When he scolded her for the first time when she said Parth's proposal she felt sad , bad , hurt because he scolded her without her mistake . That time she had even ignored Parth for the whole week untill unless Neil had talk with her , she didn't talk with Parth .

Parth being understandable he understood her .

When Parth proposed she said lets go with flow but when Neil proposed she didn't said anything infact she loved the way he proposed her .

Proposing infront of Lakhs if people is something which she didn't expect .

When Parth kissed her on forehead and hugs her she definetly feels good but with Neil she feels some kind of emotion , nervous and Peace .

When Parth kissed her though on a cheeck she didn't felt any such lovely feeling thats why she didn't mind it   but when Neil kissed her cheeck for the first time in her room because of some excitment she didn't showed him her face for a whole day which was red with blush and shyness .

And when they kissed for the first time though a Peak in Neil's words she was utter surprised by her own body movements .

When ever she is near him she can't stop her heartbeat not her body movements . She reacts this way all wired all infront of him and only him  .

And not to forget todays bedroom incident . She was literally sitting on his lap so freely without any thought no  discomfort . She always get surprise by her own body language near him . Even when she realiased she is sitting on his lap she didn't get up but settled more comfortably adjusting herself in his arms .

Thinking about all these she is all red again . She didn't know what had gotten into her that time but was not feeling bad but feeling good so good and happy .

When she got to know her papaa is angry on her the first person she remember and thought of is Neil and without wasting  a minute she was infront of him .

Thinking all these she didn't understood why she was so dumb in past , when her feelings , her Love , her answer is infront of her ,  she avoided all of them thinking to think later .

Parth is right their never had any Story it was Always Neil and her .

She is sad because Parth is going away but in a normal way . She only knew him and Neil after her family so when she heard of him going away it triggerd her making her to utter those words for which her father is angry now .

Finally she had reliased her feelings ,  her Love , her Neil ,
It was and is always him .

Avni :- I Love Neiluu , omg . Yes I Love him  . What a blunder you did Avni when you already know the answer . Haweee how can I behave this dumb , Papaa was right only I have to make up to my mistake and it will happen only when I will show him Love of my Life , my decision , my Neil  . Parth was right Love can never be a choise and my only Option is Neil . Without understanding my feelings don't know how many blunders I did till now .

I can't even say this thing to Neil now don't know how much he will tease me . Yes this is the best , she said after giving a thought of something in her mind

In mean time Neil joined her , till now he was busy with Ishitha . She smiled looking at him who is busy adoring the sunset . When he turned his face she immediatly turned aside thinking  he caught her mini staring session .

Avni : - Neil .

She called out who is already staring at her .

Neil :- Hmmm .

Avni :- Kya hum kuch din keliye bahar jaye ?

She said while he looked at her  confusingly . He thought she might have ask how to pacify her father but she made him shock by asking something different .

Neil :- What ? But why Avii ? Aren't you want to pacify uncle ?

Avni :- I want to Neil that's why I am asking you can we go somewhere out ?

Neil :- Sure if this what makes you happy then why not . But where Avii ?

Avni :- Lonavala .

Neil :- Your favourite place .

Avni :- Ha .

Neil :- Ok then I will ask DD to make arrangements .

Avni :- No Neil , We will go right now .

Neil :- What ?? Avii right now it is nearing night and I don't allow you to travel in nights . Even with me I don't .

Avni :- Please Neiluu .

Neil :- No way Avii it's been only one day you have been recovered not completely yet but still you are weak and need rest .

Avni :- No we will go now and it's final .

Neil :- Avii don't be stubborn bachcha .

Avni :- Neil please I love long drives and this is the right time to visit lonavala .

Neil :- I can't win against you . Ok go pack your backs will meet you after dinner .

Avni :- Ok done and pack your cloths for more then a month .

Neil :- A month ?

Avni :- Not a Month , more then a month .

She said getting up from swing going downstairs leaving frown Neil there itself .

Avni :- I will make this trip memorable Neiluu and also make Papaa understand that I had understood what he wants to say me . She thought smiling to herself .


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