Super Dragon Ball: Paradise H...

By CaptainClaymore

1.9K 7 28

A sequel to Dragon Ball: Paradise Lost and Dragon Ball Z: Paradise Found that covers the Z portion of the sto... More

The Ways of Ruling
Full House
Professional Matchmaking
Krillin's Best Date Ever
Super-Elite Super Vegeta
No Alien Zone
Toy-Man In A Sombrero
The Ripoff Faceoff
Incredibly Hateable Death Machines
One Man's Scrap Is Another One's Life
The Birth of an Ultimate Android
The Ultimateness of the Ultimate One
Gohan's Valorous Stand
The Ultimate Sin
Individual Enlightenment
An Ultimate Ride Across The Galaxy
No Escape
An Endless Awful Nightmare
Legend VS Ultimate
The Bombastic Reinforcements
Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects
Wife Ex Machina
A Salty Return To Peace
Wedding Crashers
Crimes and Times of the Vegeta Clan
Underwhelmed At First Sight
All Is Well On Planet Vegeta
Dragon Team Foreign Relations
The Quest For Power Level Maximum
Beat Of An Evil Heart
Three Legendary Super Saiyans?
The Saiyan Civil War
A Bout For The Throne
Civil War No More
The Ruined King
Your Own Personal Devil
The Reborn King
Future Be Damned
Broly, the Heartless Devil
The Secret of Broly
Hot Battle!! Super-Fierce Battle!!
Broly's Rampage
A Glimmer of Hope
A Blockbuster Through The Empty Heart
An Obligatory Hero's Journey
The Story Takes A Slump!
Jump The Shark Some More, Won't You?
A Day In Norimaki Residence
Garlick In Penguin Village
A Do-Over!
Why Do Android Babies Cry?
Fruitless Poop-Related Side-Quests
Bye N'Cha!!
A Capsule Corps Sponsored Intermission
Brain Over Brawn
New Type Of Destron!?
Train Smart, Not Hard
When It Rains
Life And Times of Two Launches
The Machine Mutant Landing
Cult Adventures
Dark Planet Landing
Radiance of Leadership
Doll Again
Into The Core
Two Against The Incursion
Super 16!?
A Minor Setback
Awakening of a Machine God
Raging Rampage
Aces All Around!
Trouble At The Tower!
One Doll Forward, One Doll Back
Hatchiyack The Immovable
Tenshinhan's Gamble
End of Cult, Birth of Family
Choking Point
Built Different
On The Ropes
Cultivate Me To Life
Missile Point Partnership
Pyrrhic Victories
No Future
Regressions and Progressions
Heavy-Hitting Tactics
Fighting Metal With Metal
Day of the Living Metal
End of Metal
A Mangled Malicious Machination
A Hero's Comeback
Operation: Rescue Vegeta!
A Knife-Edge Partnership
Brain Death Experience
Wanted: Red Meat
Just A Little Nick
The Homecoming Stage of Infiltration
Sharing Is Caring
The King's Speech
Saiyan Schemes, Fate Laughs
Gohan and Videl Go To The Movies
An Idea of a Suicide Squad
Hoping for a Flawless Victory
Gohan's Mission
The Final Stretches to the God Temple
Not All Alone
A Loss for Each Win
What To Do With Three New Suns!?
Calamitous Revenge
Babies Dream of Golden Hair
The Confusing World of Television
The Saiyan Summit
Bardock's Evolution
The Wrong Kind of Maturity
Bardock's Desperate Rebellion Trigger!
Bad School Day
Abducted After the Bell
A Rivalry Revived
The Power of Super King Kai's Fist!
I'm Sorry, Gohan!
The Power of What's Really Important
The Tsufurian Gorilla Attacks!
Separation Anxiety
The Saiyan Destroyer
Just F@#$ing Talk!!
Battle's End
White Bells of Joy
The School of Shorts
Oh! That's A Good Baseball!
On Ode To Peacetime
Piccolo And #17 Are On The Case
The Mystery of the Ginger Town Monster
The Dangerous Bio-Android - Cell
Cell's Hunt
The Green, Murderous Menace!
The Means of Cell's Survival
Piccolo's Solace
Welcome to Monster Island
Cell's Animal Island Vacation
Those Pesky Merfolk
The Great Monster Island Inferno
Will Someone Please Protect the Children!?
The Limber, Freaky Move-Thieves
The Cost of Becoming the Apex!
Must Just Be That Kind of Weather
A Guide to Gods of Martial Arts
Gohan's Driving Lessons
Cell's Hunt Begins
An Instant-Speed Collision!
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All To Ourselves
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A Sad Graduation Day
Krillin's Buggy Honeymoon
King Kai's Fist X1 000 000!?
An Earthling's Statement
Saved By The Stars
Mother and Son
Spirit and Time In Shambles
The Heart of Training
Androids Can Learn To Hope
Cell Isn't Dancing At The Party
Sibling Rivalry
Problem Child
A Conflict of Capability and Comprehension
A Form of Power and Fortitude
This Love
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The Android-Shaped Elephant In The Room
Machines That Protect Their Family
Bardock and Launch VS Capitalism
Against The Laws of Nature

