The Grimm In A Wolf Pack || T...

By MartyMcMe1

18.1K 552 73

This is sort of a Grimm x Teen Wolf story. If you have not watched Grimm (another series) before, I'll explai... More

Episode 1: Wolf Moon (Part 1)
Episode 1: Wolf moon (Part 3)
Episode 1: Wolf Moon (part 4)
Episode 2: Second Chance At First Line and Life (Part 1)
Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line And Life (Part 2)
Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line And Life (Part 3)
Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line and Life (Part 4)
Second Chance at First Line and Life (Part 5)
Episode 2: Second Chance at First Line and Life (Part 6)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 1)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 2)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 3)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 4)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 5)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 6)
Episode 3: The Pack Mentality (Part 7)
Episode 3: A Bear Mentality (Part 8)
Episode 4: Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 1)
Episode 4: Beeware of The Magic Bullet (Part 2)
Beeware of The Magic Bullet (Part 3)
Beeware of The Magic Bullet (Part 3)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 4)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 5)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 6)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 7)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 7)
Beeware of the Magic Bullet (Part 8)
The Tell (Part 1)
The Tell (Part 2)
The Tell (Part 3)
The Tell (Part 4)
The Tell (Part 5)
The Tell (Part 6)
The Tell (Part 6)
Heart Monitor (Part 1)
Heart Monitor (Part 2)
Heart Monitor (Part 3)
Heart Monitor (Part 4)
Heart Monitor (Part 5)
Heart Monitor (Part 6)
Heart Monitor (Part 7)
Be A Werewolf
Night School
Some Company
3 More Teenage Problems
A Plan
Fighting Back
Drunk In The Woods
Back To School
Vicious Vampires And Werewolves
Murder In The Woods
The Salvatore

Episode 1: Wolf Moon (Part 2)

1.1K 25 3
By MartyMcMe1

Matt woke from his alarm clock. He reached for the alarm, still lying face first in the bed. He continued reaching for it until he fell off his bed. He slowly sat back up and pulled the plug of the alarm. He remembered what happened last night. He rubbed his forehead, feeling a pain in his head. He then looked at the time and realized the time, 07: 30, "Oh, shit!" He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He showered, got dressed, grabbed his backpack, and ran downstairs. In the kitchen, Juliette sat on a stool, with a late in her hands, Nick had his black leather jacket on. They look at him as he runs downstairs. Matt notices and walks slower downstairs, "Morning." he told them.

"Morning." they answer back. Matt took some bread and put it into the toaster. There was an awkward silence as Nick just stared at him. Nick decided to break it, "You get enough sleep in?" Matt chuckled at his question as he crossed his arms. Nick spoke again, "Listen, I know I - we haven't been telling you everything-"

"Juliette's pregnant?" Matt ask. Juliette almost chokes on her drink as Nick's eyes widened. He walked towards Juliette and patted her back.

She put her hand up and pointed at Matt as he just had a confused face, "Okay... First off... NO. And we- me and Nick - are not ready for that. What would make you even think that?" Juliette demanded. 

Matt put his hands in the air defensively, "I don't know! I honestly though you guys would've had one by now! Besides, it's not like you guys are great at keeping secrets. Listen, last night... I know I was a douche, okay? I'm sorry. I honestly, don't really care about what secret your hiding from me. And I have a feeling I'll be better off not knowing it." Matt explained, the toast then popped out he began to spread the butter on his toast.

Nick nodded his head as he looked at Juliette. She tilted her head in agreement, "Right." Nick agreed. Nick looked back at Matt to see him already eating a slice of bread. Nick then realized what time it was and snapped his fingers at the door to grab Matt's attention, "You have school! get going! You're forgiven, I'm sorry, but you're gonna be late and I have a job! Go, go, go!" Nick ordered him. Matt put the slice of bread in his mouth and rushed out the door. Nick kissed Juliette goodbye and followed Matt out, "Love you! Be safe on your way to the hospital!" Nick called out. 

Juliette waved goodbye as the door closed. She turned back and took one more sip of her late. She sighed after the sip and massaged her head. They had to tell him at some point. It's gonna start happening soon and he's gonna find out one way or another. 

