Prophecies and Lies|| Tom Rid...

נכתב על ידי thejasuri

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Life seemed perfect for you, When your mother had died it didn't hurt so much while you were living under the... עוד

Year 1- Cast
Hogwarts Letter
On Brothers and Family
The troll
Care And Christmas
Nichloas Flamel and Catch Up
A Day to Relax
The Philosher's Stone
The Battle
The End or is it?
Year 2- Caste
It Is back to Hogwarts
Gilderoy Lockhart
The Flying Car
Dueling what just happened?
The Diary
Voices and Petrified
Voices and Petrified (2)
Polyjuice Potion
Diary OF Tom Riddle
Diary of Tom Riddle(2)
What the Heck Gilderoy?
The Memory and Tom Riddle
Chamber Of Secrets and Questions.
Year 3- Cast
On An Winter
False Claims or is it?
Remus Lupin
Divination and Care for magical creatures
He's been Spotted
Hogesmade -
Wintery Lies
An Patronus to cast
His Daughter and Forgiveness
His daughter and forgive
Werwolves and Dogs
Saving Sirius Black
His Freedom
Year 4 Cast
Year Four Proluge
The Quiditch World Cup
Quiditch World Cup (2)
Problems and Deep thoughts
At School
The Champions Selections
The First Task
An Challenge To Win
Information and Memories
Information and Memories
The Second Task
Warm Night
The Yule Ball
Finally we Talk
The Second Task Underwater
Mad Eye Moody
The Third Task
Return of Voldemort
How could you?
The Ending (Edited)
Year 5- Caste
The Order Of Pheonix Meeting
The Hearing
Dolores Umbridge
Pillow Talks and Comfort
The first DADA class of the year
Forbidden Forest
Dolores Umbridge's Rules
Fight Fire With Fire
The Creators of Dumbeldore's Army
A Rose
The Inqurisitorial Squad
Hogwart's teachers Quality check
Expulsion Of Professor Teralwany
Dumbeldore's Escape
The Best action I ever took
The First Christmas without you
Breaking the Ice
The Most Powerful Black Witch Origins
Getting Umbridge Expelled
Department of Mysteries
A Rose for Love
The Beginning of the war
Year 6- Caste
Narcissa's Tears
Aboard The Hogwarts Express
The Professors of Potion and DADA
Professor Dumbledore's Caution
Luciana's Tears
The Truth Stings
Amour et Nexus
Many Missions
In Voldemort's Lair
The Malfoy's relationship with Luciana Black
The Memories again and again
The Rise Of The Lost Prophecy
Letters To The Malfoy's
An Frosty Christmas
Godric's Hollow Door No.383
A Memory Found
The Secret Of The Tampered Memories
The Words Of The Lost Prophecy
Someone To Remember
White Tomb
Year 7- Caste
Going Away From Home
The Battle In The Sky
Departure Before The Wedding
An Split
A Gift To Cure Hunger, To Stop Death and Escape
One More Chance For The Memories
Finding The Secrets Of Snape
Building Connections
Let The Hocruxe Hunt Begin
A Newly-Found Spark
The Coldest Christmas
Torture At Malfoy Manor
Destroyed Hocruxes and Restoration
Previous Mistakes
Letting Go
Bathilda Bagshot's Trick
Restoring The Hocruxes
The Final Stance
The Battle Of Hogwarts
Rewinding The Past Memories
Rewinding The Past Memories||2
The Epoch Of The Beginning
The Final Two
Marking Of The Prophecy -Part 1.-

Professor Slughorn

632 12 3
נכתב על ידי thejasuri

You were by the window humming while playing with a yo-yo, Your dad had been downstairs doing god knows what, however, was lost you were humming romantic songs while daydreaming on Tom-What if you were together? What if he was never Voldemort? Then you would have made him yours a long time ago, But alas you have to stick to humming and daydreaming. It was also around this time did you notice how handsome and just perfect his looks are, Evil or not he's got looks. 
The roses which Tom had given you, You had carefully placed enchantments, To keep it from dying. The thought of you getting to know him excited you, You twirled so happily before you tripped on a fabric of yours. The impact never came because Sirius was holding on to your shoulders. He looked at you "I was waiting downstairs thinking you would come to breakfast, But it looks like you were too busy dancing around." Sirius said with amusement evident in his tone, You blushed and smiled "Thank you and I wasn't dancing I just spun around--" Sirius cut you off short "And Humming, Wait is that a yo-yo? Where'd you get that?" You looked at the Yo-yo in your hands "I don't remember" You said casually 
"Are you okay princess?" Sirius asked as he led you downstairs "You've been acting umm funny?" You looked at him calmly but your heart skipped a couple of beats "Funny how?" You asked "You always seem to be in a daze? All Summer you've been daydreaming I think? and singing all these romantic tunes" Then he gasped "You in love! Come on tell me who's the guy- You could swear you never blushed and so profusely before "W-what? No, I'm not in love!" You were becoming defensive now, He smirked at you and lifted you as he spun you "Woah, Dad" 
He then noticing your posture quickly grinned "Whatever you say princess, But I am on to you." 