Just The Right Amount Of Push Needed

9 0 1
By CaptainClaymore

A golden shine burst around Chayote at the same time as a transparent, crystalline gleam surrounded Artificial Human No. 13, and the two rocketed toward one another. Both combatants prepared their upcoming attacks, willing and looking forward to their collision. Just as Chayote hammered her fist downward to crash through her opponent's offering and attack him while he was open and overwhelmed, Android 13 vanished.

"Handy Blaster!" the deadly Android extended his index finger, shaping his right hand like a gun as he cradled it by clutching his wrist with the left hand too. A tiny, red sparkle shined at the tip of his leather glove, emitting bright scarlet rays in all directions. What appeared at first to be just a minuscule energy beam turned into a destructive energy wave that required Chayote both of her arms and knees to hold herself together against.

Chayote's arms became so tense that her clothes ripped and unraveled around her forearms, with straps tearing off and burning up in the energy surrounding the beam itself. No. 13 pulled his arm out from the beam and clenched his fist by his side as he built up the force for a thunderous straight. Then he glided right through his own beam, splitting it by the middle before driving his cocked back fist into Chayote's jaw and shooting her away.

"You were an interesting case, I'll give you that," Artificial Human No. 13 said before letting his aura surround him again and taking off on a collision course with Chayote. Upon closing the distance between them, the Android swung his entire arm in a crashing hook, forcing Chayote to put up both of her arms sideways to cushion the blow. It felt like the weight of an entire world hit her in the side. The combined force of impact tested the integrity of her entire core and it must've been through sheer luck that her whole ribcage resisted being shattered to bits.

"You've slithered your way into our home, yes. However, the objective data suggests that you've had the common decency to realize you live on our fine planet now and behave like a civilized human being and not a savage alien grunt," No. 13 reported while rushing forward with a flying knee that socked Chayote in the chest and dazed her. The bruising Android repositioned his whole body for an aerial backhand swing and slammed Chayote away again.

The hick leaned forward, putting up his shoulder, and flew on a collision course toward the Saiyan, slamming right into her as he carried her toward the nearest rocky plateau where he slammed Chayote into and left her embedded into it while pressing her throat with his forearm. He must've known that it meant nothing to shatter a mountain for Chayote, this was just a humiliating power move for him.

"But then it occurred to me that as a female of your species, you're bound to populate our planet with further unknown factors. Moreover, you didn't sit still with your head down, as alien refugees, like you are supposed to, you've plagued our fine martial arts competitions and robbed our hard-working martial artists of a chance to show off their own natural, human power. You've almost had me fooled there, as unbelievable as it sounds. If you just kept your head down and acted like the second-rate visitor that you are, maybe we'd have looked the other way after purging the Saiyans..." Artificial Human No. 13 smirked.

A flash of emerald blinded him, forcing the Android to wince, despite normally caring little for even something as luminous as sunlight. An explosive burst of Chayote's aura that shattered the entire rocky plateau they've been wrestling against the side of sent Android 13 rolling backward. A thunderous battle cry made the Android's scanning systems malfunction for a brief second, leaving them flickering with static. Upon recovery, No. 13 rushed toward Chayote with a spinning dropkick, but Chayote secured a tight grip on her assailant's heel.

"More!" Chayote's voice, which had become lower pitched and more primal than before, bellowed as she dived to the ground, carrying her captive with her. The roaring Super Saiyan slammed Android 13 into the ground like a wet rag, sending splitting fissures across the rupturing wasteland and showers of pebbles shooting out in the air from the rupturing underground pressure, looking to escape. "Talk more!" Chayote demanded before throwing a straight punt in Android 14's direction and kicking him away like a football.

