Legend of Tengu Love

By WeiLan1819

24.9K 1.8K 1.8K

Shen Wei only remember living with his uncle Chu since he lost his mother when he was 8 years old in his bur... More

Daixing Village 1
Daixing Village 2
Haixing Village
Koi Fish's Fault
Family Mission
About Mission 1
About Mission 2
Where Am I?
Guo Changcheng 1
Gou Chengcheng 2
Worried Yunlan
Nursing Wei Back
Sweetest Torture
Passage of Time is Cruel
New Friend
New Friend: Lin Jing
Change of Plan
Reconciliation 1
Reconciliation 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 1
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 2
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 3
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 4
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 5
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 6
Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 7
Peace at Last... Right?
What Missed Out
Completion of Bonding
Awkward Morning
Truth 1
Truth 2
Truth 3
Eggs: Familiars
Journey To Ghost Village
Mommy Shen Wei
Ghost Village 1
Ghost Village 2
Ghost Village 3
Ghost Village 4
Ghost Village 5
Ghost Village 6
Ghost Village 7: Little Moment
Ghost Village 8
Ghost Village 9
Ghost Village 10
Ghost Village 11
Ghost Village 12
Welcome Home Kids!
Strength: Equilibrium
There are Two Sides to Every Story 1
There are Two Sides to Every Story 2
Doppelganger 1
Doppelganger 2
Ingredients 1
Ingredients 2
Ingredients 3
Ingredients 4
Ingredients 5
Wake Up Sleepy Head
Pampering 1
Pampering 2
Devil's Temptation
Danger Lurking Around the Corner
New Potential Lead
Cursed Symbol 1
Cursed Symbol 2
Father Yunlan?? Hmmm....
What's Happening???
Mystery Revealed
Plan and Action
Troubles in Air
Fertility's Excitement and Nervousness
Archangel Junfeng
Archangel Junfeng 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 1
Every Beginning Has An Ending 2
Every Beginning Has An Ending 3: Eternal Prison Circle

A Small Addition To The Family

178 11 18
By WeiLan1819

After the cat and mouse chasing with Da Qing as barrier, they all gather inside their living room again.

"Well... congratulation on learning new power!" Lin Jing tries to break the death glare from Chu to cowering Zhao Yunlan who refuses to leave his gege side.


"Now then, what did you need little angel to tell you, Lan Di?" Da Qing asks seeing that no one is in particular mood to be communicative. *Sigh...* Things he has to do as older brother....

"Is it true about what Xiao Wei told me?" Yunlan decides to get back to his original plan.

"....." Little angel.

"Little angel..." Little devil warningly prompts yet no one but little angel picks up on the underlying warning tone.

Why does my beauty have to be immortally beauty and hot when he is releasing his dominating aura?! Little angel grumpily thinks.

*Sigh...* I can hear your thoughts, love. And no, I am not releasing any dominant aura to seduce you. Little devil reminds telepathically.

........... You can seduce me, you know~~~

The blank stare from his mate is enough to stop the mischievous angel.

"Yes, it's true." Little Angel grumpily replies, sulking still.

"Really...really??" Yunlan asks, trying not to hope too much.

"For the nth time, I'm telling that yes, Big beauty's master is pregnant. Now, would you guys stop pestering me for the god damn same question?!" Little angel roars.

Well as much as a feisty kitten can roar... that is.

"Chill~ this is my first time asking you. What made you so feisty? No wait... do not answer that. Knowing you anything can cause your mood swing." Yunlan amends himself.

"Say you, dramatic queen~" Little angel purrs in satisfaction seeing the twitch in his master's eyebrow.

"That because you earn the title of dramatic king." Yunlan retorts back.

"What can I say, I am you and you are me~" Angel shots back.

"Wow, this is the first time he is actually accepting his origin." Lin Jing dazingly said. What a shock!

"Only because it helps me wins my case, dwarf!" Little angel smirks making Yunlan roll his eyes.

"Yes, we all know that you little troublemaker."

"Ah Lan, little angel. That's enough. You guys are getting sidetracked here. And be nice, little angel." Shen Wei calmly reprimands the duo.

"Sorry..." replied the thoroughly chided duo.

"Little angel, can you teach Ah Lan how to sense the baby's presence?" Shen Wei excitedly requests with sparkly doe eyes.

Between this back and ford, others are quietly observing them while drinking teas and snacks because there is no point in rushing with them since they are the very definition of rush in every aspect of life so there is no need to add more fuel to it.

"Ah... Mommy, you can tone down your lovely aura. Your quest is my command~~ NOT that I mind your lovely aura~~" Little angel singsong.

A few chortle and awkward coughing sounds rang throughout the room and blushing Shen Wei which only pleases little troublemaker further.

"When will I learn to sense my baby's presence, huh?" Yunlan comments, still trying to stifle his laugh.

"There is nothing to learn, you geezer. Just like how you sense for our enemy, do the same thing, but be gentle. If you force your way, the protective barrier will activate, and the presence will disappear." Little angel answers simply.

"I will overlook your snide remark this time and be thankful toward our child." Yunlan remarks while kneeling down in front of Shen Wei who is nervously looking down at him.

"Love, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Just make sure to breathe and try to relax, okay?" Yunlan encourages.

"Mn. I will." Shen Wei determinedly said.

"That's it. That's my fearless angel that I know." Yunlan teases, trying to let his Shen Wei relax.

Even knowing what Yunlan is doing, he couldn't help but chuckle, releasing some of tension from his shoulders.

Seeing his beloved's smiling and chuckling, Yunlan gently placed his palm on Shen Wei's stomach and concentrates his energy into Shen Wei's flat stomach and makes sure not to be intrusive. At the beginning, Zhao Yunlan did not feel anything, nothing that stands out at least.