Beacon Hills High School,

Matt and Stiles were patiently waiting for Scott to show up, when they finally see him park next to a guy called Jackson's car. Jackson gets out of his luxurious car and hits Scott's bicycle with the door, "Dude, watch out the paintwork!" Jackson exclaimed at him. The three friends rolled their eyes at him when one of his friends called out for him, "Yo, Jackson! Let's go, bro!" the friends yelled. Jackson walked off, giving a glare towards Scott as he left.

Matthew pov,

Scott eventually made his way over to us as we anticipating what it looked like. Apparently, after me and Stiles were taken away, Scott was attacked by something. He got bit as he was trying to get away and managed to get back home safely, "Okay, let's see this thing." Stiles asked him. Me and Scott quickly looked around to see if anybody was watching and Scott lifted his shirt slightly, revealing a treated bite mark. The blood slightly peering through the cloth. "Ooh." Stiles expressed in curiosity. "Dang..." I said.

"Yeah." Scott agreed with our expressions... then Stiles tried to touch it, "Woah!" Scott exclaimed at Stiles. He drew his hand back as Scott let his shirt fall.

I slapped Stiles on the shoulder as he looked at me confused, "What was the purpose of that?" I questioned him.

Stiles shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "Just wanted to check it out." Stiles answered him. 

Scott reached and picked up his bag, setting it over his shoulder, "It was too dark to see very much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott told us as we headed towards the inside of school.

Stiles eyes widened and he looked at me, Scott's words surprising and confusing me as well. Me and Stiles both didn't believe it, "A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked him. 

"Uh-huh." Scott answered.

"You sure it wasn't anything else that could've done that?" I asked him as well.

Scott shook his head, "Nope. I'm... 90% sure it was a wolf." Scott answered again. I scoffed a his answer as Stiles decided to speak up.

"No, not a chance." Stiles told him. Scott looked at both of us as I nodded my head.

"I heard a wolf howling." he told us. He was still convinced it was a werewolf. 

"It couldn't possibly have been a wolf." I told him.

"And you didn't hear one either." Stiles agreed.

"What do you mean, no, I didn't? How do you know what I heard?" Scott asked us. 

Stiles scoffed, "Because California doesn't have wolves. Not in like sixty years." Stiles explained. We both walked in front of him, "Exactly." I agreed. 

Scott stayed silent for a moment, "Really?" Scott questioned.

"Yes, really. Look, there's no wolves in California." I explained further.

Scott began to smirk, "Well, if you two don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe when I tell you I found the body." Scott said.

Stiles was ecstatic at his words and almost jumped in excitement, "You --Are you kidding me?" Stiles begged of Scott. I chuckled at his reaction. 

"No, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month." Scott joked. Honestly, if it did, it wouldn't be surprising. 

"Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome." Stiles expressed. I looked past Scott and noticed Lydia about to walk past us. The girl Stiles has been head-over-heels for since... forever. With Lydia walking past us, I knew Stiles was gonna notice as well... and completely stumble. Stiles continued, "I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-" he saw her as she walked past us, "Since the birth of Lydia Martin." she passes us, slightly pushing me out of the way. She completely ignored us and especially Stiles, "Hey, Lydia! You look... like you're gonna ignore me" Stiles continued. He looked back at us as I patted his shoulder, "You're the cause of this, you know? Both of you." he accuses.

I roll my eyes, "Riiight." I sarcastically said.

"Dragging me down your nerd depth! I'm a nerd by association." Stiles explained. Me and Scott chuckled at his explanation as we all headed inside the school when the bell rang. 

As we were going through the hallways, we passed the principal's office. I couldn't help but see what was happening from the door being slightly opened. Inside, a girl with long blonde hair and another man, who must've been her father, sat in front of the principal. In that second I looked through, the girl turned her head and noticed me. She stared and smirked as I headed to class with Scott and Stiles.

In Class,

Our teacher was writing something on the board as he spoke, "As you all know, there was a body found in the woods last night." Scott look back at Stiles, who just winked and smirked at him, "And I am sure your eagles little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios for what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police has a suspect-" Scott looks back at us, but we knew nothing about it, I sat right behind Stiles, "-which means, you can give your all attention to the program on your desk. All the student groaned at the surprise test. Scott suddenly clutched onto his head and looked around. I would ask if he was alright, but with our teacher patrolling, I couldn't risk it.