With her fists drawn by her sides, the Saiyan shot off the ground, imitating a soaring javelin and shocking Android 13 with the speed at which she closed the distance between them. The Android pointed his finger-gun at her, firing another massive energy beam from it, but Chayote curled into a ball and simply rolled around its edges before straightening herself out and slamming her overhead fist into the back of Android 13's head. This overwhelming force left the helpless murder robot completely under her control as Chayote dived to the floor while carrying him under her slamming fist and shoved No. 13's face through layers of solid rock.

The rocky floor of the Gizard Wasteland shattered, massive boulder platforms began plummeting into underground canyons, and the two bruisers danced across them. Chayote and Android 13 vanished from one falling platform to another, looking for more favorable positions to collide from. With the two charging at once another, vanishing in rapid succession with dozens of snap vanishes from either side, Chayote unleashed a flurry of jabs from both arms at her opponent but Artificial Human No. 13 just smirked, bobbing and weaving around them while a faint silver spark gleamed at the corner of his eyes with each evasive motion.

While at first, the murderous Android was perfectly content with just styling on Chayote by rendering her incapable of landing one good hit on him, then, along came the counters. The Android shut Chayote's rampant flurry of fists down with a well-placed shot of a tiny Ki blast to her gut that stunned the Super Saiyan and left her wide open. Chayote roared, releasing a clamoring sonic shock wave potent enough to shake the entire wasteland and grind through the stone canyon as she rushed onward. Almost like it was an effortless matter, Artificial Human No. 13 slid around her hook and jabbed at her liver before shooting an undisputed uppercut to her lower jaw.

Chayote was about to burst with an explosive Ki wave bubble but Android 13's knee socked her in the lower jaw again, shutting her mouth down from emitting another shock wave and forcing it to reverberate back through her body as he drove his elbow, his backhand and a shoulder tackle into Chayote's core body, sending her flipping vertically down to the bottom of the canyon.

"Unbeknownst to you, the entirety of Capsule Corps records of your every fight and all the intelligence that Dr. Puri had on you now runs through my processors. I made sure to check your current patterns and update the data during our battle. Now, there is not a punch you can throw that will surprise my Data Input, alien," Android 13 proudly proclaimed, aiming his arm down and firing a Full Power Energy Wave at Chayote's flipping body.

Searing heat engulfed the Saiyan. The familiar sound of her tattered clothes flapping in the wind was the first thing besides the pain from her bruising that reached Chayote. Then came the wave of heat pulsing through her cheeks and running down her body. Chayote's eyes shot wide open and stopped her from taking a splash into a river of magma down below. Wiping the blood off her bruised face with the back of her hand, Chayote looked up.

"That's right, just keep looking at me with those hateful eyes of yours. It'd mean the world to me if you'd reveal your true nature as a human-hater before I send you to your premature grave," Artificial Human No. 13 snickered, dragging his thumb across the area under his nose with a teasing scratch. "Do you really think the fact that you've hidden your alien spawn from us in some human household will save it from the culling of the deplorable? Though you shouldn't worry, it is just a baby. Even if it's an alien baby, my heart's too sweet for those kinds of things. We'll probably just fling it into space and give it a fair chance to fly back to its home planet where it belongs."

"Oh... Hell, yes..." Chayote closed her eyes and drew a deep breath in. Android 13 bent his head to the side, looking baffled by this sudden shutdown of the Saiyan's will to fight. His preconceived notions supposed a Saiyan was a violent creature by its very nature that wouldn't stop fighting until it either destroyed its enemy or the Saiyan died themselves. This ooze of calmness seemed like a deceitful lull. Even a bigoted clock was right twice a day.

Chayote's eyes bulged wide open, with a web of red vessels seeping in from all sides as her face shifted into a petrifying scowl of pure rage. The bloodshot eyes went all white in a snap as a violent jerk forced Chayote's limp body to stretch straight. An emerald shine formed like a shimmering outline around her body as the voice of the Saiyan left her body in a wrathful yell. The emerald shine began spreading like a vapor until its radiance drowned out the entire underground canyon.

No. 13 didn't even notice when her opponent began bulking up by entire flat pounds but by the time he moved his arm that protected him from the violent expulsion of aura from the Saiyan's body, she was twice her previous size already. Artificial Human No. 13 looked around with a petrified look on his face, seeing the faraway river of magma inflate and flood, swing with wide arcs of hot red, and boil with boulder-sized bubbles.