Frowning, he concentrates more but tries to localize around abdomen.

...... still nothing....

"Hey, little angel. I don't feel anything." Zhao Yunlan states with frown between his brows.

"When you send your sense out, what are you looking for?" Little Angel questions.

"Abnormalities" Yunlan confidently said making little angel smack his master's head.

"Ouch! What is thats for?" Yunlan whines while rubbing his head.

"Would your own energies be register as abnormal to yourself?" Little angel retorts.

"But you said to send my energy out like how I did for the enemies. Enemies' energies are abnormal!" Yunlan points out.

"Lan Di, I think little angel meant it as the process of sensing, not type of energies." Da Qing kindly explains.

"OH- Okay. I will try again!" Yunlan said before doing the same thing as before but this time, he concentrates on where his energy is going.

...... Ah, There! Xiao Wei's energy is abundant here, but I can sense my own energy too, but it's faint.

"Hey troublemaker, I found my own energy inside him, faint but it's there but Xiao Wei's energy is more abundance and it's overwhelming mine. Is this what you want me to sense?"

"Hmmm... that faint but there, that energy of yours and Master Wei's abundance energy is your baby's energy. They are still developing in their early stages which is why they're faint. It will be more apparent in a couple weeks with further development of the infant.

"How are you so sure that it's a child inside?" Yunlan asks the question that everyone in the room wants to ask but too polite too not wanting to ruin the happy moment.

"Because the same thing happened before" Little Angel shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Happen before? You mean Ah Lan and I had a child together before?!" Shen Wei shouts.

"Yeah but... past master Wei didn't make it to term before he miscarried it during the great battle" Little angel sadly replies and both Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan heart sink with fear.

"Wait, how come I never knew this?" Little devil confusedly asks.

"Because only I and Past master Wei knew. He begged me to keep it a secret because he doesn't want past master Yunlan to be worried about him when he was already in deep between war." Little Angel explains.

"So, he never found out, I'm assuming." Yunlan states with conflicted expression.

"No, they never had the chance too. They both die during the battle."

"........" The room fall death silence except for their quiet breathing.


Heaven's Prison

"Hey, I have a job for. If you success in killing Ghost King, I will let you become the next Demon King of Hell. What say you, sounds appealing, yeah?" Heavenly beings implore.

"Like you promised millennia ago and never granting what you promised me? Fuck Off!" The prisoner spats.

"My my my.. feisty aren't you~" comes the purr making the prisoner angrier.


"I will give you two days to think it over or the price will be your disappearing soul. BAHAHAHA"

"That would be better than being kept as your pet" The prisoner whispers while thinking up a plan of what to do. He is tired and guilt ribbon of his past deeds every night that death seems more appealing than anyone can think.


It has been a couple days since they confirmed Shen Wei's pregnancy. Nothing is out of the ordinary. Shen Wei's health from staying coma is steadily gaining its original capacity. As for Zhao Yunlan, he is floating in clouds every day and never leaves his Xiao Wei's side. Not that either of them complaining...... *ahemp!* also pretty busy in bed department. *ahemp!*

"Lin Jing, did you able to create anything that could help us get some sleep??" Panda eye Chu demands while stifling another yawn of the day.

Equally Panda eyes Lin Jing turns toward him with disappointed look "No.... I don't know what, but a key component is missing."

*Yawning* "Well, get to work! I can't go on any longer without sleep!" Chu said before dropping death on the coach. Lin Jing is very tempted to do the same, but everyone is kind of, depending on him ... with threats no less.

"Geez, can't they tone down a little when they are at it?!!! I start regretting staying..." Whines Lin Jing before focusing back on his task.

"Darling~ When will we get our chance?" Demon Queen pouts.

Never! thinks Lin Jing but he replies "Zhu, please. What is the rush?"

"I think you should rush!" Zhu Hong states before leaving Lin Jing for his work.

Well...... wondering how almost everyone has panda eyes.... simply put a particular couple is very loud in their coupling at night much to everyone dismay.


"Xiao Wei, when do you think they will have enough of us and kick us out?" Yunlan muses while embracing his Xiao Wei.

"Why would they kick us out?" Shen Wei innocently asks.

"Don't tell me you haven't notice how everyone is with dark eyes?" Yunlan amusingly asks.

"Oh, I notice that, but I don't know how that will involve us being kick out?" Comes another innocent reply that Yunlan could only coos at his innocent devil partner of his.

Sorry, everyone... Bear with us a little longer. I'm trying to find a solution too. Yunlan sends out silent prayers to his family unknown to Shen Wei who is sleeping peacefully.


Heaven's Prison

"Well? What is your answer? I was feeling even generous and gave you more time to think~~" Heavenly beings asks.


"You know my patient level is very low, right?" Heavenly beings warn.

"I accept under one condition." The prisoner answers finally.

"What is it?"

"I want you to set me free without any connection to you. That's the only way to convince them and be close to them." The prisoner lies.

"...... What if I refuse."

" Then don't blame me for not succeeding. Don't forget, the only reason I was successful before was because of Demon King's and my relationship. This century we don't have that leverage." The prisoner points out.

After thinking hard, the Heavenly being agrees reluctantly. "Fine, but if you betray me, you know what your punishment will be."

"Like I will repeat same mistake twice, you Monster! Wait and see how I betray you under your own nose~~" The prisoner hisses like snake when he is sure that he could not be heard. 


A/N: Hello~~ 👋 I hope you enjoy this update =>.<=~~~  See you until next update ☺️😚🤗

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