"Dad, when can I see Harry and Ron and Hermione?" You asked. Sirius looked at you sadly he knew you would want to go outside, but stayed with you. Noticing what his thoughts were you rushed and hugged him, He hugged you back "Dad I stayed with you because I love you so much, and you don't deserve to not be loved, Your cold attitude is in the past and I love the moments with you now." You said hugging him tightly, he didn't say anything "Are you happy?" He suddenly asked, "I love it here with my dad."

He smiled "Dumbledore at 6 pm wanted to meet you at the railway station at the Muggle cafe." Sirius said eating "Where is it?" You asked "All in the letter, don't forget to take your coat and a muffler it's cold" You smiled brightly "I will" 

"Don't be so serious Y/n I'm--"

"I know it's been two years Since somebody from my family's told me to eat, sleep on time." You smiled. Sirius smiled affectionately at you he knew you missed them "What will you do now go study?" He asked dearly hoping you wouldn't be such a book worm you grinned "No, Actually how about we play some muggle board games" You waved your wand, He looked at you confused "I'm not familiar with them." You smiled "Neither, was I. But they're fun, I'll help you."

"So which one?"


You carefully Apparated to the given location, It took you a while but with your father's help and a bit of brains- You managed to use magic in such a way the Ministry will not know- Because you had to use magic and if it was tracked Sirius could be in the risk of Azkaban again, You pulled your coat closer it was so cold- The parchment said the cafe, In front of you. You stepped in and noticed Harry to the far corner by the window and he was absorbed in the Prophet. You went over to him "Long day?" You asked. Harry looked up to the source when he saw it was you, He smiled brightly "Oh, Hello N/n I didn't expect you to come here." You smiled "Me neither Dumbledore asked me to come- Look he's outside." You took his arm and went outside. Dumbledore was calmly waiting for you and Harry to come "Good Morning- I mean good evening sir." You said, "You called us here? I must say it took me a while to locate some random cafe, Dumbledore smiled "Good evening Harry, Y/n you'll soon find out why I called you. Take my arm." Dumbledore held out his arm "Harry ever Apparated before? Might on want to be be ready." You warned.
Harry took Dumbledore's arm while you took his other arm, and he Apparated "You both might be curious as to why I brought you here." Dumbledore started "Honestly we've got used to it sir." Harry replied, You smiled nudging his shoulder "Got used to it?" He nodded as a small smirk made his way curling his lips. 
You all went to an house it was dirty, and messed up it looked as if there was a war, Dumbledore lit up his wand and stopped in front of an old chair or sofa? He brought his wand and later it started Transfiguring to a man? Your eyes widened, "Albus." The man acknowledged. "Y/n, Harry this is Professor Slughorn." 
You nodded "I am Y/n Black and this is Harry Potter my friend." You introduced "Miss Black the most powerful Black witch, and Harry the boy who lived." He smiled brightly "I wouldn't call most powerful, I think Bellatrix still has that position. It's work in progress." You corrected, he winced but, It was not for long. "Non-Sense you would do well against her." 

"Horace." Dumbledore called indicating this was not the time to chat, "This house? Has looked like it has been in war, Are the Death Eaters searching for someone?" You inquired, "Indeed Horace? They haven't come for you?" Dumbledore asked "I haven't given them the chance, They came to recruit Death Eaters." Horace said slowly, "They tried to get you to? Who came?" 
"I didn't wait to see, I Apparated living in hiding from that day." 

Dumbledore waved his wand and the house started to get better and soon it was good as new "What have you thought about my offer? Horace?" Dumbledore asked calmly. Horace looked around nervously "What is in it for you?" 

"I thought you'd be safer in Hogwarts take up the Potions place Horace, I'm giving the DADA post to someone else." Dumbledore knew Horace would need some time "Can you tell me the washroom?" Horace mumbled something as Dumbledore went, "Why did the Death Eaters come to recruit you?" You asked breaking the silence "They say I fit there type." You looked at him as he was thinking, "Then you must be a pureblood wizard with great skill." 
Horace finally looked at you "Luciana and Lily" He said slowly it brought your attention to him "You knew them!? Tell me!? Please." You asked as Harry was listening to intently "They were very intelligent and Kind, Luciana was a bit kinder than Lily, Soft well-spoken."


Dumbledore appeared "We'll take our leave now." 
Just when we were about to go Horace voice echoed "I'll take the post but I need my extra pay." Harry and Dumbledore smirked smugly before Apparating.

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