"This uncontrollable energy... You'll obliterate the entire planet if you keep powering up!" Android 13 called out to the Saiyan, who was long since lost to the voice of reason. Her painful lamentations of being lost to the forceful growth of her body and the swelling of her power became replaced with a peal of wicked laughter as she just didn't stop gaining bulk.

In a blink, the blinding light retreated to Chayote's body as it returned to being a dimmed down aura of luster around her whole body. It was as if she had robbed the entire area of light as the boiling and splashing pools of magma or the relatively bright sky over their heads did little to illuminate the dimness that took the reins. Azure lightning bolts lashed out from the pitch-black sky, finding their way all the way down into the abyss of a collapsed underground canyon.

"This just ain't right, this ain't the way nature intended..." Artificial Human No. 13 repeated to himself as his eyes wavered in the background of his shocked expression.

The emerald luster withdrew within the pores of Chayote's body and her malicious giggling and yelling alike all ceased at once. Like a hung puppet, the Saiyan stretched her body straight while staring at the sky, almost as if she would when seeking the moon's glow in the midnight sky. Then an almost painful yell continued to rupture the surrounding stone barriers and sent them sliding down into the bubbling showers of magma down below. Chayote's withdrawn aura burst from her body as rays of light shot out from her eyes and her mouth and every pore it tore through on its way out.

A devastating explosion ripped through the Saiyan's entire body, drowning out the whole wasteland in resonating pulses of teal light. Reverberations spread like ripples to the dimensional walls themselves, drastically changing the colors of the surrounding reality, switching them to dark, bright, inverted, and reversed color schemes. When the nova of dimension-shifting energy finished its widespread radiance, only a growling, hulked out Saiyan mound of muscle remained, surrounded by a transparent shine of emerald aura. Her wild, spiky hair waved, corresponding to the movements of energy surrounding Chayote's body.

"Nature?" Chayote smirked with whited-out eyes while spreading her oversized arms and scanning her own beefed-out body with admiration. "This is MY nature. It takes me a little push to get me here, so thanks for being your ever-hateful self and giving me the push I needed to ascend again!"

"The data on this form is scarce... No matter, I've downloaded all the data on your moves from the server and I've recorded enough of your patterns during our earlier tango to supplement it. You're not landing one blow, regardless of how much muscle you put on," Android 13 taunted Chayote with a swiping gesture before taking aim with his finger gun and channeling a finger beam.

Chayote vanished in a snap, without breaking her straight back and wide-open stance, she appeared right in front of the Android with a sadistic smirk on her face. Realizing he had failed to react and launch his Handy Blaster in time, No. 13 panicked and blasted it point-blank. The detonation sank the entire canyon in smoke. A murky shade made itself known from the very depth of the smoke. It forced Artificial Human No. 13 to focus his radar on finding out what this was, but when it revealed itself to be a meaty hand reaching out from the smoke, it was too late for him to flee already.

Grabbing her opponent and pulling him out from beyond the veil of smoke and debris, Chayote pulled him right in. The Legendary Super Saiyan scooped Android 13 over her head and slammed him gut-first into her knee. No. 13 let out a grunt of torment that had bits of high pitch seeping into it. His radar eyes glitched out, running with red numbers and wild symbols that suggested a critical error before shutting down and leaving the Android white-eyed and spitting up droopy trails of oil.

Chayote gently tossed Android 13 up, just to keep him on her eye level, like a piece of wet tissue. The Saiyan dived for an upward double foot push kick, which launched Artificial Human No. 13 into the atmosphere. The humbled Android blasted right through a layer of rock and a whole mountainous plateau on his way there. Chayote roared, encasing herself in an emerald blaze as she rocketed toward her airborne opponent with a flying roundhouse hook. After spinning around while carrying her opponent stuck on her calf, Chayote pulled her leg and sent a straight into Android 13's face, then punted him straight into it before slamming both her arms in a double hammering slam.

Despite her immense size and bulk, Chayote blitzed down like greased lightning. She bolted in a cascade of blinking bright flashes and ended up on the ground before her plummeting opponent, only to rush right at him and crash into him with a running shoulder tackle. Seeing him flying backward and crashing through multiple rocky pillars, so wide open for more punishment, made Chayote growl like a wild animal and vanish in another bright flash.