Soon, a knock was heard at the door. All the student raised their heads from the test in surprise. The principal along with a black-haired girl entered the room, " Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do the best to make her feel welcome." the principal introduced. She sits right behind Scott. He turns around and suddenly gives her a pen. Why'd he give her a pen? She thanked him as we continued with our day.

In the corridors,

Me, Stiles, and Scott were hanging out in front of Scott's locker. Me and Stiles both noticed the new girl and Scott staring at each other for quite a bit. Jackson and Lydia suddenly walked up to Allison and began talking with her. A girl also noticed and came to talk with us, "Can someone tell me how a girl who's here for five minutes can already hang out with Lydia's click?" the girl sarcastically asked.

I shrugged, but Stiles had an answer, "Because she's hot... Beautiful people are together." Stiles answered. He wasn't wrong. The girl walked off but Scott looked like he was zoned out. But the thought of the new girl, Allison, made me remember about the other girl. The blonde one, who was she?

On the field,

Me, Stiles, and Scott were running towards the benches in our Lacrosse outfits. We were talking about if, and that's a HUGE IF, Scott and I manage to get in the Lacrosse team, "But if you play...I'll have no one to talk to on the bench! Are you two really gonna do that to your best friend?" Stiles asked us. 

We slowed down and started walking to drop our bags next to the benches, "I... we can't stay out again. My whole life is sitting on the side lines. This season we make first line." Scott explained. We set our bags on the ground as Lydia and Allison began to sit on the bleachers. By the looks of it, Scott obviously noticed her, since they both smiled at each other. 

Scott and I began to walk towards the field when suddenly, our coach, Coach Bobby, called for us, "McCall!" he called out as he walked towards us.

We both twisted our heads to see why he was calling, "Yeah?" Scott asked. 

Bobby threw the Lacrosse Goalkeeping stick at Scott, he quickly caught it in time, "You're on goal." he told him. He then threw a helmet at his as well.

Scott and I looked at each other confused, then back at the coach, "I've never played." Scott objected.

Bobby knew that though, "I know, score some shots will bring confidence. It's a first day thing." he slapped Scott's shoulders on the side, "Get them energized, fired up!" he explained.

Scott and I were both confused, "What about me?" Scott asked.

"Same." I agreed, also wanting to know what I will do.

"Try to not take any in the face." Bobby replied. He then turned to me, "And you... go sit with that kid over there. He seems depressed." he told him. I turned around to see who he was talking about, only to see Stiles just sitting there. I sighed in disappointment as Bobby slightly slapped Scott and I on the face and turned back to the players on the field, "Let's go! Come on!" he ordered his team. Scott patted me on the shoulder as I did the same. 

I walked off and sat next to Stiles, who looked like he was trying to keep in a laugh. I rolled my eyes at him, "Say 1 word. I dare you." I threatened. He simply shook his head and continued smiling as we both watched Scott get completely destroyed in the goal.

Me and Stiles both notice Scott seeming out of focus, but the whistle quickly knocked him out of it, but he was too late. A ball cam flying in, straight for his face as he was knocked down to the ground. Me and Stiles cringe at the sight as he looks back at us. We both groan at him, but he quickly gets back up. He readies himself up as another one came running in. But he quickly... caught it

This surprised me and Stiles. But clearly, we were not the only ones. Bobby was stunned and the players' eyes were left widened. Another one came in, but he caught it again! "Whoo-hoo!" Stiles exclaimed in shock. The crowd cheered, the stunts Scott was pulling leaving him speechless. The crowd cheered as he caught more and more balls coming in.

One more player then came in, Jackson. He pushed the front player out of the way as Scott prepared himself. Jackson ran up... he took the shot... and Scott caught it! The crowd cheered as me an Stiles jumped from our seats and cheered too, "That's our friend!" we both yelled. We were both left speechless, did he go on some secret holiday we never knew about? How'd he get so good at Lacrosse?

Later, In The Woods,

After school, me, Scott and Stiles have just crossed the creek in the nature preserve as we were trying to find both the top half of the body Scott found the night before as well as the inhaler he dropped in the process. The three of us were talking about the day's practice as our feet got wet in the water. We were also talking about what he was saying was happening to him, "I don't - I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I - I can - hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott explained. 