The entire wasteland disappeared in a bright emerald halo when Chayote's rushing dropkick connected with Artificial Human No. 13. The ground shook and rumbled, the bursting force of pressure crumbled most of the Gizard Wasteland's rocky formations though the vocal bursts stood no chance of overpowering the boom of Chayote's crash into her opponent. Chayote grabbed her head and tried squeezing it hard enough to keep control over herself. She felt it again, massive, uncompromising power surging through her entire body. It felt almost limitless, yet her body was anything but. It needed a way out. Chayote needed something to smash to be in front of her at all times lest she lost her mind.


A wild sabertooth tiger pounced from one rocky top to another, looking for some cheap source of food. The predator must've miscalculated how much food it'd need and it wasn't like food was plentiful in the desert, to begin with. Its best course now was to visit those shady ruins and see if any of its teetering life that hid from the harsh conditions of the Diablo Desert was still edible. The beast stiffened and turned its head up in reaction to a blazing howl in the sky.

Knowing better than to test the destructive potential of the humans, the beast bolted for whatever lay on the horizon, as far away as possible. This was ultimately the right decision as what appeared as a blink of light at first soon turned into a full-on blazing comet that smashed right into the devastated castle ruins and reduced it and the surrounding area to complete rubble, digging a crater of breathtaking size.

"Saiyans..." Artificial Human No. 13 muttered while his bruised and dirty hand reached out from the crater and grabbed hold over its edge. The yokel's vest and been turned to meaningless tatters and his hat had long since been lost somewhere halfway across the world. "They must be stopped... At any cost..." No. 13 repeated to himself like a mantra as he pulled himself out from the crater, clutching at his aching bruises as he winced at stared at the sky that burned with emerald light, signaling the approaching dread he couldn't escape. "This is our planet! Ours!" No. 13 bellowed as he moved his arms to the side and let his crystal-clear aura unfurl.

Seeing Chayote rush in right up and in his face, Artificial Human No. 13 tried shooting for her legs, but his sweep slammed against a brick wall. The rushing juggernaut grabbed hold of his face and dragged it across the desert in a gapping ridge before securing her grip over his heel and smashing him into the ground on the other side. Chayote took a deep breath in and shot for the skies.

Clouds whizzed right past her in a blink, the sky darkened, and it took no time at all until stars began shimmering all around her in the distance. The image of a pink moon blitzed right past Chayote's side, she must've missed her own moon since this didn't look like any moon she was familiar with. The sight of an entire vortex of colorful planets she had no recollection of from her travels across space, suggesting she's leaped quite far enough already, made Chayote roll and place her hands by her side in a tutu-like shape. In a single push, she expelled a blast that bit chunks out of the nearby planetoids and switched Chayote's direction for a swift return trip. When she could sense the familiar Ki signatures getting close, the Legendary Super Saiyan shifted her position by positioning herself sideways and sticking out her elbow for a cosmic drop. The mirage-like trip from before of shifting space bodies and various cosmic events all around her now rolled in reverse.

A chartreuse dome of world-shaking power and unadulterated noise reduced Diablo Desert to a wreck in seconds. Having crashed down with an elbow drop, as opposed to a straight dive, Chayote saved the planet's core from seeing her plunge clean through it and destroying Earth in a single tackle, though her elbow drop was still a weapon of mass destruction in of itself. The resulting expulsion of energy turned Diablo Desert into a scorched glass plateau and then saw that compressed and super-heated silicon all shatter into dust-sized diamond sprinkles that shot out evenly in all directions.

Despite having erected an Android Barrier right after he realized Chayote went to space for ample distance to channel enough force for her drop, Android 13 laid sprawled out and grunting under the Legendary Super Saiyan's feet. The Artificial Human panted in pain as whatever substituted for his innards had suffered immense damage in the uncompromising beating he had taken so far. The worst part was that he had seen nothing yet as Chayote hadn't even begun expelling the Ki that was overflowing inside of her body and was just riding the power-high and using it for brutal fisticuffs.

The hulked out Saiyan leaned down and scooped the battered No. 13 off the ground, clenching his head in her hand as she raised his limp body up in front of her like a sack and struggled against the instinct to vomit pure energy from every orifice and obliterate every living trace of the galaxy she resided in. She needed to cut loose and spill some Ki, lest just thinking of the son she left behind in a mansion in Orange City might not prevent her from losing control anymore.

She had to remain in control. No matter what!

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