Me and Stiles still didn't believe it. I shook my head at his explanation, "You smell things?" Stiles questioned.

Scott nodded, "Like what?" I asked him as well.

Scott looked at Stiles, "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket." he gestured towards Stiles. We all stopped as Stiles began to search his pockets for any gum.

"I don't even have any mint mojito--" he stopped at the realization of what was in his pocket. He pulled a gum packet out of his pocket. Mint Mojito. Scott raised both of his arms to the side as if to say, "I told you so." Stiles and I began considering this for a moment before he continued.

"So you say this started with a bite?" I asked again. It's probably just an infection... right? Stiles seemed to find this intriguing, while Scott, ever the nurse's son, is concerned that something is wrong with him. 

Scot then had the same mind set I did, "What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?" he questioned. 

I notice Stiles get a small smirk on his face before trying to make himself look as serious as possible, which Scott, who is walking in front of us, doesn't catch, "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this-- it's a specific kind of infection." Stiles explained. 

"Are you serious?" Scott asked him. At times, Stiles could be dead serious... or just be a plain-old jokester. We both knew what it probably was.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy." Stiles explained. That was not what I thought it was. I twisted my head and gave him a look.

Scott, still not realizing that Stiles is messing with him, began to panic, "What's that? Is that bad?" Scott asked. Wow... he didn't get it yet.

I decided to join in on the fun, "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." I explain, as if it's nothing to be worried about, besides, it's not real.

"Once a month?" Scott replies.

"Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo!" Stiles joked. Stiles and I fake-howled like a wolf, and Scott, annoyed, shoves us away, causing us to giggle in amusement.

"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!" I replied. We continued walking.

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott exclaimed. There probably was, but he definitely was not a werewolf for crying out loud.

"I know! You're a Werewolf! Rawrrr!" Stiles joked again. We pushed each other playfully as we chuckled. Scott is clearly not impressed by the joke, and our demeanor becomes serious.

"Okay, obviously we're kidding. But, if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon." Stiles replied. 

We all stopped walking as Scott looked around, frowning when he doesn't see anything remarkable where we're standing, "No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..." Scott explained. I looked around, but there was nothing, no signs of a body or his inhaler. 

"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles suggested.  But he probably had to be a mastermind, because there wasn't any blood or anything... corpse-like in the area. The 3 of us were still looking around when suddenly, a man in his early twenties with pale skin, black hair, a black leather jacket, and a scowl appears in front of us. I jumped at the sudden appearance of the man.

"What are you doing here?" the man asked. I recognized that guy. I saw him hang out with Nick occasionally. But Nick never really explained who he was. I eventually found out though. Derek Hale. Apparently, his whole family died in a house fire nearby. When the 3 of us, who were visibly panicking, didn't respond, the man's tone gets even gruffer, "Huh? This is private property." the man exclaimed. 

"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles explained. 

"Yeah, yeah. We really --uh-- didn't." I add. He suddenly shot a glare towards me. His eyes suddenly glowed blue in front of me. What. The. Heck. The blue colour disappeared as I was left stunned at what that was. The man suddenly looked confused, as if he knew I saw his blue eyes.

All this was interrupted by Scott talking, "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..." he paused when Derek suddenly glared at him, after which point Scott lost his nerve and dropped the subject. "...Uh, forget it." Scott said. Suddenly, Derek tossed Scott's inhaler at him before turning and heading back the way he came without a word, giving Scott and I one last look and seemingly paying Stiles no attention whatsoever. Scott sighed as we got ready to turn back the opposite direction, "Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work." Scott reminded. 

Before Scott could move, me and Stiles held him his hand to physically stop him from walking away, "Dude, that was Derek Hale!" Stiles told him.

When Scott looked at Stiles and I blankly, our expression becomes incredulous, "You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us." I remind him. 

Scott frowned, "Remember what?" he asked us. 

"His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago." Stiles told him. 

Scott looks both intrigued and concerned by this news, "I wonder what he's doing back..." he questioned. I didn't wanna find out though. Stiles scoffed as I just sighed, as though Stiles thinks that nothing good can come of it, before all of us began walking away. 

"We should probably get out of here." I tell them. We all finally turn back, and Scott, still looking toward where Derek headed out, slowly follows behind us. But those eyes... 


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